By Eric Hananoki. Sophomore @ the George Washington University. Residence: Honolulu, Hawaii.
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June 04, 2004


USAT. Kerry: Follow-through is critical
Guardian. Farewell to the fall guy blamed for terror blunders; CIA chief finally quits as inquiries continue into double debacle of September 11 attacks and WMD claims
UK Indy. Tenet ends up as Bush's fall guy after all the flaws and falsehoods
USAT. Chalabi investigators search for source of his info
The Hill. Nevada GOP bets its chips on Reid; 3rd-term senator’s hard-ball tactics squash opposition
WP. 'Take Back America' Aims at Left
WP. Kerry: Troop Boost Needed
WP. '95 Cable Used Chalabi Name
NYT. Mistreatment: Abu Ghraib Inquiry Is Said to Focus on Head of Its Interrogation Center
NYT. Religious Leaders Assail Amendment on Gay Marriage
NYT. Report Blames Agencies Over Prewar Intelligence
Reuters. Bush Faces Italian Anger Over Iraq on Rome Visit
Reuters. Iraq Wants Say on When U.S. Troops Should Leave
Reuters. Treasury's Snow: Saudis Serious on Terror Cash
Reuters. U.S. Election Officials Defend Punch Card Voting
AP. EPA rejects radioactive waste removal plan
St. Louis PD. Gay marriage on Aug. 3 MO ballot
Guardian. Violence warning as Bush flies into Rome
Guardian. 'For us Germans, the war is finally over'; Watershed of chancellor's part in D-day anniversary
Guardian. The Movie Theater: 'The best perk in the White House'
CSM. Protest song is back - with a vengeance: From hip-hop to punk to rock, artists are wailing against President Bush
CSM. Bush, Kerry, and a battle for Catholics

Jonathan Turley. You Have Rights -- if Bush Says You Do
John Nichols. Herseth Win Matters (A Lot)
Newsday. U.S. oil policy: Get real
Derrick Z. Jackson. Bush speech spins the winds of war
E. J. Dionne Jr. A Better Campaign Finance System
Betsy Leondar-Wright. Black Job Loss Déjà Vu
Kevin Drum. OPECed OUT
Media Matters. FOX's Brit Hume spins for Bush
Eric Alterman. On Pew Media Poll: 'You Call this 'Liberal?''
Molly Ivins. Can the PR -- get the facts: On Enron tapes and the Lynching of Pat Tillman
Eric Boehlert. Burning down the Log Cabin: Assailing the "cabal of geniuses" who cooked up the gay marriage ban, one of the GOP's only openly gay leaders breaks with his party
Norman Birnbaum. The accidental pilgrim: Bush stumbles to Rome in search of Catholic votes -- but the pope may give him a much-needed lecture instead
Sidney Blumenthal. Bush's grand European tour: Courting the allies he spurned last year, the president will mangle the lessons of history to turn Iraq into postwar Europe, but no one will be fooled
Amy Sullivan. Partial-Truth Abortion: Phony issues, disingenuous arguments
Thomas Schaller. Casualty Counts Count; A closer look at fatality trends in Iraq after 15 months
David Corn. Bush Oversells Progress in Afghanistan
Arianna. Shakespeare turns a spotlight on Bush and Iraq; Bush, like Henry V, engaged in war of choice to distract his people
Fred Kaplan. Bye, George; It's been a bad week for the Bushies
Rupert Cornwell. The scapegoat? George Tenet, the CIA chief, departs in the wake of intelligence failings that led to war in Iraq. Of course, no politicians have quit...

O'Reilly Refuses Media Matters for Air Time

From Media Matters:

FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor has refused Media Matters for America's request for time on the broadcast to discuss attacks on philanthropist George Soros by host Bill O'Reilly and by O'Reilly's guest Richard Poe, a contributing editor of the right-wing magazine NewsMax.

Poe appeared on the May 18 edition of The O'Reilly Factor to promote his NewsMax article "George Soros' Coup." Media Matters for America has issued an analysis of the Poe article, detailing factual errors and misrepresentations (05/19/04).

On May 19, Media Matters for America President and CEO David Brock wrote to O'Reilly asking for time on the broadcast to debate the anti-Soros attacks. On June 1, O'Reilly's producer denied the request, suggesting O'Reilly was no longer pursuing the subject. Yet on the June 1 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly spent nearly half his show attacking Soros; and on the June 1 O'Reilly Factor TV broadcast, O'Reilly featured unrebutted attacks on Soros by FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich.

New Poll: Tied Up

In national poll numbers, the presidential race continues to be a close one. From ARG:

John Kerry and George W. Bush remain in a statistical tie among Americans registered to vote according to a nationwide survey from the American Research Group, Inc. In the ballot preference between Kerry and Bush, 48% say they would vote for Kerry and 46% say they would vote for Bush. In May, Kerry was at 47% and Bush was at 44%. When Ralph Nader is added to the ballot, 46% say they would vote for Kerry, 45% say they would vote for Bush, and 3% say they would vote for Nader.
Daily Kos has state poll numbers from Rasmussen. Battleground state numbers of interest:
Bush 44 (49)
Kerry 43 (42)

North Carolina.
Bush 48 (51)
Kerry 44 (43)

Bush 46 (41)
Kerry 44 (45)

Bush 46 (46)
Kerry 45 (45)

Majority Oppose Church in Politics

E.g. denying communion for political reasons, finds WP/ABC poll:

Most Americans say religious leaders should not try to influence politicians' positions on the issues, and abortion is no exception: Nearly seven in 10 — including most Catholics — oppose denying Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who support legal abortion.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans oppose denying communion to such politicians; that includes 72 percent of all Catholics and a similar number of churchgoing Catholics. Even among Americans who oppose legal abortion, 57 percent reject the idea of denying communion to Catholic politicians who hold the opposite view.

