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10/24/2002: What's on Egyptian TV these days?

Our friends in Egypt have decided to broadcast A Knight without a Horse, "an artistic work meant to show the Zionist plots against the Arab nation." They chose to air this during Ramadan, of course.

replies: 49 comments
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#1   Diane L.  10/24/2002 10:47PM PST

Great! Can we stop sending them money now? Can we have the Sinai back?


#2   Erik  10/24/2002 11:10PM PST

While Jews consider "The Protocols" to be "fabricated propaganda distorting their image, Subhi told Rose al Yusuf, "I checked and found that 19 out of 24 protocols in the book were effectively achieved."

Reminds me of a fabulous quote by an Afghan warlord from Kandahar, when asked who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks:

"Our research indicates it was the jews. End of discussion."


#3   Nikita  10/24/2002 11:29PM PST

re Egyptians, here is a sane one. a satiric article by Egyptian playwright Ali Salemen mocked the Arab media's incitement to extremism. enjoy: http://www.operation...


#4   Nikita  10/24/2002 11:33PM PST

Hizballah Appreciates Jews' Return to Israel - Badih Chayban
Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Tuesday that "if they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."(Daily Star - Lebanon)

Got that? the EXISTENCE of Jews is the problem he intends to address.


#5   mommydoc  10/24/2002 11:33PM PST

Great link, Nikita. Unfortunately, I think he's behind the trend. They already have that, in spades.


#6   Nikita  10/24/2002 11:34PM PST

Since we are on the subject of Jew-hatred in the Arab world, a few additional references:

The Middle East Research Institute:
Arab Anti-Semitism Documentation Project.

“Anti-Semitism and Racism as Policy in the Palestinian Authority” http://www.wiesentha...
A 50 page report prepared by the Wiesenthal Center for the UN Conference on Racism at Durban, September. Documents the use of Palestinian Authority organs (media, education system and religious outlets) to vilify and demonize Jews and the Jewish religion.

Detailed reports on Anti-Jewish propaganda in the Arab government media, by country.


#7   Nikita  10/24/2002 11:44PM PST

#5 mommydoc, Gil Shterzer has photos in which Arab kids at a Gaza kindergarten graduation celebrate terror:


#8   Alan E Brain  10/24/2002 11:47PM PST

A contrarian view:

Hollywood has been taking "artistic license" with history for awhile now. The film U-517 (IIRC) had the USN capturing the Nazi boat, rather than the Royal Navy. There are more, and worse examples - "The Patriot" comes to mind.

So in one respect, the use of the infamous, odious, and completely fictitious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in a "series based on history" is a difference in degree, not kind. Historicity discarded for something that will play better to the intended audience.*Shrug*

Of course it also appears to be designed as propaganda to inspire hatred of Jews based on fiction disguised as fact. To state the bleedin obvious. Such a thing would be banned in Germany, probably banned here in Australia, but is IMHO protected in the US by the Bill of Rights.

So by all means point out that the central tenet is horse-puckey, and keep on doing so so that the ignorant don't fall for the "Big Lie". But don't blame the director over-much for following Hollywood's lead - blame him for being a prisoner of his own anti-jewish culture, pandering to others of the same ilk.


#9   Eric Pobirs  10/24/2002 11:49PM PST

So this show is becoming their equivalent of 'A Charlie Brown Christmas?'


#10   Athos  10/24/2002 11:53PM PST

Nikita, to add to your links.....we have Which is about Al-Hayat highlighting the huge popularity of the Syrian Defense Minister's Blood Libel Book - now in it's 8th printing.

This is from people who subscribe and claim to practise the religion of peace.

The support for the double standard of hate - ignoring comments against Israel and the Jews while groups all around the world scream bloody murder if someone says (or even thinks) a comment about Muslims and their silence over the actions of the extremists of their faith is starting to defy all logic.

Some (too few) voices of Muslims speak out against these false claims, and the use of terror and murder in the name of Allah. One, speaks out in Palestine against radicalism in the region corrupting Muslim youth.


#11   Diane L.  10/24/2002 11:53PM PST

#8 Alan, I don't blame the director, I blame our government for paying for the production. The US gives Egypt a whole bunch of foreign aid--what is is $2 billion a year? and Israel returned the Sinai--in return for peace. Egypt has been violating the contract for some time now. Why are the other parties still honoring it? As for the Protocols, I guess people will believe whatever they want to believe. It only bothers me that people who should know better are enabling this stuff.


