Issues and current events | Politicians and government officials | Pundits and commentators
Issues and current eventsIraq | War on terrorism | Tax and budget | Judicial nominations | NEA/Sept. 11 myth | Enron and corporate misconduct | Bush's "trifecta"| Ken Lay/Lincoln bedroom myth | Terrorist labels and Taliban/Iraq comparisons | Social Security | The environment
-Kennedy misrepresents Bush on Saddam-Al Qaeda connection (Bryan Keefer, 1/18/04)
-Pundits overstate Al Qaeda links (Bryan Keefer, 11/24/03)
-More on "imminent threat" (Ben Fritz, 11/13/03)
-Strategic ambiguity about Ansar Al-Islam (Bryan Keefer column, 11/7/03)
-Sorting out the "imminent threat" debate (Ben Fritz column, 11/3/03)
-Pundits won't stop spinning Clark's phone call (Ben Fritz column, 9/3/03)
-Lies, spin and truth in the controversy over Iraq's alleged pursuit of uranium (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 7/29/03)
-Not quite a "false claim" (Ben Fritz, 7/16/03)
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-The Strategically ambiguous George W. Bush (Bryan Keefer column, 6/12/03)
-Barnes perpetuates the Scud myth (Brendan Nyhan, 5/30/03)
-More myths, misconceptions and unanswered questions about the war in Iraq (Brendan Nyhan and Bryan Keefer column, 5/28/03) -Pro-war media critics deceive and distort (Ben Fritz, 4/16/03)
-A spate of misquotes and misattributions (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan, 4/9/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about the war in Iraq (Brendan Nyhan and Bryan Keefer column, 4/4/03)
-Some war rhetoric turns against open debate (Ben Fritz, 4/4/03)
-Framing critical news reporting as pro-Saddam (Bryan Keefer, 3/28/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about Iraq (Bryan Keefer, Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 3/20/03)
-Cheap attacks on war opponents (Ben Fritz, 3/13/03)
-Taranto's defense of the indefensible (Brendan Nyhan, 2/18/03)
-New York Sun suggests treason prosecution for free speech (Brendan Nyhan, 2/7/03)
-Fools rush in (Brendan Nyhan, 10/15/02)
-Liberals turn "imperialism" into ad hominem (Ben Fritz, 10/9/02)
-"Un-American" and "anti-American" accusations fly over Iraq policy (Bryan Keefer, 10/8/02)
-Al Gore returns . . . and spreads some falsehoods (Ben Fritz, 10/3/02)
-Post mortem (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-GOP tag team drags down Daschle debate (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-The "A" Bomb (Ben Fritz, 9/26/02)
-Coulter echoes Iraq spin (Bryan Keefer, 8/7/02)
-Stifling 'axis of evil' dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 2/15/02)
-Kristol segues from suggestion to accusation (Ben Fritz, 10/31/01)
War on terrorism
-More Scheer myth-spreading (Brendan Nyhan, 8/6/03)
-Dowd spawns Bush media myth (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/22/03)
-Letter: Marc Herold responds (3/27/03)
-The dissent smackdown (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/6/03)
-The big NEA-Sept. 11 lie, cont'd (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/18/02)
-NEA myth spreads on Slate (Brendan Nyhan, 9/10/02)
-The big NEA-Sept. 11 lie (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/5/02)
-Ted Rall's faulty questions (Ben Fritz, 8/14/02)
-The patriot patrol strikes again (Bryan Keefer, 8/6/02)
-Podhoretz's false choice: dissent or war (Ben Fritz, 6/6/02)
-Axing the tough questions (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/21/02)
-Hijacking the issue (Ben Fritz column, 5/18/02)
-Return of Rall: Oil conspiracy redux (Bryan Keefer column, 4/13/02)
-Distorting criticism of attempts to suppress dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 3/7/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/4/02)
-Quieting the homefront (Bryan Keefer, 3/1/02)
-Stifling "axis of evil" dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 2/15/02)
-Sowell blames educational system for Walker and Bishop (Bryan Keefer, 1/9/02)
-The John Walker Attack on Liberalism (Ben Fritz column, 12/17/01)
-Don Feder's anti-liberal war jargon (Spinsanity series, November 27-29, 2001)
-Manufacturing dissent: Chomsky dissembles on Afghan hunger (Brendan Nyhan, 11/5/01)
-Kristol segues from suggestion to accusation (Ben Fritz, 10/31/01)
-"Patriotism" and "Treason": A New Trend in Irresponsible Wartime Rhetoric (Ben Fritz column, 10/29/01)
-Malkin's frontal assault on anti-war dissent (Bryan Keefer, 10/25/01) -Coulter goes even further off the deep end (Brendan Nyhan, 10/18/01)
-Truth and Dissembling on Central Asian Oil Politics (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/15/01)
-New York Post blames Clinton's affair for terrorist attacks (Ben Fritz, 10/3/01)
-Criticizing American Policy: Picking and Choosing What is Legitimate (Bryan Keefer column, 10/1/01)
-If you're not with Michael Kelly, you're pro-terrorist (Bryan Keefer, 9/27/01)
-Suppressing Dissent At Home, Fighting for Freedom Abroad? (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/24/01)
-Andrew Sullivan's "fifth column" rhetoric (Brendan Nyhan, 9/20/01)
-Mark Steyn casts rhetoric at all who dare oppose war (Ben Fritz, 9/18/01)
-Is Rational Discourse Another Casualty of Tuesday's Attacks? (Ben Fritz column, 9/17/01)
Tax and budget issues
-Gore, Gillespie deceive in addresses (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond (Bryan Keefer column, 1/12/04)
-Deceptive attacks on Democratic economic plans (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/03)
-The $38 billion deficit that won't go away (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/28/03)
-Cheney dissembles about taxes, deficits and more (Ben Fritz, 9/17/03)
-Bush deficit-cutting plan contradicts stated policies (Brendan Nyhan, 9/16/03)
-Bush distorts taxes and deficits once again (Ben Fritz, 9/12/03)
-McClellan debuts with dissembling about taxes and deficits (Ben Fritz, 7/16/03)
