Many of the papers I review are available on preprint archives such as hep-th, gr-qc, and the math preprint archives. If you click on the number of one of these papers, such as hep-th/9301028, a magic carpet will carry you to a place where you can read an abstract of the paper, and download it if you like. Click here for more information on how to get preprints electronically.
On formulations and solutions of simplex equations, by J. Scott Carter and Masahico Saito, Intern. J. of Mod. Phys. A., 11 (1996) 4453-4463.
A diagrammatic theory of knotted surfaces, by J. Scott Carter and Masahico Saito, in Quantum Topology, eds. Randy Baadhio and Louis Kauffman, World Science Publishing, Singapore, 1993, 91-115.
Reidemeister moves for surface isotopies and their interpretations as moves to movies, by J. Scott Carter and Masahico Saito, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 (1993), 251-284.
A Categorical construction of 4d topological quantum field theories, by Louis Crane and David Yetter, preprint available as hep-th/9301062.
Hopf Categories and their representations, Louis Crane and Igor Frenkel, draft version.
Categorification and the construction of topological quantum field theory, Louis Crane and Igor Frenkel, draft version.
Map coloring, 1-deformed spin networks, and Turaev-Viro invariants for 3-manifolds, by Louis Kauffman, Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys. B, 6 (1992) 1765 - 1794.
An algebraic approach to the planar colouring problem, by Louis Kauffman and H. Saleur, in Comm. Math. Phys. 152 (1993), 565-590.
Spin networks, topology and discrete physics, by Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago preprint.
Vassiliev invariants and the Jones polynomial, by Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago preprint.
Gauss codes and quantum groups, by Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago preprint.
Fermions and link invariants, by Louis Kauffman and H. Saleur, Yale University preprint YCTP-P21-91, July 5, 1991.
State models for link polynomials, by Louis Kauffman, L'Enseignement Mathematique, 36 (1990), 1 - 37.
The Conway polynomial in R^3 and in thickened surfaces: a new determinant formulation, by F. Jaeger, Louis Kauffman and H. Saleur, preprint.
Reshetikhin-Turaev and Crane-Kohno-Kontsevich 3-manifold invariants coincide, by Sergey Piunikhin, preprint, 1992. (Piunikhin is at
A link calculus for 4-manifolds, by E. Cesar de Sa, in Topology of Low-Dimensional Manifolds, Proc. Second Sussex Conf., Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 722, Springer, Berlin, 1979, pp. 16-30,
A note on 4-dimensional handlebodies, by F. Laudenbach and V. Poenaru, Bull. Math. Soc. France 100 (1972), pp. 337-344,
Minisuperspaces: observables and quantization, Abhay Ashtekar, Ranjeet S. Tate and Claes Uggla Syracuse University preprint SU-GP-92/2-6, 34 pages, available as gr-qc/9302027
Turaev-Viro and Kauffman-Lins invariants for 3-manifolds coincide, by Sergey Piunikhin, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 1 (1992) 105 - 135.
Different presentations of 3-manifold invariants arising in rational conformal field theory, by Sergey Piunikhin, preprint.
Weights of Feynman diagrams, link polynomials and Vassiliev knot invariants, by Sergey Piunikhin, preprint.
Reshetikhin-Turaev and Crane-Kohno-Kontsevich 3-manifold invariants coincide, by Sergey Piunikhin, preprint.
Map coloring, 1-deformed spin networks, and Turaev-Viro invariants for 3-manifolds, by Louis Kauffman, Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys. B, 6 (1992) 1765 - 1794.
An algebraic approach to the planar colouring problem, by Louis Kauffman and H. Saleur, Yale University preprint YCTP-P27-91, November 8, 1991.
The loop formulation of gauge theory and gravity, by Renate Loll
Representation theory of analytic holonomy C* algebras, by Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski (currently available as gr-qc/9311010)
The Gauss linking number in quantum gravity, by Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin (currently available as gr-qc/9310025)
Vassiliev invariants and the loop states in quantum gravity, by Louis H. Kauffman (soon to be on gr-qc)
Geometric structures and loop variables in (2+1)-Dimensional gravity, by Steven Carlip (currently available as gr-qc/9309020)
From Chern-Simons to WZW via path integrals, by Dana S. Fine
Topological field theory as the key to quantum gravity, by Louis Crane (currently available as hep-th/9308126)
Strings, loops, knots and gauge gields, by John Baez (currently available as hep-th/9309067 and also at string.tex).
