$1.6 million to Dinesh D'Souza
June 9, 2004
"Distort D'Newsa" now a CNN analyst
Controversial right-wing pundit and author Dinesh D'Souza has a new title -- "CNN analyst."
Also see MT's Dinesh D'Souza page.
$3.1 million to the Independent Women's Forum
Scoobie Davis
May 24,2004
Today's (Sun., May 23, 2004) LA Times had an article that featured a slam against (Democratic Presidential candidate John) Kerry and that misrepesents his religion. It was written by Charlotte Allen of the Independent Women's Forum...
MT's Independent Women's Forum page.
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$5 million in grants with Samuel Huntington's name on them
Peter Carlson
Washington Post Staff Writer
March 9, 2004
Hey, Professor, Assimilate This
Look out, folks! Samuel P. Huntington has kicked up a major cultural firestorm and unpleasant things could start flying at any moment.
Also see: MT's Samuel Huntington page.
$3.9 million to the Institute on Religion and Democracy
Matt Smith
Right-wingers are targeting liberal pastors -- including at least one in S.F. -- who favor gay marriage
Justin Raimondo
Feb 27, 2004
David Horowitz whines about a lack of 'academic freedom' – and calls for government regulation of campuses to ensure 'diversity'
Also see: MT's David Horowitz page.
Feb 24, 2004
Salvation Army Accused of Discrimination
Current and former Salvation Army employees sued the organization famous for its red Christmas kettles Tuesday, alleging the government-funded group preached religious and sexual intolerance to its staff.
Earlier: Charity Cites Bush Help in Fight Against Hiring Gays.
MT's Salvation Army page.
Also see: MT's Faith-based Watch page.
Nathan Newman
Feb 12, 2004
Well, no-- like her hero, Ann Coulter has no depth to which she will not sink.
Defending Bush, she decides to smear Max Cleland [with lies].
Tbogg chimes in: Ann Coulter- Lying Bitch. Yeah. Like that's a revelation.
Also see: MT's Ann Coulter page.
World O'Crap
Jan 29, 2004
Ann Coulter calls John Kerry a "gigolo" on Faux News
...in other Ann news, she used her recent column (such as it is) and an appearance on Hannity and Whosit to call John Kerry a "gigolo."
Also see MT's Ann Coulter page
Justin Raimondo
Jan 30, 2004
Perle Must Resign - Or be fired...
The miasma of malfeasance that surrounds [American Enterprise Institute "Resident Fellow" Richard]Perle is unseemly...To say nothing of the penumbra of malevolence that seems to hover over his very person...The man is an ambassador of ill will for this administration, at home as well as abroad...
Also see: MT's American Enterprise Institute page.
NY Times
Jan 25, 2004
Time to Slay the Inequality Myth? Not So Fast
In recent weeks, a new book has challenged [the fact of rising economic inequality in the US], calling it a statistical mirage, and its striking claim has begun to receive national attention...It happens, however, not to be true...Mr. Easterbrook, a senior editor at The New Republic who is a visiting fellow at Brookings, acknowledged last week that he had gone too far in the book...
Ward Connerly Maligns Black Colleges
It’s getting to be axiomatic: If Ward Connerly attacks a program or institution, you can be assured that it is serving a valuable purpose for African-Americans.
Also see: MT's Ward Connerly page
IRC Right Web
What's happened to the Project for the New American Century?
After helping push the country into war with Iraq, the influential neocon outfit has all but disappeared from the national scene. Although its leaders continue to write inflammatory articles about global hot spots like Taiwan, the group seems to have lost its ability to generate support for its agenda.
Grants to the "Project for the New American Century".
Grants to the New Citizenship Project (which spawned the PNAC).
Anna Quindlen
December 29, 2003
The privacy of public men can be measured by a kind of algebra of exposure: the prominence of their position multiplied by the variance between their espoused beliefs and actual behavior, what might be called the hypocrisy quotient.
