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Today's Stories

May 15 / 16, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Green Lights for Torture

May 14, 2004

Dr. Susan Block
Bush's POW Porn

Ron Jacobs
Secret History of the War on Drugs

William Blum
God, Country and Torture

Michael Donnelly
The People v. Corporate Greed: A Victory on the North Coast

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
India Shines

Stephen Gowans
Building Democracy in Iraq and Other Absurdities


May 13, 2004

Dave Lindorff
Where is Kerry?

Colm O'Laithian
Torture and Degradation: Revenge American Style?

Saul Landau and Farrah Hassan
Wal-Mart: Scrooge with Hi-Tech Accounting Practices

Ralph Nader
An Open Letter to Bush on the Inhumane Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners

Willliam James Martin
Deir Yassin Massacre Recalled

Marc Salomon
Reality TV Bites

Forrest Hylton
Law 'n Order in La Paz: All Quiet on the Southern Front?

May 12, 2004

Blanton / Kornbluh
Prisoner Abuse: Cheney Warned in 1992

Virginia Tilley
So, Who's to Blame?

Bruce Jackson
James Inhofe, the Dumbest Senator of Them All

Thomas P. Healy
No Enemies: Making Peace with Bert Sacks

Linda S. Heard
Racism and Ignorance: a Lethal Cocktail in Iraq

Norman Solomon
Spinning Torturegate

Lisa Viscidi
The People's Voice: Community Radio in Guatemala

Jack Heyman
View from the Bay Bridge: Longshoremen Plan Mass Workers March on DC

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Rummy's Reprieve

CounterPunch Wire
Teamsters Corruption Scandal: Hoffa Exec. Assistant Alleged to Have Quashed Investigation into Mob Influence

Christopher Brauchli
Detention Camp, USA

William S. Lind
Bush's Waterloo?

May 11, 2004

Mark Engler
On the "Necessity" of Torture

Ray McGovern
More Troops? A March of Folly

Kurt Nimmo
Dirty Nukes and Jefferson's Grand Experiment

Mickey Z.
Less Than Hero

Christopher Reed
Torture on the Homefront: America's Long History of Prison Abuse

Dennis Hans
When John Negroponte was Mullah Omar

Bruce Jackson
Pete Seeger at 85

Mike Whitney
Killing al Sadr

Simon Helweg-Larsen
Shrinking the Guatemalan Military

William A. Cook
The Unconscious Country: Righteous Indignation, Nakedly Displayed


May 10, 2004

Robert Fisk
From Hollywood to Abu Ghraib: Racism and Torture as Entertainment

Wayne Madsen
The Israeli Torture Template: Rape, Feces and Urine-Soaked Cloth Sacks

Col. Dan Smith
The Shame of Abu Ghraib

Joe Bageant
John Ashcroft, Keep Your Mouth Off My Wife!

Ron Jacobs
Rummy's Prisongate Blues: Don't Leave Mad; Just Leave

Ben Tripp
Getting in Touch with Your Inner Savage

Ray Hanania
Why They Hate Us: Racism, Bigotry and Abuse

Reza Fiyouzat
Mishandled" Invasions

Diane Christian
Images & Abstractions & Genitals

Website of the Day
Crushing Iraqi Skulls with Tanks for Sport?


May 8 / 9, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Torture: as American as Apple Pie

Adam Jones
America's Srebrenica: What About the Hundreds of POWs Suffocated and Shot at Kunduz?

Douglas Valentine
Who Let the Dogs Out?: Torture, the CIA and the Press

Kurt Nimmo
Rush Limbaugh and the Babes of Abu Ghraib

Brian Cloughley
Humpty Dumpty is Falling

Lucia Dailey
Forbidden Games

Joanne Mariner
* * * *: Redacting Moussaoui

Mickey Z.
Please Forgive U.S.? (There Are No Innocent Bystanders)

John Chuckman
The Thing with No Brain

Doug Giebel
Someone Knew: There Were No WMDs

Norm Dixon
How the Bush Gang Exploited 9/11

Sam Bahour
A Guiding Light Falls on Ramallah

Susan Davis
Disorderly Conduct as Fine Art

Dave Marsh
In a Pig's Eye: Alan Lomax, Dead But Still Stealing

Laura Flanders
Life with Dick and Lynne

Dave Zirin
Fans Push Spiderman Off Base

Carolyn Baker
Why I Won't Vote in 2004

"Ain't No Sense in Voting"

Dr. Susan Block
Onan for Two: Liberating Masturbation

Poets' Basement
Smith, Sleeth, Ford, Albert and Saska


May 7, 2004

Human Rights Watch
10 Prisons; 9,000 Prisoners: US Detention Facilities in Iraq

Ron Jacobs
UnAmerican? I Wish It Were So

Robert Fisk
An Illegal and Immoral War

Ahmad Faruqui
The 50th Anniversary of Dien Bien Phu

Alexander Zaitchik
From Terrell Unit in Texas to Abu Ghraib: Doesn't It Ring a (Prison) Bell?

