Since I'm out of work, I have all kinds of time on my hand. I don't feel like cleaning the damn house though, so I thought I'd try Blogger again.
What the hell is up with all of these blogs with stupid spellings? If I see another name spelled *jeNi4* or some stupid-ass thing, I'm going to scream.
Those people are the kind that made me quit television. God, what a stupid business this has become. I'm out! Woo-hoo! It's all good, except for that pesky mortgage thing.
Let's see if the indentation shows up. Here is another sentence, which will make a teeny tiny paragraph on the page.
Here's another indentation. does it look silly?
Maybe the thing is to keep the paragaraphes without the indentations, but With line breaks.

Like this.

Take one cup of sugar and beat it into one stick of softened butter. Add one tablespoon of vanilla. Add some flour and some baking soda and some chocolate chips and you've made cookies.
Test test one two three
Aaron Brown golfing away the day

Surely by now you've heard that primary CNN anchor Aaron Brown did not head into the studio Saturday for the shuttle coverage because he was busy golfing.

As it turned out, this was a good thing.

CNN won in ratings that day (thanks to fine work by space reporter/weekend morning anchor Miles O'Brien) and now the network says it has "no problem" with Brown's decision to stay on the links.

And the Washington Post shares why:
We think we finally understand why CNN star Aaron Brown might have been a tad reluctant to interrupt his Saturday golf game -- at the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic in Palm Desert, Calif. -- to rush to Los Angeles and anchor his network's coverage of the Columbia shuttle disaster.

Yesterday CNN confirmed that last Tuesday night, after anchoring the State of the Union address, Brown spent around $13,000 of his own money to charter a private jet from Washington so he could make his Wednesday morning tee time.

Someone's earning too much money.
I have returned

I am back. Nothing is wrong with me, nothing happened to me (except my dad had an emergency triple bypass a few weeks ago, but he's doing much better. Don't worry, he's fine. He's already annoying my mom.)

It's just that my addictive personality, which led me to blog daily, suddenly switched off. But I am still here. I will start posting again. Can't promise the every day thing, but how about a couple of times a week?

Addictive personality. Gee, and sometimes I wonder why I flunked out of a major state university.
What really happens in press conferences

The following is from the daily press briefing transcript from the State Department.
QUESTION: Several pundits, US pundits and --

MR. REEKER: Pundits? Goodness.

Tips for TV news directors

A media critic in Nashville has some ideas for making news better. Tip Number One: No unnecessary liveshots. Reporters hate doing those, too. ("Just twelve hours ago, this spot was filled with angry protesters...") But hey, the producer's gotta fill the time.

Link stolen from Romenesko.

Amazing statistics

This is why more than 1,000 media credentials have been issued for this week's Bishops' Conference in Dallas.

Situations wanted

WPXT in Portland, Maine, is killing its single 10pm newscast this Friday. The station switched affiliations from Fox to WB last October; and I'm sure the dwindling WB leadins haven't helped them.