The Real Janet Kagan Home Page

15 March 04

John Randolph, 1915-2004

The pictures I didn't post in public (way back in 2001) are here , along with my gushy commentary. Uncle Johnny has been a member of my extended family since the late sixties. He was ever so sweet and he taught me ever so much about writing....

 If you're looking for the Janet Kagan who wrote Hellspark, Mirabile and Uhura's Song (#21 of the "Classic" Star Trek novels), you've found her. If you're looking for the Janet Megson you went to high school or college with (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), you've found her, too.

If you're looking for the Janet Kagan who works in tv (of late, most notably, on Will and Grace), you have not found her. I've always wondered if she got as many queries about writing Star Trek novels as I got about writing for Seinfeld.

If you're looking for the Janet Kagan who got a Hugo for Best Novelette of '93 (for "The Nutcracker Coup"), you've found her.

Table of Contents

  I would love to hear from you....

please e-mail me at janetkagan[...AT-sign...]inetcentral[period]com

Last year, I was told the spam scum couldn't spider that but things have changed. Last year, a shy "hi" header was somebody I wanted to hear from. This year my penis would encircle the Earth six times but I guess I can handle the pain of its freezing and shattering in orbit because I'm now so loaded on Vicodin and OxyContin that I'm feeling no pain.

(Eeeew. The images I find in spam are something more suited to Stephen King than to me. I am not happy in spamland.)

Whacking spam takes too much of my energy.

Please help me sort your real e-mail out of the spam: Please put the title of one of my novels or stories in the subject line of your e-mail? A quote? The name of a character you liked? Just anything to let me know it's me you want to talk to and not five million suckers.

Thanks in advance.

Unless otherwise noted, all photos & text on these pages are © 1992-2004 Janet Kagan

Teacher Credit: I made all the tiles on these pages from my own photos...with enormous help from Doctor Ozone's Hands-On Tutorials. Go here and he'll show you how, too. Thanks, Doc, for looking after us newbies. I owe ya.
Obligatory legal note: All stories, text, photos and knicknacks on these pages are mine, all mine, unless otherwise noted. If it's mine, it's copyrighted. If I show you something of someone else's, that someone else holds copyright. If you print a copy for yourself or download one of the pictures to play with on your own webpage, I'm delighted you liked it and I hope you'll mention my name and site. However, if you charge money for my work or use it to sell your product, I'll get ya for it. (Now, if you're a commercial site and want to pay me, I can always use the money---let's talk.) 
Non-obligatory note: I'm having a great deal of fun messing about with my PhotoShop programs. If you are, too, and you get something really neat using one of my photos for background (or bits or pieces or whatever), please e-mail me a copy? I'd love to see it. Thanks.