Also see:
Dec 24, 2003
Fla. Governor Dedicates Faith-Based Prison
LAWTEY, Fla. (AP) - Gov. Jeb Bush dedicated what is being called the nation's first faith-based prison Wednesday, telling its nearly 800 inmates that religion can help keep them from landing in jail again.
Also see: MT's Faith Based Watch page
NY Times
Clergy Group to Counter Conservatives
In an effort to counter the influence of conservative Christian organizations, a coalition of moderate and liberal religious leaders is starting a political advocacy organization to mobilize voters in opposition to Bush administration policies.
Also see: MT's Conserverative Movement Religious Sector organizations.
Brad DeLong
Fred Barnes Just Makes Stuff Up
"Brad," said the wise old Washington hand. "Don't ask me where Fred Barnes gets his views. When he thinks he needs something, he just makes it up."
Also see MT's Fred Barnes page.
Brad DeLong
Aug 14, 2003
David Brooks Gets Burned by Trusting Charles Murray
...Brooks's reference to the "first, noncontroversial chapter of The Bell Curve" is hard to read as anything other than a partial attempt to try to rehabilitate the reputation that Charles Murray shattered by writing The Bell Curve. It is worth noting that nothing Charles Murray writes can be trusted without being independently verified, and that even the first chapter of The Bell Curve is "controversial"--that is, flat-out wrong.
Also see MT's Charles Murray page.
Aug 5, 2003
Fred Barnes...who appears to have "broken" the "accusations" against Reverend Robinson, is a board member of the Institute on Religion and Democracy...
Sadly, no! asks: "Is Fred Barnes a hack, a liar, or both?"
Tapped chimes in: "Barnes and the other character assassins should be ashamed of themselves for being part of this."
Washington Post
Letter to the Editor
NBER caught cooking the books for Bush Administration
...the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has added a new indicator -- monthly real gross domestic product -- and assigned greater weight to GDP estimates in determining when the end of the recession may be...the committee had downgraded its emphasis on employment statistics even more...Perhaps these seven economists have convinced themselves that a jobless recovery can be called a recovery, but I doubt that they will be able to convince America's workers and job-seekers.
June 30, 2003
Brendan Nyan
Screed: With Treason, Ann Coulter once again defines a new low in America's political debate
With her new book Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, syndicated pundit Ann Coulter has driven the national discourse to a new low
Previously: Fact checking Ann Coulter.
May 28, 2003
Reports that top officials in the administration of President George W Bush will meet this week to discuss US policy toward Iran, including possible efforts to overthrow its government, mark a major advance in what has been an 18-month campaign by neo-conservatives in and out of the administration.
Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Sprawling report in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel makes clear that Bradley Foundation is epicenter of Neocon warmongering
Action Alert
May 23, 2003
Does Stossel Deserve a Promotion?
...ABC reporter John Stossel will have a new job at 20/20: co-anchor...For years, Stossel's work has been notable for bungled facts and twisted logic, all in service to his conservative "free market" agenda.
MT's John Stossel page.
Asia Times
May 13, 2003
China hawk settles in neo-cons' nest
Neo-conservatives have scored a new victory in the [Bush] administration ...with the hiring... of a prominent hawk on China policy... Aaron Friedberg has been named deputy national security advisor and director of policy planning on [VP] Cheney's... foreign-policy staff..
Also see: $735,000 to Eliot Cohen at Johns Hopkins SAIS.
American Prospect
Michael Tomasky
April 2, 2003
The propaganda and lies of The Weekly Standard's editor
...a short and superficially amiable piece by...William Kristol in The Weekly Standard describe[s] a coming right-wing line of attack against liberals...
It is a house -- no, a skyscraper -- of propaganda and lies.
Also see MT's William Kristol page.
Dec 11, 2002
Jim Lobe
Israel's Likud Scores Big With White House Appointment
Indicted for giving false testimony during the Iran-Contra affair, right-wing Abrams is set to take over one of the most influencial policy positions on the National Security Council.
Read MT's Elliott Abrams page.
