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News Feed

A roundup of news about the media business. (Click here to get the Daily Media News Feed by email.)

[ Wednesday, June 9, 2004 ]
updated June 9, 2004 9:19 AM ET

Clear Channel Payoff to End Static
The Federal Communications Commission and the broadcasting company have reached a record $2 million settlement that would clear the radio giant of all the indecency charges lodged against it, including those stemming from Howard Stern's show.

Outside Mediator for Dow Jones Contract
Peter Kann, embattled CEO of Dow Jones and Company, blinked in the bitter labor negotiations with the company's largest union, the Independent Association of Publishing Employees.

Pew: Fewer Republicans Trust News
Howard Kurtz: In a country increasingly divided into red and blue states, the media are taking on a more partisan coloration as well, at least in the eyes of those who read and watch. USAT: Partisanship taking hold among news watchers.

Paper Denies Story Led to Girl's Murder
The Star-News in Wilmington, North Carolina, says it was right to publish a story about a college student being stalked by a former boyfriend, even though the boyfriend allegedly shot the student to death last week.

TiVo to Bridge TV, Internet
The Internet, in jumping past the personal computer and into the living room television set, is starting to give viewers the possibility of bypassing traditional cable and satellite services.

Revisiting O.J., Media Guilty Again
It's one thing for O.J. Simpson to make himself available for the networks. It's quite another for those networks to vie to secure an "exclusive"' interview with the football Hall of Famer.

Obit Writers Miss Reagan
When the news of President Reagan’s death broke, many of the nation's top obituary editors and writers were at the Great Obituary Writers' International conference in New Mexico. VV: In TV terms, Reagan showed very bad timing with his death, writes, Richard Goldstein.

Wrong Editorial After NHL Finals
The Tampa Tribune apologized to readers and the Tampa Bay Lightning after mistakenly running an editorial saying the hockey team had lost Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.

Reporter Electrocuted on Assignment
A television journalist covering a gas well explosion in Texas was killed yesterday when his station's van came in contact with high voltage wiring.

Freston Has Leg Up at Viacom
Sumner Redstone's original succession plan called for Tom Freston to take over as his sole top deputy when Mel Karmazin resigned last week.

Fortune Rips Off Author?
Constance Hays, author of The Real Thing, a book about the management problems at Coca-Cola, was fuming over a recent cover story in Fortune about the same embattled soda king.

*** and the City
The expurgated version of HBO's series Sex and the City to be broadcast on TBS required microsurgery on 94 episodes. Executives insist that the show remains essentially the same.

Details on Trib Cuts
The company plans to trim 200 jobs from its publishing group, or roughly 1 percent of the 20,000 jobs in that division.

Reagan as TV Auteur
Joe Hagan: According to Sam Donaldson, Ronald Reagan was great with TV cameras because he actually believed much of what he said.

Muschamp Restless
Tom Scocca: The New York Times archectiture critic feels that he's "running out the string."

Medea Benjamin for President*
Matt Smith: The new reality TV show American Candidate is as rigged as a Florida election. A recount won't help. We need a boycott.

Comcast in Talks Over Toddler Channel
The company is in advanced talks to develop a 24-hour TV network for preschool children. But, uh, wouldn't that keep them up past their bedtime?

Times Names New Editorial Writer
Lawrence Downes, an editor on the national desk of The New York Times, has been named an editorial writer.

David S. Hirschman

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The Revolving Door

Who's coming and who's going. (Click here to get the Revolving Door with expert analysis by email twice a week. An AvantGuild benefit.)

Julie Z. Rosenberg, creative services copy director for Fortune and FSB, is leaving her position at the company, effective today. (mb)

Chris Dixon has been named art director at New York. He previously held positions at The New York Times Magazine, Financial Times magazine, and Adbusters. (mb)

Justin Hibbard has joined BusinessWeek as a correspondent in the Silicon Valley bureau. He was previously a freelancer. (mb)

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Survey Says...

Have your say on the big media issues.

From the editors' note to the ombudsman's column to the New York profile, it's been a bad week for Judith Miller. Should The New York Times be doing more to chastise its star WMD reporter?

 No. She didn't do anything wrong; it's not her fault the Pentagon was listening to a liar.
 No. She deserves what she's gotten, but it's time to move on.
 Yes, and the Times should be more forthcoming about all its reporters and editors who did sloppy WMD work.
 Yes. One reporter's gullibility helped sell this nation on a war. She should be fired.

mb Content

Our original coverage and analysis of the media business.

Coming Out
A secretly straight author takes a deep breath and exits the closet.

Pitching an Agent: Mendel Media Group AvantGuild
This new Brooklyn-based agency, led by a former academic, is a home for serious nonfiction projects.
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So What Do You Do, Danny Gregory?
A former ad man turned freelance illustrator on changing careers, drawing the news, and the age-old task of turning tragedy into art.

Party Photos: Cocktails in Los Angeles
The corner of Hollywood and Vine has long been famous for all sorts of things—but not, alas, for playing host to mediabistro.com cocktail parties. It was time to change that last month.

Transcript: The Basics of Freelancing for Newspapers AvantGuild
Freelance writer and former New York Times reporter Julia Campbell takes you through the basics of freelancing for the dailies—from finding sources to reporting and writing to crafting the perfect pitch.

Party Photos: Cocktails in New York City
We're going to do something to our livers yet, what with all this drinking to your health. But so what? We've got mediabistro.com health insurance, anywhere in the country.

Party Photos: Cocktails in New York City
We're a bunch of social butterflies, so where better for us to throw a party than at the Social Club?

Letters to the Editor
Readers on sales pitches, the liberal media, freelancers, and rookies.

Excerpt: Google: The Missing Manual
Every journalist knows how helpful Google can be. But a new guide teaches some even more useful tricks to using the search engine.

How to Pitch: Working Mother AvantGuild
At this specialized parenting mag, you might just be able to score a cover story.
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Survey Says: What Happened to Graydongate?
Turns out, no one expects much from Vanity Fair in the first place.

Sales Pitch
One writer discovers that sales training can help in her freelance career.

Pitching an Agent: Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency AvantGuild
This mid-sized agency's tastes are broad and eclectic, and the projects its agents take on are less defined by subject than by the quality of the writing.
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Party Photos: Cocktails in Detroit
mb rocked the Motor City Brewing Works last month at a party for Detroit's coolest media pros.

Party Photos: Cocktails in Lexington, Kentucky
We've always known there are media people in places between the coasts, and last month we ventured all the way to Lexington, Kentucky, to find them.

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nyc 2-day course
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Become editorially proficient in QuarkXPress and in just one weekend. June 12-13.
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travel writing boot camp starts tomorrow

In 8 weeks, you
could be published in Travel + Leisure. How will you know if you don't try? Class begins tomorrow in Santa Monica.

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been "quite helpful in my freelance work," reports Aaron Dalton. And his editors and sources are impressed by his @AvantGuild.com address! Get your email account now!
htp articles
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The entire mag is written by freelancers and they pay two bucks a word. Break into AARP The Magazine—and more than 100 other publications—with our How to Pitch articles.
l.a. testimonial
basic training: introduction to mag writing

Paramount executive assistant Stephanie Schramm learned "how to pitch, who
to pitch to, and what editors really want" in 8 weeks. You can, too. Next class starts Thursday, June 24.

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