These sentiments fit with broader public views: Nearly-two thirds of Americans say religious leaders in general should not attempt to influence politicians' positions on the issues. Again Catholics mirror the overall population — 65 percent share this view — although there are broad differences among other population groups.

RNC Head Ed Gillespie Flashback

While Ed Gillespie is attacking John Kerry for his riches at Kerryopoly, let's not forget this gem from Ed's past:

By appointing Ed Gillespie, a leading corporate lobbyist, to head the Republican National Committee, President Bush has opened a conduit for Corporate America to strengthen its already formidable influence in the White House and Congress, Public Citizen said today.

The lobbying firm Gillespie co-founded in 2000, Quinn, Gillespie & Associates, has grown into one of the capital’s most lucrative, in part because of Gillespie’s strong ties to the Bush administration ... Gillespie has worked to keep national energy policy in lockstep with the wishes of Enron and other energy giants. Quinn Gillespie earned $700,000 from Enron in 2001 alone to lobby the White House on the electricity crisis on the West Coast. The administration aggressively supported Enron’s position against re-regulating electricity markets. Gillespie also channeled money from DaimlerChrysler and Enron to his 21st Energy Project, which bought print and television ads in July 2001 to promote the administration’s energy plans, including blocking any increase in fuel-economy standards.

GOP Reaching Out to Gays

By refusing a delegate spot at the RNC Convention to an openly gay Republican and, in North Carolina, refusing a convention table to Log Cabin Republicans.

Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer

See here.

"I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive." -- George W. Bush

June 03, 2004

The "Open Thread"

Out today. Feel free to post away; let's see if this gets more than 5 comments!

Edit: Thanks to all who commented. Perhaps another open thread soon.

June 02, 2004

Wed. Stories

WP. Chalabi Warned Iranians, U.S. Says
LAT. Chalabi Accused of Aiding Iran Spies: The Iraqi exile allegedly revealed U.S. intercepts of Tehran's secret communications
WP. Fighting in the Shadow of Iraq; Some Fear Afghanistan Has Become a Forgotten War
AP. Ohio county provides microcosm of US race
AP. Kerry says he'd secure nuclear materials; Effort seen costing at least $30 billion
AP. Kerry to discuss plan to prevent bioterror
AP. Democrats raise additional $2.8 million for July party
CSM. More working parents play 'beat the clock'
CSM. US runs a high-tech trade gap
LAT. Faith-Based Chief Cites 'Culture War'
LAT. Wag of the capital blog set: In her Washington Web log,, Ana Marie Cox is proud to be utterly shameless
AP. Bombs kill 14 Iraqis, wound dozens, including two Americans as new government named
SFC. Judge rejects limits on abortion: Law criminalizing 'partial-birth' procedure called unconstitutional, threat to women
AP. ''Fahrenheit 9/11'' finds domestic distributor
Guardian. Oil price soars to new high: Fear of political backlash as cost of petrol set to rise over summer
Guardian. Bush warned against comparing D-Day to Iraq
NYT. An Upbeat Bush Praises New Interim Government in Iraq
NYT. U.S. Court Blocks Rules for Snowmobile Emissions
NYT. Saving a Reef for the Fish, and the People
WP. Debate Intensifies On Nuclear Waste: Lawmakers in Affected States Press Bush Administration on Cleanup

Bill Gallagher. Delusional Bush Cynically Uses Fear as a Weapon in Sinking Re-election Bid
David Corn. How Bold Should Kerry Go?
The Nation. The Big Money Election: The 2004 election is an object lesson in how not to reduce the role of big money in politics
Nathan Bierma. The phony threat of immigration
Robert Kuttner. Bush the war leader losing key battles
Derrick Z. Jackson. And slashing funds at home
BGlobe. Bush's false advertising
Des Moines Register. States' rights trump Ashcroft
LAT. The Fog Persists in Iraq
LAT. A Deficit of Fiscal Foresight
Naomi Klein. George’s Kids
Matthew Rothschild. Bush Whisks Away Torture and Murder
Moisés Naím. When Dishing Out Blame, Don't Stop With Bush
Larry Beinhart. Censorship isn’t Mickey Mouse stuff: Seeing the ‘invisible hand’ holding up distribution of Michael Moore’s new film is not a pretty sight
Helen Thomas. Prison disaster not without heroes
Harold Meyerson. The Sound of Democrats Not Fighting

RNC Using Drudge Rumor as Fact

I love this. And they don't even stand behind their source, instead resorting to laundering the source of the report.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is using Matt Drudge's unsubstantiated rumor regarding Senator John Kerry's hair to attack the senator. The RNC claims, in its new online game "Kerryopoly," that Kerry paid $1,000 for a haircut. Interestingly, the RNC did not cite the original source of the rumor -- a Drudge Report "Exclusive" -- but, rather, cited an April 28 Washington Times "Inside Politics" column by Greg Pierce. But Pierce made it clear that his report was based on Drudge's "Exclusive"; moreover, Pierce cited Drudge five times in nine sentences, and everything in Pierce's report came directly from Drudge's "Exclusive." Drudge's unsubstantiated claim was thus laundered -- through The Washington Times -- into an RNC attack on Kerry.