#12   NTropy  10/24/2002 11:57PM PST

One sad thing is that all those millions of would-be moderate Muslims are being fed this steady diet of hatred and misinformation with nothing to counter it. Is it any wonder #1) that people blame Islam as a whole and #2) why there is no shortage of human sacrifices? Seems to me this is reasonably good proof that, yes Virginia, brainwashing works.


#13   Ben F  10/25/2002 12:01AM PST

Three thoughts on this item.

One, there's no mention of this in the daily State Department briefings, so I guess it is not a matter of diplomatic concern.

Two, has anyone heard from our newest Nobel Peace Prize laureate on whether he thinks this broadcast is consistent with the peace treaty that he brokered, the one that bans incitement?

Three, to repeat one of the main themes here, where are the responsible Muslim voices condemning the broadcasting and viewing of this garbage, especially on Ramadan?


#14   Nikita  10/25/2002 12:08AM PST

"This is not just a war between Islam and the Jews or Islam and the West. This is a war of cosmic losers against all that offends them. It is a war of zealot Muslims against everyone else. We are all feeling and fearing what Fallaci calls "the bad smell of a Holy War," a war with real weapons, and its consequence is incinerated flesh. " Y'all should read the whole article.


#15   Nikita  10/25/2002 12:15AM PST

Christian Exodus from the Middle East http://www.defenddem...

Christian persecution in Bethlehem http://www.washtimes...

Persecution of Christian converts in the Palestinian Authority

Saudi persecution of Christians http://www.christian...

Eyeopening article by Muslim apostate who now has a price on his head: http://secularislam....

Saudi payment to suicide bombers (openly visible on the Saudi embassy website) http://www.saudiemba...

"What are our GOALS ? Bringing mankind to the worship of their lord and establishing a khilafah on the pattern of prophethood. "

Institutionalized indoctrination and abuse of children:
A television station backed by a Saudi prince broadcasted clips that show young children being taught to hate Jews — referring to them as "apes and pigs" — and embrace martyrdom. http://www.foxnews.c...

Jack Kelley of USA Today visited Hamas schools in Gaza City, where he saw an 11-year-old boy speak to his class: "I will make my body a bomb that will blast the flesh of Zionists, the sons of pigs and monkeys… I will tear their bodies into little pieces and will cause them more pain than they will ever know." His classmates shouted in response, "Allah Akhbar, " and his teacher shouted, "May the virgins give you pleasure." A 16-year-old Hamas youth leader in a Gaza refugee camp told Kelley, "Most boys can't stop thinking about the virgins."

Persecution of gays: A discussion by Egyptian press on why and how homosexuals should be killed.


#16   Nikita  10/25/2002 12:18AM PST

The Kuwaiti daily Al-Watan published a series of three articles quoting the memoirs of a former Iraqi officer who was born and raised in Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein, and who had since joined the Iraqi opposition. The newspaper prefaced the articles by saying that "the American people would be astonished to discover that Iraq has its own version of 'Halloween' horror movies." The following are excerpts:
"[In his memoirs], he describes some 'scary social practices' by the leaders of the local clans in Tikrit, the birthplace of the Iraqi dictator... Horrifying customs that are akin to an 'incubator' that breeds snakes... He said that he was five-years old when his uncle asked him to slaughter a chicken as befitting 'a member of the Oujeil clan in Tikrit'... When he was unable to do so, his uncle took the knife from his hand and cut the chicken's neck in such a way that the blood drenched the child's face and clothes ... this was the first lesson in what the Tikriti clans call 'hardening [a child's] heart and desensitizing him to the look of blood'..."
"The former Iraqi officer continued to say that when he was six-years old his uncle started training him to use guns... 'He gave me an Iranian made rifle with a very strong recoil and told me to shoot a boulder used as a target. When I missed several times – as expected from a small child – my uncle picked up the 'target' and threw it at me, no matter where it hit me... And even at this early age, if anyone did anything to 'hurt our manhood,' we were not supposed to complain to our elders, but to spray his chest with bullets, then pick up the empty shells and hand them to his relatives as 'blood money'... However, if we killed someone who was not a member of the [Tikriti] clans, like the Kurds, we did not need blood money... We killed Kurds for free...' he said."
"Among the practices of the [Tikriti] clans is [taking] children to graveyards and forc[ing] them to go down into the grave with the dead body, then remove the shroud from the deceased face. The purpose? To honor the dead and to desensitize children to death..."


