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Today: OPEC did 'raise' their output targets but it probably won't boost oil supplies much as cartel countries have been exceeding their limits anyway. New Census of Ag data shows fewer farms are producing more of our ag output and USDA's weekly update on exports of U.S. ag goods is out this morning.
Chore Time: Daily insights and perspectives on the world of agriculture from Pro Farmer Editor Chip Flory. Posted weekday mornings.
OutLook Today: A concise wrap-up of the day's commodity trade from Farm Journal Economist Bob Utterback. Posted weekday afternoons.
EHedger Report: Three market updates every day the markets are open from EHedger Managing Director Mark Gold.
A Good Laugh: Early morning highlights of late night laughs, including the best of Letterman and Leno. Posted weekday mornings.
Moneywise Memo: Analysis and perspective on the issues impacting the business of agriculture, from Moneywise Editor Jim Dugan.
Inside AgWeb Weekly
Sorting it Out: Weekly market perspective focusing on both grains and livestock from Karen Ballhagen of A.G. Edwards.Updated every Monday morning.
Washington Insight: Weekly insight and analysis from Pro Farmer Washington Consultant Jim Wiesemeyer. Updated every Tuesday.
The Ruralist: Weekly commentary from Dave Frederickson, President of the National Farmers Union. Updated every Wednesday.
The Truth: Weekly commentary from Dean Kleckner, Chairman of Truth About Trade and Technology. Updated every Thursday.
Market Watch: A weekly wrap of the commodity markets from analyst Alan Brugler. Posted every Friday afternoon.
Editor's Note: Inside Washington Today, From the Bullpen and News From Around the World can now be found in Pro Farmer's Member's Only section. To access, go to the Pro Farmer section of AgWeb and click on the "Member's Only" button.