Mpls Star Trib
Rob Levine
Dec 7, 2002
"We can always follow the advice that [David] Horowitz and Kersten are offering. That is, if we wish to ignore logic and reason. Similarly we can advise our young people to adhere to the principles espoused by Kersten's exemplars of moral rectitude, Horowitz and D'Souza. That is, if we want them to grow up to be selfish bigots. For some reason this doesn't seem to bother Kersten. Maybe it's because her true role is marketer of the conservative-philanthropy product.
Trouble viewing/using this site? Try our new low graphics grant search engine.
"It's true that many people do not know where certain ideas come from, but the important thing is that they agree with them."
(former) Bradley Foundation president Michael Joyce
Crossfire on CNN
April 25, 2002
David Brock: Ted Olson lied under oath
CARVILLE: Did Mr. Olson tell the truth under oath? [about not being involved in the Arkansas Project]
BROCK: He did not. He was up to his ears in the Arkansas...
CARVILLE: So wait, he is the current -- so listen, he lied under oath?
BROCK: He did.
$12.8 million to the Hudson Institute (Luntz is Adjunct Fellow)
$12.4 million to the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (David Horowitz)
Media Matters
May 25, 2004
GOP pollster Frank Luntz "Adjunct Fellow" at Hudson Institute
Republican pollster Frank Luntz, CEO and president of Luntz Research Companies, appeared as a guest on the May 21 FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes to present the results of his new poll that purportedly showed that a plurality of Democrats say if they had the choice they would prefer Senator Hillary Clinton over Senator John Kerry as their presidential nominee. Luntz admitted radio host Rush Limbaugh had a role in instigating the survey...
As Salon has reported, there is little reason to trust a poll taken by Frank Luntz, who was reprimanded in 1997 by the American Association for Public Opinion Research... for his work polling for the Republican Party's 1994 'Contract with America' campaign platform...according to David W. Moore, author of the book The Super Pollsters, Luntz's work is little more than "propaganda" disguised as research...He is currently an "adjunct fellow" at the conservative Hudson Institute, and has conducted polls [for] ...David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture...
$32 million to the American Enterprise Institute, home of James Glassman
More on James Glassman as 'Journo-Lobbyist'
St Louis Post / Dispatch
Editor's note
May 20, 2004
Digging deeper into criticism of "Super Size Me"
The centerpiece of Tuesday's commentary page [of the St. Louis Post Dispatch] was "You are how you eat," a lively opinion piece criticizing the new documentary "Super Size Me," which premiered in St. Louis movie theaters last Friday. The author was James K. Glassman...
...Glassman used information from dietary specialists and data from McDonald's to ridicule [the documentary]...we did not know ...that McDonald's is one of the "sponsoring corporations" of [Glassman's] TechCentralStation.com...
...Glassman's reputation [???], the timeliness of the film and the controversy surrounding its premise made his opinion piece, offered without charge, an attractive and substantive submission with an arguable point...
...Some additional checking on our part also would have led us to the lavish spinoff Web site that TechCentralStation.com has devoted solely to discrediting "Super Size Me."
Also see: MT's James Glassman page.
$3.9 million to the Institute on Religion and Democracy
NY Times
May 21, 2004
Conservative Group Amplifies Voice of Protestant Orthodoxy
...a band of determined conservatives is advancing a plan to split the [Presbyterian] church along liberal and orthodox lines...With financing from a handful of conservative donors, including the Scaife family foundations, the Bradley and Olin Foundations and Howard and Roberta Ahmanson's Fieldstead & Company, the 23-year-old institute [Institute for Religion and Democracy] is now playing a pivotal role in the biggest battle over the future of American Protestantism since churches split over slavery at the time of the Civil War...
Also see: MT's Insitute on Religion and Democracy page
$1.7 million to the Alexis de Toqueville Institution
May 18,2004
By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Think Tank Claims Torvalds Didn't Write Linux
Linux wasn't written by Linus Torvalds, according to the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, a Washington, D.C.-based foundation.
Instead, Kenneth Brown, president of AdTI, claims that Linux is based on intellectual property "often taken or adapted without permission from material owned by other companies and individuals."