#17   Paul Ya'all  10/25/2002 12:24AM PST

Would it be considered hatred if we just blew up the Al Jazeera TV station? or if that is maybe considered a hair to harsh - how about taking over the programming and start showing reruns of that fellow that can scarf down 36 hot dogs in a minute - over and over again

my guess after about the 5th time, they will blow the station up themselves


#18   Amos  10/25/2002 12:31AM PST

How can this be? We made peace with them. We gave them everything they claimed they wanted. Surely they won't break their word, for Hosni is an honourable man, so are they all [Arab dictators]; all honourable men.

When in doubt, go to The Bard.


#19   Paul Ya'all  10/25/2002 12:38AM PST


"When in doubt, go to The Bard"

to bomb or not to bomb that is the question


#20   David Crawford  10/25/2002 02:19AM PST

Ooh Charles, please, please, please don't post such hateful and racist news articles, Anil might get his panties all twisted up into his (self-described) "big brown ass". We all know that it doesn't take much for Anil to go into a coniption fit about these kinds of articles. And we want to make sure that the gentle little petal makes it to tomorrow without a hissy fit.


#21   Ben F  10/25/2002 05:06AM PST

Twenty lashes with a wet noodle for not paying attention, #20—this item was posted by Charles's brother!


#22   Abu Ben Bubbi  10/25/2002 05:18AM PST

#17 Please Paul don't blow up Al- Jazeera just yet, I'm waiting for the Osama video


#23   markp  10/25/2002 05:25AM PST

re Nikita et al-

Ali Salem got booted out of the Egyptian writer's union for having -- gasp -- "visited Israel several times and published a book on those visits, in addition to several articles supporting normalization". Definitely one of the good guys.



#24   MarkD  10/25/2002 06:20AM PST

LGF Personals? Now, THAT would be a hoot......


#25   zion blogster  10/25/2002 06:23AM PST

It is interesting that Israel gets $3 billion from the US and basically does almost anything the US wants including probably easing up on the pals and thereby sacrificying its people so America can look good.

IN the meantime, Egypt gets 2.5 billion (it got some thing like 25 billion in debt forgiveness after the Gulf Waf, Israel only got more than 25 scuds) and does what ever i9t wants including telling Arafat not to accept Camp David II and providing some of the 9-11 bombers and spreading a lot of anti-Westernism.

I thought Jews are supposed to be smart. Obvioulsy, they have something to learn here.

It is interesting that you here a lot from left wing bimbos like Carter talk about cutting the money to Israel but no mention about cuttin gEgypt off from the American teet.


#26   Wack A. Mole  10/25/2002 06:26AM PST


"Out, out, dammned Saud!" (Should be the new INS mission statement!)

"To bomb or not to bomb,
That is the question.
Whether it is more cost-effective
To expend a buttload of JDAM's
A Tomahawk nuke or a couple BLU-52's
That is the question!"

"You blocks! You stones!
Know ye not are having a J-E-W hiding behind you?"

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!"


#27   pentaxian  10/25/2002 06:28AM PST

This is an online petition to protest the Canadian Government's closure of Canada Chapter of Mogen David Adom.


Your voice counts, let it be heard.

Thank you.


#28   Big Dan  10/25/2002 06:36AM PST

Re #24

Omigod! She is beautiful and Right, what more is there?


#29   Lollia  10/25/2002 06:46AM PST

Wait a minute, the protocols were published in 1897, around the same time Zionism was first even suggested, based on a novel from the 1860's.

How could it in any way address Zionism, or British Palestine, or a declaration made 20 years later? Why would a Russian forgery refer to threats against Arabs?

I'm sure they'll claim that the book refers to Israeli plans for world domination instead of Jews, nevermind that such a term did not exist at the time.


#30   David  10/25/2002 06:47AM PST

"Knight without a Horse?"

How about the sequel:

"An Arab Without a Brain"


#31   marek  10/25/2002 07:06AM PST

Why is Egypt not pressed on compliance with Camp David accords? Why is it that Egpt allows the tunnels to Gaza strip operate in the middle of their army bases?


