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February 28 / 29, 2004
Stephen Green
Serving Two Flags: Neo-Cons, Israel
and the Bush Team
Mike Whitney
the Military Goliath
February 27, 2004
Thomas C. Mountain
White Jesus During Black History Month?
Laura Carlsen
Abroad: Bush is Persona Non Grata
John B. Anderson
Nader's Campaign Brings Back Memories: Creating an Open Electoral
Jason Leopold
on Kofi Annan
John Chuckman
Risk and Hope
Standard Schaefer
Interview with Michael Hudson on Putin's Russia
Ray McGovern
for Honest Intelligence
Saul Landau
Haiti Redux
Website of the Day
Bush: Why I'm Running for Re-election
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Brandy Baker
Is Nader
on to Something?
Jacques Kinau
to Colombia: "Can't Give You Anything But Guns, Baby"
Norman Solomon
Bugging Kofi Annan: UN Spying
and the Evasions of US Journalism
Greg Weiher
A Purloined Letter: the Zarqawi Gambit
Walt Brasch
Janet Jackson, Bush & No. 542: There are No Halftime Shows
in War
Shadi Hamid
The Music World Explodes in Anger
Norman Madarasz
As Canadian as Corruption
Chris Floyd
Bullets and Ballots
Virginia Tilly
Deeper Meaning of the Wall
Amy Goodman / Jeremy
Lawyer Says US is Arming Haiti's Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries
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Clear Channel Sucks
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Dr. Susan Block
Sex Therapist and the Rape of Free Speech
Bruce Anderson
Treacherous Bastards: The Greens and the Dems and Nader
Ron Jacobs
Our Power is on the Streets and
in Our Hearts
Mike Whitney
and Gay America: the Politics of Duplicity
Sam Husseini
Jesus in 100 Words
John L. Hess
Kick Off or Flub?
Sam Hamod
Bush's Newest Red Herring
Cockburn / St. Clair
with Nader
Website of the Day
February 24, 2004
Ralph Nader
I'm Running for President
Greg Moses
the Mob! Bush, Gay Marriage and the Constitution
Douglas O'Hara
Merchants of Fear: Smearing Nader
Phillip Cryan
Frozen in Time: The WSJ's Paranoid
Lens on Latin America
David Lindorff
John Kerry's China Connection
Jason Leopold
Cheney's Shame: Halliburton Faces New Charges
Gary Younge
Haiti: Throttled by History
Kromm, Masri & Purohit
Why No Democracy in Iraq?
Steve Perry
Tangled Up in Red and Blue: Beware the Electoral College
February 23, 2004
Neve Gordon
Israel's Apartheid Wall on Trial
at The Hague
Kurt Nimmo
Richard Perle, Executioner: "Heads Should Roll"
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US Soldier Seeks Refugee Status in Canada
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Josh Frank
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Bruce Jackson
Nader, Another View: "He's as Evil as Bush"
Gary Leupp
A Misguided
Attack, The Passion, Rabbi Lerner and the Gospels
February 20 / 22, 2004
Cockburn / St. Clair
He's Peaking Already!
Derek Seidman
Judith Miller from the Stage: Watch Her Run!
Ghada Karmi
Sharon is not the Problem
Vanessa Jones
This Week in Redfern, a Boy Dies, Chased by Cops
Ben Granby
Anatomy of a Night Raid on Balad, Iraq
John Holt
An Air That Kills: Greed, Apathy, Dead People
Saul Landau
Entry from a White House Diary
Tom Jackson
Why They Couldn't Wait to Invade Iraq
Frederick B. Hudson
Slave Power and the Constitution: Jefferson, Slaves, Haiti and
Roger Burbach
Argentina Fights Back
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Lessons on Justice from Guatemala
Mike Whitney
Operation Enduring Misery: the Afghanistan Debacle
Greg Moses
What Gives Texas A&M the Right to Trample the Civil Rights
David Krieger
US Elections: an Opportunity to Debate Nuclear Weapons
Sam Bahour
Palestinian Issue Riddles Bush's Budget
David Grenier
You Could Get 10 Years in Prison Just for Reading This
Charles Sullivan
Corporatism vs. Single Party Politics
Poet's Basement
Hilda White, Larry Kearney & Stew Albert
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The Rumsfeld Fighting Technique
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Cecilie Surasky
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Hawks and Deceptive Intelligence: Did They Really Think They'd
Get Away With It?
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Will Bush Go in Iraq?
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the Nation?
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Would Kerry Purge the Neo-Cons?
Norman Solomon
The Collapse of Dean's Cyber-Bubble
Christopher Brauchli
Cheney, Halliburton and the NYT
Mike Whitney
Bush's Iraq Strategy: "I Hope They Kill Each Other"
Lewis Carroll
Bush the Mighty Helmsman from Yale
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Sex Toy Horoscope
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William Wilgus
AWOL and Dereliction of Duty
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Bush's China Syndrome
Greg Weiher
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Mike Griffin
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a Victory for Free Speech
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February 28 / 29, 2004
Exploiting Bereavement
and Out in The Hague
It's been a long time since I've felt so small,
uncomfortable and red-faced as during the show of whining and
whimpering organized by Israel at The Hague. Colorful posters
displaying photographs of 935 terror victims; Zaka rescue team
workers led by Yehuda Meshi Zahav wearing their "work clothes";
memorial candles; parents talking about the pain of bereavement;
doctors describing the savage nature of the suicide bombers;
the wreckage of a burnt-out bus with a bereaved mother standing
next to it, distributing "one-way tickets"--these are
just some of the sights.
