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June 05, 2004


As you can see, I’ve made some changes to my layout.  Comments are appreciated.

Posted by Reed at 01:24 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 02, 2004


This didn’t make the tangled bank because it delt more with education than biology, but I decided that I liked it enough to blog it with tangled bank #4.

Radagast, who teaches biology at a community college, has been busy these last few weeks dealing with students who plagiarized in his class.  One corrupt student even plagiarised after having been caught once before.

Posted by Reed at 11:35 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 02, 2004

Tangled Bank #4

This is the fourth installment of the Tangled Bank, a “carnival of the vanities” focusing on biology.  We have eight entries this week, covering cavies to Spartina.

  1. Are you a pet lover?  Birdie of Beauty Dish details escapades with her pet cavies. That’s guinea pigs to us laypeople.

  2. Do the politics of prescription drug prices interest you?  Dr. Thomas Boyle of CodeBlueBlog cites R&D successes for reasons why politicians should not bind the hands of drug companies for short-term gains.

  3. On the front of reproductive biology, Courtney Ostaff, of aethele, has a comprehensive list of birth control alternatives for girls who think the pill is the only option.

  4. For those interested in advanced genetics, PZ Myers, of Pharyngula covers transcription factors and morphogens using the Drosophila gene, bicoid, as an example.

  5. Worried about hybrid aliens invading the US?  Richard Hall, aka A Brit Abroad, describes some of his adventures with invasive hybrid Spartina.

  6. Wondering what that mass of bugs is in your backyard?  University of Maryland graduate student, Jason South of Borneo Chela, some fresh pictures of the cicada emergence from the DC area.

  7. Ready to forget cicadas?  Syaffole has an invasion of caterpillars to worry about.

  8. Like birds?  Mike Bergin of 10000 birds describes why you should appreciate seeing a tundra swan.

Jason South of Borneo Chela is up in two weeks to host the next tangled bank.

Posted by Reed at 10:42 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (2)

June 02, 2004

Evomath 3

Evomath 3: Genetic Drift and Coalescence, Briefly is available on the Panda’s Thumb.

Posted by Reed at 04:13 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

May 31, 2004

Tangled Bank

I’m hosting the forth tangled bank in two days.  Please your entries if ya got them.

Posted by Reed at 06:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)