BF Theories and 2-knots, by Paolo Cotta-Ramusino and Maurizio Martellini
Knotted surfaces, braid movies, and beyond, by J. Scott Carter and Masahico Saito
Loss of quantum coherence for a damped oscillator, by W. G. Unruh, the volume above.
The problem of time in canonical quantization of relativistic systems, by Karel V. Kuchar, the volume above.
Time and prediction in quantum cosmology, by James B. Hartle, the volume above.
Space and time in the quantum universe, by Lee Smolin, the volume above.
Loop representation in quantum gravity, by Carlo Rovelli, the volume above.
Nonperturbative quantum gravity via the loop representation, by Lee Smolin, the volume above.
A presentation for Manin and Schechtman's higher braid groups, by R. J. Lawrence, available as MSRI preprint 04129-91.
Triangulations, categories and extended topological field theories, by R. J. Lawrence, in Quantum Topology, eds L. Kauffman and R. Baadhio, World Scientific, Singapore, 1993.
Algebras and triangle relations, by R. J. Lawrence, Harvard U. preprint.
Coherence for the tensor product of 2-categories, and braid groups, in Algebras, Topology, and Category Theory, eds. A. Heller and M. Tierney, Academic Press, New York, 1976, pp. 63-76.
Kepler's Physical Astronomy, by Bruce Stephenson, Princeton U. Press, 218 pages, paperback available June 1994. ISBN 0-691-03652-7 ($14.95).
Fermions in quantum gravity, by H. A. Morales-Tecotl and C. Rovelli, 37 pages, preprint available as gr-qc/9401011.
Black hole entropy in canonical quantum gravity and superstring theory, by L. Susskind and J. Uglum, 29 pages, available as hep-th/9401070.
Quantum theory, the Church--Turing principle and the universal quantum computer, by D. Deutsch, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Vol. A400, pp. 96--117 (1985).
Quantum computational networks, by D. Deutsch, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Vol. A425, pp. 73--90 (1989).
Rapid solution of problems by quantum computation, by D. Deutsch and R. Jozsa, Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Vol. A439, pp. 553--558 (1992).
Quantum complexity theory, E. Bernstein and U. Vazirani, Proc. 25th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computation, pp. 11--20 (1993).
The quantum challenge to structural complexity theory, A. Berthiaume and G. Brassard, Proc. 7th IEEE Conference on Structure in Complexity Theory (1992).
Quantum circuit complexity, by A. Yao, Proc. 34th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, 1993.
A definition of #(M,H) in the non-involutory case, by Greg Kuperberg, unpublished.
Invariants of piecewise-linear 3-manifolds, by John W. Barrett and Bruce W. Westbury, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 3997-4022, preprint available as hep-th/9311155.
The equality of 3-manifold invariants, by John W. Barrett and Bruce W. Westbury, preprint available as hep-th/9406019.
Topological measure and graph-differential geometry on the quotient space of connections, Jerzy Lewandowski, 3 pp., Proceedings of ``Journees Relativistes 1993'', 3 pages available as gr-qc/9406025.
Integration on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations, Abhay Ashtekar, Donald Marolf, Jose Mourao, 18 pages, preprint available as gr-qc/9403042.
New loop representations for 2+1 gravity, by A. Ashtekar and R. Loll, 28 pages, preprint available as gr-qc/9405031.
Independent loop invariants for 2+1 gravity, by R. Loll, 2 figures, gr-qc/9408007.
Generalized coordinates on the phase space of Yang-Mills theory, by R. Loll, J.M. Mour\~ao and J.N. Tavares, 11 pages, preprint available as gr-qc/9404060.
The extended loop representation of quantum gravity, C. Di Bartolo, R. Gambini and J. Griego, 27 pages available as gr-qc/9406039.
The constraint algebra of quantum gravity in the loop representation, by Rodolfo Gambini, Alcides Garat and Jorge Pullin, 18 pages in Revtex, available as gr-qc/9404059.
Invariant functions on Lie groups and Hamiltonian flows of surface group representations, by W. Goldman, Invent. Math. 83 (1986), 263-302.