Bush Seeking Outside Counsel

re: The Wilson - Plame CIA leak. CBS News with the story:

So far, no one is suggesting that President Bush had anything to do with the leak or even knew about it until it became public. But the fact that he has retained outside counsel in the event the grand jury comes calling has elevated this investigation to the highest levels.

It makes sense, says CBS News Legal Analyst Andrew Cohen, especially if the President has reason to believe that he'll be interviewed as part of the investigation, whether that interview is under oath or not. It doesn't mean he is the target or the focus of the investigation.

The question now, says Cohen, is whether there was some event or development in the investigation that prompted the President, now, to put out feelers like this to the legal community. This investigation, remember, has been going on for months.

Talking Points Memo asks the next logical question: "From everything we know about this case, the probable connections would far more likely be to the vice-president rather than the president. So someone should ask whether Vice President Cheney has lawyered up too."

Study: Wal-Mart Has Received Over $1Billion in Gov Subsidies

According to a new study from Good Jobs First, the giant retailer is receiving giant government support. From the Kansas City Biz Journal:

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has received more than $1 billion in economic development subsidies from state and local governments, including Kansas City, in the past 20 years, an official with Good Jobs First said Wednesday.

The Washington-based nonprofit group conducted a five-month study of projects for which the Bentonville, Ark., company (NYSE: WMT) has received public subsidies since the early 1980s, said Philip Mattera, research director for Good Jobs First. The United Food & Commercial Workers International Union financed half the cost of the $50,000 study but had no role in the research or analysis, Mattera said.

Among the incentives listed in the study is $9.1 million provided by Kansas City in 2001 through a tax-increment financing district to improve roads for a development anchored by Wal-Mart and Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse at Missouri Highway 152 and Interstate 29, Mattera said.

According to the Good Jobs First study, the largest numbers of deals were in Missouri, Illinois, Texas, California and Mississippi. Six St. Louis-area deals totaled $38.1 million of public subsidies.

Miller Time Lonely Time

From CableNewser, this item about the sinking CNBC show:

Dennis Miller’s 9pm CNBC show is still at the bottom of the ratings charts -- and it dipped lower last month. In April, Miller averaged 211,000 households, 263,000 persons age 2+, and 105,000 persons 25-54. In May, the show slumped to 132,000 households, 175,000 persons age 2+, and 66,000 persons 25-54 – declines of 30 to 40%

Silly Neal Boortz

The O'Franken Factor catches the libertarian talk show host in a lie.

Hamster Numbers: Nation's Veterans Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago?

Not really, finds the Senate Democratic Policy Committee:

  • Claims Backlog. As of May 10, 2004, nearly 475,000 claims were pending before the VA, including 90,839 that had been waiting for over 180 days. During the same week in 2000, there were 142,712 fewer claims pending, or almost 30 percent less than the current backlog. In 2000, only 78,690 had been pending for more than 180 days.
  • Inadequate Health Care Funding. President Bush's Fiscal Year 2005 budget request provides only a 1.9 percent funding increase, far less than the pace of inflation. His budget falls over $4.1 billion short of the need identified by the Independent Budget created by leading nonpartisan veterans' groups. VA Secretary Principi himself testified that the Administration's request was inadequate.
  • Driving Veterans Away, Part I. President Bush's January 2003 decision to bar new Priority 8 veterans from enrolling in the VA health care system has prevented an estimated 200,000 veterans from receiving health care. These veterans could have an annual income as low as $25,000
  • Driving Veterans Away, Part II. Policies proposed by President Bush's Fiscal Year 2005 budget request would drive an estimated ten percent of all VA enrollees-800,000 veterans-away from the VA health care system.
  • Increased Out-of-Pocket Expenses. Over the course of his term, President Bush has proposed a number of increases in copayments, enrollment fees, and other out-of-pocket expenses paid by veterans. Out-of-pocket payments have already risen 340 percent, or a total of $561 million, during President Bush's term, and his Fiscal Year 2005 budget proposes another $543 million hike.

  • Knowles Takes Senate Lead in Alaska

    In the latest KTUU survey, Knowles has the lead:

    This month, Tony has the lead back in a big way -- his largest lead of the campaign. Knowles is listed at 45.7 percent, Lisa Murkowski at 41.4 percent, Green Party candidate Jim Sykes at 1.3 percent, "other" at 4.6 percent, with 6.9 percent undecided.

    Knowles' rating is 63.2 percent positive, his highest positive rating of the campaign to date, and 31.5 percent negative. That's testament to an effective start on the advertising front.

    Lisa Murkowski's rating is 57.4 percent positive -- also her highest positive rating of the campaign -- and 34.1 percent negative.

    But wait! Murkowski has troubles besides the popular former Gov. Knowles:
    Not to be left out, Wev Shea, an Anchorage attorney and Republican Party activist, has pitched his hat into the ring to challenge Lisa Murkowski and Mike Miller for the Republican nomination, fueled by his concerns about ethics complaints against GOP Chairman Randy Ruedrich.

    Now, Jerry Sanders, former Republican state House representative for Midtown, has filed to run on the Alaska Independence Party ticket. Will Sanders be the next U.S. senator for Alaska? Likely not, but he may be on the general election ballot, and could siphon votes from the Republican nominee.

    GOP Outreach to Hispanics

    Another example, in the AP:

    A radio station temporarily suspended broadcasts of a commercial for a Republican congressional candidate who rails against illegal immigration but then signs off in Spanish, including the salutation "Yo, Gringo!"