#32   greatbigjerk  10/25/2002 07:12AM PST

What do suppose the odds are that state TV will run a report on Mubarak's son being groomed as the next leader for life? Or a documentary called "How our Religious and Political Leaders Have Failed Us for Fifty Years." Or, "You know, the fact that we're piss-poor might be our own fault."
What would Egyptian ESPN show? How about "How destroying the Zionist entity can take ten strokes off your golf game." Or "Sandy Koufax: Baseball hero or Jew?"

Then again, given the idiots that live in Egypt:

maybe they're just trying to boost ratings.


#33   EW1(SG)  10/25/2002 08:07AM PST

Alan (#8):

I'm not sure what film you are referring to about the capture of a submarine, but the US Navy did capture U-505: the first capture of an intact German sub in WWII.

And comparing "The Patriot," a work of fiction to an outright hate propaganda work is a bit of a stretch.

Just out of curiosity, is this the same Alan E. Brain that I might find on the Team Ada list or perhaps in comp.lang.ada?


#34   Charles  10/25/2002 08:08AM PST

The comment about Claire Berlinski (who is a friend) above was posted by the same very dedicated troll who has been spamming LGF all night. For the record.


#35   Reuben  10/25/2002 08:27AM PST

If the station was to be taken over... the programing should be replaced w/ Seinfield.... 24/7. ;^)


#36   T. Jefferson  10/25/2002 08:59AM PST

New article from V.D.H. on North Korea at NRO.


#37   Jonathan  10/25/2002 09:00AM PST

Am I the only one to notice that this item was posted by Michael, not Charles -- something I don't recall ever seeing in 10-odd months as a regular LGF-er?


#38   T. Jefferson  10/25/2002 09:07AM PST

Converts to Violence? by D.P. about the sniper.


#39   Amos  10/25/2002 09:30AM PST

Jonathan, Ben at #21 saw it before you did. I didn't see it, as a matter of fact, but I remeber him posting a comment in the last few days. What caught my eye was that in his email addy, the ISP was littlegreenfootballs... and went green myself, with envy. Took me several minutes to remember Charles has a brother.

Paul and Wackamole (coudln't resist the rhyme, sorry): a great literary effort, rivaled only by the owl guy... no, not the original. :)

Reuben, now that's a great idea. Much better than bombing the place. Damn, then even I will watch al-Jazz.

Great stuff, y'all!


#40   BigBad  10/25/2002 10:10AM PST

Israel got NOTHING from Camp David. Nothing at all. It was a mistake. Peace with Egypt is an illusion. Israel has 'Peace' with Syria without having to give back the Golan, for this type of incitement, they should have at least kept Sinai.

Jimmy Carter IS history's greatest monster.


#41   Jonathan  10/25/2002 10:44AM PST

Right you are, Amos (#39). Props to Ben.


#42   Y.G  11/5/2002 07:32AM PST

i dont know why u people r making a huge deal out of this? dont u believe in the freedom of speech...or is this just a cliche or something u pretend to believe in...and still how can u judge something that u didn't even see...and about Egypt not respecting the peace treaty...mmmmm i dont really think Israel is respecting anything too or else the world would have really changed to the better. i would just like u to know, that watching those series wont increase the hatred, or else arabs should stop watching news too. thanx.


#43   Greg  11/5/2002 03:46PM PST

i dont know why u people r making a huge deal out of this? dont u believe in the freedom of speech...or is this just a cliche or something u pretend to believe in...and still how can u judge something that u didn't even see...and about Egypt not respecting the peace treaty...mmmmm i dont really think Israel is respecting anything too or else the world would have really changed to the better. i would just like u to know, that watching those series wont increase the hatred, or else arabs should stop watching news too. thanx.

We believe in freedom of speech. In Egypt there is no freedom of speech, so a television program says whatever your most un-free press is told to say.

This television program is incitement to murder, and thus would be criminal, not protected speech.

Remember, my Egyptian friend, remember the Aswan Dam and how if you piss Israel off enough it will disappear drowning the 90% of Egypt that lives in the Nile Delta.

Keep asking for it and you may get it.


#44   Y.G  11/5/2002 06:37PM PST

i dont think i have to say more, i just said my opinion, and your answer was remember the Aswan dam and remember that if we keep pissing Israel off enough it will disappear drowning the 90% of Egypt that lives in the Nile Delta. so what exactly do u u think u rule the world, who in the first place gives u or anyone else any right to kill 90% of a population. so basically Israelis would simply get rid of anyone who pisses them off. i think that says alot, and i dont need to say any more.


