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Voting Rights Institute

DNC News

Statement from Donna Brazile on Florida's flawed list of felons
Brazile: "It's unconscionable that nearly four years after the debacle in Florida and thousands of deserving voters were prohibited from casting a ballot that the state still hasn't corrected the wrongs of 2000. Today I call on Governor Jeb Bush to direct his Division of Elections to immediately begin a process to verify every single name contained on its 2000 and 2004 felons lists or to prohibit counties from using the lists."

May 10, 2004: Democrats launch family voting plan

May 7, 2004: McAuliffe and Brazile call for additional oversight measurses as Florida once again seeks to purge voters from the election rolls

May 5, 2004: DNC Chairman Calls on Election Assistance Commission to Ensure Reliability of U.S. Voting Systems


Family Voting Plan

The DNC has put together the Family Voting Plan to help you get your family to the polls and ensure that every vote is counted. Make sure your family is prepared on election day by getting started with our Family Voting Plan today.


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Bush Record Exposed
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