The announcement offers no proof of its assertions but says proof will be provided in later announcements—and eventually in a self-published book—that are based on "extensive interviews with more than two dozen leading technologists including Richard Stallman, Dennis Ritchie and Andrew Tanenbaum."
Microsoft in the past has supplied funding for the institution, which has published anti-open-source papers. In an eWEEK.com interview, senior fellow Gregory Fossedal refused to say who, if anyone, is sponsoring the institution's Linux project. "We don't discuss our funding," he said.
... Douglas A. Levin, president and CEO of Black Duck Software Inc., a company that makes software for source code and open-source license auditing, said, "This seems to be an effort of FUD [fear, uncertainty and doubt] attacking Linux because it is threatening the Windows franchise and other operating systems like Solaris."
Also see: MT's Alexis de Toqueville Institution page.
$5 million in grants with Samuel Huntington's name on them
NY Presss
May 5, 2004
John Dolan
Samuel P. Huntington and the return of the Know-Nothings.
SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON is a bigot, convinced that immigrant hordes are poisoning our Anglo-Protestant America. This in itself is not surprising; there have always been plenty of his kind on the American scene. Nor is it surprising that this bigot is a professor at Harvard. Nativism, in its 19th-century surge, was very much the darling cause of the New England elites.
What is surprising is that now, a century and a half after the Know-Nothings vanished in disgrace, Huntington feels free to promote his nativist hatred in print, and can be celebrated for doing so. Post-9/11 America, as John le Carre has said, has lost its mind. Huntington's screeching is a worthy contribution to the bedlam.
Read the full review at NY Press.
New from MediaTransparency.org
Jerry M. Landay
March 18, 2004
George W. Bush's back-door
political machine
It's anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional, and is working to create a one-party America
As America's mainstream media focuses on President Bush's campaign war chest, it's missing the story of some 350 right-wing political organizations loaded with manpower, money, and momentum, that are marching in lock-step to support the Republican Party and the president's re-election.
In "The Apparat: George W. Bush's Back-Door Political Machine," veteran reporter Jerry M. Landay details how this anti-democratic, anti-constitutional network, that operates outside of campaign funding constraints, is pursuing its unprecedented goal of a one-party state.
Read about it only at MediaTransparency.org, and then pass it on.
City Pages, Minneapolis
Brit Robson
March 10, 2004
The federal No Child Left Behind law is threatening to wreck public education in Minnesota and elsewhere.
That's what it was designed to do.
..."We have 7,200 kids in our district. The reality is, if just a few kids in a certain subgroup don't show up for the test, the whole district can be classified as failing and put under restriction," he [Edina, Minnesota School Superintendent Dr. Ken Dragseth] says. "That's just asinine. I tell this to parents and they say it can't be so, but it is. I'm an old math teacher and statistician, and I know when I've been had."
Also see: Media Transparency's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
$2 million to the National Endowment for Democracy
Media Transparency EXCLUSIVE
February 27, 2004
The National Endowment for Democracy channeling money to outfit organizing recall campaign against Venezuela's president
by Bill Berkowitz
for Mediatransparency.org
For nearly two years, Venezuelan government officials have hurled accusations at the Bush Administration charging that it was involved in the aborted April 2002 coup aimed at overthrowing the country's democratically elected president, Hugo Chavez.
Now, on the cusp of a possible recall election, President Chavez says he has evidence proving that U.S. officials "met with rebel military officers [and] U.S. military officers acted in the coup." Chavez also pointed out that "the U.S. ambassador was at the Presidential Palace after the coup to applaud the dictator [Pedro Carmona]. The government of the United States must answer before the world about the deaths that occurred here in April of 2002."
The State Department's Richard Boucher dismissed Chavez's charges out of hand, saying that the accusations were meant to ""to divert attention" away from the referendum process currently underway in Venezuela," Venezuelanalysis.com reported. Boucher, however, acknowledged that the Bush Administration is providing "funding to groups that promote democracy and strengthen civil society in Venezuela and around the globe." Boucher claimed that the funds "are for the benefit of democracy, not to support any particular political faction."
