+ busblog
busblog at gmail dot com

nothing in here is true


   Wednesday, June 02, 2004  
yes it's true i just had breakfast with the mysterious and glamorous zulieka from zulieka dot com.

i am not all that crazy about meeting people from the blogosphere generally but i have been known to make exceptions. and when you have revealed your soul in your writing And revealed your flesh in pics, and you contribute to Lick and send me sweet emails then my arm has been known to accept the twisting.

zulieka is in town to make her dreams come true. her nights were booked as were her afternoons so we agreed on a breakfast meetup at the pantry, which is very close to the standard downtown, where all the cool kids stay when theyre in town.

for some reason i always expect people to be taller in real life.

zulieka isnt what i'd call tall. probably normal sized. very smart. gorgeous eyes. i liked the way she did her hair. much thinner than her nudes. she had pancakes and eggs and bacon. eggs scrambled. grape juice.

i had the eggs, also scrabbled. bacon, hash browns, sourdough toast that i didnt touch cuz we were yapping away too much.

we talked about blogging, and hollywood, and sex. even ventured into some not-really-meant-to-be-talked-about-sex-over-a-meal topics and she not only hung in there but smiled and encouraged the conversation to stay over there.

i think if she moved to LA she would do very well here.

again, very smart. im very happy i met her.

and i didnt get into the office too late so alls good in the hood.

she did ask me about the xbi and after i told her i erased that part of her memory with a sprinkle of "Splenda" in her juice.

sorry, hottie.
A Letter From Chad of Chokey Chicken

Tony -

Just wanted to say that I watched the Miss Universe 2004 competition tonight, because it's all you've been talking about lately. It was a good time - and for the record, I picked Mrs. Austrailia from the second I saw her. Great choice. Anyway, in the light of Miss Universe, I came up with a few questions that you are welcome to answer on the busblog: I figured, if anything, should give you good writing materal:

** Q. If you could hang out with one famous person for a day, who would it be and why? (Dead or alive.)

A. Jesus. I would like to know what he likes and doesnt like about modern times. What if he doesn't care about pornography, but really hates tooth decay? I think He is probably the most misunderstood historical person and I would like to know how we're misunderstanding Him today.

** Q. Who are the top 10 underrated bloggers on the Internet?

A. this is bound to hurt some feelings, so thanks for putting me on the spot. by "underrated" i will say that i dont see them getting the same amount of praise and recognition that i do. and all of these people kick my ass in several ways and i enjoy watching them do it. they're all regular reads of mine and i love what they do. So, in no particular order:

1. flagrant disregard
2. raymi
3. anti
4. tiffany
5. sk smith
6. jaylex
7. angelina
8. raspil
9. bunnie
10. zulieka

and there are dozens more...

** Q. You claim to be a devout Christian, and a priest, as far as I know. Yet you constantly cuss and have sex before marriage. Whats up with that, Mr. Priest?

A. First of all Priests are generally ministers of the Catholic church. I was baptised Catholic and raised Catholic but I am no longer Catholic. I am simply Christian.

As for cussing and having sex before marriage. There is nothing about either of those things that is wrong in the eyes of the bible.

there is a passage that says "it's not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out of your mouth" (that you should be careful about.) But that is usually understood as meaning, "who cares if you eat kosher, veggie, and take your vitamins, how about not being such a fucking sexist racist loudmouth judging prick."

we struggled with the concept of dont eat the fruit of that tree or you will die. so i imagine God knew that if he told us not to say certain words our head would probably explode or we'd name all our kids fucky out of spite.

language is one of the most wonderful parts of being a human, one of the coolest things that the Lord blessed us with, and if you ask me the best part of what seperates us from apes. without a healthy understanding and respect of "cussing" we would never have reached this, the era of wtf.

Sex before marriage is allowed as long as you aren't doing it with a member of your family, animals, or married people.

(Divorced people are sometimes still considered married people since in most weddings they say things like "until death do we part" and "let no man tear apart what God has brought together.")

And it's not the sex part that is the sin, it's the breaking of the commitment to your spouse and God that's at issue.

Even the most active humans ending up having sex less than 1% of their lives (divide minutes of having sex into minutes alive). It's not suprising that it's talked about approximately that much in the good book as well.