#45   Greg  11/5/2002 07:33PM PST

No, basically if the Arab world doesn't eventually quit their suicidal and obsessive war against the Jews it will have a rather inglorious defeat. The only thing the Arab war against Israel has gained for them in all these years is many dead Arabs. The only reason why Israel hasn't already vanquished its enemies completely is because Israel respects human lives.

The solution: make your peace with Israel, and not a phony peace like the one Egypt presently has which permits them to incite hatred and murder against the Jews. Dramatising the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the infamous forgery that has been called the "license for genocide" on state controlled television is not the way towards peace.

Remember, Israel can destroy your precious Egypt. Threaten it enough, incite enough hatred against the Jews and Israel will be forced to protect itself by killing you all. Which is exactly why Sadat concluded that Egypt cannot have another war with Israel. But most Egyptians do not realize this.

Or you can extend your hand in genuine peace (meaning not only no war, also no incitement) and all will be well.


#46   ZsaiQais  11/5/2002 11:24PM PST

Freedom of speech is a funny thing. In America, it means you can say anything you want, and if it's unpopular, most people aren't going to lynch mob you. They'll just write a blog and use their right to free speech, contradictorial to your own.
In Egypt, if you say what you want to, and it's contradictory to the state, you might be liable to end up in prison, or black-listed, or something like that.

See the difference?

And about the Aswan dam comment? Y.G., the Israelis have dealt with near total warfare for the last 60 years, at least. One day, their going to decide, 'Enough is enough! We've been trying to make this work forever, and we're tired of our children dying in a busy street, when some maniac decides to make a statement with his death!' Self-defense covers a lot of territory, YG.

Oh, and remember: That 'cliched' right to free speech you were mocking earlier? Because of that right, your anti-Israeli blogs, in a pro-Israel country, mean you won't be carted of to jail, for airing your opinion.


P.S: Y.G., can you please use proper grammar and punctuation? I had to read your thing four times before it made any sense.


#47   zulubaby  11/5/2002 11:36PM PST

Y.G. (#42)

You write like one of those Jihadi Kidz.

i dont know why u people r making a huge deal out of this? dont u believe in the freedom of speech...or is this just a cliche or something u pretend to believe in...and still how can u judge something that u didn't even see...and about Egypt not respecting the peace treaty...mmmmm i dont really think Israel is respecting anything too or else the world would have really changed to the better. i would just like u to know, that watching those series wont increase the hatred, or else arabs should stop watching news too. thanx.

Are you accusing us of...intellectual terrorism!?


#48   jason roth  11/6/2002 07:20AM PST

Pull your head out of your ass. Freedom of speech gives me the right to tell you, your millitary, your university imam and your dog whatever the hell I want to without having to hide in my attic until the Imams in Black leave me alone.
But, with this freedom does come responsibility (thank you Spidey). It means that as a citizen of this nation (in my case, Canada) I cannot use it to spread lies, distortions or hate material for personnal or material gian. It means that I cannot use money from a foreign nation to produce a freaking TV After School Special teaching my fellow Canadians about fake, nefarious plots being scheemed (sp?) by evil Icelandic people
who have plans to take over all the world and it's remaining ice reserves, because, dammit, that's what the Icelandic coven wants and they are willing to break every international rule and law to get it.

Do you see the difference? Or is your propaganda addled brain incapable of having an original, honest inwardly looking thought? Because if that's you, Bub, the Islaminazis and other assorted extremists like to Jehova's have you right where they want you.

Hope I don't meet you and your platform shoes on a plane anytime soon.


#49   Howard  11/6/2002 08:57AM PST

You have absolutely no concept of what free speech is
prime example
SARCASM probably the surest form of getting a point across
that is why i can end my post with my signature

checks please.................

and nobody points a finger at me and says
SEE ITS THE J-E-W-S and take me seriously

smell the coffee pal try some of it at home and see if your sorry ass isn't carted away



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 frank says:

I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing you could say about Jimi was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs. -- From the second of two FZ interviews which were transcribed from an imported CD called "The Frank Zappa Interview Picture Disk". Conducted sometime in early to mid 1984.

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