Europa | EU | A | BG | CH | CZ | D | H | HR | I | RO | SCG | SK | SLO | --> Novala
Belgrade Tourist Guide

Twenty meters from my office for the first time of my life I noticed this bookstore this afternoon:

Bookstore. (novala)

And guess what's in the shop window.
Travelguide Belgrade. (novala)

Vienna is full of miracles.

No Travel Guides For Serbia

Sreda, 19. maj 2004, 22:12, von novala | |Kommentieren

moncay, ?etrtek, 20. maj 2004, 14:49
this proofs
what I always have believed in: that one sees the things he/she wants to see and those, which she/he ignores, don´t exist. anyway, congratulations! I hope it is a good one.


novala, Petek, 21. maj 2004, 12:34
I didn't buy it,
but maybe I should.
