Proving we're more than just weblogs... Created a new logo for the Shoe Goddess Boutique, a soon-to-open retail store carrying high-end women's fashion shoes. The boutique will open September 1, 2004, in Redding, California. Website soon to follow.
More and more journalists are realizing how important blogs can be, both in the reknowned "fact checking your a$$" and in face to face communication with their audience, rather like stand up comedians playing small venues, instant gratification.
Sure, there are cheap imitations to be found, but when you have that client who just has to have the creepiest possible font:
Here we have a gnarled and twisted hand that was used on an actual spell, which which was found tucked under the beams of a 16th century house in southern Germany. The incantation was wrapped around a fossil belemnite (also known as a “thunderbolt”) Evidently this protected the house from getting hit by lightning. There are brown stains on the ancient parchment, which could be blood.
Tools - MT Config Tweak to Circumvent Evil Spambags
The key is that spammers have automated scripts that look for Moveable Type blog sites and they then post to our comments using a direct call to the "mt-comments.cgi" script. If you installed Moveable Type into the default directory (/mt) then they know exactly where the script is and how to call it.
The solution is simple: rename the script to some odd name (ex. qwerty.cgi) and edit your mt.cfg to point to the renamed CGI script. Look for the line that is commented out and reads "# CommentScript mt-comments.cgi". Uncomment the line and change the name of the script to the new name. You need to rebuild the site before it takes effect. Users will not be able to post comments while you are doing this but the entire process only takes a few minutes.
I've been getting slammed with around 30 comment pr0n spams a day lately, trying this method in 3, 2, 1...
To those who might be less than, er, gracious when speaking of the work we've done for some of our clients...the very bottom, snake-belly-esque line is this: we give our clients what THEY want. The key word there, being the dead giveaway all in caps, is THEY. You want two column vanilla? There you go. You want three column variable width? No problem. You want lush graphics and vivid colors. We got it covered.
In conjunction with Big Blog Company, launched SMLXL, a blog-site hybrid for the prominent U.K. agency.
The biggest challenge was working around their predilection for print-style layouts, but we translated their vision to the web and can add one more extremely pleased client to our list.
Pardon me while I indulge in a brief pat on the back for myself and Robyn... The proprietors of Woolwinders informed us this week that sales from their online store have doubled since the redesign.
This is a logo and site design for a group of scientists who wanted something more than the run-of-the-mill homegrown site the university IT guys will deign to kludge together for them. Since it's password protected the thumbnails below will have to do...