A quick message from your friendly neighborhood blogger: If anyone happens to have photos of Chalabi with Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice or any of the neocon gang, please let me know! You can send them to sovay@liberalconspiracy.com. Also, if you have problems seeing any or all of the pics, drop me an e-mail.
George W. Bush, Iraqi Governing Counsel member Dr. Jalal Talabani and Ahmed Chalabi in Baghdad, November 27, 2003. (Larry Downing/Reuters)
Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Bremer and Ahmed Chalabi, September 2003.
Chalabi with Colin Powell.
Chalabi and Bremer.
Chalabi and Rick Santorum.
Chalabi and Trent Lott.
Chalabi and former CIA director James Woolsey.
Chalabi and Jesse Helms.
Chalabi at this year's State of the Union address, sitting right behind Laura Bush.
Chalabi chatting it up with Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.