hearts that know no other land

Max Weber is apparently alive, well, and recycling his thoughts on social stratification as differentiated market pitches for Ming Pao:...

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Followthebaldie.com's radical anythingarianist Barcelona seaside walking blog

Updated Mon Jun 7 21:58
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Dean Takahashi has a lovely little piece on Charles Walton, the man ultimately behind the technology being used at Baja Beach Club here in Barcelona to bill drinks wirelessly. Radio frequency identification (RFID) initially lost out to the barcode and...
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showbiz news

Qov, who has just commented an old post, appeared in the documentary called Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water and writes a blog, bo logh, in Klingon, which is most admirable. (Are there more blogs in Klingon than Welsh?)Anyone got...
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"the ussr saved europe from fascism"

Stalin apologist Rafael Poch has published an article in La Vanguardia which belittles, falsifies, misrepresents the Normandy landings. That's a common line here, where quite large numbers of people still believe that Stalin (substitute Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Companys etc...
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turtles and festivals of peace

Barcelona's Forum will resort to anything now to get anyone, anywhere to take an interest, so yesterday a bunch of children who are being held for commercial purposes by the organisation were made to release two sea turtles into the...
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more rubbish

 barcelona walks
Wed 16 June tapas and hilltop chapels
Sat 10 July Festa Major, Sant Viçenc de Castellet
 polifònica events
Viernes 04 Junio Marató de l'Espectacle

Er, not quite
A secessionist in Morocco
Shameless plug
Ghit, glossarised
Ah! an adjective!
Teaching the world to sing in pure cacophony
Another crap restaurant
Catalonia Today: light, bland, should do fine
Hairy-tongued holies
Blog and get paid
Running, a universal language
"Envious MP dynamited pig farm latrine"
What's he on?
Brewery produces BSE-resistant cow
Crown of Aragon ready reckoner

[title archive]

anythingarian: a person of no fixed or decided views: from ca 1707, when coined by Swift; whence anythingarianism, defined by Kingsley in 1851 as 'modern neo-Platonism'. Coll, soon SE; ob. (Partridge, Dictionary of Historical Slang ())

Mark Liberman (Language Log): It's a treat · Quaderns: Un fenomenal poti poti · Marc Torras: A series of totally subjective themes, of no interest except to the author

Sing along with kaleboel's official anthem, Moo Way (AIF, 790K)

lorna's shorts (4u)

Breath test fells drunken trucker (Punt)

Woman stayed in hotels, billed police (Vanguardia)

St Feliu estate agents convicted of deception (Vanguardia)

Mollet man arrested for defenestrating wife (Vanguardia)

Forum €30M short (Periódico)

20K unresolved residency applications in Barcelona (Punt)

Barcelona beach corpse was woman, dismembered surgically (Punt)

Motorway tolls to rise up to 10% (Diari de Girona)

Come and look at Catalan graves, says council, DVD already out (Avui)

PSOE finally accepts election debate (Levante Dig)

'Atlantis near Cádiz' (Levante Dig)

4.5 tonnes of cherries sold during weekend festival (Punt)

Ronaldinho has signed new Barça contract (Vanguardia)

news search (+)

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