-The catch in Bush's $15 billion HIV/AIDS plan (Ben Fritz, 7/14/03)
-The strategically ambiguous George W. Bush (Bryan Keefer column, 6/12/03)
-More misleading averages from Bush administration (Ben Fritz, 5/31/03)
-The Bush administration vs. its economists - part 2 (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/16/03)
-More Bush tax cut spin (Bryan Keefer, 5/9/03)
-Patriotism charges from left and right (Brendan Nyhan, 4/29/03)
-Patriotism attacks on Snowe and Voinovich (Bryan Keefer, 4/23/03)
-Bartlett's cognitive dissonance (Brendan Nyhan, 3/17/03)
-Bush's Blue Chip deception (Bryan Keefer, 3/2/03)
-The Bush administration vs. its economists (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/13/03)
-Bad Bush numbers on welfare reform (Bryan Keefer, 2/13/03)
-Schorr feeds spin to listeners (Brendan Nyhan, 2/11/03)
-More bad Bush numbers (Brendan Nyhan, 2/3/03)
-No truth dividends in tax debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/31/03)
-Confusion reigns on whether Bush tax cut is "progressive" (Brendan Nyhan, 1/30/03)
-State of the Union features more tax cut spin (Bryan Keefer, 1/29/03)
-Not your ordinary averages (Bryan Keefer, 1/24/03)
-The art of "class warfare" (Ben Fritz column, 1/15/03)
-Taxing the public's trust (Bryan Keefer column, 1/10/03)
-RNC's Halloween tricks (Bryan Keefer, 10/31/02)
-Cooking up a conspiracy (Bryan Keefer, 8/19/02)
-The OMB press release fiasco continues (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/02)
-More spinning in OMB response letter (Brendan Nyhan, 8/5/02)
-Ignore, ignore, ignore (Brendan Nyhan, 8/2/02)
-Democrats distort the budget (Ben Fritz, 8/1/02)
-The mystery of the trifecta (Brendan Nyhan, 5/15/02)
-A real burden on the taxpayers (Brendan Nyhan, 4/17/02)
-Redefining "balanced budget" (Bryan Keefer, 3/16/02)
-Mitch Daniels' fuzzy math (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/12/02)
-Bush budget trickery (Brendan Nyhan, 2/5/02)
-The New Math: Fudging the Numbers in the Economic Blame Game (Bryan Keefer column, 1/28/02)
-The absurdity of catchphrase politics (Bredan Nyhan, 1/25/02)
-Here Comes "Daschlenomics": The GOP Readies Its Rhetorical Playbook (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/22/02)
-The "Enronomics" offensive (Brendan Nyhan, 1/15/02)
-Blurring the lines in the surplus debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/02)
-Daschle and Bush spin debate on stimulus (Ben Fritz, 1/8/02)
-More of the economic blame game (Brendan Nyhan, 12/7/01)
-New tax cut dissembling from the Bush administration (Ben Fritz, 11/13/01)
-Pre-empting Debate on Economic Stimulus (Ben Fritz column, 11/12/01)
-Pundits insinuate Democrats want a recession (Bryan Keefer, 11/9/01)
-Playing the economic blame game (Ben Fritz, 9/11/01)
-Spinning the Social Security Surplus (Bryan Keefer column, 9/10/01)
-Wilentz's tax illogic (Brendan Nyhan, 9/7/01)
-Mitch Daniels spins the Medicare trust fund (Bryan Keefer, 7/16/01)
-Bush tax cut costs $1.35 trillion . . . no, $1.8 trillion (Ben Fritz, 6/21/01) -Recycling Rhetoric: Media Coverage of the Bush Tax Cut (Ben Fritz column, 5/29)
Judicial nominations
-Selective quotation of Democratic memo (Brendan Nyhan, 12/1/03)
-The ugly "Neanderthal" battle (Brendan Nyhan, 11/19/03)
-The debased Pryor debate (Brendan Nyhan, 8/5/03)
-Manufacturing opponents of "civil rights" (Brendan Nyhan, 1/16/03)
-Demagoguing Pickering (Brendan Nyhan, 1/10/03)
-Do as I say (Bryan Keefer, 5/14/02)
-Republicans pull the race card on Estrada nomination (Ben Fritz, 4/11/02)
-Ad hominem galore (Bryan Keefer, 3/28/02)
-Pickering's race war (Ben Fritz column, 3/13/02)
-McAuliffe's week of jargon (Bryan Keefer, 3/8/02)
-Thomas Bray gives us "Chuck Schumer's America" (Bryan Keefer, 7/3/01)
-Judging Judges: Framing the debate over court nominations (Bryan Keefer column, 7/2/01)
Myth about the NEA's Sept. 11 teaching materials
-The big NEA-Sept. 11 lie, continued (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/18/02)
-NEA myth spreads on Slate (Brendan Nyhan, 9/10/02)
-The big NEA-Sept. 11 lie (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/5/02)
Enron and corporate misconduct
-Election jargon sneak peak (Ben Fritz, 8/9/02)
-A political bull market (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/02)
-Looking for a silver lining (Ben Fritz column, 7/23/02)
-Worldcom blame game (Brendan Nyhan column, 7/4/02)
-Sticks and stones (Bryan Keefer, 5/7/02)
-McCaslin reign of error continues (Brendan Nyhan, 3/23/02)
-A myth dies slowly (Brendan Nyhan, 3/15/02)
-Paul Harvey repeats McCaslin misinformation (Brendan Nyhan, 3/14/02)
-Another bedroom farce, Part 2 (Brendan Nyhan, 3/12/02)
-NY Times also duped by Ken Lay / Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 3/4/02)
-Hollings keeps on spinning (Ben Fritz, 3/3/02)
-An update on the Ken Lay / Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 2/24/02)
-Another bedroom farce (Brendan Nyhan, 2/21/02)
-Coming up Enron (Bryan Keefer column , 2/20/02)
-New Enron lies target Clinton (Ben Fritz, 2/18/02)
-Fritzkrieg! A Democratic senator lies about Enron to smear Bush (Ben Fritz, 2/13/02)
-Unfair Enron comparisons coninue (Bryan Keefer, 2/6/02)
-Daniels and Waxman battle for spin supremacy (Brendan Nyhan, 2/1/02)
-Bad logic is no secret (Brendan Nyhan, 1/29/01)
-The absurdity of catchphrase politics (Brendan Nyhan, 1/25/01)
-Enron association game continues unabated (Bryan Keefer, 1/16/01)
-The "Enronomics" offensive (Brendan Nyhan, 1/15/02)
-Scandalous Rhetoric Before the Scandal: The Growing Enron Debate (Ben Fritz column, 1/14/02)
-Spin works its way into liberal harping on Enron (Ben Fritz, 12/13/01)
Bush's "trifecta"
-Card revives the trifecta (Brendan Nyhan, 11/12/02)
-Bush reportedly asked to drop "trifecta" story (Brendan Nyhan, 7/17/02)
-Blogger defenses of "trifecta" don't make the cut (Brendan Nyhan, 6/20/02)
-Losing the "trifecta" (Brendan Nyhan, 6/18/02)