** ** Q. What's your top 5 favorite movies of all time?

A. 1. The Blues Brothers
2. Jurrasic Park
3. The Jerk
4. Old School
5. Ferris Beuller's Day Off

Q. What's your dream girl?

A. a cross between raymi, karisa, miss montreal, tiffany, and my true love. except super horny.

** Q. If you could be born in one time period, what would it be and why?

A. everything cool that has happened in technology happened as i was growing up at the perfect time for me to understand it. similarilly theres no way i would have been able to study in college if the internet was around. and without my college degree i wouldnt have been considered to be in the xbi. so even though im older than a lot of the kids in the blogosphere, i really am glad that i grew up in a simpler time before cable and before the web, because i was able to do little things like use my imagination and write stories on paper. sometimes i would even read a book.

** Q. Why don't you have a contest with the prize being the honor of taking over the busblog for a day?
A. ive had guest writers on the busblog before and it wasnt received as nicely as i was hoping it would be. plus i think people come here to read what i have to say. i think i do a better than average job of spreading the love in other ways.

also its sorta like saying, heres a contest with the prize being the honor of fucking my wife for a few hours. fuck your own fucking wife.


thanks for the email Chad.

   Tuesday, June 01, 2004  
dear the pope,

even though i despise anonymous comments, there was a good one the other day. the question posed was why should the pope be concerned with the legalization of marijuana.

and the answers are suprisingly simple.

the first being, biblically the good book is pro-marijuana stating clearly that ALL the green seed-bearing plants are here for our use:
Genesis 1-29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
every. bitch. every. also see Genesis 9:3.

and of course he meant the happy weed that does make some a little sleepy at times, but so does turkey so chill.

so of course the pope should be upset that the world has gotten all freaked out on one of God's most natural creations. especially the green herb that chills people out, mellows them, makes them laugh, and helps prevent a lot of the violence that riddles this beautiful blue globe.

the second reason the pope should be concerned about weed being illegal is that if it is true that 60% of americans in jail are in prison for "drug"-related crimes, and if it is true that most of them are minorities, then it is probably also feasable to assume that most of those minorites are probably african-american and/or mexican-america and/or latino. and therefore a very high probability that they are Catholics.

therefore the pope should be concerned that there are tens of thousands of Catholics in american prisons over something that shouldnt have been illegal in the first place! and theyre in prisons being exposed to far more deadlier sins than smoking the wacky tobbacy.

plus many of them are in those jails being converted to other religions.

like the muslim faith.

the third reason the pope should call bullshit on the war on drugs is because of the enviornment. everyone knows that hemp, the non-smokey part of the marijuana plant, can produce six times the amount of paper than trees do. and they regenerate faster than trees. and you dont have to use as much land as you do for trees.

the fourth reason the pope should focus his last breaths on legalizing weed is because of the economic windfall that it would create once america quits acting like lazyass stoners. if america legalized it, they could tax it. once other countries followed suit, america could export it. all of this means jobs. a strong dollar and a economically strong america means a more prosperous and less-violent world.

think about it, during a recession, like now, what are the best american exports? bombs and guns and cigarrettes. all wars are are infomercials for other countries to see how fucking gnarly our exports are.

wouldnt it be better if we were shipping off cargoships full of greenbud from oregon, northern california, and hawaii? america is far better suited to grow the sticky green than any other country in the world. and with our riches, we will actually donate to charities more.

especially if the pope reminds us who helped make it legal.

so do the right thing, the pope, and read your bible and let america know that the Lord doesn't like it when you tell Him that His creation should be illegal because theres something wrong with being happy, and He doesnt like it when you tell Him that His children couldnt handle smoking something that hasnt ever killed anyone.

and not only watch the world become a better place, but watch your churches fill up.

in search of utopia + seabrook + melting dolls
anna came over yesterday right before the laker game. she was all, "i know you hate miniskirts, but it was what i had on, ive been busy today."

russian girls normally get it wrong and when they do they do it with their arms crossed.

i never said i didnt like skirts, i told her.

