PROJECTS The US survey course on the Web Histories of September 11, 2001 Primary sources in world history Exploring and collecting history Exploring the French Revolution Headlines in historical context Antebellum life and culture in 3D Lights out in NYC, 1965 & 1977 Interpreting by translation HYPERTEXT SCHOLARSHIP IN AMERICAN STUDIES Four digital essays |
HISTORY NEWS NETWORK Now affiliated with CHNM, History News Network (HNN) is a web-based magazine that features articles by historians of all political persuasions. The site places current events in historical perspective. Edited by Rick Shenkman, HNN is regularly read by tens of thousands of historians and people interested in the intersection of the past and the present.
PROJECTS US History, 1876-1946 on CD-ROM A magazine for teachers and students of English THE GMU DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY & ART HISTORY Home to CHNM and other good things One of the most widely cited history journals in the US An online exhibit A doctorate with a difference DC AREA AMERICAN CULTURE SCHOLARS An online directory |
PROJECTS The US survey course on the Web Histories of September 11, 2001 Primary sources in world history Exploring and collecting history Exploring the French Revolution Headlines in historical context Antebellum life and culture in 3D Lights out in NYC, 1965 & 1977 Interpreting by translation HYPERTEXT SCHOLARSHIP IN AMERICAN STUDIES Four digital essays |
TOOLS A note-taking application designed especially with historians in mind A tool that builds on-line surveys, especially applicable to oral histories An application allowing students to create collaborative, on-line scrapbooks Create on-line polls of all kinds for free Find and compare syllabi on any topic
RESOURCES GUIDE TO HISTORY DEPARTMENTS AROUND THE WORLD Searchable database linking to roughly 1,200 history departments around the world. Searchable and indexed database of more than 5,000 US and world history sites Essays on theoretical and practical aspects of using history in digital form
FEATURES Famous episodes in world history, including images, movie clips, and sound Audio interviews with historians, writers, and others who use history Audio documents presenting the voice of historyeither speeches or oral histories. Features focusing on amusing episodes from the past that make a serious point Professional historians suggest the best (and over-rated) books Puzzles and quizzes that will put your thinking cap to the test Using JT Imaging tech to explore large-format images and maps
ABOUT CENTER FOR HISTORY & NEW MEDIA george mason university STAFF Roy Rosenzweig, Director Mike OMalley, Associate Director Paula Petrik, Associate Director T. Mills Kelly, Associate Director Kelly Schrum, Assistant Director Dan Cohen, Co-Director, ECHO Tom Scheinfeldt, Managing Director, September 11 Digital Archive Elena Razlogova, Webmaster Heran Sereke-Brhan, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Women and World History Eleanor Greene, Project Director, Teaching American History