Mike Whitney
The Price of Victory

Norman Solomon
This War, Racism and Media Denial

M. Shahid Alam
A Comic Apology

May 6, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
They Did It for Jessica: Smeared with Shit; Kicked to Death

Kathy Kelly
May Day in Pekin Prison: Prison Labor for the War Machine

The Sunk Cost Fallacy: War as Vegas Casino Game

Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Totalitarian Democracy

Robert Fisk
"Smoke Him": Video Shows Wounded Men Being Shot by US Helicopter

John Janney
Torturing the Way to Freedom?

Christopher Ketcham
Outlaw Heterosexual Marriage Now!

Alan Farago
Dead Oceans: So Long, Thanks for the Fish

Sam Hamod
Bush on Arab TV: Worthless and Demeaning

James Brooks
Sullen Spring

William S. Lind
On the Brink of Defeat in Iraq


May 5, 2004

Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba
Complete US Army Report on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Kerry: a Lost Cause for Progressives?

Will Youmans
Deal with the Devil: a Palestinian Zionist and the End of the World

Patrick B. Barr
Terrorists R Us: the Powerful are Exempt from the Label

Lawrence Magnuson
Nightline's All-American Morgue

Greg Moses
Pocketbook of Denuded Ideals

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Tormenting Prisoners, Torturing Truth

Lee Ballinger
Cinco de Mayo and Unity

Gilbert Achcar
Bush's Cakewalk into the Iraq Quaqmire

Website of the Day
Operation Phoenix & Iraq


May 4, 2004

Human Rights Watch
A Timeline of Torture and Abuse Allegations and Responses

Kurt Nimmo
The CIA Privatized Torture

David Peterson
CBS, Self-Censorship & Iraq

Barry Lando
CACI's Private Torture Chambers

Patrick Cockburn
Torture: Iraqis Disgusted, But Not Surprised

Dr. Susan Block
Indecent Insurgents: Watch What You Say

Fidel Castro
A Mindless, Unnecessary War

Mike Whitney
Empire of Torture

Sonali Kolhatkar
How to Stop the War: Demonstrate Against John Kerry

Josh Frank
The Lost Sierra Club

Stan Goff
The Role: Another Open Letter to US Troops in Iraq

Agustin Velloso
Spare Us Your Disgusting Ethics

Stew Albert
American Know-How

Website of the Day
Scenes from a Cover-Up




May 3, 2004

Virginia Tilley
Let the Wall of Silence Fall

May 1 / 2, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
An Army in Disgrace, a Policy in Tatters, the Real Prospect of Defeat

Robert Fisk
"Good Guys" Who Can Do No Wrong

Alexander Cockburn
Watching Niagara: Stupid Leaders, Useless Spies, Angry World

Heather Williams
Gringo, We're Going Home: Latin American Troops Flee Iraq

Diane Rejman
An Army Vet on Torture in Iraq: Abu Ghraib as My Lai?

Diane Christian
Blood Spilling: Osama, Bush and Sharon Speak the Same Language

Patrick Cockburn
Seems Like Old Times in Fallujah

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Torturous Logic: Shocked, Shocked, Shocked

Chris Floyd
Suicide Bomber: Neocons, Nihilists and Annihilation



April 29 / 30, 2004

Dave Zirin
A Pawn in Their Game: the Unlonesome Death of Pat Tillman

Kathy Kelly
The Warden's Tour

Greg Weiher
Fallujah and the Warsaw Ghetto: the Banality of Evil

Michael S. Ladah
Terrorism and Assassination: the Ultimate Depception

Patrick Cockburn
The Fallujah Mutinies





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20,000 Wounded Iraqi Civilians

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Small Destructions Add Up

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The Erosion of the American Dream

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Impeach Bush: A Draft Resolution

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Weekend Edition
May 15/16, 2004

RIAA Watch

Goon Squad


In this month's issue of Rock & Rap Confidential, Lee Ballinger and Dave Marsh's excellent newsletter that has been reporting the music industry news that the music industry doesn't want you to hear since 1983, I ran across an article concerning the Recording Industry Association of America's west coast division of their Anti-Piracy Unit.

Rock & Rap reports: "In the western U.S. , ex-Canadian Mountie John Langley leads the RIAA Anti-Piracy Unit (APU). Just before Christmas, reported Ben Sullivan in an excellent L.A. Weekly story, Langley 's squads moved in to terrorize Latino street corner vendors. The APU wore black raid vests, claimed they were cops, and made guys like parking lot attendant Cesar Borrayo 'voluntarily' give up their small quantities of Mexican oldies compilations. The music police also photograph their victims because, Langley claims, 'Today he's Jose Rodriguez, tomorrow he's Raul something or other, and tomorrow after that he's something else. These people change their identity all the time.' Besides racism, what's going on here?"