One of the recipients of U.S. taxpayer money is a Venezuelan company called Sumate, the organization that has provided much of the logistical support for the signature collection process. Between September 2003 and September 2004, Sumate received more than $50,000 from the U.S.-based National Endowment for Democracy.
The "NED Report to the U.S. Dept. of State on Special Venezuela Funds," documents that the organization received a million dollars in April 2002, and since June of that year it awarded more than $800,000 to organizations working in Venezuela, according to VenezuelaFOIA.info. The non-profit Web site, sponsored by the Venezuela Solidarity Committee/National Venezuela Solidarity Network, found that among the organizations receiving funds were the Center for International Private Enterprise, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
Read the full story.
People for the American Way
November 2003
Analysis of U.S. Department of Education Grantmaking Reveals Steady Stream of Public Funds to Support School Privatization
An initial People For the American Way analysis of federal education grants has uncovered a pattern of major — and at times unsolicited — grants made to a small cadre of pro-voucher private advocacy groups. The funds diverted to these groups total more than $75 million over the last three years, and were doled out by the U.S. Department of Education despite chronic underfunding of the Bush administration’s own landmark ‘No Child Left Behind’ education legislation.
“As the Bush administration has closed the tap on education funding, even abandoning much of its commitment to ‘No Child Left Behind’ and other critical education programs like IDEA and Headstart, money is flowing to private, pro-voucher advocacy groups,” said People For the American Way President Ralph G. Neas. “This administration is sending millions of taxpayer dollars to groups that have been built by an interconnected network of right-wing foundations dedicated to privatizing education in America.”
PFAW’s analysis traces the millions from the Department of Education to various initiatives sponsored by pro-voucher, pro-privatization groups such as the Black Alliance for Education Options, the Hispanic Council for Reform and Education Options, the Education Leaders Council, and the Center for Education Reform.
“The mission of the Department of Education is to advance and promote public education,” said Neas. “Why is the Department handing out $75 million to groups whose work undermines public education?”
Download the entire report in PDF format.
Also see: MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
January 30, 2004
Groups Seek To Monitor Faith-Based Initiatives
List Compiled To Track Grants
In a tacit admission of their inability to block President Bush's faith-based initiative, the Anti-Defamation League and other civil-liberties groups are shifting their fight to the field, in a concerted effort to monitor social service programs run by religious organizations.
The Forward has learned that ADL staffers in Washington last month spent days combing through a list of some 3,600 organizations and institutions across America that received new government funds to deliver services to the homeless. The goal was to determine which religious groups received funds, the size of each allocation and how much of the total $1.1 billion in grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development was funneled to religious organizations.
After the data was analyzed, computerized lists of the faith-based grantees were sent to ADL's 28 regional offices throughout the United States. Field officers with the league were instructed to use the lists to ensure that church-state guidelines are being respected as more religious groups receive federal funds.
"We are literally following the money" as it's disbursed from Washington to religious groups in the field, said ADL's top lawyer, Michael Lieberman.
The new strategy — which liberal groups acknowledge is highly inefficient, costly and unlikely to provide an adequate check against constitutional violations — is a result of two recent developments. First, a series of court rulings opened the way for the federal and state governments to fund social services through religious organizations. The other development is President Bush's insistence on bypassing congressional opposition and pushing his "charitable choice" initiative by executive order.
Also see: MT's Faith-Based Watch page.
$2.6 million to the Acton Institute
$15.7 million to the Cato Institute
Media Transparency
December 15, 2003
Bill Berkowitz
The Acton Institute attacks Health Care Without Harm and environmentally conscious religious activists
NEW original research for MediaTransparency.org
Health Care Without Harm is a Washington, DC-based environmental group that has taken more than its share of heat from the chemical industry over its campaigns against the use of mercury in medical equipment, the incineration of highly toxic medical waste and the use of pesticides, cleaners and disinfectants.