Topological components of spaces of representations, by W. Goldman, Invent. Math. 93 (1988), 557-607.
Gauge fields as rings of glue, A. Polyakov, Nucl. Phys. B164 (1979) 171-188.
The quantum dual string wave functional in Yang-Mills theories, by J. Gervais and A. Neveu, Phys. Lett. B80 (1979), 255-258.
The interaction among dual strings as a manifestation of the gauge group, by F. Gliozzi and M. Virasoro, Nucl. Phys. B164 (1980), 141-151.
Loop-space representation and the large-N behavior of the one-plaquette Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian, A. Jevicki, Phys. Rev. D22 (1980), 467-471.
Quantum chromodynamics as dynamics of loops, by Y. Makeenko and A. Migdal, Nucl. Phys. B188 (1981) 269-316.
Loop dynamics: asymptotic freedom and quark confinement, by Y. Makeenko and A. Migdal, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1981) 882-893.
String Fields, Conformal Fields, and Topology, by Michio Kaku, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Background independent algebraic structures in closed string field theory, by Ashoke Sen and Barton Zwiebach, phyzzx.tex, MIT-CTP-2346, available as hep-th/9408053.
U(N) Gauge Theory and lattice strings, by Ivan K. Kostov, 26 pages, 8 figures not included, available by mail upon request, T93-079 (talk at the Workshop on string theory, gauge theory and quantum gravity, 28-29 April 1993, Trieste, Italy), available as hep-th/9308158.
Quantum geometrodynamics, by A. Ashtekar, J. Lewandowski, D. Marolf, J. Mourao and T. Thiemann, in progress, to appear on gr/qc.
On the constraints of quantum gravity in the loop representation, Bernd Bruegmann and Jorge Pullin, Nucl. Phys. B390 (1993), 399-438.
On the constraints of quantum general relativity in the loop representation, Bernd Bruegmann, Ph.D. Thesis, Syracuse University (May 1993).
Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds, by S. K. Donaldson, Topology 29 (1990), 257-315.
"Instantons and Four-Manifolds," by Daniel S. Freed and Karen K. Uhlenbeck, Springer-Verlag, New York (1984).
"Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory," by Charles Nash, Academic Press, London, 1991.
Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, by Nathan Seiberg and Edward Witten, 45 pages, available as hep-th/9407087.
Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in N=2 supersymmetric QCD, by Nathan Seiberg and Edward Witten, 89 pages, available as hep-th/9408099.
Goodbye, Gutenberg, by Jacques Leslie, WiReD 2.10, Oct. 1994, available via WWW as /electrosphere/ejournals.html
The genus of embedded surfaces in the projective plane, by P. B. Kronheimer and T. S. Mrowka, preprint number #19941128001, available from the AMS preprint server under subject 57 in the Mathematical Reviews Subject Classification Scheme.
Coherent state transforms for spaces of connections, by Abhay Ashtekar, Jerzy Lewandowski, Donald Marolf, Jose Mourao and Thomas Thiemann, Jour. Funct. Analysis 135 (1996), 519-551, preprint available as gr-qc/9412014 (discussed in "week43")
Reminiscences about many pitfalls and some successes of QFT within the last three decades, by B. Schroer, 52 pages, 'shar'-shell-archiv, consisting of 5 files, available as hep-th/9410085.
My encounters - as a physicist - with mathematics, R. Jackiw, 13 pages, preprint available as hep-th/9410151.
The semiclassical limit of the two-dimensional quantum Yang-Mills model, same authors, Jour. Math. Phys. 35 (1994), 5354-5363.
Alberto Cattaneo, Paolo Cotta-Ramusino, Juerg Froehlich, and Maurizio Martellini, Topological BF theories in 3 and 4 dimensions, preprint available as hep-th/9505027.
G. Kelly, Structures defined by finite limits in the enriched context I, Cahiers de Top. et. Geom. Diff. 23 (1982), 3-41.
Michael Makkai and Robert Pare, Accessible categories: the foundations of categorical model theory, in Contemp. Math. 104 (1989).
TQFTs from homotopy 2-types, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 (1993), 113-123.
Refined state-sum invariants of 3- and 4-manifolds, preprint.