    WSJS-AM said it made the decision over the holiday weekend because it was unclear if the sponsor was clearly identified in the otherwise-English ad for candidate Vernon Robinson. The ad contends the prevalence of Spanish spoken in the United States can make English-speaking Americans feel like they're in "The Twilight Zone."

    Only the final line is in Spanish. After "Yo, Gringo!" - a contemptuous Spanish term for Americans - the rest translates to "This episode of 'The Twilight Zone' was paid for by Robinson for Congress."

    The commercial was returned to the air Tuesday with the English translation. WSJS manager Tom Hamilton said all political ads were temporarily suspended while the problem with Robinson's ad was resolved.

    And this guy has a great slogan:
    In campaign mailings, Robinson has often invoked the name of one of the state's conservative icons, proclaiming: "Jesse Helms is back! And this time he's black."

    Bush: Current War as Heroic as WW2 or Cold War

    In a speech to the Air Force Academy on Wednesday, AP:

    In a commencement speech at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday, Bush was to tell graduating cadets they would be joining a conflict as heroic as World War II or the Cold War.

    Bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq, Bush says, would undercut the stagnation and despair that feeds the extremist ideologies of al-Qaida and its terrorist allies ... ''Part of winning the war on terror is spreading freedom and democracy in the Middle East,'' Bush told reporters at the White House before leaving for Colorado on Tuesday.

    Previously, France had warned Bush:
    French officials fear George Bush will inflame anti-American sentiment in France this weekend by linking the D-Day landings with the invasion of Iraq.

    Advisers close to Jacques Chirac have let it be known that any reference to Iraq during the 60th anniversary of the Allied invasion of France on Sunday would be ill-advised and unwelcome ... "He'd better not go too far down the road of making a historical comparison because it's likely to backfire on him," said a source close to President Chirac.

    Sex-Ed Fun


    Pamela Norris says her high school sex-education class consisted of watching Three Stooges movies and coloring.

    "It wasn't really based on sex," complained the student at Curie High School on the Southwest Side.

    Well, obviously she hasn't seen the good Three Stooges videos.

    Dems Invite Bloggers to Convention

    Would also get press credentials, AP:

    These traditionally non-establishment social commentators will be chosen based on their professionalism, the number of readers who check their blog on a regular basis, and how much of their content is original. DNC officials have not determined how many credentials will be issued.

    During an election cycle transformed by Howard Dean's use of the Internet in his fight for the nomination, Democratic officials are trying to engage a wider array of Americans in the Boston festivities, from July 26 to 29 at the FleetCenter.

    "We hope to bring back to political conventions something of the spirit of the early American democracy, the wide-ranging, freewheeling, and raucous discussions about the state of the nation and the state of the party," Matt Stoller, the DNC's Blog Community Coordinator, wrote in his first posting.

    Party organizers even drew a connection between blogging — a quintessentially 21st century mode of communication — and the convention city's rich political heritage.

    Obviously a nice gesture by the establishment Dems to the grassroots.

    This blog was invited to apply for press credentials to the convention but, well, a plane ticket from Hawaii to Boston is, uh, pricey.

    Coulter in Limbaugh Denial

    The Coulter claim, from Media Matters:

    O'REILLY: No, they are. You know that. I'm not going to embarrass people but on the radio, talk radio you have right wing commentators say it's just hazing, what's the big deal?

    COULTER: If I know what you're referring to, there were two hours and 59 minutes not saying that and at one point making fun of liberals for making fun of -- if you're talking about Rush, but Rush went on...

    O'REILLY: ...program and he said it's not a big deal, it's just hazing.

    COULTER: If you're talking about Rush, he definitely didn't say that.What other talk radio hosts say...

    O'REILLY: I compete against him every day on the radio and I know what he says. He said many, many times and not only him that it wasn't a big deal.

    COULTER: No, he didn't say that, but whatever -- no.

    I'm not sure why O'Reilly feels he shouldn't "embarrass" people by mentioning their names on air. Isn't his show supposed to be a hard-hitting, non-partisan show (ha).

    As they usually do, Media Matters with the reality:

    CALLER: It was like a college fraternity prank that stacked up naked men --

    LIMBAUGH: Exactly. Exactly my point! This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we are going to really hammer them because they had a good time. You know, these people are being fired at every day. I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?

    So Ann Coulter lied. Snap.

    Herseth Wins in SD

    In a rather close race, Stephanie Herseth defeated Larry Diedrich for the chance to replace the disgraced Bill Janklow in Congress. From the AP:

    With all but 31 precincts reporting, Herseth had 124,594 votes, or 51 percent, to 121,628 votes, or 49 percent, for Larry Diedrich, a farmer who served in the Legislature and was head of the American Soybean Association ...

    Herseth now will serve out the seven months left in Janklow's term. Herseth and Diedrich will meet again in November to compete for a full two-year term. Herseth, however, will have the advantage of incumbency in holding South Dakota's lone House seat.

    Her victory gave the Democrats two straight triumphs this year in special elections waged for GOP-held seats, and coincided with Democratic claims that a national tide is running their way ahead of the fall campaign. Recent polling shows support slumping for President Bush as well as for the Republican majority in the House.

    Despite the gains in South Dakota and in Kentucky earlier this year, the Democrats must pick up 11 more seats in November to gain control of the House.