In recent weeks, a conservative religious public policy group has attacked not only the organization, but also religious leaders that support the group's campaign against the use of PVC, or vinyl plastic - the most widely used plastic in medical devices which Health Care Without Harm maintains is "harmful to patients, the environment and public health."
The Rev. Gerald Zandstra, director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Stewardship at the Acton Institute, has authored a far-ranging broadside warning religious leaders to be on their guard against "being used by radical environmental, leftist, organizations to whom they lend moral legitimacy," for their anti-corporate campaigns.
Read the full Media Transparency original report.
Related from Media Transparency: The Corporate/Think Tank Complex.
Also see: Media Transparency's Religious Sector page.
Media Transparency
November 19, 2003
Dave Johnson
The Commonweal Institute
The conservative movement's well-funded attacks on trial lawyers
NEW original research for MediaTransparency.org
We've all heard the story of the woman who spilled hot coffee from a fast food joint in her lap, then sued the restaurant, and was subsequently awarded a huge sum of money for a seemingly stupid act. This is only one of many supposed examples of "out-of-control" lawsuits and outrageous damage awards that are causing our legal system to collapse, our businesses to fold, and our insurance rates to skyrocket. Right?
Maybe not. It turns out that these popular stories about lawsuits and their effects are almost always misleading, distorted, or outright lies. Our legal system is not collapsing, lawsuits are not causing businesses to fold, and damage awards are not why insurance rates are rising.
Why then do so many people accept these untruths about our legal system? Because, for more than a decade, consumers and trial lawyers have been under attack from a well-funded effort advocating "tort reform." Many reputable reports have shown that this "tort reform" movement is nothing more than an industry-funded public relations effort, using phony "grassroots" organizations that purport to be groups of concerned citizens.
Read the full Media Transparency original report.
Asia Times
November 15, 2003
Book Review
Piyush Mathur
The crisis of American journalism
A Heart, a Cross, and a Flag: America Today by Peggy Noonan
"This war happens to be the reason he is president: because something big and bad and dark was coming, and he was the man to lead us through it ... My sense is that he walked into office knowing huge history was coming but not knowing when, what, where. Now he knows. I can quite imagine him thinking, This is the reason I'm here." (pg 60)
No, the above is not an excerpt from some Halloween story told to a five-year old by her mystical Californian mother: It is, in fact, a passage from an essay written by a veteran journalist affiliated to a prominent publishing establishment of the United States. I regret to report that, between the covers of A Heart, a Cross, and a Flag, I had to slog through 269 pages of such poppycock from Peggy Noonan, a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and a speechwriter for former president Ronald Reagan.
Had irrationalism, vacuity and tediousness been the book's only features, I would have probably opted out of reviewing it. Unfortunately, however, Noonan's rhetoric has the additional demerit of being pathetically truncated and therefore politically dangerous; a review is further warranted because the book exemplifies a certain crisis of representation that appears to have gripped mainstream American journalism past the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Read the full book review at Asia Times.
Mark Kleiman
November 11, 2003
The Washington Post defends No Child Left Behind
Jay Matthews in the Washington Post tries to defend the No Child Left Behind Act from what Matthews calls "a host of myths and misinterpretations" by examining "10 statements about the law that experts say are heard often but are not firmly anchored in reality."
ABC News's The Note finds Matthew's piece "highly informative." I have no idea why. It seems to me a masterpiece of illogic.
...Now I wish I could feel absolutely certain that the publication of this story, written largely (though not entirely) in defense of a bill that is showering dollars on the testing and test-preparation industry had nothing to do with the fact that the Washington Post's parent company now also owns Kaplan Educational Systems, which advertises "effective, research-based programs to help schools raise K-12 state assessment scores, improve graduation rates and demonstrate the adequate yearly progress required by No Child Left Behind." (Note: Kaplan now has larger revenues than any other division of the company: higher, for example, than the Post itself.)
In the spirit of standardized testing, let's try a little fill-in-the blanks:
For the Post to publish a story blatantly illogical story with a slant that favors a sister company is a _______ of ________.