-The mystery of the "trifecta" (Brendan Nyhan, 5/15/02)
Myth that Ken Lay slept in the Lincoln Bedroom under Clinton
-McCaslin reign of error continues (Brendan Nyhan, 3/23/02)
-A myth dies slowly (Brendan Nyhan, 3/15/02)
-Paul Harvey repeats McCaslin misinformation (Brendan Nyhan, 3/14/02)
-Another bedroom farce, part 2 (Brendan Nyhan, 3/12/02)
-NY Times also duped by Ken Lay/Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 3/4/02)
-An update on the Ken Lay/Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 2/28/02)
-Another bedroom farce (Brendan Nyhan, 2/21/02)
-New Enron lies target Clinton (Ben Fritz, 2/18/02)
Terrorist comparisons and Taliban/Iraq labels
-Glib Iraq comparisons comtinue (Bryan Keefer, 5/14/03)
-Unfair comparisons to Fedayeen, Iraqi and Syrian officials (Brendan Nyahn, 4/22/03)
-The trouble with Media Whores Online (Brendan Nyhan column, 8/15/02)
-Taliban comparisons continue (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/02)
-Saddam, terrorist comparisions become commonplace (Bryan Keefer column, 10/25/02)
-Terrorist labels won't go away (Bryan Keefer, 12/6/01) -Taliban labels flying fast and furious (Bryan Keefer, 11/16/01) -Terrorist metaphors run rampant (Brendan Nyhan, 10/27/01) -Limbaugh hypocrisy and ethnic slurs (Brendan Nyhan, 9/25/01) -Julian Bond crosses the line again (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01)
Social Security
-A case of mistaken distortion (Ben Fritz, 9/13/02)
-Election jargon sneak peak (Ben Fritz, 8/9/02)
-Democratic email demagoguery (Brendan Nyhan, 8/4/02)
-Antisocial security (Ben Fritz, 7/28/02)
-Social Security silliness (Bryan Keefer, 7/26/02)
-When buzzwords go bad (Ben Fritz column, 6/11/02)
-Playing the Social Security card (Ben Fritz, 4/30/02)
-McAuliffe's week of jargon (Bryan Keefer, 3/8/02)
-Mail Fraud (Ben Fritz, 2/25/02)
-Daschle spins the Social Security surplus (Bryan Keefer, 2/13/01)
-Spinning the Social Security Surplus (Bryan Keefer, 9/10/01) -DuPont uses selective specifics to tilt Social Security debate (Ben Fritz, 8/29/01) -An APB for intellectual honesty on Social Security privatization (Brendan Nyhan, 8/22/01) -Both sides play pin the tail on the Social Security surplus (Bryan Keefer, 8/22/01) -Novak's welcome-back gift for Congress: Social Security spin (Ben Fritz, 8/20/01) -A useless Social Security stalemate (Brendan Nyhan, 8/9/01) -David Horowitz's "ideological fog machine" (Ben Fritz, 8/8/01) -Faking consensus and framing tradeoffs on Social Security privatization (Bryan Keefer, 7/26/01) -Social Security report spin (Ben Fritz, 7/19/01) -Limbaugh deceptive on Social Security (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01)
Environmental issues
-The arsenic meme (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/04)
-The blowhard next door (Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer column, 8/26/02)
-Gore's speech deserves more scrutiny (Brendan Nyhan, 4/25/02)
-"I would challenge them to a duel" (Bryan Keefer, 4/19/02)
-Strassel takes on the Endangered Species Act (Bryan Keefer, 8/23/01) -Kyoto cheap shots at Bush (Brendan Nyhan, 7/24/01) -John Stossel and the "liberal media orthodoxy" (Bryan Keefer, 7/9/01) -Stossel resorts to rhetoric (Ben Fritz, 6/30/01) -Bush environmental spin (Ben Fritz, 5/2/01) -The rhetoric of uncertainty (Bryan Keefer column, 4/30/01)
Politicians and government officials
President George W. Bush | Attacks on Bush | Gen. Wesley Clark | Attacks on Clark | Gov. Howard Dean | Attacks on Dean | Sen. John Edwards | Attacks on Edwards | Rep. Dick Gephardt | Attacks on Gephardt | Sen. John Kerry | Attacks on Kerry | Rep. Dennis Kucinich | Sen. Joe Lieberman | Attacks on Lieberman
President George W. Bush
-Bush deficit-cutting plan contradicts stated policies (Brendan Nyhan, 9/16/03)
-Bush distorts taxes and deficits once again (Ben Fritz, 9/12/03)
-Major revision operations on the White House website (Ben Fritz, 8/28/03)
-Lies, spin and truth in the controversy over Iraq's alleged pursuit of uranium (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 7/29/03)
-The catch in Bush's $15 billion HIV/AIDS plan (Ben Fritz, 7/14/03)
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-The strategically ambiguous George W. Bush (Bryan Keefer column, 6/12/03)
-Bush falsely claims "we found the weapons of mass destruction" (Ben Fritz, 6/1/03)
-More misleading averages from bush administration (Ben Fritz, 5/31/03)
-The Bush administtration vs. its economists - part 2 (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/16/03)
-More Bush tax cut spin (Bryan Keefer, 5/9/03)
-Bush's Blue Chip deception (Bryan Keefer, 3/2/03)
-The Bush administration vs. its economists (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/13/03)
-Bad Bush numbers on welfare reform (Bryan Keefer, 2/13/03)
-More bad Bush numbers (Brendan Nyhan, 2/3/03)
-State of the Union features more tax cut spin (Bryan Keefer, 1/29/03)
-Not your ordinary averages (Bryan Keefer, 1/24/03)
-The art of "class warfare" (Ben Fritz column, 1/15/03)
-Taxing the public's trust (Bryan Keefer column, 1/10/03)
-Making Bush tell the truth (Brendan Nyhan column, 11/8/02)
-Bush reportedly asked to drop "trifecta" story (Brendan Nyhan, 7/17/02)
-Blogger defenses of "trifecta" don't make the cut (Brendan Nyhan, 6/20)
-Losing the "trifecta" (Brendan Nyhan, 6/18/02)
-The mystery of the trifecta (Brendan Nyhan, 5/15/02)
-No beating around the Bush (Brendan Nyhan, 5/11/02)
-Daschle and Bush spin debate on stimulus (Ben Fritz, 1/8/02)
-New tax cut dissembling from Bush administration (Ben Fritz, 11/13/01)
-Playing the economic blame game (Ben Fritz, 9/11/01)
-Bush suspects, therefore he is (Ben Fritz, 9/5/01)
-Bush "agonizes," Washington press corps feeds on own spin (Bryan Keefer, 8/13/01)
-Bush sums up his achievements, and his spin (Ben Fritz, 8/3/01)
-"Last-Minute" Spinning: Discrediting Clinton's Regulations (Bryan Keefer column, 7/11/01)
