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June 7, 2004
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Historians as Activists

Following is a continuously updated list of activities by historians involved in social, cultural and political action.

  • Allen Weinstein Controversy continues to mount over the Bush administration's nomination of Allen Weinstein to succeed John Carlin as Archivist of the United States.

  • Gay Marriage The executive board of the Organization of American Historians has approved a resolution opposing "a federal constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples." The resolution was sponsored by Ellen Herman, a historian at University of Oregon. Over 100 members of the OAH signed a statement in support of the resolution.

  • HAW At the annual meeting of the OAH, the executive board approved a resolution sponsored by Historians Against the War (HAW) to investigate alleged instances of repression involving historians. Eric Foner and James Horton signed a HAW petition denouncing the "doctrine of pre-emptive war."

  • National Park Historians rallying to save Minute Man National Historical Park.

  • Middle East Studies Juan Cole: A Big Brother Plan to Monitor Middle East Studies (March 6, 2004)

  • HAW AHA Business Meeting unanimously approves resolution sponsored by Historians Against the War (HAW) affirming the rights of free speech. (January 2004)

  • GESO Over opposition of Yale history department chairman, the AHA Business Meeting approves a resolution critical of Yale's campaign to stop the formation of a union for graduate students; first amendment rights emphasized.

  • Historic Site A British businessman intends leading 5,000 archers to a second battle of Agincourt in an attempt to defeat plans for a windfarm at the historic site in France.

  • Enola Gay Historians organizing to protest the new Enola Gay exhibit at the Smithsonian.

  • HAW Historians Against the War rallying in Washington DC to oppose the continued occupation of Iraq.

  • Charles Pickering Historians' Petition Against the Nomination of Charles Pickering, Sr.

  • Saving the Archives Historians rallying to restore funding for Electronic Records Archive, wchich was zeroed out by the Bush administration.

  • Charles Pickering Historians oppose the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, Sr.; their petition receives national attention.

  • HAW Radical intellectuals drawn from more than half a dozen groups, including Historians Against the War, issue a call for a meeting in October 2003.

  • Revisionism Prominent historians protest President Bush's disparagement of revisionism.

  • HAW Historians Against the War call for an international force to take over the occupation of Iraq.

  • Ludlow Massacre Historians trying to raise money to restore the desecrated monument to the victims of the Ludlow Massacre.

  • Radicals Radical Academics prepare draft misssion statement.

  • HAW Historians Against the War: Following the end of the Iraq war, HAW decides to focus on opposing imperialism.

  • Funding The Coalition for History urges historians to rally behind the Bush administration's request to fund the "We the People" initiative.

  • Iraq Museum The Baghdad Museum Project: Helping restore the National Museum of Iraq

  • Cuba Anti-War, Social Justice and Human Rights Advocates Oppose Repression in Cuba Campaign for Peace and Democracy

  • Iraq Help Iraqi libraries rebuild by contributing copies of documents. Keith Watenpaugh

  • HAW Historians Against the War Van Gosse

  • HAW Petition to Congress: A Vote Needs to Be Taken on War with Iraq Joyce Appleby

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