    June 01, 2004

    Tuesday Stories

    WP. Forecast For Jobs Will Factor Into Vote
    WP. Army Investigates Wider Iraq Offenses: Cases Include Deaths, Assaults Outside Prisons
    NYT. In Much of the U.S., Soaring Fuel Prices Are Starting to Hurt
    NYT. Drug Discounts Beginning Tuesday, but Sign-Ups Lag
    NYT. U.S. Shifts Focus in Iraq to Aiding New Government
    BBC. US oil prices break new records
    AP. Bush Warns of Rise in Violence in Iraq
    Reuters. Bush Praises Iraq's New Interim Government
    BGlobe. Bush may need broader campaign: Slips in polling in crucial states
    LAT. Could Telephone Rates Become a Campaign Issue?
    AP. Poll: Democrat Obama leads Senate race in Ill.
    Reuters. Democrats Hope for Momentum from Dakota Vote
    The Hill. It’s do or die for drug bill: Senators claim 60 votes for legislation allowing reimportation from Canada
    USAT. George Soros putting his fortune behind a new cause: Ousting Bush
    The Hill. Overseas campaign cash OK
    USAT. 3rd of detainees who died were assaulted
    AP. Coalition, U.N. to miss deadline for new Iraq government
    AP. Gay-rights activists denied communion
    WP. Bush, Kerry Pay Tribute to Veterans at Events in Virginia
    WP. Disparate Lists of Battleground States at Work; Key Senate Seats Are Largely Unimportant in Race for White House, and Vice Versa

    Krugman. Dooh Nibor Economics
    Paul Waldman. No Fear: In one way at least, Bush and Kerry couldn't be more different
    Brian Dolber. Taking Care of Business: Bush's new overtime rules are even worse than you think
    E. J. Dionne Jr. Iraq and the Conservative Crackup
    Robert Scheer. Electorate Is Wising Up to the Iraq Blunder
    Thomas Oliphant. Kerry's Mideast policy is miles from Bush's
    Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Iraq 'Supermax' Prison Won't Wipe Away Abu Ghraib Stain
    Steven Stycos. Defying Convention: Will Americans be able to exercise their fundamental right to protest at the major-party conventions in Boston and New York this summer?
    Lawrence Mishel. Dismal Scientists: A new book spurs the thought: It's time to link economics to a language of values.
    Jane Mayer. THE MANIPULATOR: Ahmad Chalabi pushed a tainted case for war. Can he survive the occupation?
    Deborah Meier. No Politician Left Behind
    Alan Bisbort . No Apologies Accepted: Beating Bush is never having to say you´re sorry
    Evan Derkacz. Nader's Numbers

    Bill O'Reilly Distorts Gallup Poll

    On the May 26, 2004 episode of "The O'Reilly Factor," Bill O'Reilly had a segment on morality. In order to back up his claim that the country's moral fabric is coming apart, O'Reilly turned to a Gallup poll:

    O’REILLY: The belief that America is degenerating on a moral level is shared by both Republicans and Democrats. According to a new Gallup poll, 82 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of Democrats say that moral values in the U.S.A. are only fair or downright poor. 40 years ago, only 33 percent of Americans felt that way.
    The first part of the cite is correct. The second part of the cite, however, is pure spin. This is what the Gallup poll wrote:
    These findings come from Gallup's annual Values and Beliefs survey, conducted May 2-4. The question is a recent addition to the survey, and was first asked in May 2002. However, historical measures on this subject suggest that Americans have traditionally been concerned about the state of moral values in the nation.

    A 1965 Gallup Poll asked respondents to rate their degree of satisfaction with the "moral tone" of the nation, and found only 27% "extremely" or "considerably" satisfied, while 38% were "somewhat satisfied" and 33% were "not at all satisfied."

    Note this Gallup opinion: "However, historical measures on this subject suggest that Americans have traditionally been concerned about the state of moral values in the nation."

    Also, remember that the 82 / 78 number was a combination of 'fair' and 'poor.' With the 1965 numbers, you have 38% as 'somewhat satisfied' which is likely comparable to 'fair' and 33% 'not at all satisfied,' which is likely comparable to poor. Combined, it's 71% as a combination of 'fair' and 'poor.'

    In other words, O'Reilly compared two different things: the "fair/poor" part from May 2004, to just the "poor" from 1965.

    Rich Lowry Distorts's "The Day After Tomorrow" Position

    In a recent column, Rich Lowry takes to task for using the movie for its global warming campaign:

    The premise of "The Day After Tomorrow" is as laughable as its dialogue. "I think we've hit a critical desalination point" passes for snappy repartee in the film, as global warming melts the polar ice caps. This disrupts the Gulf Stream, plunging North America into a new ice age. Tidal waves devastate New York City, which is then buried under ice and snow (ensuring the defeat, by the way, of whoever is running City Hall, since New Yorkers would never tolerate a mayor who couldn't clear the streets after a snowstorm).

    Al Gore has given the movie two green thumbs up, and the left-wing group is promoting it. Never mind that the movie's scenario is absurd. There is no such thing as a flash freeze that makes helicopters fall out of the air. Nor can an ice age descend in a matter of days. More sober environmentalists worry that the very ridiculousness of the film will discredit their cause ... "The Day After Tomorrow" might not be much of a movie, but it is useful for providing a glimpse into the soul of left-wing environmentalism. Pretty chilling.