-Using 'Changing the Tone' to Suppress Criticism (Brendan Nyhan column, 6/4/01)
-Bush environmental spin (Ben Fritz, 5/2/01)
-Bush pre-spins European critics (Ben Fritz, 6/12/01)
Attacks on President George W. Bush
-Kennedy misrepresents Bush on Saddam-Al Qaeda connection (Bryan Keefer, 1/18/04)
-The arsenic meme (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/04)
-Dean's not-so-straight talk on Bush and the war (Brendan Nyhan column, 12/17/03)
-The liberal who cried wolf (Ben Fritz column, 12/8/03)
-More excesses from Bush critics (Brendan Nyhan, 8/18/03)
-Bush critics mucking up the truth (Ben Fritz, 8/16/03)
- Lies, spin and truth in the controversy over Iraq's alleged pursuit of uranium (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 7/29/03)
-Not quite a "false claim" (7/16/03)
-Unreliable quotations (Brendan Nyhan, 7/7/03)
-Dowd spawns Bush media myth (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/22/03)
-Kerry's call for "regime change" (Bryan Keefer, 4/5/03)
-The spread of a phony Bushism (Brendan Nyhan, 3/11/03)
-The myth that won't die (Brendan Nyhan, 2/27/03)
-Dems keep up inflammatory anti-Bush rhetoric (Ben Fritz, 1/28/03)
-Daschle: Everything wrong with the economy is Bush's fault (Ben Fritz, 9/19/02)
-Bad facts in criticism of Bush OSU speech (Brendan Nyhan, 6/18/02)
-Sticks and stones (Bryan Keefer, 5/7/02)
-Playing the Social Security card (Ben Fritz, 4/30/02)
-Gore's speech deserves more scrutiny (Brendan Nyhan, 4/25/02)
-Return of Rall: Oil conspiracy redux (Bryan Keefer column, 4/12/02)
-Moore problems (Ben Fritz, 4/10/02)
-One Moore Stupid White Man (Ben Fritz column, 4/3/02)
-Stupid white lies (Ben Fritz, 3/25/02)
-Coloring the truth (Brendan Nyhan, 3/21/02)
-Pickering's race war (Ben Fritz column, 3/13/02)
-McAuliffe's week of jargon (Bryan Keefer, 3/8/02)
-Hollings keeps on spinning (Ben Fritz, 3/3/02)
-Coming up Enron (Bryan Keefer column, 2/20/02)
-Fritzkreig! A Democratic senator lies about Enron to smear Bush (Ben Fritz, 2/13/02)
-Daschle spins the Social Security surplus (2/13/02)
-Unfair Enron comparisons continue (Bryan Keefer, 2/6/02)
-Daniels and Waxman battle for spin supremacy (Brendan Nyhan, 2/1/02)
-Bad logic is no secret (Brendan Nyhan, 1/29/02)
-The New Math: Fudging the Numbers in the Economic Blame Game (Bryan Keefer column, 1/28/02)
-Scandalous Rhetoric Before the Scandal: The Growing Enron Debate (Ben Fritz column, 1/14/02)
-Spin works its way into liberal harping on Enron (Ben Fritz, 12/13/01)
-Bad comparisons on civil liberties (Ben Fritz, 11/21/01)
-New tax cut dissembling from Bush administration (Ben Fritz, 11/13/01)
-Truth and Dissembling on Central Asian Oil Politics (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/15/01)
-Scheer Deception: The Lies and Jargon of Robert Scheer (Ben Fritz column, 10/8/01)
-The Taliban aid trope re-emerges (Brendan Nyhan, 9/17/01)
-Dowd's ad-hoc psychologizing (Bryan Keefer, 9/6/01)
-Scheer propaganda on a claimed recession (Brendan Nyhan, 8/28/01)
-Terry McAuliffe's ridiculous extrapolations (Brendan Nyhan, 8/9/01)
-Double Standards and Spin: Liberal Attacks on Bush's Foreign Policy (Ben Fritz column, 7/30/01)
-Another liberal cheap shot against Bush (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/01)
-Kyoto cheap shots at Bush (Brendan Nyhan, 7/24/01)
-Jackson's red herring discrimination charges (Ben Fritz, 7/23/01)
-Julian Bond crosses the line again (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01)
-Intent in the Florida mess (Brendan Nyhan, 6/14/01)
-Scheer propaganda (Brendan Nyhan, 6/12/01)
General Wesley Clark
-Clark enters the spin zone (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
Attacks on General Wesley Clark
-Clark enters the spin zone (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-Deceptive attacks on Democratic economic plans (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/03)
-How media myths are created" The continuing saga of the Wesley Clark phone call narrative (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/16/03)
-Dude, Where's My Intellectual Honesty? (Bryan Keefer column, 10/16/03)
-Pundits keep spinning Clark phone call (Bryan Keefer column, 9/25/03)
-Pundits won't stop spinning Clark's phone call (Ben Fritz column, 9/3/03)
-Pro-war media critics deceive and distort (Ben Fritz, 4/16/03)
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean
-Dean questions patriotism of Bush advisors (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/04)
-Dean's not-so-straight talk on Bush and the war (Brendan Nyhan column, 12/17/03)
-Sorting out the "imminent threat" debate (Ben Fritz column, 11/3/03)
-The $38 billion deficit that won't go away (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/28/03)
-Anti-Ashcroft ad hominem (Ben Fritz, 9/29/03)
-More excesses from Bush critics (Brendan Nyhan, 8/18/03)
-Lies, spin and truth in the controversy over Iraq's alleged pursuit of uranium (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 7/29/03)
-Dean foggy on "clear skies" (Ben Fritz, 7/1/03)
-Democratic candidates spin each other (Bryan Keefer, 5/1/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about Iraq (Bryan Keefer, Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 3/20/03)
-Dems keep up inflammatory anti-Bush rhetoric (Ben Fritz, 1/28/03)
-The art of "class warfare" (Ben Fritz column, 1/15/03)
Attacks on Governor Howard Dean
-Peters plays the Nazi card (Brendan Nyhan, 1/7/04)
-Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond (Bryan Keefer column, 1/12/04)
-Dean quote continues to be misconstrued (Brendan Nyhan, 12/17/03)
-Deceptive attacks on Democratic economic plans (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/03)
-The Republican assault on "political hate speech" (Brendan Nyhan column, 11/13/03)
-Safire tries to revive Dean media myth (Bryan Keefer, 10/14/03)
-The deceptive advocacy of Stephen Moore (Brendan Nyhan and Ben Fritz, 9/22/03)