"yes you did, i had a jean skirt on once and you said..."

no, i said that jean skirts remind me of my days at the trailer park. i said and pulled out the guacamole.

she said, arent you going to tivo the game.

i said, only as a backup. but im going to be watching the game and if you want to fight youre only going to get some of my attention, not all of it.

she didnt want to fight. it sorta seemed like she wanted to cry. things with her boybander werent as wonderful as the tabloids would have you believe, and as i suspected, all the rolling around on each other at the beach in front of the paparazzi was somewhat intended to make me jealous, something im incapable of being, and it frustrated her to no end.

he wants to marry me, tony.

so marry him.

i refuse to fight over a girl with a pretty boy. it's pointless. it's like fighting over a bone with a dog. if anyone passed by they'd say, yo, pierce, whattya doing with that bone in your mouth. give it to the damn dog, freak!

i paused the tivo and we went over to rafellos for some pasta. the girl needed to eat something. she was obviously emotional and hungry.

we brought the food home and watched the first quarter. by the second quarter we were naked and her eyes were rolled back into her head. i didnt know what i was doing wrong.

apparently i wasnt doing anything wrong.

still, its hard to tell sometimes.

apparently she came the entire time we were at it, which was most of the second quarter. im not tooting my own horn. i think the success had to do with several factors. the first being that i do her far better than her tabloid love. and secondly, i had made a really sweet guns n roses mixed cd.

it starts off mellow with "yesterdays" stays mellow with "patience". by this time the chick isnt even paying attention when the slightly sexist "i used to love her (but i had to kill her" comes on, and then it seques into the epic "don't cry" and "november rain" one-two punch. which of course explodes into brownstone/welcome to the jungle/brownstone/you could be mine.

all i know is the refs swallowed their whistles after halftime and anna left my house with a smile on her face and a better grasp of reality which probably no longer includes mr. inglacias or however you spell that punk's last name.

and when she left that little skirt swung perfectly and i wondered why, if you think a guy doesnt like skirts you would show up at his place wearing a cute little one in hopes to woo him?

i tried to find the answer in the geto boys' "mind of a lunatic" but only threw my back out, temporarilly, while breakdancing to it.

pokeybitey + raptorblog + whats your damage

   Monday, May 31, 2004  
i know im not the easiest man to date. especially over long periods of time. being as old as i am has its advantages but also disadvantages like, for example, i know another chick is right around the corner if this chick bails. im not sure thats as healthy to a relationship as it should be.

im also not afraid to die. and not afraid not to have kids or be married before i die. im not sure that either of those things are good for a strong bond.

seems to me fear is important in relationships, but im not afraid of anything. if a girl wants to make me feel lonely or alone, she can give it a shot, but as an accused hermit with dsl directv tivo and the netflix of porn, odds are im not going to be lonley for too long. plus theres that business about that chick around the corner.

with that said i want to be good to the girls i date. and i want to be honest and i want to let them know how i feel about them. and yes i play favorites and im not always consisistant, but usually i am, and usually everyone knows whats going on.

but usually doesnt mean always and i have to apologize to ms anna kournikova who is so mad at me right now that she might go off and do something rash like marry that dude whateverhisname is who plucked out his mole for her and stopped singing terrible songs or at least just keeping them in south america where people just dont know any better although they really did love pantera and maiden way more than youd expect.

anyway, anna, im sorry. i thought you were cool with everything but i guess i didnt tell you enough. of course i like you more than just for your body and for your hair and your accent and the way we kiss when we kiss.

youve taught me tons about lots of things like russia and communism, you taught me about how marketing isnt a bad thing cuz as in your example only a handful of people are going to have nice long successful careers and its good to go out there and get whats yours while you can.

and most of all you taught me that some girls cant get their titties felt up enough. and i appreciate that cuz i always thought that a fella oughtta pay attention to the tits but not over do it.

so thanks.

whatever you decide to do is cool with me.

memorial day always makes me sad so last night the fates allowed me to have a new hot chick spend the night with.

we listened to live ozzy with randi rhodes on vh-1 classics, we had dinner at 7-11, and when we got home we marveled at welch's smiths cover,

and then she wanted to see old pictures of me for some reason.

i thought that it would make me sad but it didnt this time.

no idea why.

i noticed that my afro was usually fucked up.

but i also noticed that 3 out of 4 envelopes of photos always included at least one picture of someone lifting their shirt. usually it was my true love.

ive had a good life, it was agreed. and she said, if theres anything that we should do on memorial day it's not to be depressed about how things should be right now but be happy for how we got here and what is bound to happen in the present and the future.

and try not to think of war.

i was all, arent we supposed to think of only war and soldiers on memorial day? isnt that the point of the day off of work?

she said technically. but they fought for our freedoms, including the freedom of choice. and if you choose to think about things like, i dont know, making out, maybe thats ok.