Skeins and mapping class groups, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 115 (1994), 53-77.
G. Masbaum and Justin Roberts, On central extensions of mapping class groups, Mathematica Gottingensis, Schriftenreihe des Sonderforschungsbereichs Geometrie und Analysis, Heft 42 (1993).
L. Susskind, Strings, black holes and Lorentz contractions, preprint available as hep-th/9308139.
Octonion X-product and E8 lattices, preprint available as hep-th/9411063.
Octonions: E8 lattice to Lambda_{16}, preprint available as hep-th/9501007.
Octonions: invariant representation of the Leech lattice, preprint available as hep-th/9504040.
Octonions: invariant Leech lattice exposed, preprint available as hep-th/9506080.
L. Rozansky, The trivial connection contribution to Witten's invariant and finite type invariants of rational homology spheres, preprint available as q-alg/9505015.
Stavros Garoufalidis, On finite type 3-manifold invariants I, MIT preprint, 1995.
Stavros Garoufalidis and Jerome Levine, On finite type 3-manifold invariants II, MIT preprint, June 1995. (Garoufalidis is at, and Levine is at
Ruth J. Lawrence, Asymptotic expansions of Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants for some simple 3-manifolds, to appear in Jour. Math. Physics.
John McKay, Representations and Coxeter Graphs, in "The Geometric Vein" Coxeter Festschrift (1982), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pages 549-.
John McKay, A rapid introduction to ADE theory,
Richard E. Borcherds, Monstrous Moonshine and monstrous Lie-superalgebras, Invent. Math. 109 (1992), 405-444.
J. Sexton, A. Vaccarino, D. Weingarten, Numerical evidence for the observation of a scalar glueball, available as hep-lat/9510022.
Quantization of Poisson algebraic groups and Poisson homogeneous spaces, preprint available in AMSTeX form as q-alg/9510020.
Claudio Teitelboim, Statistical thermodynamics of a black hole in terms of surface fields, preprint available as hep-th/9510180.
The Kauffman bracket and the Jones polynomial in quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9510050.
Richard Josza, Counterfactual quantum computation. (Josza's email address is
Higher-dimensional automata, part I. Technical report, Ecole Normale Superieure, to appear 1995.
Craig C. Squier, A finiteness condition for rewriting systems, revision by F. Otto and Y. Kobayashi, to appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
Craig C. Squier and F. Otto, The word problem for finitely presented monoids and finite canonical rewriting systems, in J. P. Jouannuad (ed.), Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 256 (1987), 74-82.
Yves Lafont, A new finiteness condition for monoids presented by complete rewriting systems (after Craig C. Squier), CNRS preprint. (Lafont's email address is
George Thompson, New results in topological field theory and abelian gauge theory, 64 pages, preprint available as hep-th/9511038.
Thomas Thiemann, Reality conditions inducing transforms for quantum gauge field theory and quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9511057.
Abhay Ashtekar, A generalized Wick transform for gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9511083.
Renate Loll, Making quantum gravity calculable, preprint available as gr-qc/9511080.
Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin, A rigorous solution of the quantum Einstein equations, preprint avilable in RevTex form as gr-qc/9511042, four figures included with epsf.
Lev Rozansky, On finite type invariants of links and rational homology spheres derived from the Jones polynomial and Witten- Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant, preprint available as q-alg/9511025.
Scott Axelrod, Overview and warmup example for perturbation theory with instantons, preprint available as hep-th/9511196.
Alan Carey, M. K. Murray and B. L. Wang, Higher bundle gerbes and cohomology classes in gauge theories, preprint available as hep-th/9511169
Jean-Luc Brylinski and D. A. McLaughlin, The geometry of degree-four characteristic classes and of line bundles on loop spaces I, Duke Math. Jour. 75 (1994), 603-638.
Jean-Luc Brylinski and D. A. McLaughlin, Cech cocyles for characteristic classes.
This paper is q-alg/9511013, but looking for it there will just lead you to the above site.
Roumen Borissov, Seth Major and Lee Smolin, The geometry of quantum spin networks, preprint available as gr-qc/9512043, 35 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty.
Bernd Bruegmann, On the constraint algebra of quantum gravity in the loop representation, preprint available as gr-qc/9512036.
