Overlawyered http://www.overlawyered.com/ Chronicling the high cost of our legal system en-us 2004-06-09T00:59:21-05:00 Nutritious, fattening or both? http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001181.html Also via the Colorado Civil Justice League May 21 newsletter: class members will receive $240,000 and a law firm representing the class will get $350,000 in fees following the settlement of an action against Chemins Company Inc. of Colorado Springs... Class Actions Walter Olson 2004-06-09T00:59:21-05:00 Claim: motel glass too clean http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001180.html The Colorado Civil Justice League, in its May 21 newsletter, reports: "The Loveland Reporter-Herald reports that a Broomfield family has sued a motel for keeping a sliding glass door too clean. The family is suing the owners of the Hobby... Misc. Walter Olson 2004-06-09T00:08:36-05:00 Liberal bloggers: bring back nuclear power http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001183.html So say Mark Kleiman (Jun. 4), Matthew Yglesias, and Brad DeLong.... Environment Walter Olson 2004-06-09T00:02:23-05:00 Another valedictorian suit http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001179.html June is a time for graduation, and what graduation would be complete without at least one lawsuit over who has the highest GPA? (See Jul. 12 and links therein.) Blogger Andrea comments unkindly. (Ariel Sabar, "Suit exposes cultural clash", Baltimore... Schools Ted Frank 2004-06-08T15:29:17-05:00 New website coming soon: PointOfLaw.com http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001178.html For a while now I've been at work on a project which will be of interest to many readers of this site, and I'm happy to say I can now divulge its general outlines. A few months ago the Manhattan... About the site Walter Olson 2004-06-08T15:03:34-05:00 Parents yes, governments no http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001177.html Fuhgeddaboudit, Bill Bennett: "grandstanding politicos seem intent on getting the government into the business of censorship. ... It has been said that when Democrats start talking about children, it's time to hide your wallet; when Republicans start talking about children,... Media Walter Olson 2004-06-08T00:59:22-05:00 NYC's Wilens & Baker reprimanded http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001060.html New York subway riders have long been familiar with the high-volume ad campaigns of Wilens & Baker with its hotlines 1-800-DIVORCE (on which see Dec. 18-19, 2000), 1-800-IMMIGRATION and 1-800-BANKRUPT. At the moment the firm's big campaign is aimed at... Chasing clients Walter Olson 2004-06-08T00:05:15-05:00 Change of a penny proves bid's legal undoing http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001176.html Minimum deposit required $4,420 and 19.8 cents, actual proffered deposit $4,420 and 19 cents even, result: misery. After the tax auction of a piece of Ontario vacation land, a rival successfully challenged the high bid on the grounds that it... Canada Walter Olson 2004-06-07T14:05:56-05:00 Rule of Lawyers thanks http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001164.html Thanks to David Bernstein (Volokh Conspiracy, Jun. 2) for his kind words recommending that people buy my book The Rule of Lawyers, newly out in paperback. Also to Key Monk, who calls it "another good read" (Jun. 1). Reviews of... About the site Walter Olson 2004-06-07T06:24:34-05:00 Ultimate in buyer's remorse http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001168.html "A transsexual who spent £60,000 on surgery to become a woman is suing her doctor after claiming that he misdiagnosed her with gender dysphoria." Samantha Kane, 44, of Newcastle-under-Tyne, England, had been a millionaire property owner and father of two... Bad Medicine Walter Olson 2004-06-07T00:56:36-05:00 West Virginia M.D.s http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001175.html ...won the enactment of far-reaching liability reform in their state last year. How they did it ("The story of tort reform in West Virginia", David A. Kappel, M.D., Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons, May (PDF)). See also "Malpractice... Bad Medicine Walter Olson 2004-06-07T00:08:53-05:00 Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004 http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001174.html "Said Petko Bocharov, a prominent Bulgarian journalist: 'The fact that today Bulgaria is a member of NATO could happen only after the efforts of this great American president. His name will forever remain in history.' ... 'For us, Reagan was... Misc. Walter Olson 2004-06-06T17:29:13-05:00 Ohio reforms asbestos, silica litigation http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001173.html A breakthrough? With Gov. Robert Taft's signature, Ohio has now enacted the nation's first legislation establishing medical guidelines for eligibility to file lawsuits over exposure to asbestos and silica. Claimants not ill enough to meet the criteria will have their... Product Walter Olson 2004-06-06T00:03:33-05:00 Great moments in economic regulation http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001172.html With soaring gasoline prices beginning to cause economic hardship, Minnesota's Commerce Department is cracking down on gas stations for charging prices that are too low. "The state adopted a law in 2001 that bars gas stations from selling gas without... Misc. Walter Olson 2004-06-05T00:08:08-05:00 Impersonating a tribe http://www.overlawyered.com/archives/001171.html Ronald A. Roberts of Granville, N.Y., who has called himself Sachem Golden Eagle of the Western Mohegans, awaits sentencing June 17 after pleading guilty to federal charges of perjury and submitting false documents in proceedings asking for recognition as an... Misc. Walter Olson 2004-06-04T01:34:42-05:00