
Tuesday, June 01, 2004


ugh well my friends, today after school me and jaquilin did a little ring around the rosie. or take a run around the block. duh. jeese i don't kno what u were thinking but ok. anyway so me and jackie took a run. then i got all my blaze stuff tugether tu go tu my softball game in cheshire(is that how u spell it? oh well i'll just ask scOOvile cause hes frum there) but THEN it wus all like BING BANG BOOM! my coach calls and the game is cancelled. well, it gave me time to du my h/w but it sucked ass cause tuday wus gunna be the first game. anyway. then i did sum power notes for science el class-o and theennn hummm then i ate a wonderful dinner and then i talked to sum peoples online aaannddd now im talkin ta u... good day right? not..
later duuuudes
P.S. my triple b kicks ass haha alex my bbb
and P.P.S becca fat club for life
and P.P.S.S. curst take that thing about me and my pants off ur blog!!! wtf lol
also P.P.P.S.S jaquilin how wus ur drum lesson? and what exactly WAS the last red thing on the list?
and lastly P.P.P.S.S.S ok i don't really have anything else to say i just like duing that p.s. thing ok bye

Monday, May 31, 2004

parade day ya'll

helllo there my wonderful friends. on todays show we have a special guest. actually not really. today me and curst went to the el parade-o we saw random people, sat next to random people, then we saw my fiends, and then we saw christie's other hot friends and then we walked downtown ish and sum loser girl wus blowing her horn and it wus pissing me off and i wus on the edge of saying SHUT THE FUCK UP KID UR FRICKING ANNOYING... but i didn't... moving on. anyway so then we went to feed our stomachs and ate lunch.. kinda.. and then we went to borders cause we hadda use the lavatory then we went to brooks to get sum more food(of course) and then we walked home again because we are bums and then christie's shoe almost broke. god i wish that thing wud just kick the bucket already... sheesh peice of shit. im gunna buy her new shoes cause she only wears like 2 pairs lol her adidas.. but we won't go there on how broken in those are and those black old navy ones. im gunna buy her like 50 new pairs. so anyway then we walked home and now im talkin ta u.. and i smell dog poop... it's prolly christie ok byyeeee!!!
later gater

Sunday, May 30, 2004

hola (spanish duh)

why hello there. today was a very special day indeeds. me and my lovely friend the curstinator went to mill hill elementary schoolness looking high and low for chris curtis. but that wus only because he told cdunk tu meet him there. well we saw him... then kinda walked away. sophie wudda been our excuse anyway. then next we went to our wonderful downtown looking for nail places that were open. then it hit us!!! THERE IS NO NAIL PLACES OPEN ON SUNDAY! let alone do curst's toenails. those things are hideous. but thats besides the point. anywho. so then we decided to go into borders that wicked awesome bookstore where all the magic happens. so then we got our cokes and sat and read magizines like losers. duh. thats whats losers do. so anyway. then we saw nick and colin and keith. we hung out with those cool cats for a little while. we red magizines and tried to determine if sum kid named Zean Moore wus a girl or a boy. then sum random girl comes over and shes all "whats a boy?"..."yeah..thats a boy". me and curst thought that she wus friends wtih colin... it actually turned out tu be sum random person we didn't kno who just came over and decided to give us her opinion....ANYWAY.then we noticed that the security guard(yeah dudes, the one with eyeliner on thats always smoking and looks like a girl and acts sketchy and wierd and i also have a huntch that he is gay... the eyeliner and the high voice kinda make it like a no-brainer so anyway. then we said farewell to the boys and went tu get ice cream. which at that point in time, who other then christie's tennant pulls up in a Rolls Royce with her wicked rich boyfriend. then she waved and we looked cool. ok so anyway. moving on. we hadda walk home cause we're bums. so then sum wierd kids honked at us. then we had a wonderful talk about people not wanting to take shits at other people's houses... like gianni... he has his dad take him home tu take a shit then he comes back wahts up with that? we have no idea. unlike other people who stink up others peoples houses with thier renk ass smelly shits(said in the gay guy voice). so anyway. now we as we're walking up this wicked huge ass big mother fuckering of a fricking hill... who did we see but our buddy chris fricking curtis... just our luck since we ditched him this morning... so waht du u du when u see some one u don't wanna see? we walked the other way!!!! duuuhhh u silly gooses.. or... geese... or.. ok anyway. so then we came home and i tryed to break christie's sandals which are on the verge of going 6 feet under if ya kno what i mean... hem hem heemmm sorry i wus clearing my throat... so anyway. then we had a wicked ass dinner and dunkel didn't eat meat cause DUUHHRRR shes a veeeegan. so now i am writing in the riggid( christie's new word for cool) so im writing in this riggid blog.. and waht is blog anyway? it sounds like a noise water wud make when poop plops into it ya kno wha i meeen yo?????!?!?! ok anyway i think me and curst r gunna go watch sum james dean movie(the original rebel.. the origin of cool) and prolly du sum other cool.. stuff... and stuff... and like sum other stuff ok...bye!
sincerely your __________ (you fill in the blank)friend,