-Name-calling in the Democratic presidential race (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/03)
-Some war rhetoric turns against open debate (Ben Fritz, 4/4/03)
Senator John Edwards
-Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond (Bryan Keefer column, 1/12/04)
-Manufacturing opponents of "civil rights" (Brendan Nyhan, 1/16/03)
Attacks on Senator John Edwards
-Name-calling in the Democratic presidential race (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/03)
-Democratic candidates spin each other (Bryan Keefer, 5/1/03)
-The art of "class warfare" (Ben Fritz column, 1/15/03)
Representative Dick Gephardt
-The arsenic meme (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/04)
-Kerry and Gephardt spinning homeland security (Ben Fritz, 12/2/03)
-Playing the Social Security card (Ben Fritz, 4/30/03)
-Post mortem (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-A political bull market (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/02)
-WorldCom blame game (Brendan Nyhan column, 7/4/02)
-When buzzwords go bad (Ben Fritz column, 6/11/02)
-Both sides play pin the tail on the Social Security surplus (Bryan Keefer, 8/22/01)
Attacks on Representative Dick Gephardt
-Gore, Gillespie deceive in addresses (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-Democratic candidates spin each other (Bryan Keefer, 5/1/03)
-Trashing Gephardt (Bryan Keefer, 3/6/03)
-The blowhard next door (Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer column, 8/26/02)
-Looking for a silver lining (Ben Fritz column, 7/22/02)
-Limbaugh on the warpath (Brendan Nyhan, 4/30/01)
Senator John Kerry
-Kerry and Gephardt spinning homeland security (Ben Fritz, 12/2/03)
-Anti-Ashcroft ad hominem (Ben Fritz, 9/29/03)
-A political bull market (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/03)
-Kerry's call for "regime change" (Bryan Keefer, 4/5/03)
-The renaming game (Bryan Keefer, 6/15/01)
Attacks on Senator John Kerry
-Name-calling in the Democratic presidential race (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/03)
-Unreliable quotations (Brendan Nyhan, 7/7/03)
-The Gore-ing of John Kerry (Ben Fritz column, 5/7/03)
-Taliban comparisons continue (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/02)
-Distorting criticism of attempts to suppress dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 3/7/02)
Representative Dennis Kucinich
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-Coming up Enron (Bryan Keefer column, 2/20/02)
Senator Joseph Lieberman
-Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond (Bryan Keefer column, 1/12/04)
-Kerry's call for "regime change" (Bryan Keefer, 4/5/03)
-Pre-empting debate on economic stimulus (Ben Fritz column, 11/12/01)
Attacks on Senator Joseph Lieberman
-Democratic candidates spin each other (Bryan Keefer, 5/1/03)
-Sullivan's sloppiness (Brendan Nyhan, 4/2/02)
Vice President Dick Cheney | Attacks on Cheney | Attacks on President Clinton | Tom Daschle | Attacks on Daschle | Tom DeLay | Mitch Daniels | Ari Fleischer | Ed Gillespie | Al Gore | Trent Lott | Terry McAuliffe | Scott McClellan
Vice President Dick Cheney
-Strategic ambiguity about Ansar Al-Islam (Bryan Keefer column, 11/7/03)
-Cheney dissembles about taxes, deficits and more (Ben Fritz, 9/17/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about the war in Iraq (Brendan Nyhan and Bryan Keefer column, 4/4/03)
-The Bush administration vs. its economists (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/13/03)
-No truth dividends in tax debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/31/03)
-Not your ordinary averages (Bryan Keefer, 1/24/03)
-Taxing the public's trust (Bryan Keefer column, 1/10/03)
-Axing the tough questions (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/21/02)
-Hijacking the issue (Ben Fritz column, 5/18/02)
-Confusing the facts of the GAO-Cheney dispute (Ben Fritz column, 2/4/02)
-Nuclear nonsense (Brendan Nyhan, 5/22/03)
Attacks on Vice President Dick Cheney
-Unreliable quotations (Brendan Nyhan, 7/7/03)
-A spate of misquotes and misattributions (Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan, 4/9/03)
-Liberal commentators refine post-election attacks (Bryan Keefer, 11/13/02)
-Post mortem (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-A political bull market (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/02)
-Another Scheer smear (Ben Fritz, 7/19/02)
-WorldCom blame game (Brendan Nyhan column, 7/4/02)
-Vidal critiques alleged New York Times spin with spin of his own (Ben Fritz, 11/30/01)
-Scheer Deception (Ben Fritz column, 10/8/01)
Former President Bill Clinton
-A myth dies slowly (Brendan Nyhan, 3/15/02)
-Paul Harvey repeats McCaslin misinformation (Brendan Nyhan, 3/14/02)
-Another bedroom farce, Part 2 (Brendan Nyhan, 3/13/02)
-NY Times also duped by Ken Lay / Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 3/3/02)
-An update on the Ken Lay / Lincoln Bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 2/24/02)
-Another bedroom farce (Brendan Nyhan, 2/21/02)
-New Enron lies target Clinton (Ben Fritz, 2/18/02)
-Clinton Speaks, Pundits Spin: The Washington Times and the Spread of a Media Myth (Bryan Keefer column, 11/19/01)
-New York Post blames Clinton's affair for terrorist attacks (Ben Fritz, 10/3/01)
-Limbaugh smears Clinton with hypothetical (Brendan Nyhan, 10/2/01)
-The Evolving Jargon of Clintonization (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/4/01)
-Norah Vincent invents and indicts Clinton defenders / Condit haters (Ben Fritz, 9/1/01)
-Pruden is at it again (Brendan Nyhan, 8/24/02)
-Pruden takes his dissembling straight up (Brendan Nyhan, 8/15/01)
-Ann Coulter: the Jargon Vanguard (Brendan Nyhan column, 7/16/01)
-"Last Minute" Spinning: Discrediting Clinton's Regulations (Bryan Keefer column, 6/11/01)
Senator Tom Daschle
-Manufacturing opponents of "civil rights" (Brendan Nyhan, 1/16/03)
