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Tuesday, 8 June 2004  

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June 8
Report Targets Owners of Dangerous Chem Plants
Twelve companies each endanger more than five million Americans in the event of accidents or terrorist attacks at their chemical facilities, according to a new U.S. PIRG report. The companies own 154 "high-hazard facilities" in 31 different states, according to the "Dangerous Dozen" report.

U.S. PIRG urged the companies to reduce the threat to communities near their facilities by using safer chemicals and processes wherever possible. The group also criticized the Bush administration for favoring voluntary security measures instead of strict mandates.

> U.S. PIRG press release

> BushGreenWatch.org

June 1
"Day After Tomorrow" Dramatizes Global Warming
This weekend "The Day After Tomorrow" -- a Hollywood action film about global warming -- opened in theatres in 102 countries. The film was a colossal commercial success in its opening weekend, taking in upwards of $150 million worldwide, besting the previous record for a non-sequel by more than $40 million.

Scientists and environmentalists are quick to point out that the movie is highly exaggerated. Nonetheless, it could help educate viewers about some concepts that have a basis in scientific fact.

> Energy Future Coalition, "What's Science Fiction and What's Scientific Fact?"

> National Center for Atmospheric Research, "Climate Change: Will It Look Anything Like 'The Day After Tomorrow'?"

> State PIRGs, "Behind the Special Effects of 'The Day After Tomorrow' Is an Ounce of Truth"

> EMS.org: Climate change news summaries, information briefs and web links

> Official movie website: www.TheDayAfterTomorrow.com

> USA Today, May 26, "'The Day After Tomorrow' Heats Up a Political Debate; Storm of Opinion Rains Down on Merits of Disaster Movie"

Archive:  Looking for something that appeared recently on our homepage? The recent archives page contains materials that have appeared on our site in recent weeks.

June 1
EPA to Re-Visit
Gas Mileage Labels

The EPA will consider updating its methods for rating the gas mileage of new cars and trucks, the Detroit News reported.

The true gas mileage of new vehicles is lower than advertised by as much as one-third,
according to Bluewater Network, a group that petitioned the EPA to update its approach to calculating "real world" fuel economy. Among other factors, increased traffic congestion and higher highway speed limits invalidate EPA's current methods, the group contends.

A revision of EPA's methods could lead to a precipitous drop in the mileage listed on car windows in dealership showrooms, in advertisements and in newspaper and magazine articles about new car models. Also at stake is how fuel economy ratings are reported to Congress.

The EPA is seeking public comment on the Bluewater Network petition by July 27.

> Wall Street Journal, March 26, "EPA Weighs Changing Way It Tests Gas Mileage" (PDF)

> EPA request for public comments (PDF)

> Bluewater Network petition (PDF)

May 20
Religious Leaders, Scientists, Issue "Plea" for Action
On Global Warming

In a letter hand-delivered on May 19 to U.S. senators, leaders from a broad spectrum of religious groups joined leading scientists to press for regulations to address global warming, the Wall Street Journal reported. Some of the letter's signators represent evangelical groups generally supportive of President Bush.

The letter specifically references the Climate Stewardship Act, championed by Sens. McCain and Lieberman, saying it "offers a way forward and an opportunity for renewed resolve." The letter promises its signators will "continue efforts to mobilize" support for action to mitigate global warming.

> Wall Street Journal (subs. req.), "Religious Leaders Urge U.S. Senate to Act on Climate," May 19, 2004

> Read the letter from religious groups

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