Kiyoshi Ezawa, Nonperturbative solutions for canonical quantum gravity: an overview, preprint available as gr-qc/9601050
Kiyoshi Ezawa, A semiclassical interpretation of the topological solutions for canonical quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9512017.
Jorge Griego, Extended knots and the space of states of quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9601007.
Seth Major and Lee Smolin, Quantum deformation of quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9512020.
D. K. Kondepudi and D. K. Nelson, Weak neutral currents and the origins of molecular chirality, Nature 314, pp. 438-441.
Jerzy Lewandowski, Volume and Quantizations, preprint available as gr-qc/9602035.
Roberto De Pietri and Carlo Rovelli, Geometry Eigenvalues and Scalar Product from Recoupling Theory in Loop Quantum Gravity, 38 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses RevTeX 3.0 and epsfig.sty, preprint available as gr-qc/9602023.
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider homepage,
Phase diagram of nuclear matter and nuclear collisions,
Reading list on the new variables:
M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and P. C. Eklund, Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubules, Academic Press, New York, 1994.
G. Chung, B. Kostant and S. Sternberg, Groups and the buckyball, in Lie Theory and Geometry, eds. J.-L. Brylinski, R. Brylinski, V. Guillemin and V. Kac, Birkhauser, 1994.
P. Bhattacharjee and G. Sigl, Monopole annihilation and highest energy cosmic rays, preprint available as astro-ph/9412053.
R. J. Protheroe and P. A. Johnson, Are topological defects responsible for the 300 EeV cosmic rays?, preprint available as astro-ph/9605006.
Jean-Luc Brylinski, Central extensions and reciprocity laws, preprint.
Jean-Luc Brylinski, Coadjoint orbits of central extensions of gauge groups, preprint.
Jean-Luc Brylinski and Dennis A. McLaughlin, The geometry of two dimensional symbols, preprint.
Ross Street, Fusion operators and cocycloids in monoidal categories, preprints.
Viqar Husain and Karel V. Kuchar, General covariance, new variables, and dynamics without dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 42 (1990), 4070-4077.
Viqar Husain, Einstein's equations and the chiral model, to appear in Phys. Rev. D, preprint available as gr-qc/9602050.
Louis H. Kauffman, Knots and statistical mechanics
Ruth J. Lawrence, An introduction to topological field theory
Dror Bar-Natan, Vassiliev and quantum invariants of braids
Samuel J. Lomonaco, The modern legacies of Thomson's atomic vortex theory in classical electrodynamics
John C. Baez, Spin networks in nonperturbative quantum gravity
Ali H. Chamseddine and Alain Connes, The spectral action principle, preprint available as hep-th/9606001.
Robin Hanson's ideas on backlinking,
Thomas Thiemann, Quantum Spin Dynamics (QSD) II, preprint available as gr-qc/9606090.
Thomas Thiemann, Anomaly-free formulation of non-perturbative, four-dimensional Lorentzian quantum gravity, to appear in Physics Letters B, preprint available as gr-qc/9606088.
Thomas Thiemann, Closed formula for the matrix elements of the volume operator in canonical quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9606091.
Thomas Thiemann, A length operator for canonical quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9606092.
Carlo Rovelli and Hugo Morales-Tecotl, Nucl. Phys. B451 (1995), 325, preprint available as gr-qc/9401011.
Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski, Quantum theory of geometry I: area operators, 31 pages, to appear in the Classical and Quantum Gravity special issue dedicated to Andrzej Trautman, preprint available as gr-qc/9602046.
Renate Loll, Spectrum of the volume operator in quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9511030, 14 pages.
Abhay Ashtekar and Jerzy Lewandowski, Quantum theory of geometry II: volume operators, manuscript in preparation.
Kirill Krasnov, The Bekenstein bound and non-perturbative quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9603025.
Kirill Krasnov, On statistical mechanics of gravitational systems, preprint available as gr-qc/9605047.
Gary T. Horowitz and Donald Marolf, Counting states of black strings with traveling waves, preprint available as hep-th/9605224.
Gary T. Horowitz and Donald Marolf, Counting states of black strings with traveling waves II, preprint available as hep-th/9606113.
Peter Schaller and Thomas Strobl, A brief introduction to Poisson sigma-models, preprint available as hep-th/9507020.
