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The Salon Directory | Free Republic, 10 articles.

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 Free Republic, articles 1 - 10 
Another crude slur
With a campaign of distortion and lies, the right-wing smear machine is trying to impugn the military honor of John Kerry.
By Joe Conason [2004-03-06]

Joe Conason's Journal's online presidential poll offers good news to Dean and Kucinich -- and a silver lining for Kerry.

They're here, they're mad, get used to it
Lured by dreams of hobnobbing with their Florida recount heroes, Free Republic faithful have to make do with one another.
By Kerry Lauerman [2001-06-25]

Linda Tripp addresses her people
Speaking out for the first since the impeachment saga, Linda Tripp gets a hero's welcome from like minds at a Free Republic meeting.
By Judith Greer [2000-06-06]

Letter to the Editor
Why isn't college opening Lillie Wade's mind? Plus: Seeking the truth about Marilyn Monroe; Pat Buchanan's party switch is about winning, not principles.
Letter to the Editor [1999-11-18]

The real China scandal
Was whistle-blower Notra Trulock a right-wing ideologue or a bureaucrat caught in the cross-fire between Clinton and Clinton haters?
By Joshua Micah Marshall [1999-09-13]

Keepers of the faith
Despite dwindling time and numbers, the anti-Clinton movement won't say die.
By Sarah Keech [1999-07-26]

Free-for-all at Free Republic
Lucianne Goldberg, Matt Drudge and other friends abandon the Clinton-<wbr>bashing Web site over its attacks on George W. Bush.
By Jeff Stein [1999-07-13]

Log: Brief reports and tidbits from the info-sphere
Write free software -- and write it off your tax bill?
By Salon Tech Writers [1998-12-15]

Let's Get This Straight: Free speech or blatant ripoff?
L.A. Times, Washington Post face off against conservative Free Republic site in test of copyright on the Web.
By Scott Rosenberg [1998-10-09]



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