girls say those things but they dont mean it, i thought. they say making out but they mean fucking. there was nothing in that girl that wanted to make out. she never looked at my lips. she had knee high boots. little skirt that was always flashing something or someone. lil fake plastic dracula teeth. and a tattoo that said tattoo in japanese.

maybe shed make out when you were doing her but the pre makeout session wouldnt be all that great or long, i thought.

and i was right.

as always.

and if i was smart i'd head down to staples and get a two hundred dollar playoff ticket for fourty and watch the lakers cruise into the finals.

but even though im usually right, im not smart. smart requires logic. and a shred of normalcy. and if i even had a shred of normalcy i wouldnt be blogging at ten thirty eight on a gorgeous monday morning in hollywood.

flagrant's blogging in africa + bunnie blogs for a full hour + if i was maxim i would hire raymi to blog for me

   Sunday, May 30, 2004  
who told the pope we gave a fuck what he thinks? running around saying that america is soulless? is he finally coming out against the american priests who were molesting the little boys?

strangely, no. he was talking about the regular non-molesting americans who are soulless because we actually buy things.

well what do you expect us to do with all our money, the pope? give it away?

as a matter of fact we do.

not like we planned on it, but currently america is running on a $46 billion trade defecit. if we werent as "materialistic" as you judge us as being the world would be $46 billion poorer. is that what you really want?

no, you want to pretend like if the pope says something then it matters.

fine pope, tell the world how theres not one story in the bible about pre-marital sex being sinful. tell the world how theres not one mention of the word pope in the bible. and tell the world how the bible says that God gave ALL the green plants to us to use, all meaning even weed, the happy tabbacy, the green plant that makes you laugh.

you know why the good book doesnt mention Popes or Cardinals or Bishops in the bible? because Jesus said himself that the only way to the father is through the son.

so fuck the pope. and confession. and nuns. and celebacy, and the vatican.

"[The American church] called to respond to the profound religious needs and aspirations of a society increasingly in danger of forgetting its spiritual roots and yielding to a purely materialistic and soulless vision of the world," John Paul told several US bishops who were in Rome on a mandatory visit.

And it's true, we do have some profound religious needs and aspirations to respond to, but materialism has less to do with it than a complete lack of nationally recognized religious leaders who are neither politically motivated nor appear on daily programs that plaster telephone numbers across the screen directing the viewers where to "contribute".

The pope droned on by saying, "taking up this challenge, however, will require a realistic and comprehensive reading of the 'signs of the times,' in order to develop a persuasive presentation of the Catholic faith and prepare young people especially to dialogue with their contemporaries about the Christian message and its relevance to the building of a more just, humane and peaceful world."

The signs of the times are that gays want to be married. The signs of the times are that 60% of american minorities in prisons are there on drug related crimes. The signs of the times are that the Catholic church is better known for scandals than sanctity.

If you want to hold homosexuals to the letter of the laws of leviticus (Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13), then why aren't you condemning Catholics for doing things like working on Sundays when the entirety of Lev 23 demands that we take the whole day off or be "destroyed".

Leviticus 19:27 says we cant get haircuts or shave our faces. I see you don't have a beard you old fuck. Whassup with that? Why aren't you being turned away by the Catholic church the way gays lesbians and the transgendered are?

sign of the times says that of all the hypocrites of the world, you and your church are the biggest. and Leviticus and how you pick and choose what parts you want to uphold being your grandest crime.

The verse after the don't get a haircut verse says don't get any tattoos (Lev 19:28. Are you saying that there are no Catholic priests with tattoos? Are you saying that if two Catholics who want to get married and they have tattoos, they will be treated the same way as two lesbians who want to get married?

Same book of laws. Leviticus. So why do the short haired tattoo Sunday workers get let off the hook and the gays don't?

Leviticus is also the book that says that we cant eat shellfish and pork or fuck our wives when theyre on the rag. How come all of that is cool all of a sudden? Is it because Jesus showed up and changed the rules?

Yes, he did slightly change the rules. In fact he did echo Leviticus once. Once.

It was his "new" commandment, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34)

which sounds an awful lot like (Lev 19:18) "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD."

but the Catholics bear grudges like a mother effer. Ten percent of your neighbors are gay. Ten percent of your clergy is gay (or would be, if you allowed them to come out). Shit the dude who designed the best parts of your castle/church was gay as he was painting the Sistene Chapel. But you don't love or recognize them the way that you love yourself. You treat them worse than lepers, as even Jesus loved lepers.