-Demagoguing Pickering (Brendan Nyhan, 1/10/03)
-Limbaugh gets a pass (Bryan Keefer and Brendan Nyhan, 11/21/02)
-Post mortem (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-Daschle: Everything wrong with the economy is Bush's fault (Ben Fritz, 9/19/02)
-Distorting criticism of attempts to suppress dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 3/7/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/4/02)
-Coming Up Enron (Bryan Keefer column, 2/20/02)
-Daschle spins the Social Security surplus (Bryan Keefer, 2/13/01)
-The New Math: Fudging the Numbers in the Economic Blame Game (Bryan Keefer column, 1/28/02) -The absurdity of catchphrase politics (Brendan Nyhan, 1/25/02) -Blurring the lines in the surplus debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/02) -Daschle and Bush spin debate on stimulus (Ben Fritz, 1/8/02) -Playing the economic blame game (Ben Fritz, 9/11/01)
Attacks on Senator Tom Daschle
-Playing the patriotism card (Bryan Keefer column, 11/20/02)
-Fools rush in (Brendan Nyhan, 10/15/02)
-The strange disappearance of the "not interested" quote, continued (Brendan Nyhan, 10/3/02)
-The incompetent reporting of Tom Daschle's speech (Brendan Nyhan, 10/1/02)
-"Not interested" in the truth? (Brendan Nyhan, 9/29/02)
-GOP tag team drags down Daschle debate (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-Daschle's bogus low "approval rating" (Ben Fritz, 5/30/02)
-All in a name (Bryan Keefer, 4/26/02)
-Distorting criticism of attempts to suppress dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 3/7/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/4/02)
-Quieting the homefront (Bryan Keefer, 3/1/02)
-Stifling "axis of evil" dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 2/15/02)
-Washington Times continues Daschle spin (Bryan Keefer, 1/23/02) -Here Comes "Daschlenomics": The GOP Readies Its Rhetorical Playbook (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/22/02) -Daschle-bashing on the national radar screen (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/01) -Limbaugh's Daschle "devil analogy" (Brendan Nyhan, 7/21/01) -Limbaugh takes on Mooney (Brendan Nyhan, 7/6/01)
-Coordinated Daschle attack admitted (Brendan Nyhan, 6/28)
-Legitimacy attacks intensify on Senate Dems (Brendan Nyhan, 6/5/01) -The Wall Street Journal and Tom Daschle (Ben Fritz, 6/2/01) -Daschle-bashing 102 (Bryan Keefer, 5/30/01) -The illegitimacy attack/Daschle-bashing (Brendan Nyhan, 5/25/01) -The Jeffords war of words (Bryan Keefer, 5/24/01) -Limbaugh on the warpath (Brendan Nyhan, 4/30/01)
Former Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels
-Mitch Daniels' fuzzy math (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/12/02)
-Daniels and Waxman battle for spin supremacy (Brendan Nyhan, 2/1/02) -Spinning the Social Security Surplus (Bryan Keefer column, 9/10/01) -Mitch Daniels spins the Medicare trust fund (Bryan Keefer, 7/16/01)
Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
-Ari Fleischer retrospective (Bryan Keefer, 5/20/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about the war in Iraq (Brendan Nyhan and Bryan Keefer column, 4/4/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about Iraq (Bryan Keefer, Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 3/20/03)
-Bush's Blue Chip deception (Bryan Keefer, 3/2/03)
-The Bush administration vs. its economists (Brendan Nyhan column, 2/13/03)
-No truth dividends in tax debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/31/03)
-Not your ordinary averages (Bryan Keefer, 1/24/03)
-The art of "class warfare" (Ben Fritz column, 1/15/03)
-Taxing the public's trust (Bryan Keefer column, 1/10/03)
-The dissent smackdown (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/6/03)
-Making Bush tell the truth (Brendan Nyhan column, 11/5/02)
-Antisocial security (Ben Fritz, 8/3/02)
-Confusing the facts of the GAO-Cheney dispute (Ben Fritz column, 2/4/02)
-Painting the Democrats as isolationists (Brendan Nyhan, 8/6/01)
-Julian Bond crosses the line again (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01)
-"Last-minute" spinning (Bryan Keefer column, 6/11/01)
-Using "changing the tone" to suppress criticism (Brendan Nyhan column, 6/4/01)
Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie
-Gore, Gillespie deceive in addresses (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-A flurry of unfair associations (Ben Fritz column, 1/13/04)
-Deceptive attacks on Democratic economic plans (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/03)
-The Republican assault on "political hate speech" (Brendan Nyhan column, 11/13/03)
Former Vice President Al Gore
-Gore, Gillespie deceive in addresses (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-Gore and pundits race to the bottom (Ben Fritz column, 12/4/02)
-Myth of Gore single payer hypocrisy spreads (Brendan Nyhan, 11/24/02)
-False hypocrisy charges against Gore (Ben Fritz, 11/21/02)
-A malicious story of Democrats gone bad (Ben Fritz, 11/5/02)
-Al Gore returns . . . and spreads some falsehoods (Ben Fritz, 10/3/02)
-Cooking up a conspiracy (Bryan Keefer, 8/19/02)
-Democrats distort the budget (8/1/02)
-Bush reportedly asked to drop "trifecta" story (Brendan Nyhan, 7/17/02)
-Gore's speech deserves more scrutiny (Brendan Nyhan, 4/25/02)
-Recount reconsiderations (Ben Fritz column, 4/17/01)
Senator Trent Lott
-GOP tag team drags down Daschle debate (Brendan Nyhan, 9/28/02)
-Axing the tough questions (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/21/02)
-Hijacking the issue (Ben Fritz column, 5/18/02)
-Republicans play the race card on Estrada nomination (Ben Fritz, 4/11/02)
-Letters to the editor (Brendan Nyhan, 3/10/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/4/02)
-Quieting the homefront (Bryan Keefer, 3/1/02)
-Coming up Enron (Bryan Keefer column, 2/20/02)
-The absurdity of catchphrase politics (Brendan Nyhan, 1/25/02)