At the Foreign Ministry, these demonstrations
are seen as an appropriate "J'accuse" against those
who dare to put us in the guilty seat. In practice, it is a display
of wretchedness and woe designed to tug at the heartstrings of
international public opinion--like beggars who show off the stump
of an arm or leg to make the world feel sorry for them.
These sights create a lingering sense
of discomfort, not least because Israel is thought of--not only
in the Middle East, but all over the world--as a powerhouse.
In keeping with that image, the last thing one would think Israel
needed was pity. Just this week, Israel received two snazzy new
F-16s capable of flying to anywhere from Libya to Timbuktu. When
the rest of the shipment arrives, Israel, with all its problems,
will be bigger and stronger than ever before. To see it playing
"poor Samson," as Levi Eshkol liked to say, is just
not credible.
At their demonstrations, the Palestinians
could pull out photographs of more than 3,000 victims. As for
playing on the emotions, they could easily flaunt their suffering.
They could dwell on their destroyed homes and the torment they
endure at army checkpoints. But instead of harping on their misfortunes,
they have focused on Israel's occupation policies and the security
fence. They have appealed to the world's sense of justice, while
we seek the world's pity.
The legal experts were divided over whether
Israel should appear at the international court in The Hague.
But the moment they decided not to, they should have carried
that decision to the end. If Israel is not in the courtroom,
it should not be standing outside playing the poor victim--first
of all, because this won't affect what goes on in the courtroom
anyway, and second of all, because out on the street, the Palestinian
argument is more convincing. Instead of moaning, they talk about
occupation, about human rights, about the theft of their land.
They don't have to wave around pictures of their dead. The fence
has dropped into their laps like a PR gift from heaven just as
the anti-Semitic stigma of the Jewish thief is making a comeback
in Europe.
Israel hasn't made up its own mind yet
about whether the thing going up is a fence or a wall. It depends
where you're standing. But whether you see barbed wire or eight-meter
high concrete slabs, it is clear that this barrier symbolizes
Israel's slapdash mentality at its worst.
From Sharon's anti-fence days until today,
when he enthusiastically supports its completion, the government
has never been handed a neatly-typed, bound copy of anything
remotely resembling a master plan for the fence. Constructing
it has been like playing with Lego blocks, adding sections as
If the only reason for the fence were
preventing terror, presumably it could just as well have been
built on the Israeli side of the Green Line. But once it goes
past the boundaries established by the British Mandate, Israel
is unilaterally creating a new border which takes bites out of
Palestinian Authority land. Israel's slapdash policies have not
taken into account how badly the route of this fence can tarnish
Israel's image. Call it a fence, or call it something else, but
it is bound to become a symbol.
There is no power in the world that can
stop a suicide bomber from entering Israel, and no weapon that
can't get around the fence, from the top or the bottom or the
The Palestinians are fighting occupation
and we want the world to stand by us as we pay the price for
that occupation. Sooner or later, the fence will fall, just like
the Berlin Wall.
The bereaved parents from Mitzpeh Aviv,
shocked to see a photograph of their son, who was killed in a
terrorist attack a year and a half ago, being waved around by
a protester at The Hague as they sat watching TV, were right
to protest to the Foreign Ministry. "You have made cynical
use of our son's memory and nationalized our sorrow," they
Exploiting bereavement and wallowing
in self-pity is fitting for soap operas--not for the strongest
country in the Middle East.
Yoel Marcus
writes for Ha'aretz,
where this column originally appeared.
Edition Features for February 20 / 22, 2004
Cockburn / St. Clair
He's Peaking Already!
Derek Seidman
Judith Miller from the Stage: Watch Her Run!
Ghada Karmi
Sharon is not the Problem
Vanessa Jones
This Week in Redfern, a Boy Dies, Chased by Cops
Ben Granby
Anatomy of a Night Raid on Balad, Iraq
John Holt
An Air That Kills: Greed, Apathy, Dead People
Saul Landau
Entry from a White House Diary
Tom Jackson
Why They Couldn't Wait to Invade Iraq
Frederick B. Hudson
Slave Power and the Constitution: Jefferson, Slaves, Haiti and
Roger Burbach
Argentina Fights Back
Kate Doyle
Lessons on Justice from Guatemala
Mike Whitney
Operation Enduring Misery: the Afghanistan Debacle
Greg Moses
What Gives Texas A&M the Right to Trample the Civil Rights
David Krieger
US Elections: an Opportunity to Debate Nuclear Weapons
Sam Bahour
Palestinian Issue Riddles Bush's Budget
David Grenier
You Could Get 10 Years in Prison Just for Reading This
Charles Sullivan
Corporatism vs. Single Party Politics
Poet's Basement
Hilda White, Larry Kearney & Stew Albert
Website of the Weekend
The Rumsfeld Fighting Technique
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