Age Concern England
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Age Concern is the UK's largest organisation working with and for older people. We provide vital local services as well as influencing public opinion and government. Every day we are in touch with thousands of older people enabling them to make more of life.
* Where were you 6th June, 1944? *
D-Day - celebrate the 60th anniversary
* Share your D-Day memories
Do you remember where you were on this momentous day?

Share the memories as we celebrate D-Day's 60th anniversary

* Discuss D-Day
* The Americans have landed!
* Digging for victory with a difference
* The youngest D-Day memory
* Are you tough enough? *
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* Age Concern Bookshop - Intimate Relations *
Intimate Relations

Intimate Relations
“When you enjoy a rewarding and regular sex life, all aspects of your life take on a rosier hue”. 
Dr Sarah Brewer, author of Intimate Relations : Living and Loving in Later Life, as featured on Woman's Hour and This Morning.

* Intimate Relations review

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Volunteers week 1-7 June - Get involved!
Reportage Parliamentary Bulletin
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