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  May 30, 2004
Kerry's Ad Blitz Bust In Louisiana

Looks like John Kerry has flushed his money down the toilet. Even after his recent campaign ad blitz, Kerry was unable to to make a dent in Louisiana.

Earlier this month, The Times-Picayune reported:

With polls showing a close race nationwide and the momentary advantage shifting back and forth, each campaign has been targeting a pool of potential swing states -- mostly states that had close races in 2000.

Louisiana doesn't immediately appear to fit that bill. President Bush won the state by almost 8 points in 2000. In a poll conducted last month by Southern Media and Opinion Research of Baton Rouge, Bush led Kerry in Louisiana by 14 points.

But there are some positive signs for Kerry. The state is a traditional bellwether, having voted with the winner in the past eight presidential elections -- including Democrat Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996. Democrats have won the past two big statewide prizes -- the 2003 governor's race and the 2002 U.S. Senate race -- despite vigorous Republican campaigns.

So now, even after Kerry's ad blitz, an independent statewide poll shows Bush now enjoys a 19 point lead in the state.

Looks like it's actually Kerry who's the one thats spending tons of money has has nothing to show for it.

Hat tip to Raincross Conservative.

Posted by Matt at May 30, 2004 02:40 AM

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» McCain CAN SHOVE IT from Left Coast Conservative "The Masses are Asses"
The rest of this thought can be found over at my post on Blogs For Bush. It also looks like Kerry got not for alot in LA.... [Read More]

Tracked on May 30, 2004 05:50 AM


Huh? Where'd all the donk trolls go? Kerry should just write off the South and save a few bucks - he is everything they despise.

Posted by: Scaramonga at June 1, 2004 10:14 PM