-Here comes "Daschlenomics" (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/22/02)
-Flag-waving quote of the week (Brendan Nyhan, 6/16/01)
-Legitimacy attacks intensify on Senate Dems (Brendan Nyhan, 6/5/02)
Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe
-Unreliable quotations (Brendan Nyhan, 7/7/03)
-McAuliffe charges voter suppression (Brendan Nyhan, 11/5/02)
-Coloring the truth (Brendan Nyhan, 3/21/02)
-Pickering's race war (Ben Fritz column, 3/13/02)
-McAuliffe's week of jargon (Bryan Keefer, 3/8/02)
-Terry McAuliffe's ridiculous extrapolations (Brendan Nyhan, 8/9/01)
-Intent in the Florida mess (Brendan Nyhan, 6/14/01)
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan
-Bush deficit-cutting plan contradicts stated policies (Brendan Nyhan, 9/16/03)
- McClellan debuts with dissembling about taxes and deficits (Ben Fritz, 7/16/03)
-Myths and misconceptions about Iraq (Bryan Keefer, Ben Fritz and Brendan Nyhan column, 3/20/03)
-Making Bush tell the truth (Brendan Nyhan column, 11/5/02)
-Bush reportedly asked to drop "trifecta" story (Brendan Nyhan, 7/17/02)
-"Last-Minute" Spinning: Discrediting Clinton's Regulations (Bryan Keefer column, 6/11/01)
Pundits and commentators
Fred Barnes | Paul Begala | Julian Bond | Ann Coulter | Maureen Dowd | Sean Hannity | Bob Herbert | Molly Ivins | Rush Limbaugh | Media Whores Online | Michael Moore | Robert Novak | Bill O'Reilly | Ted Rall | Robert Scheer | Andrew Sullivan | James Taranto
Fred Barnes
-Barnes perpetuates the Scud myth (Brendan Nyhan, 5/30/03)
-Barnes answers "myths" with distortions (Bryan Keefer, 12/10/02)
-Limbaugh gets a pass (Bryan Keefer and Brendan Nyhan, 11/21/02)
-Axing the tough questions (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/21/02)
-An update to the Ken Lay/Lincoln bedroom myth (Brendan Nyhan, 2/28/02)
-Another bedroom farce (Brendan Nyhan, 2/21/02)
-Here comes "Daschlenomics" (Brendan Nyhan column, 1/22/02)
-The Olson reversal (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/14/01)
Paul Begala
-Taliban comparisons continue (Bryan Keefer, 12/8/02)
-The trouble with Media Whores Online (Brendan Nyhan column, 8/15/02)
-Stocks in bull stay high (Brendan Nyhan, 7/30/02)
-A political bull market (Brendan Nyhan, 7/27/02)
-WorldCom blame game (Brendan Nyhan, 7/4/02)
-"I would challenge them to a duel" (Bryan Keefer, 4/19/02)
Julian Bond
-Terrorist labels just won't go away (Bryan Keefer, 12/6/01) -Taliban labels flying fast and furious (Bryan Keefer, 11/16/01) -Faking consensus and framing tradeoffs on Social Security privatization (Bryan Keefer, 7/26/01) -Julian Bond crosses the line again (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01)
Ann Coulter
-Coulter's questionable corrections (Bryan Keefer column, 10/23/03)
- Just when you thought discourse had fallen as far as it could (Brendan Nyhan, 7/6/03)
-Coulter dodges Spinsanity criticism of Treason (Brendan Nyhan, 7/11/03)
-Screed (Brendan Nyhan column, 6/30/03)
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-Framing critical news reporting as pro-Saddam (Bryan Keefer, 3/28/03)
-Coulter critics descend to her level (Bryan Keefer, 7/14/02)
-Throwing the book at her (Bryan Keefer column, 7/13/02)
-Firefighter statue is conservative pundits' newest excuse for broad liberal bashing (1/18/02, Ben Fritz) -Coulter goes even further off the deep end (Brendan Nyhan, 10/18/01) -Coulter uses rhetorical trics to manufacture support for deportation plan (Bryan Keefer, 10/4/01) -Coulter advocates profiling of Arab "aliens," deportation (Bryan Keefer, 9/21/01)
-Is Rational Discourse Another Casualty of Tuesday's Attacks? (Ben Fritz column, 9/17/01) -Coulter just won't give up on Clinton-Condit association (Bryan Keefer, 8/31/01) -Spinning Chandra: Making the Condit Affair Partisan (Bryan Keefer column, 7/23/01) -The response to my Coulter column (Brendan Nyhan, 7/19/01) -Ann Coulter: The Jargon Vanguard (Brendan Nyhan column, 7/16/01) -Orwell reference of the week (Brendan Nyhan, 6/16/01)
Maureen Dowd
-Dowd spawns Bush media myth (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/22/03)
-Misrepresentations in the Stantorum debate (Ben Fritz, 4/25/03)
-Dowd's sloppy use of polls (Ben Fritz, 2/9/03)
-Dowd, Krugman and Moore make inflammatory accusations (Bryan Keefer, 6/26/02)
-"Patriotism" and "Treason": A New Trend in Irresponsible Wartime Rhetoric (Ben Fritz column, 10/29/01)
-Dowd's ad-hoc psychologizing (Bryan Keefer, 9/6/01)
Sean Hannity
-The ugly "Neanderthal" battle (Brendan Nyhan, 11/19/03)
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-Limbaugh gets a pass (Bryan Keefer and Brendan Nyhan, 11/21/02)
-The big NEA-Sept. 11 lie (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/5/02)
-The blowhard next door (Ben Fritz and Bryan Keefer column, 8/26/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/5/02)
-Criticizing American policy: Picking and choosing what is legitimate (Bryan Keefer column, 10/1/02)
-The evolving jargon of "Clintonization" (Brendan Nyhan, 9/4/01)
Bob Herbert
-Scandalous rhetoric before the scandal: The growing Enron debate (Ben Fritz column, 1/14/02)
-Pundits allege "war profiteering" (Bryan Keefer, 10/30/01) -Lies, damned lies and spin (Ben Fritz, 7/2/01)
Molly Ivins
-More excesses from Bush critics (Brendan Nyhan, 8/18/03)
-Spin works its way into liberal harping on Enron (Ben Fritz, 12/13/02)
-Liberals turn "imperialism" into ad hominem (Ben Fritz, 10/9/02)
-Scandalous Rhetoric Before the Scandal: The Growing Enron Debate (Ben Fritz column, 1/14/02)
Rush Limbaugh
-Clark enters the spin zone (Ben Fritz, 1/16/04)
-Pundits overstate Al Qaeda links (Bryan Keefer, 11/24/03)
-The ugly "Neanderthal" battle (Brendan Nyhan, 11/19/03)
-Name-calling in the Democratic presidential race (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/03)
-The myth of Robert Byrd and the USS Abraham Lincoln (Brendan Nyhan column, 6/18/03)
-Patriotism charges from left and right (Brendan Nyhan, 4/29/03)