    Reading the entire column, one gets the sense that a group like is supporting all premises of the science fiction movie. However, what Lowry fails to mention is that notes the science fiction and over-the-top situations in the movie. flyer (.pdf):
    The abrupt climate crisis in The Day After Tomorrow is over the top. A full-blown ice age could not happen. But global warming could bring dangerously cold temperatures in some areas, while others suffer severe storms, extreme heat, floods, droughts and water shortages
    And from a petition:
    The new movie, "The Day After Tomorrow," is more science fiction than science fact. Yet the danger of a climate crisis is very real, and we've got to take action now to prevent it. Passing the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act would be a big step in the right direction, creating national caps on the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.
    So why be misleading? To make liberals and environmentalists sound nuts, even though most cited in news articles about the film note that the movie is science fiction, though global warming is real.

    GOP Chairman Decries "politics of negativity"

    In an email to supporters, RNC head Marc Racicot writes:

    You understand what is at stake in this election; and you understand that the politics of negativity and anger are no match for the politics of optimism and hope.
    However, he must have missed this front-page story in the Washington Post:
    Scholars and political strategists say the ferocious Bush assault on Kerry this spring has been extraordinary, both for the volume of attacks and for the liberties the president and his campaign have taken with the facts. Though stretching the truth is hardly new in a political campaign, they say the volume of negative charges is unprecedented -- both in speeches and in advertising.
    While the RNC website attacks John Kerry's patriotism, claiming that "Communist North Korea Is Only Government On Record Supporting John Kerry" and mockingly notes that John Kerry has a "French cousin."

    The Flip-Flopping President

    Courtesy of The Center for American Progress, 20 Flip Flops from George W. Bush. My favorite:

    BUSH SAYS WE FOUND THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION..."We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories…for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." [President Bush, Interview in Poland, 5/29/03]

    ...BUSH SAYS WE HAVEN'T FOUND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION "David Kay has found the capacity to produce weapons. And when David Kay goes in and says we haven't found stockpiles yet, and there's theories as to where the weapons went. They could have been destroyed during the war. Saddam and his henchmen could have destroyed them as we entered into Iraq. They could be hidden. They could have been transported to another country, and we'll find out." [President Bush, Meet the Press, 2/7/04]

    Howard Dean Starts Syndicated Column


    Ashcroft Out?

    It seems increasingly likely, as the AG is losing favor with the Bush administration. Can you wait for the tell-all book? From TIME:

    Has John Ashcroft fallen out of favor at the White House? The question may not be whether but how far. He was given a rare rebuke by Bush during the President's testimony before the 9/11 commission, over Ashcroft's political swipe at commission member Jamie Gorelick, a Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton. Well-placed Republican sources say the President has gone out of his way to take the spotlight off the Attorney General at high-profile law-enforcement-related events. It was Ashcroft's former deputy, Larry Thompson, now a visiting law professor at the University of Georgia, who joined Bush at a recent event promoting the Patriot Act in Buffalo, N.Y. And the White House prevailed upon Thompson to sit near Ashcroft during his testimony before the 9/11 commission in an attempt to soften the Attorney General's hard edge with commission members, who have grown contemptuous of his imperious manner and methods. Thompson, an African American, left Justice after serving almost two years under Ashcroft. Many believe Thompson may be back and in the top job if Bush wins a second term. In Buffalo, Bush extolled Thompson's credentials before a crowd and implied that Justice needs him back. "Larry, we miss you over there," Bush said. "Don't get too comfortable." Bush partisans interpreted those remarks — and Thompson's rising profile — as a sign the President is giving up on a long-term future for his truculent Attorney General. Said one: "Ashcroft will not be the A.G. by Christmas if Bush wins."
    Ashcroft can always go back to doing what he does best: losing elections to the deceased.

    Cheney Lying?

    From the Progress Report:

    "Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interests...And as vice president, I have absolutely no influence of, involvement of, knowledge of in any way, shape or form of contracts led by the Corps of Engineers or anybody else in the federal government..."

    – Vice President Dick Cheney on Meet The Press, 9/14/03


    "Time Magazine has obtained an internal Pentagon e-mail sent by an Army Corps of Engineers official...dated March 5, 2003 [that] says 'action' on a multibillion-dollar Halliburton contract was 'coordinated' with Cheney's office. The e-mail says Douglas Feith, a high-ranking Pentagon hawk, got the 'authority to execute RIO,' or Restore Iraqi Oil, from his boss, who is Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz."

    – Time Magazine, 5/30/04

    Bush Setting AF1 Record

    Getting his taxpayer funded benefits while he can. From the AP:

    President Bush is using Air Force One for re-election travel more heavily than any predecessor, wringing maximum political mileage from a perk of office paid for by taxpayers.

    While Democratic rival John Kerry digs into his campaign bank account to charter a plane to roam the country, Bush often travels at no cost to his campaign simply by declaring a trip "official" travel rather than "political."

    Even when the White House deems a trip as political, the cost to Bush's campaign is minimal. In such instances, the campaign must only pay the government the equivalent of a comparable first-class fare for each political traveler on each leg, Federal Election Commission guidelines say.

    Usually, that means paying a few hundred or a few thousand dollars for the president and a handful of aides. It's a minuscule sum, compared to the $56,800-per-hour the Air Force estimates it costs to run Air Force One.

    And here's your hypocritical moment of the day:
    It is an advantage that Bush and other presidents before him have enjoyed. President Clinton frequently was criticized by Republicans for his record-setting use of Air Force One in the campaign season, and Bush is exceeding Clinton's pace.