"An effective proclamation of the Gospel in contemporary Western society will need to confront directly the widespread spirit of agnosticism and relativism which has cast doubt on reason's ability to know the truth, which alone satisfies the human heart's restless quest for meaning," you said last week to the American bishops, but you dont mean it. How could you mean it since you pick and chose which parts of the Gospel you wish to uphold and which you dont.

If there is a widespread spirit of agnosticism in contemporary Western society it is because by your very existence as "pope" you are in conflict with the Gospel.

I dont expect you to tear down the Vatican, a temple of lies and man-made myth, and since it would be too punk rock to expect you to just let the gays get married the same way you let Britney get hitched in Vegas, what you can do, since youre old and primed to bitch, is tell the world to quit its war on green seed-bearing plants that make people laugh.

Especially since sometimes those plants help soothe the pains that terminal patients feel, and helps ease the pain that regular humans have to deal with every fucking day in this struggle between good and evil and bullshit artists who talk about countries that they dont know shit about.

Yes some of us are very dearly seeking to know the truth, which is why some of us not only read the Bible closely but pay attention more to what Jesus said and did more than the church. And figuring that He even said Himself that the only way is thru Him, this human heart's restless quest for meaning doesnt need your sorry ass in the slightest.

So tell your bishops whatever you want. You might start telling them to beg forgiveness a little more on tv for the heinous sins of the church. Until then there's very little to talk to you about.

zulieka + banana + dirty fez

   Saturday, May 29, 2004  
Dear Tony,

Right now I'm should be in the back of a Vanaggon sleeping under the stars with this hottie that I've been with for a year. She's not my girl. But we date a lot. Even though, she says she considers me her boyfriend. And I must say, when I think of things like Memorial Day weekends the first person I think of is her.

And that is why last week at this time I was telling her that I wanted to drive up to San Francisco with her in my Vanaggon, real slow, camping along the way, and being together for all four days.

She was into it.

The plan was to have no plan.

Just drive.

Pull over and check shit out when it was cool, drive when it was dull.

Just hold hands and ride north and fuck against trees along the way.

In the middle of the week she called and told me that she couldnt spend all four days with me because her roommates were going to have a Memorial Day party on Sunday and she had to be there for it because she and her roommates have been best friends forevr.

Normally that sort of shit would piss me off, but I have tried to be better to her, and I told her it was a bummer because, strangely, even though we've dated for a year, we've never gone out of town together, and never had a roadtrip together. But I understood the closeness that she has for her friends, and I realize that sometimes I can get in the way of their activities.

She asked if I was mad and I said, I would get over it. And I thanked her for telling me early enough so I could do something else.

So we ammended our plans to drive down to Mexico on Friday (I was going to get out of class early on Friday, and pick her up and be on the road by 4pm), and be back in LA by Saturday night. A quickie little trip but fun. A mini roadtrip.

Friday came and she IMed me and said she was looking forward to our weekend. I told her that I was super tired and wondered if we could just chill at my parents house in Newport cuz they would be out of town and I was having second thoughts about crossing the border twice in two days. She said all she wanted to do was be naked with me, and my folk's place would be great since it would be cleaner than my apartment.

Then she made a smiley face.

So that night I met her at their place and she laid down on the couch and we held each other and she fell asleep and I let her nap a while and when she woke up she told me that she couldnt spend the night cuz she had been on two dates with this new guy and she just hasnt figured out how to emotionally deal with dating two guys.

So she said she had to sorta stop dating me for a while. Starting right then. She started to cry. She asked me if I was mad. I told her I couldnt tell her what to do with her life. I wasn't her boyfriend. I think she wanted me to fight. I didn't want to fight. I was exhausted from the week. I was a little tipsy from the beers I had been drinking and the two vicodin I had eaten for my bad back. And I was shocked.

She and I hadn't had a fight in months and months. Our sex life had only gotten increasingly better. I was banging the hell out of this chick every time we'd see each other. She would lay on the bed afterwards and just say quietly oh my god oh my god oh my god. There was nothing that we wouldnt do to each other. Nothing.

If she felt like our relationship was getting dull or something, I mean, wasn't that why we were going on the road trip? Wasn't that a good idea? Every time I reach out to her she punishes me. I had just written a poem about kissing her that she said she loved. I had just made all these cds for her.

And by telling me right there and then that she was reneging on the two-day weekend plans made me really furious because I had told her that that was the only thing what would have bothered me if she had canceled our roadtrip at the last minute. As long as I have a little bit of time to realign things and rearrange things I'm cool, but this wasn't cool and she knew it.

