ugh well my friends, today after school me and jaquilin did a little ring around the rosie. or take a run around the block. duh. jeese i don't kno what u were thinking but ok. anyway so me and jackie took a run. then i got all my blaze stuff tugether tu go tu my softball game in cheshire(is that how u spell it? oh well i'll just ask scOOvile cause hes frum there) but THEN it wus all like BING BANG BOOM! my coach calls and the game is cancelled. well, it gave me time to du my h/w but it sucked ass cause tuday wus gunna be the first game. anyway. then i did sum power notes for science el class-o and theennn hummm then i ate a wonderful dinner and then i talked to sum peoples online aaannddd now im talkin ta u... good day right? not..
later duuuudes
P.S. my triple b kicks ass haha alex my bbb
and P.P.S becca fat club for life
and P.P.S.S. curst take that thing about me and my pants off ur blog!!! wtf lol
also P.P.P.S.S jaquilin how wus ur drum lesson? and what exactly WAS the last red thing on the list?
and lastly P.P.P.S.S.S ok i don't really have anything else to say i just like duing that p.s. thing ok bye