Peter Schaller and Thomas Strobl, Poisson sigma-models: a generalization of 2d gravity-Yang-Mills systems, preprint available as hep-th/9411163.
Abhay Ashtekar and Alejandro Corichi, Photon inner-product and the Gauss linking number.
Abhay Ashtekar, Donald Marolf, Jose Mourao and Thomas Thiemann, SU(N) quantum Yang-Mills theory in 2 dimensions: a complete solution.
Hugo Fort, Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin, Lattice knot theory and quantum gravity in the loop representation, also available as gr-qc/9608033.
Michael Reisenberger, A left-handed simplicial action for Euclidean GR.
Carlo Rovelli, Loop quantum gravity and black hole physics.
W. S. Anglin, American Mathematical Monthly, February 1990, pp. 120-124.
Edward Witten, Topological tools in ten dimensional physics, with an appendix by R. E. Stong, in "Workshop on Unified String Theories", eds. M. Green and D. Gross, World Scientific, Singapore, 1986, pp. 400-437.
Richard Borcherds, Sporadic groups and string theory.
These and other papers available at; click on the personal home page.
Atomcool home page,
Neutral sodium ion trap at MIT,
Ilya Prigogine, From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1980.
Ilya Prigogine, Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, 3d ed., Interscience Publishers, New York, 1967.
Stuart A. Kauffman, The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993.
Douglas C. Ravenel, Nilpotence and periodicity in stable homotopy theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1992.
Zouhair Tamsamani, Equivalence de la theorie homotopique des n-groupoides et celle des espaces topologiques n-tronques, preprint available as alg-geom/9607010.
Corinne A. Manogue and Joerg Schray, Octonionic representations of Clifford algebras and triality, preprint available as hep-th/9407179.
Anthony Sudbery, Seven types of incongruity, handwritten notes.
John Baez and James Gilliam, An algebraic approach to discrete mechanics, Lett. Math. Phys. 31 (1994), 205-212. Also available as
Analysis of finite element matrices arising from discretizations of helicity functionals, Journal of Applied Physics, 67 (1990), 5815-5817.
Helicity functionals and metric invariance in three dimensions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, MAG-25 (1989), 2813-2815.
Variational principles for three-dimensional magnetostatics based on helicity, Journal of Applied Physics, 63 (1988), 3360-3362.
Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom, Numerical evidence that the motion of Pluto is chaotic, Science, 241, 22 July 1988.
James Applegate, M. Douglas, Y. Gursel, Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Wisdom, The outer solar system for 200 million years, Astronomical Journal, 92, pp 176-194, July 1986, reprinted in Lecture Notes in Physics #267 -- Use of Supercomputers in Stellar Dynamics, Springer Verlag, 1986.
James Applegate, M. Douglas, Y. Gursel, P Hunter, C. Seitz, Gerald Jay Sussman, A digital orrery, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-34, No. 9, pp. 822-831, September 1985, reprinted in Lecture Notes in Physics #267, Springer Verlag, 1986.
Quantum spin dynamics (QSD) II, preprint available as gr-qc/9606090.
QSD III: Quantum constraint algebra and physical scalar product in quantum general relativity, preprint available as gr-qc/9705017.
QSD IV: 2+1 Euclidean quantum gravity as a model to test 3+1 Lorentzian quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9705018.
QSD V: Quantum gravity as the natural regulator of matter quantum field theories, preprint available as gr-qc/9705019.
QSD VI: Quantum Poincare algebra and a quantum positivity of energy theorem for canonical quantum gravity, preprint available as gr-qc/9705020
Kinematical Hilbert spaces for fermionic and Higgs quantum field theories, gr-qc/9705021
Masoud Khalkhali, Homology of L_infinity algebras and cyclic homology, available as math.QA/9805052.
Dirk Kreimer, On the Hopf algebra structure of perturbative quantum field theories, available as q-alg/9707029.
Greg Egan, Luminous, Orion Books, 1998.
Paul M. Grant, Researchers find extraordinarily high temperature superconductivity in bio-inspired nanopolymer, Physics Today, May 1998, 17-19.
Jack Watrous, Ribosomal robotics approaches critical experiments; government agencies watch with mixed interest, Physics Today, May 1998, 21-23.