No doubt Langley 's comments drip of racism, but that's not the entire story. While some (not RRC) might argue that the APU does a public service by removing bootleg or pirated recordings from the market place, even those who wish to see them confiscated would have to question Langley's methods.

What it all boils down to is that a fascist has no regard for the rights of his victims_sometimes viewing his targets along racial lines, but not always. John Langley is a fascist, but his targets go beyond Latinos. In October of 1997 I had my own run-in with John Langley. During that period he was an APU agent stationed in the Midwest . I was publishing a magazine at the time called Live Music Review that was often extremely critical of RIAA actions on everything from price-fixing scams to their lobbying efforts to their ludicrous interpretation of copyright law. Live Music Review frequently ran editorials exposing why pirated discs exist (among other things the RIAA's attempts to keep CD prices falsely inflated through price-fixing, therefore beyond the economic reach of poor people - a conclusion also reached in the RRC article).

I guess I made a few enemies at the RIAA. Six and a half years ago on Yom Kippur, the Cook County Sheriff's Department in Chicago raided a record collectors convention at the Hillside Holiday Inn. Forty sheriff's deputies were involved in the raid, all of them following orders that were being barked out by three RIAA agents, including Langley. While the vast majority of the one hundred and forty vendors present were selling old and out of print records and memorabilia (legal), pre-raid undercover purchases of bootlegs (unauthorized recordings of live concerts) were made from twenty-six vendors by the RIAA. Then came the scary part.

The Cook County sheriff's deputies came storming into the convention center Rambo style. With megaphones blaring, dressed in flak vests, badges hanging on strings around their necks, and all brandishing firearms, they scared the living bejesus out of everybody in the room_customers, vendors and hotel employees alike. Everybody was told not to move until the cops said they could move. The three RIAA agents then told the cops which twenty-six people to arrest. I wasn't one of the twenty-six, since the only thing I was selling at the convention were magazines. As they were escorting the offenders out, Langley walked up to my table and asked, "Don't I know you? What's your name?"

Already perturbed that the deputies were obviously taking orders from the RIAA, a private industry group with no policing powers_not to mention Langley 's interrogatory approach to questioning me, I took a confrontational approach to my answer. "I've never met you in my life. You better show me a badge before you start addressing me like that." At which point Langley said "You're Bill Glahn." Then he called over the nearest deputy and said, "This one's going too." Busted for talking back!

Except that wasn't what I was charged with. There were some bootlegs that I had bought from one of the other vendors that morning that I had thought would make interesting review material in Live Music Review. They were located with my personal belongings behind my table, obviously not available for sale. I spent 3 days in the Cook County jail system until I posted bail. The assistant D.A. sold a grand jury a ham sandwich on the taxpayer dime and a trial date was set.

But it never got to trial. The judge overseeing the case obviously viewed the Bill of Rights as something more than the tissue paper that Langley seems to think it is written on. He admonished the sheriff's department for working as the personal police force of a private entity and pointed out that there are no statutes in Illinois (nor anywhere else) that make buying a bootleg a crime.

Of course, Langley already knew this. He just couldn't resist his compulsion to engage in the forcible suppression of opposition. That's the defining trait of a fascist. I was put in jail to shut me up and for no other reason. But all these years later I'm still on my platform. And Langley has been shipped off to the west coast where he obviously is no longer getting the kind of police cooperation that he once got in Chicago . So he's forced to play cop. But he isn't a cop. What John Langley is, in reality, is an out-of-control attack dog. Just like the people he works for.

Bill Glahn is an editor at CFP Midweek, Springfield, Mo. His Show Me Culture column can be found each week at www.cfpmidweek.com.

Weekend Edition Features for May 8 / 9, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Torture: as American as Apple Pie

Adam Jones
America's Srebrenica: What About the Hundreds of POWs Suffocated and Shot at Kunduz?

Douglas Valentine
Who Let the Dogs Out?: Torture, the CIA and the Press

Kurt Nimmo
Rush Limbaugh and the Babes of Abu Ghraib

Brian Cloughley
Humpty Dumpty is Falling

Lucia Dailey
Forbidden Games

Joanne Mariner
* * * *: Redacting Moussaoui

Mickey Z.
Please Forgive U.S.? (There Are No Innocent Bystanders)

John Chuckman
The Thing with No Brain

Doug Giebel
Someone Knew: There Were No WMDs

Norm Dixon
How the Bush Gang Exploited 9/11

Sam Bahour
A Guiding Light Falls on Ramallah

Susan Davis
Disorderly Conduct as Fine Art

Dave Marsh
In a Pig's Eye: Alan Lomax, Dead But Still Stealing

Laura Flanders
Life with Dick and Lynne

Dave Zirin
Fans Push Spiderman Off Base

Carolyn Baker
Why I Won't Vote in 2004

"Ain't No Sense in Voting"

Dr. Susan Block
Onan for Two: Liberating Masturbation

Poets' Basement
Smith, Sleeth, Ford, Albert and Saska

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