"Do you know we are ruled by T.V."
-- from the poem An American Prayer by Jim Morrison

"By the start of the year 1993, 98% of U.S. households own at least one TV set, 64% have two or more sets."
-- Advertising Age

"American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any other activity except sleeping. By the age of 70 they will have spent 7 to 10 years of their lives watching TV."
-- The Kaiser Family Foundation

"You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on."
-- Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer and Pixar, in Macworld Magazine, February 2004

"I thank the Congress for reducing the chances that the hours spent in church or synagogue or in discussion around the dinner table about right and wrong and what can and cannot happen in the world will not be undone by unthinking hours in front of a television set."
-- President Bill Clinton upon signing the Telecommunications Act of 1996 on the V-chip, designed to help parents block out violence on television.

"I don't sit in front of anything right now. I mean, I don't watch television, and I make my living out of it. It's not out of any great principle. I work at it all day. I'm traveling, at night I'm going (to give) speeches. Other than watching sports and the news, I just don't watch it."
-- Talk show host Jerry Springer in an interview with the San Jose-Mercury News, January 2000

"Children cannot learn to read by watching television. Television is just background noise and a distraction."
-- First Lady Laura Bush during the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, July 2000

"The media can wreak great harm on the family when it offers an inadequate or even distorted vision of life, of the family itself and of religion and morality."
-- Pope John Paul II, May 2004

Table Of Contents


The role of advertising in television -- a review of Jerry Mander's Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television.

Advertisers have their eyes on you -- a review of Spy TV and the threat of interactive television.

How television affects the mind:-- a review of the movie The Tube.

Living In A Culture Of Fear: a review of the movie Bowling For Columbine.

An Exhortation On Values -- A Review Of Media Violence Alert -- by Erica Albanese

Why Network is the greatest anti-television movie ever made.

Amused To Death -- an analysis of Roger Waters' musical commentary (and a review of Waters' "In The Flesh" live performance).

General Commentary

The Boob Tube Part 1: Breasts Bad, Guns Good

The Boob Tube Part 2: The Breasts of Britney Spears vs. The Military Industrial Complex

Digital TV -- Just Say No!

War TV: American Television's Feel-Good Conflict.

Being On TV: In Front Of The Camera On "Because I Said So With Maggie Cassella."

The Beautiful People Syndrome -- How Television Warps Your Mind.

The Zen of Television

The Creation of Network Zombies

Health & Education

Programs & Ratings

Ratings & Advertising 2000: What Are Americans Really Watching?!

The Networks

Merger Wars - the NBC-Vivendi deal and media globalization.

Orwell Rolls In His Grave -- movie review

The Comcast Media Pac-Man

Are You Cable Ready? by Jenifer Dana Miller (one woman's experience with Comcast Digital Cable)

Mergermania 2003 - the FCC's new rules will help the big get bigger.

Mergermania 2000 -- it's all about money

Corporate Television 1997 -- Who owns the networks?

Mergermania -- the effects of the 1996 Telecom Act.


Television In Japan

The BBC Television Licence -- A TV Ownership Tax That Is Not So Easily Avoided.

Viewcrime by Paul Jacob (a perspective on the BBC TV licence)

The Ultimate Couch Potato -- the anti-TV display at the Millennium Dome in London.


Kill Your Television Software Downloads

Virtual TV Smashing -- download anti-television MP3 songs, sound clips, and movies.

Poems & Essays

. . . .and now a word from our sponsor.

Pamela Anderson: Feminist Tribute by Erica Albanese

I just killed my TV by Ken Rubin

you are being brainwashed by Jersey Mike

Poems by Iris Denyse Milliken

Surviving The Clock Of Life by Greg Lowe

A Television Poem by Jennifer Siegel

Spare Time by Carrie Lawson

Shockwave by Leon Easter

Flower Power by Lucky Duck

I'm Addicted To TV by Dare

"Today, Tonight and Tomorrow" by Salvador Dali

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised by Gil Scott-Heron

57 Channels (And Nothin' On) by Bruce Springsteen

Jimmy Jet And His TV Set by Shel Silverstein

Cartoons about TV

Public Opinions

Join The Discussion: Life Outside The Box - express your opinion through this online discussion board (outside link).

Public Opinion Section - Comments from cyberspace about television.

Public Opinions Part II - More comments from KYTV readers.

Public Opinions Part III - Why reading and writing are more fun.

Public Opinions Part IV - Hate Mail and Weird Mail

Public Opinions Part V - Families and Television

Public Opinions Part VI - More Comments And Criticisms

Non-Television Activities

Good Books -- what to do instead of watching the tube.

Bored? Take A Hike! -- nature photos to inspire you.

Turn Off Your TV and Exercise! The Body-for-LIFE program can show you how.

Things To Do: Instead Of Watching TV

Anti-TV Resources

Bibliography of print resources -- for further reading.


About the creator of TurnOffYourTV.com


"As you become able to pull back out of the immersion in the TV set, you can widen your perceptual environment to again include the room you are in.

Your feelings and personal awareness are rekindled. With self-awareness emerging you can perceive the quality of sensory deadness television induces, the one-dimensionality of its narrowed information field, and arrive at an awareness of boredom.

This leads to channel switching at first and eventually turning off the set."

-- Jerry Mander, author of Four Arguments For the Elimination Of Television

Please e-mail any comments or new information to comments@turnoffyourtv.com.

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