    TBogg notes that "Jonah slits his throat with Occam's Razor": Exhibit 1:

    I BET MOORE'S LYING [Jonah Goldberg ]
    Occam's razor, my friends, the simplest explanation is usually the best.
    Exhibit 2:
    I WAS WRONG [Jonah Goldberg]
    Moore didn't lie about having Berg footage.
    Posted at 08:52 AM

    Diedrich Concedes Defeat in SD

    Looks like Stephanie Herseth will take the special election in S.D. today, as her opponent, Larry Diedrich, is "effectively conceding defeat in today’s South Dakota special House election before the polling booths even open." From the DC paper The Hill:

    The former state senator dramatically ratcheted down expectations during an interview with The Hill at his campaign headquarters, saying he would be happy to lose to Democrat Stephanie Herseth by only five percentage points.

    He has trailed her by seven or more points in recent polls, and, if he loses, it would be the GOP’s second special-election defeat this year. In February, Alice Forgy Kerr (R) lost to Ben Chandler (D) in Kentucky’s 6th District; it was the first time since 1991 that a Democrat won a Republican-held seat in a special election.

    The battle for the House seat will continue tomorrow because the winner of the
    special election must face the voters for a second time, in November. Both Diedrich and Herseth will be running in the fall election, so today’s contest amounts to a precursor of their upcoming race for a full, two-year term.

    Kerry Intern Speaks

    Writing in New York Magazine, Alexandra Polier on being "falsely accused of having an affair with John Kerry" and shifting "through the mud and the people who threw it."

    Though my name wasn’t mentioned in the initial Drudge “exclusive,” it made its first appearance in the British tabloid The Sun on Friday, February 13. The article, by one Brian Flynn, referred to Kerry as a SLEAZEBALL in the headline and said I was 24 (didn’t I wish). It purported to quote my father at home in Pennsylvania discussing the senator, saying, “I think he’s a sleazeball.” The article also claimed to quote my mother as saying Kerry had once chased after me to be on his campaign. My mother was not even home when Flynn called, and Flynn didn’t tell my father—who at this stage was unaware of the Drudge allegations—that he was interviewing him. Instead, he presented himself as a friend trying to get hold of me to talk about John Kerry. My father, a Republican, who believed Kerry had flip-flopped on various issues, said, ‘Oh, that sleazeball.’ ” Here’s how it reappeared in Flynn’s piece: “There is no evidence the pair had an affair, but her father, Terry, 56, said: ‘I think he’s a sleazeball.’ ” Drudge quickly linked to The Sun’s interview ...

    One reporter had a little girl call up, assuming I wouldn’t hang up on a child. They even made her say, “Can I talk to Alex?” And when I said, “Yes, it’s me,” a reporter jumped on the line. CNN’s Zain Verjee wrote beseeching notes, slipping them under the front gate. It was like a horror movie where the zombies are on the other side of the door and then an arm comes through the window. Stuck with Kerry’s denial, each of the American networks had hired a local fixer to approach me for a big sit-down. “Tell me it’s true and we’re on the next plane to Nairobi!” ABC’s Chris Vlasto e-mailed hopefully. Good Morning America, the Today show, CNN, and 60 Minutes all offered me airtime to tell my story. Editors whom I’d been begging for work were now clamoring for my attention ...

    And what about Time? “I thought it was absurd,” says political columnist Joe Klein. “There are a whole bunch of things we’re looking into all the time. And there’s an important word here: Drudge. The world really has changed since September 11; the time is past when we’d waste two years on late-night pizza deliveries.”

    Still, Drudge had been right about Monica, and no news outlet wanted to be caught without the story if it turned out to be true. I discovered they all had teams assembling background on me to run if the story stood up.

    Washington Post: Bush Campaign "Unprecedented Negativity"; "Making History With Often-Misleading Attacks"

    Indeed. From the Washington Post's staff writers:

    The charges were all tough, serious -- and wrong, or at least highly misleading. Kerry did not question the war on terrorism, has proposed repealing tax cuts only for those earning more than $200,000, supports wiretaps, has not endorsed a 50-cent gasoline tax increase in 10 years, and continues to support the education changes, albeit with modifications.

    Scholars and political strategists say the ferocious Bush assault on Kerry this spring has been extraordinary, both for the volume of attacks and for the liberties the president and his campaign have taken with the facts. Though stretching the truth is hardly new in a political campaign, they say the volume of negative charges is unprecedented -- both in speeches and in advertising.

    Three-quarters of the ads aired by Bush's campaign have been attacks on Kerry. Bush so far has aired 49,050 negative ads in the top 100 markets, or 75 percent of his advertising. Kerry has run 13,336 negative ads -- or 27 percent of his total. The figures were compiled by The Washington Post using data from the Campaign Media Analysis Group of the top 100 U.S. markets. Both campaigns said the figures are accurate.

    How does it compare to other campaigns?
    Brown University professor Darrell West, author of a book on political advertising, said Bush's level of negative advertising is already higher than the levels reached in the 2000, 1996 and 1992 campaigns. And because campaigns typically become more negative as the election nears, "I'm anticipating it's going to be the most negative campaign ever," eclipsing 1988, West said. "If you compare the early stage of campaigns, virtually none of the early ads were negative, even in '88."
    How much worse can it get? Ask John McCain. And he's a Republican.

    EDIT: In an email today to supporters, campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill contrasted Kerry's positive ads with Bush's negative ads.