-Letter: Limbaugh's webmaster responds (4/22/03)
-Wolff's misleading Limbaugh story (Brendan Nyhan, 4/22/03)
-Novak and Limbaugh repeat economic conspiracy myth (Ben Fritz, 12/11/02)
-Limbaugh gets a pass (Bryan Keefer and Brendan Nyhan, 11/21/02)
-Playing the patriotism card (Bryan Keefer column, 11/20/02)
-Feeding frenzy over DSA plan to register voters (Bryan Keefer, 10/18/02)
-Fools rush in (Brendan Nyhan, 10/15/02)
-Limbaugh's flawed budget analogy (Bryan Keefer, 9/5/02)
-Cooking up a conspiracy (Bryan Keefer, 8/19/02)
-Looking for a silver lining (Ben Fritz column, 7/23/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/4/02)
-Stifling "axis of evil" dissent (Brendan Nyhan, 2/15/02)
-Limbaugh turns "evil axis" into jargon (Ben Fritz, 2/7/02) -Blurring the lines in the surplus debate (Brendan Nyhan, 1/11/02) -Terrorist labels just won't go away (Bryan Keefer, 12/6/01) -"Cornbelt Cromwell" and "Senator Depends": The return of the politics of personal demonization (Brendan Nyhan, 12/3/01) -Limbaugh deception on recount on Hillary Clinton (Brendan Nyhan, 11/14/01) -Limbaugh whitewashes his Jennings misquotes (Brendan Nyhan, 11/09/01) -Limbaugh smears Clinton with hypothetical (Brendan Nyhan, 10/2/01) -Limbaugh hypocrisy and ethnic slurs (Brendan Nyhan, 9/25/01) -The evolving jargon of "Clintonization" (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/4/01) -Limbaugh's Daschle "devil" analogy (Brendan Nyhan, 7/21/01) -Limbaugh deceptive on Social Security (Brendan Nyhan, 7/10/01) -Limbaugh takes on Mooney (Brendan Nyhan, 7/6/01) -The illegitimacy attack/Daschle-bashing (Brendan Nyhan, 5/25/01) -The Olson reversal (Brendan Nyhan column, 5/14/01) -Limbaugh on the warpath (Brendan Nyhan, 4/30/01)
Media Whores Online
-The trouble with Media Whores Online (Brendan Nyhan column, 8/15/02)
-Bad facts in criticism of Bush OSU speech (Brendan Nyhan, 6/18/02)
-New Enron lies target Clinton (Ben Fritz, 2/18/02)
-Taliban labels flying thick and fast (Bryan Keefer, 11/16/01)
Michael Moore
-Dude, Where's My Intellectual Honesty? (Bryan Keefer column, 10/16/03)
-Moore's myriad mistakes (Bryan Keefer column, 10/16/03)
-Moore admits to altering "Bowling for Columbine" DVD (Brendan Nyhan, 9/23/03)
-Moore alters "Bowling" DVD in response to criticism (Brendan Nyhan, 9/2/03)
-A devotion to distortion [published in the Orange County Register] (Ben Fritz, 1/12/03)
-Forbes finds more falsehoods in Moore's "Bowling" (Ben Fritz, 11/25/02)
-Viewer beware (Ben Fritz column, 11/19/02)
-Dowd, Krugman and Moore make inflammatory accusations (Bryan Keefer, 6/26/02)
-Moore problems (Ben Fritz, 4/10/02)
-One Moore stupid white man (Ben Fritz column, 4/3/02)
-Stupid white lies (Ben Fritz, 3/25/02)
-The Taliban aid trope re-emerges (Brendan Nyhan, 9/17/01)
Robert Novak
-Bush tax cut tactics spread to Democrats and beyond (Bryan Keefer column, 1/12/04)
-How media myths are created (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/15/03)
-Pundits keep spinning CLark phone call (Bryan Keefer column, 9/25/03)
-Novak and Limbaugh repeat economic conspiracy myth (Ben Fritz, 12/11/02)
-Cooking up a conspiracy (Bryan Keefer, 8/19/02)
-The OMB press release fiasco continues (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/02)
-Hijacking the issue (Ben Fritz column, 5/18/02)
-Bully brigade (Brendan Nyhan column, 3/5/02)
-Novak's welcome-back gift for Congress: Social Security spin (Ben Fritz, 8/20/01)
Bill O'Reilly
-A flurry of unfair associations (Ben Fritz column, 1/13/04)
-The misrepresentation zone (Brendan Nyhan, 1/9/04)
-O'Reilly continues dissembling (Brendan Nyhan, 10/22/03)
-O'Reilly repeatedly misquotes Glick (Brendan Nyhan, 10/16/03)
Ted Rall
-Ted Rall's faulty questions (Ben Fritz, 8/14/02)
-Return of Rall: Oil conspiracy redux (Bryan Keefer column, 4/12/02)
-Truth and dissembling on central Asian oil politics (Brendan Nyhan column, 10/15/01)
Robert Scheer
-More Scheer myth-spreading (Brendan Nyhan, 8/6/03)
-What's at stake in the WMD debate (Ben Fritz column, 6/24/03)
-Another Scheer smear (Ben Fritz, 7/19/02)
-Enron association game continues unabated (Bryan Keefer, 1/16/02) -Scandalous rhetoric before the scandal: The growing Enron debate (Ben Fritz column, 1/14/02) -Spin works its way into liberal harping on Enron (Ben Fritz, 12/13/01) -Scheer responds but doesn't rebut (Ben Fritz, 10/10/01) -Scheer deception: The lies and jargon of Robert Scheer (Ben Fritz column, 10/8/01) -The Taliban aid trope re-emerges (Brendan Nyhan, 9/17/01)
-Scheer propaganda on a claimed recession (Brendan Nyhan, 8/28/01)
-Scheer propaganda (Brendan Nyhan, 6/12/01)
Andrew Sullivan
-Framing critical news reporting as pro-Saddam (Bryan Keefer, 3/28/03)
-Sullivan's sloppy response (Brendan Nyhan, 4/3/02)
-Sullivan's sloppiness (Brendan Nyhan, 4/2/02)
-The John Walker Attack on Liberalism (Ben Fritz column, 12/17/01) -Sullivan twists Chomsky's words (Bryan Kefeer, 10/17/01) -Criticizing American Policy: Picking and Choosing What is Legitimate (Bryan Keefer column, 10/1/01) -Suppressing Dissent At Home, Fighting for Freedom Abroad? (Brendan Nyhan column, 9/24/01) -Andrew Sullivan's "fifth column" rhetoric (Brendan Nyhan, 9/20/01) -Is Rational Discourse Another Casualty of Tuesday's Attacks? (Ben Fritz column, 9/17/01) -Complex issue, simple spin - Sullivan on welfare reform (Ben Fritz, 8/14/01) -Sullivan slammed unfairly (Brendan Nyhan, 6/19/01) -Sullivan says deceive the public (Brendan Nyhan, 5/7/01)
James Taranto
-More excesses from Bush critics (Brendan Nyhan, 8/18/03)
-Name-calling in the Democratic presidential race (Brendan Nyhan, 8/8/03)
-Patriotism attacks on Snowe and Voinovich (Bryan Keefer, 4/23/03)
-Cheap attacks on war opponents (Ben Fritz, 3/13/03)
-Taranto's defense of the indefensible (Brendan Nyhan, 2/18/03)
-Fools Rush in (Brendan Nyhan, 10/15/02)
-Flipping on Thomas (Ben Fritz, 6/27/01)
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