TEMA is responsible for developing, maintaining and implementing a vast array of plans related to the manner in which the state prepares for and responds to disasters. These pages provide links to these plans, and provide links to plan preparation materials for local communities. Plans are always under review and subject to revision, but these documents represent the latest publicly available documents. 

Most plans are available for viewing the Adobe Acrobat PDF format, and you may download the entire plan in a single zipped file, or view each chapter/section one at a time.


TEMA is in the process of reviewing the nature of information contained in its plans to insure that security compromises are not made.  Therefore, some agency documents may not be currently available online.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  Please contact your local Emergency Management Office or the TEMA Planning Office at 800-422-3443 for assistance.



TN Emergency Mgmt Plan
Sequoyah Nuclear Plan
Watts Bar Nuclear Plan
DOE Facilities Plan
Petroleum Contingency
Other State & Federal Plans
Model Plans & Templates
Local Planning Guidance
  - TCAPP Planning Asst.
  - EMPG Local Planning Guide
  - ESF Concept of Operations
Emergency Planning

Emergency planning is an essential component of being prepared to meet any crisis.  However, the act of planning has no benefit if the plans aren't periodically tested and revised to meet new or updated conditions and requirements.  You can contact your closest TEMA Regional Office for assistance with any emergency planning effort.

Family Planning
The American Red Cross has an excellent site that guides you through development of a Family Emergency Plan.


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