She kept saying that she was sorry for being an asshole. She kept saying that she knew she was wrong. That she was sorry. She was taking full blame.

So now I'm sitting here. It's Saturday night. I'm in this huge beach side house that's really clean and really empty and it sucks.

I can't write about it on my blog because I don't want to give her the pleasure of knowing that I even care. Because I know there's something psychological that she's trying to do to me, I just don't know what. What the hell did I do to her to deserve this?

And that's why I'm writing to you. You seem to know how to handle dating multiple women. Maybe not everything on your blog is false. So could you help a brother out?


Saul in Newport Beach

dear saul,

id like to begin this by saying something sweeping and shockinglike "all you bitches crazy" but everyones crazy, certainly not just all you bitches.

half you bitches voted for bush. that even in retrospect is crazy given that clinton gore did wonders for this cuntry and the only handful of shit that ever stuck to clinton was that he actually did have sex with that woman. oooooo. still have you bitches vote for bush and you'll still vote for him in novemember despite the economy stupid despite the gas prices despite iraq despite the fcc despite the fact that he Still cant pronounce abu ghraib despite the fact that he still cant find osb or wmd and it took him a nearly a year of occupation to find saddam. but youre all, its cool, and what do you want us to do... think?

and the other half of you bitches let it all happen. the fcc Still hasnt fined oprah. the president Still hasnt released his national guard records. and the voting machines in florida still arent fixed.

therefore it doesnt suprise me that your bitch is crazy since all you bitches crazy. i suggest you drop her into the once a month club. that means once a month. no weekends. no overnights. and no kissing. bitches who dont respect a good thing will never respect a good thing. by dropping her out of the heavy rotation youre not punishing her, youre weening you. and if she has a key to your crib change the locks.

g's up,


kevynn + raspil + angelina

   Friday, May 28, 2004  
raymi's wish is my desire

this is an audio post - click to play

everyones all american + anti + i think manic
this week in rock in LA

tonight 5/28
prince, staples
the motels, hollywood park casino
ozma, mr. t's bowl
soccer mom, 14 below
child pornography, the smell

saturday 5/29
alanis morissette, the grove (free) - noon
shock g, viper room
primus, verizon amphitheatre

sunday 5/30
the spazmatics, dragonfly
extreme elvis, king king

monday 5/31
sondre lerche, hear music (free)
the gin blossoms, hollywood park casino
sondre lerche, troubador

tuesday 6/1
yo la tengo, henry fonda theatre
third grade teacher, spaceland
driving by braille, the derby
ron sexsmith, troubador

wednesday 6/2
madonna, the pond
wetback, spaceland
this scares me, the smell
lambchop, knitting factory

thurs 6/3
prince, staples
madonna, the pond
stan ridgeway, knitting factory
pato banton, key club

fri 6/4
eagles of death metal, amoeba (free)
the shins, wiltern

eric case + sk smith + wonkette emailed me back and i nearly fell over *swoon*

   Thursday, May 27, 2004  
problem is, she knows when its too late. its one twenty five am and its too late. long legs. smooth. maybe a little too smooth. not a blemish, not a mark. he seriously thought to himself, she might be an android. then remembered that she had made that joke about putting on a strapon and effing him. so this is what they meant by anal probe.

her eyes were closed. he couldnt stop kissing her belly and telling her how good looking she looked. hed kiss and say, see, now thats good shit. search for a new target a few inches away and kiss and say, yep.

the white stipes were on in the living room speakers. something about jolene jolene jolene jo-lene...

but neither of them noticed. jesus candle blowing from the open sliding glass door which should be closed he thought cuz shes sorta loud and went back to not thinking and aiming at better parts and slowly moving down to the perfect perfect skin perfect from years of soaking in a tub waiting for a good man but tonight she settled again.

this shit is worth something he told her, seemingly genuine for once, but completely inappropriate considering the situation. she smiled. had to.

kissed over there and said fifty cents right there.

kissed over here and said probably about a good fourty cents depending on the supply and

kissed the neck and said buck, buck fiddy.

closer to the ear, two bucks.

ear, twenty

ears arent cheap

kissed around the hair line, inhaled deeply



kissed her forehead




kissed her nose

and then top smiling lip

twelve fiddy





three hundred

three hundred

three hundred


amy + sutter + noah