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Below is user information for dr. annaoj. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:annaoj (526809) Paid User annaoj
Name:dr. annaoj
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:Logan, Utah, United States
AOL IM:AIM status jhlowens (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 21924456 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status jhlowens (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:just another fannish poly bi linguist geek

(emergency contact info present in my first entry, private locked)
Memories:15 entries
Pictures:less than 10 public
Interests:36: alt.poly, alt.polyamory, angel, babylon 5, bi, bisexual, bisexuality, buffy, buffy the vampire slayer, canning, cochlear implants, costuming, dar williams, eddie izzard, fandom, fantasy, great big sea, indian food, knitting, linguistics, lord of the rings, poly, polyamory, popular culture, rasff, rec.arts.sf.fandom, science fiction, science fiction fandom, sewing, six feet under,, spinning, spinning yarn, tolkien, wiscon, wombabes. [Modify yours]
People121:adawson, adrienne_elder, alexanderjasper, althaea, amazon_lori, andelku, annburlingham, aroraborealis, baratron, bcholmes, bibliofile, boubabe, boxofdelights, cassidyrose, catya, catzen, catzen_announce, clawfoot, clovis_sister, crouchback, cruiser, curiousangel, desdenova, djm4, eck, eeyore_grrl, eeyorerin, ekiedro, elisem, elizilla, enf, epi_lj, eviljohn, firecat, futabachan, ginmar, gloriajn, gremlin44, happyfunpaul, hobbitbabe, innerdoggie, jaketherake, jasra, jnala, joedecker, jumpeekittee, k8knits, kalikanzeros, kalmn, kcatalyst, keyne, khedron, kightp, kismet09, klwalton, krasota, kyubi, lcohen, lisatheriveter, lrlowrance, m00nglum, mac_arthur_park, mactavish, magn0lia, marzilla, medusas_secret, minnaleigh, misia, misiamanners, moominmolly, mouseman, naesa, neural_girl, ninhursag, nitouche, nmc, nubianamy, okoshun, pancua, pixiecrinkle, polyfrog, porcinea, puppytown, purplepaisley, quietshell, raycho, red_frog, rivka, rmjwell, rustmon, sapience, semperfiona, serenejournal, shadowriderhope, shaktiqueen, silkything, srisyadasti, stitchinthyme, supergee, tammylc, teal7, tedesson, tesseract26, the_maenad, therealjae, thomascolthurst, tikva, tinyhand, toadnae, topaz_munro, trinker, trom, truepenny, tyrannio, verin_the_brown, vito_excalibur, wandra, welshwitch, wiredferret, wispfox, wordygrrl
Communities14:boondocks_comic, comicgetfuzzy, dot_cattiness, dot_poly_snark, dykes2watchout4, fatshionista, food_porn, getfuzzyfeed, iains_wake, intranet, l_space, rania_s_gate, spinningfiber, wiscon
Feeds16:betsys_blog, big_fat_blog, calnhobbes, cathy_comic, comic_mutts, dykestwof, foxtrot_feed, foxtrotfeed, jasra_weblog, modrnwrld_comic, officialgaiman, pancua_blog, respect_otters, riba_rambles, showmethedata, wilwheaton
Friend of:103: althaea, amazon_lori, annburlingham, aroraborealis, baratron, bcholmes, bibliofile, boubabe, boxofdelights, cassidyrose, catya, catzen, catzen_announce, clawfoot, clovis_sister, crouchback, cruiser, curiousangel, curlygrrrl, desdenova, djm4, eck, eeyore_grrl, eeyorerin, ekiedro, elizilla, enf, epi_lj, eviljohn, firecat, futabachan, gloriajn, gremlin44, happyfunpaul, hobbitbabe, innerdoggie, jasra, jeffreyab, jnala, joedecker, jumpeekittee, kalikanzeros, kalmn, kcatalyst, keyne, khedron, kightp, kismet09, klwalton, krasota, kyubi, lcohen, lisatheriveter, mac_arthur_park, mactavish, magn0lia, marzilla, medusas_secret, minnaleigh, moominmolly, mouseman, neural_girl, ninhursag, nitouche, nmc, nubianamy, okoshun, pancua, pixiecrinkle, polyfrog, porcinea, puppytown, purplepaisley, quietshell, red_frog, rivka, rmjwell, rustmon, scooting, semperfiona, serenejournal, shadowriderhope, shaktiqueen, silkything, stitchinthyme, supergee, tammylc, teal7, tedesson, tesseract26, therealjae, tikva, tinyhand, toadnae, topaz_munro, tyrannio, verin_the_brown, vito_excalibur, wandra, welshwitch, wiredferret, wispfox, wordygrrl
Member of:11: dot_cattiness, dot_poly_snark, food_porn, intranet, l_space, paidmembers, polyamory, rania_s_gate, spinningfiber, wiscon, wombabes
Account type:Paid Account

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