Scarlet Jewels
Fall out and into the unknown abyss whilst the old forms and models are lying and dying. Radicalize. Idealize.

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Getting Things Done

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Co-intelligence Institute
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A Quote:
The world is so rich, simply throbbing with beautiful souls. Forget yourself. -- Henry Miller

Jewels is now shining in Glastonbury, England, where the time now is:

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Female/36-40. Lives in United Kingdom/Joshua Tree/Pipe's Canyon, speaks English and  . Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection. And likes writing/ research/systems theories/ futurism.
This is my blogchalk:
United Kingdom, Joshua Tree, Pipe's Canyon, English, , Female, 36-40, writing/ research, systems theories/ futurism.

Thursday, May 6, 2004 

 Breaking Open
This article was VERY compelling for me, and reminded me of the work and book on the subject of shamanism and plant-substances put forth by Daniel Pinchbeck ("Breaking Open the Head"), whom I was introduced to last summer in Glastonbury.


By Erik Davis
LA Weekly
April 30 - May 6, 2004
Early last February, a 19-year-old sophomore dragged himself into the psychiatric emergency ward at a large American university hospital, complaining that his friends and family were plotting against him. Though the fellow knew his thoughts were irrational, he could not shake his bout of paranoia. He also told the receiving staff that six weeks earlier he had swallowed an unknown amount of 2C-I, a recreational drug that, in his case, produced bright colors and swirling patterns and a suffocating onslaught of cosmic dread. The bad vibes had recurred with increasing ferocity in the intervening weeks, until he finally decided to check himself in.

When a third-year medical student named Jack Ludlow showed up for his shift, the receiving staff were asking themselves the same question that probably just crossed your own mind: What the hell is 2C-I? Luckily, Ludlow knew something about the esoteric world of substance use and abuse among young adults, and identified 2C-I as a rare hallucinogenic phenethylamine. But his search of the usual medical databases for more detailed information turned up zilch. Then he aimed his Web browser toward The Vaults of Erowid , where he found data about the chemical structure of 2C-I and a link to the EU's recent scientific review of the substance. "This information helped us to treat this patient's symptoms," Ludlow wrote in a letter thanking Erowid. "We expect that his symptoms will resolve completely."

click MORE for full breathtaking story!
[ Science | 2004-05-06 16:56 | 0 comments | ]  More >

Thursday, April 1, 2004 

 Are You Awake?
Imagine you fell asleep ..oh, let's say, only five years ago.
Imagine you awoke this week in January, 2004.
Keep in mind, as you read on, you have no idea of all that
has changed while you slept those five years.

Keep in mind too that the questions I'm going to ask you are only the short list and the ones, which may affect you most immediately upon your awakening.

How would you feel about the changes you'd see and hear?
Who would you choose to believe about what has happened while you slept?
With whom would you want to associate now?
Who would you feel you could trust?
How would you feel when you discovered your job had been "outsourced" while you slept?
How would you feel when you discovered the home you owned is no longer yours due to the revocation of The Posse Comitatus Act?
[ Politics/ Activism | 2004-04-01 11:28 | 0 comments | ]  More >

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 

 questions about gender and war
I wrote this for a local Glastonbury e-forum tonight.

Good evening ~ albeit morning~

Fact: Somewhere around 90% ? of all violent crimes are committed by men.

I've heard it from the authorities on violence, etc... for many years.

Here's some links I have found:

Some UK stats
Crimes by Men
National Abuse Facts
Interesting bit on women in Arizona prisions

I don't blame men, but I do blame patriarchy, which subconsciously, consciously and insidiously breeds a male-dominated regime/ matrix/ whirld... that subjugates women and what we call 'feminine' values. I think it subjugates what is our True Nature.

There is much evidence that what we call feminine qualities -- nurturing, Life-giving attributes -- were once donned by males in matri-focal, egalitarian societies. No surfs or wars. Mesopotamia and Old Europe, etc.

I do think that in today's living western mythos, that until we consciously de-tox from our inner patriarchy, whatever the gender, that we are acting in the false prism of dominating hierarchies, where it's about power over or under another individual or institution or group or race or class. Either we are participating in the status-quo or we are about standing for change.

And usually, we all fall in between, and hopelessly towards the former not the latter.

Often we supplant our patriarchy and participation in the 'cult of authority' from the collective psyche of our past, Piscean internal institution, to the seeming 'new paradigm' world or world view we try to inhabit... without even realizing it. I feel that is evident in the microcosm of Glastonbury and any alternative-related world. But at least we ARE trying.

The goal should be, are we trying to shine the light of illumination upon where our individual and collective psyche's are still split --- or are we still trying to look smarter, bigger, more evolved, than our brother/ sister?
[ Politics/ Activism | 2004-03-23 18:02 | 5 comments | ]  More >

Monday, March 22, 2004 

 12 reasons same-sex marriage will ruin society
1) Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.

2) Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.

3) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.
[ Environment | 2004-03-22 09:59 | 8 comments | ]  More >

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 

 Where you are
My friend and associate Palden Jenkins in Glastonbury forwarded this to me:
"Just in case you lost your way and need reminding, this is where you are!"

[ Inspiration | 2004-03-16 19:53 | 1 comment | ]  More >

Tuesday, February 10, 2004 

 ET says: Go Home!
Got this via a friend in Glastonbury from Spain!
[ Inspiration | 2004-02-10 14:27 | 4 comments | ]  More >

Monday, February 9, 2004 

 Heart Math
Letecia sent me this great post from HeartMath's mailing list:
"The most revolutionary act one can commit in our world is to be happy."
-- Hunter "Patch" Adams

HeartMath - A Change of Heart Changes Everything

Explore HeartMath's website

Interested in the latest news on stress and health?
See [link]

[ Science | 2004-02-09 18:38 | 0 comments | ]

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Stuff needs to be spewed, shared, synchronized, and savoured. Maybe some sense can be made... some point can be reached... in these realms of our awakenings...

Previous stories
  • Blood Brothers?
  • Drinking the Cup
  • Western Banana Splits
  • Dynamics In Awareness
  • What is The Revolution?
  • Googley Searches and America Revisted
  • Madgala Notes
  • 24 Oct 03 Balsamic Moon Flights
  • Eh? A Canada to Notice
  • 'Ancient or First One'
  • Where you a Magdalene too?
  • Hope for Potato Heads
  • East Coast Blackout From Space
  • Sekhmet and Babalon
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  • Recent Comments:
  • Joy Maxwell: FROM MRS JOY
  • Jamie Walters: RE: Senua and Truth Emerging
  • jas.levendosky: sekhmet
  • Gator Gay-Straight Alliance: 12 Reasons Author
  • Emily Vonnessa: Taking Action
  • Emily Vonnessa: Thank you Julie!
  • Jewel: questions about gender and war
  • jazzolog: Very Important
  • shawa: De-toxing...
  • Stephanie De Phillipo: Idleness
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