Nevada GOP bets its chips
on Reid
3rd-term senator’s
hard-ball tactics
squash opposition
By Alexander
Nearly 120 prominent Nevada Republicans
are endorsing Senate Minority Whip Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
for re-election, including former Republican National
Committee Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf and the father of
Republican Sen. John Ensign, whom Reid defeated six
years ago.
When Reid officially kicked off his campaign with three
rallies around the state last week, he was introduced
by a Republican official at each rally.
Daschle and Frist make up
By Geoff
Tensions between Senate Republican
and Democratic leaders have surprisingly abated in recent
weeks after a series of high-profile compromises.
The relationship between Senate Majority Leader Bill
Frist (R-Tenn.) and Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.)
soured after Frist committed to attending a campaign
rally in South Dakota for former Rep. John Thune (R-S.D.).
The race between Daschle and Thune this fall is expected
to be tight.
wants gun ban
to be extended By
Michael S. Gerber
stands up for sugar,
opposes CAFTA
By Patrick O’Connor
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) chops away at a head of
lettuce to help feed
Washington's homeless at the DC Central Kitchen on Thursday.
Photo by John Shinkle
Remembering Reagan
Members of Congress remember the nation's 40th president
this week. Click here
for their remarks.
Not on speaking terms
Thomas, Manzullo rely
on McCrery
as intermediary
By Jonathan
E. Kaplan
The relationship between two House committee chairmen
has become so strained that they have stopped talking to each
other and rely on an intermediary to negotiate over corporate
tax-reform legislation.
Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.) and Small Business
Committee Chairman Don Manzullo (R-Ill.) communicate through
Rep. Jim McCrery (R-La.), a senior member on the Ways and Means
Committee, to convey their positions and learn about each other’s
views on a set of tax breaks for American corporations that
have been ruled illegal by the World Trade Organization.
Who gets chopped from Ag.?
By Hans
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) yesterday was scrambling to clear a seat on the Agriculture
Committee for newly elected Stephanie Herseth, who will be sworn
in this morning.
Pelosi had promised Herseth a slot on the panel during the campaign
two weeks ago, and Herseth made that promise the centerpiece
of her endorsement from the National Farmers Union.