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Read Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press and discover how the CIA gave a helping hand to the opium lords who took over Afghanistan, ushering the Taliban into power and helping to finance Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

Five Days That
Shook The World:
Seattle and Beyond

By Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair
with Photos
by Allan Sekula

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Al Gore:
A User's Manual
by Cockburn
and St. Clair

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a User's Manual

CIA, Drugs & the Press
by Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair

A Pocket Guide to
Environmental Bad Guys
by James Ridgeway
and Jeffrey St. Clair

The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine

By Douglas Valentine

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by Ken Silverstein

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CounterPunch Stories on 9/11 Attacks

January 1- 31, 2002

January 31, 2002

Rahul Mahajan
The State of the Union:
A New Cold War

Dave Marsh
Miles Copeland, War
and the Future of Music

John Pilger
The Colder War
Alexander Cockburn
American Journal:
Killer Dog, Weird Couple

Dr. Susan Block
Blowback and Daniel Pearl

January 30, 2002

Jeffrey St. Clair
Linda Lay, Hill and Knowlton
and the Tears of a Clown

Jack McCarthy
Free Noelle Bush!
Michael Ratner
Memo to Bush: Adhere to
the Geneva Convention

Jay Moore
Proud to be an American?
Susan Block
The Great Pretzel Swallower
and Guantanamo Porn

January 29, 2002

Gary Leupp
Why This War Was,
and Remains, Utterly Wrong

Alexander Cockburn
The Birds of Kandahar
Patrick Cockburn
Afghan Opium Trade
Back in Business

January 28, 2002

Larry Chin
Brosnahan for the Defense
Tyranny of the Bottom Line
George E. Curry
Civil Rights Nominee Called Affirmative Action "Racist"
Sen. Russ Feingold
Campaign Finance Reform?
Think Enron

John Chuckman
Liberal? Media?

January 27, 2002

Mokhiber and Weissman
Enron's Drip, Drip, Drip
Tom Turnipseed
MLK Jr.'s Dream Perverted

January 26, 2002

Norman Madarsz
Adieu, Bourdieu

January 25, 2002

National Lawyers Guild
Know Your Rights
Alexander Cockburn
You Call This Terrorism?
CounterPunch Wire
Cal Energy Crisis Hoax:
It Wasn't A Shortage,
It Was a Shakedown

Tariq Ali
Kashmir, Klinghoffer,
the Kurds and Chomsky

Nadine Strossen
Protecting MLK Jr.'s Legacy:
Justice and Liberty After 9/11

January 24, 2002

Robert Fisk
Turkey Targets Chomsky
Dean Baker
Lying on Top:
Ken Lay One of Many

David Vest
Idiot Wind

January 23, 2002

Terry Waite
Guantanamo Prisoners:
Justice or Revenge?

Molly Secours
The Case of Abu-Ali:
Racism and the Death Penalty

Robert Jensen
Speak Out, Get Slimed

January 22, 2002

Brendan Cooney
Moby-Dick and the Hunt
for Osama bin Laden

Rick Giombetti
Progressive Pols for Enron?
Judith Resnik
Invading the Courts?
Kevin Alexander Gray
The Crisis in Black Leadership

January 21, 2002

Marjorie Cohn
Will Walker's Words
Be Used Against Him?

Ahmad Faruqui
MLK Jr. and the Palestinians

January 18, 2002

Jordan Green
Enron Stole Our Future
Tom Turnipseed
The Enron Model
Walt Brasch
Enron at the White House
CounterPunch Wire
Human Rights Groups Says
Guantanmo Prisoners
Must Be Treated as POWs

January 17, 2002

Gideon Levy
Bulldozing Rafah

January 16, 2002

Uri Avnery
That Palestinian Arms Bust
Lawrence McGuire
Subverting the
Geneva Convention

Kathy Kelly
An Open Letter to
Richard Perle on Iraq

January 15, 2002

George Monbiot
Greenpeace, Lord Melchett
and the Business of Betrayal

Jack McCarthy
Follow the Pretzel
William Blum
Atta and the Times:
Follow the Changing Story

January 14, 2002

David Vest
Open Bag. Eat Pretzels.
Patrick Cockburn
Collapse of Georgia
Ignored by the World

Edward Said
Emerging Truths in Palestine

Enron's Accountants:
When In Doubt, Shred It

January 13, 2002

C.G. Estabrook
Why We Kill People

January 12, 2002

Cockburn/St. Clair
Forbidden Truths

January 10, 2002

Lee Ballinger and Dave Marsh
Neil Young and John Ashcroft
Hans von Sponek
Iraq: Is There an Alternative
to Military Action?

Jim Lobe
Israeli Human Rights Group Assails Army
Marina Mayakova
Russia's Top Military Astrologer
Predicts More Attacks from OBL

January 9, 2002

David Vest
The Super-Burqa
and the Big Tent

ND Jayaprakash
Winnable Nuclear War?

Rafiq Kathwari
Kashmir Will Make Ground
Zero Look Like a Bonfire

January 8, 2002

Prudence Crowther
Sting Like a B-52
Nelson Valdés
Al-Qaeda at Guantanamo Bay
John Chuckman
Dark Tales from the
Ministry of Truth

Richard Corn-Revere
Do We Fear Freedom?
Joan Hoff
The Nixon You Haven't Heard

January 7, 2002

Lawrence McGuire
Confusing Economic Tales About Argentina
Wael Masri
They Are Taking
Our Rights Away

Philip Farruggio
Better Medicine

January 6, 2002

Ralph Nader
Students Put the Heat on Foreign Sweatshops
Tariq Ali
Battleground Kashmir

January 5, 2002

Mark Schneider
Kifah: The Movie Star
Israel Killed

Edward Said
Is Israel More Secure Now?

January 4, 2002

CG Estabrook
Anti-War = Anti-Globalization
Jordan Green
What's Changed in New York

January 3, 2002

Walt Brasch
Exit Cheney, Enter Ridge
Mokhiber and Weissman
The 10 Worst Corporations
of 2001

Robert Hunter Wade
America's Empire Rules an Unbalanced World
Shahid Alam
Is There an Islamic Problem?

January 2, 2002

Ross Regnart
Patriot Act Redefines the Mob as "Terrorist Associates"
John Chuckman
The Republicans' Secret Plan X
David Vest
Turn, Turn, Turn

January 1, 2002

Kathy Kelly
Iraq's New Year

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