    Park Budgets Suffer Underfunding

    The country's national parks are suffering from chronic underfunding, according to a new survey from the Coalition of Concerned National Park Service Retirees. The Salt Lake Tribune:

    The 250-member Coalition of Concerned National Park Service Retirees surveyed 12 national parks and found "a combination of significant cuts in budget, staff and visitor services at all of the parks."

    The finding raises questions about the Bush administration's stated goal to "restore and renew" the national parks, according to Bill Wade, former superintendent of Shenandoah National Park and spokesman for the coalition.

    In its report "Pretending to Protect the Parks," the coalition found:
    * Budgets were down at eight of the 12 parks surveyed.
    * Employee levels were reduced at all of the parks.
    * Six of the parks have cut visitor center hours or plan to cut them.
    * Nine of the parks have made cuts that will result in a reduced experience for visitors.

    However, a Republican from Utah says there's no problem because the Bush administration is quite competent:
    But Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, who sits on the House Resources Committee, defended Bush's approach, saying, "It's not so much the amount of money but how it's used.

    "The Bush administration is managing it so they get a good idea where the needs are for maintenance and improvement . . . so I think with the same money, we're doing a much better job."

    The A-Z of Lying

    Amusing editorial from the UK Indy, which goes through the alphabet to remind us about the lies used in the war on Iraq.

    A Mohammed Atta. The Bush administration claimed that a meeting between the lead hijacker of the 11 September attacks and a senior Iraqi intelligence officer proved a connection between al-Qa'ida and Saddam Hussein. But there is no evidence such a meeting took place.

    B Bush and Blair: The two leaders have reacted strongly to all suggestions they misled their respective electorates over the war, and maintain time will prove they were right to go to war. Both, though, are suffering poll difficulties, as problems in Iraq become worse, and each needs speedy improvement to shore up his position.

    C Ahmed Chalabi. The leader of the Iraq National Congress, who is a member of the Iraq Governing Council, is now accused of having duped the Bush administration, as well as the media, into believing that Saddam Hussein represented a direct threat to US and British security.

    D Dollars. Between 1992 and the US raid on Ahmed Chalabi's home last week, the US government channelled more than $100m (£55m) to his Iraqi National Congress. The money may have been a motivating factor for defectors to say what they thought the Americans wanted to hear. That funding has now been stopped.

    'Day After Tomorrow' Tops Boxoffices Worldwide

    And gets the top non-sequel worldwide release, BoxOfficeMojo:

    Audiences around the world stormed theaters showing The Day After Tomorrow over the weekend.

    Playing domestically and in 102 countries overseas, the $125 million disaster picture raked in an estimated $155 million through Sunday. Distributor 20th Century Fox noted that was the top non-sequel worldwide bow ever, and the movie has yet to debut in major markets Japan and South Korea. The overall worldwide opening record still belongs to The Return of the King, which earned $250.1 million in its first five days domestically and in 28 territories.

    In the US, the global warming flick was 2nd behind Shrek 2.

    Kerry - Bush Statistical Tie in Minnesota

    According to the latest St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minnesota Public Radio poll:

    A new poll shows support for Democrat John Kerry and President George W. Bush is virtually even among voters in Minnesota, considered one of about 17 states that could go either way in this fall's presidential election.

    The poll conducted for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minnesota Public Radio shows 44 percent of Minnesota voters would vote for Kerry, while 41 percent favor Bush. That puts the race within the poll's four-point margin of error, meaning results could differ by four percentage points in either direction. Two percent of those polled support independent candidate Ralph Nader, while 13 percent were undecided ...

    Bush's performance ratings in Minnesota continue to slip, according to the Pioneer Press-MPR poll. Fifty-six percent of the respondents rated his performance as fair or poor, while 44 percent said it was good or excellent.

    Comedy Tuesday

    "Newly released transcripts reveal that President Nixon was drunk during the Arab-Israeli crisis of 1973. After hearing this, President Bush said, 'Hey, so was I!'" Conan O'Brien

    "Two new polls show Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most popular Governor of California since 1991, when Governor Hasselhoff ran the state. When your competition is Pete Wilson and Gray Davis, is it really that big a deal to be most popular? It's like being the smartest Hilton sister." Jimmy Kimmel

    "Attorney General John Ashcroft said today that Al Qaeda is determined to attack the United States sometime this summer. He said the terrorists may do it to try to influence our Presidential election. So Al Qaeda is basically like Ralph Nader, only with more followers." Jay Leno

    "President Bush will be going back to his ranch in Texas for his usual month-long holiday weekend." David Letterman

    "John Kerry raised all that money and he bought himself an airplane, a campaign plane for $10 million. A 757 jet -- a $10 million jet. And Ralph Nader, not to be outdone, is having himself shipped across country in a crate." David Letterman

    "Al Gore is back in the arena. In a speech, he called for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. And Donald Rumsfeld in response, he stripped Gore naked and ran him around on a leash." David Letterman

    Cincinnati Enquirer. 17 uses for a dead cicada President's Army War College Speech Explaining Plan to Grant Iraq the FREEDOM® to Enjoy Puppet Government and Decades-Long Foreign Military Presence

    TheOnion. Fed-Up Cheney Enters Presidential Race Himself

    TheOnion. Ex-Nickelodeon Stars Relate Horrors Of Green Slime Syndrome

    NYT. Friar's Club: Comedy Central

    Fark. Photoshop Bush cracking up

    John Moe. Pros and Cons of Kerry's VP Candidates

    Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! .. Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput. Monty Python's Funniest Joke in the World.

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