Final results of the CR-51 neutrino source experiments in GALLEX, Phys. Lett. B420 (1998), 114-126.
GALLEX solar neutrino observations: results for GALLEX IV, Phys. Lett. B447 (1999), 127-133.
The Russian-American gallium experiment (SAGE) CR neutrino source measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996), 4708-4711.
Evidence for anti-muon-neutrino -> anti-electron-neutrino oscillations from the LSND experiment at LAMPF, Phys. Rev. Lett 77 (1996), 3082-3085, preprint available as nucl-ex/9605003.
Evidence for muon-neutrino -> electron-neutrino oscillations from LSND, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998), 1774-1777, preprint available as nucl-ex/9709006.
Results on muon-neutrino -> electron-neutrino oscillations from pion decay in flight, Phys. Rev. C58 (1998), 2489-2511.
Geraldine Brady and Todd H. Trimble, A categorical interpretation of Peirce's propositional logic Alpha, Jour. Pure and Appl. Alg. 149 (2000), 213-239.
Geraldine Brady and Todd H. Trimble, The topology of relational calculus.
Fotini Markopoulou, Quantum causal histories, preprint available as hep-th/9904009.
Edward Witten, Fermion quantum numbers in Kaluza-Klein theory, Shelter Island II, Proceedings: Quantum Field Theory and the Fundamental Problems of Physics, ed. T. Appelquist et al, MIT Press, 1985, pp. 227-277.
Quantum vertex representations via finite groups and the McKay correspondence, preprint available as math.QA/9907175.
Brian Green and Shing-Tung Yau, editors, Mirror Symmetry II, American Mathematical Society, 1997.
Duong H. Phong, Luc Vinet and Shing-Tung Yau, editors, Mirror Symmetry III, American Mathematical Society, 1999.
The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted by Wang Bi, trans. Richard John Lynn, Columbia U. Press, 1994.
NASA's homepage on the LISA project:
James Stasheff, Homotopy associativity of H-spaces II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 108 (1963), 293-312.
Max Tegmark, Which mathematical structure is isomorphic to the universe?,
Marcus Chown, Anything goes, New Scientist 158 (1998) 26-30, also available at
J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll, Lorentzian and Euclidean quantum gravity - analytical and numerical results, preprint available as hep-th/0001124.
J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll, A non-perturbative Lorentzian path integral for gravity, preprint avilable as hep-th/0002050.
Abhay Ashtekar, Christopher Beetle, and Stephen Fairhurst, Mechanics of isolated horizons, Class. Quant. Grav. 17 (2000) 253-298, preprint available as gr-qc/9907068.
Abhay Ashtekar and Alejandro Corichi, Laws governing isolated horizons: inclusion of dilaton couplings, preprint available as gr-qc/9910068.
Jerzy Lewandowski, Space-times admitting isolated horizons, preprint available as gr-qc/9907058.
Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: I. Kinematical structure, preprint available as gr-qc/9911009.
Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: II. Constraints, habitats and consistency of the constraint algebra, preprint available as gr-qc/9911010.
Martin Bojowald, Loop Quantum Cosmology II: Volume Operators, gr-qc/9910104.
K. A. Hardie, K. H. Kamps, R. W. Kieboom, A homotopy 2-groupoid of a Hausdorff space, preprint.
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Absence of Singularity in Loop Quantum Cosmology, available at gr-qc/0102069.
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Coherence, homotopy and 2-theories. To appear in K-Theory. Also available at math.CT/0007033.
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From subfactors to categories and topology I: Frobenius algebras in and Morita equivalence of tensor categories, available at math.CT/0111204.
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John Baez, Quantization of area: the plot thickens, to appear in Spring 2003 edition of Matters of Gravity at
Both also available at
II, The chiral measure on moduli space, Nucl. Phys. B636 (2002), 3-60. Also available as hep-th/0110283.
III, Slice independence and absence of ambiguities, Nucl. Phys. B636 (2002), 61-79. Also available as hep-th/0111016.
IV, The cosmological constant and modular forms, Nucl. Phys. B639 (2002), 129-181. Also available as hep-th/0111040.
Grothendieck-Teichmueller group and Hopf algebras, MSRI lecture available at
© 2003 John Baez