Read the post at Mark Kleiman's weblog.
MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
$9.4 million to the Ethics and Public Policy Center
$1.2 million to the Morley Publishing Group
publisher of Crisis magazine
$3.8 million to the Institute on Religion and Democracy
$172,000 to Robert P. George
Boston Globe Magazine
November 2, 2003
Charles P. Pierce, Globe Staff
A powerful faction of religious and political conservatives is waging a latter-day counterreformation, battling widespread efforts to liberalize the American Catholic Church. And it has the clout and the connections to succeed.
There is a glow to the priest when he talks. Something lights him up inside, and its intensity is increased by the mild way he says what he's saying. The words, harsh and unyielding, seem not so much a departure from the mainstream as they do a living refutation that there is any mainstream at all, not one to which the priest has to pay any mind, anyway.
He is talking about a futuristic essay he wrote that rosily describes the aftermath of a "relatively bloodless" civil war that resulted in a Catholic Church purified of all dissent and the religious dismemberment of the United States of America.
...The activity on the American Catholic right has been so vigorous that it has come to the attention of the various foundations that fund conservative causes generally in this country and to politicians as well. For example, papal biographer George Weigel works as a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, a think tank where Elliot Abrams once worked between his involvement in the Iran-contra scandal and his current employment in the Bush administration.
According to the records compiled by mediatransparency.org, a website that tracks the activities of conservative foundations, the center has received almost $9.5 million since 1985 from sources such as the Olin, Scaife, and Bradley foundations. Among Weigel's projects was a series of seminars that he held in various eastern European countries.
...The meeting at the Cosmos Club [called to counter a meeting held between Catholic laity and church bigwigs over concern about the church's sexual abuse scandal] was a perfect amalgam of conservative Catholicism and conservative politics, both being addressed on parallel tracks. Besides [Peggy] Noonan, the gathering included Frank Hanna 3d, an Atlanta millionaire who was one of the founders of Newt Gingrich's GOPAC political operation and who, according to the Federal Election Commission, also has contributed heavily to Republican candidates all over the country. Robert George, a member of the President's Council on Bioethics and a leading opponent of stem-cell research, also was at the meeting. George had been appointed to the council at the last minute by the first President Bush, and he served as a conservative gadfly on the panel throughout the Clinton years. Among other things, George regularly compares the abortion pill RU-486 to the Zyklon B gas used by the Nazis in concentration camps during World War II.
Central to the September meeting was Deal Hudson, the publisher of Crisis magazine, a journal of conservative Catholic thought...
In one of his first issues, Hudson wrote a prescient piece about a possible alliance between evangelical Protestants and conservative Catholics. That same year, however, an outreach attempt by the largely Protestant Christian Coalition failed famously when, among other things, Catholic bishops raised, well, hell about political literature that the coalition had distributed outside Catholic churches. By 1999, however, the Christian Coalition had fallen into disarray, and, looking elsewhere for religious conservatives, the George W. Bush campaign hired Hudson to help peel off some of the Catholic vote.
...There are nearly 65 million Catholics in the United States, and 45 percent of them are registered voters. For years, as Republicans gained the overwhelming support of fundamentalist Protestants, Catholic voters remained evenly divided. According to a recent Gallup Poll, Catholic voters who identified themselves as either strongly Democratic or strongly Republican finished in a flat-footed tie at 33 percent apiece, as opposed to white Protestants, who were overwhelmingly Republican.
...As Robert George told The Washington Post in April 2001:
"In 1960, John Kennedy went from Washington down to Texas to assure Protestant preachers that he would not obey the pope. In 2001, George Bush came from Texas up to Washington to assure . . . Catholic bishops that he would."
...when the sexual abuse scandal exploded, Catholic conservatives were not only organized within the church, they were uniquely situated outside the church to frame the public discussion of the scandal. The meeting in Washington at the Cosmos Club was a perfect demonstration of both. It was a seamless blend of conservative political thought and conservative Catholic doctrine, particularly on the volatile issues regarding sex and reproductive choice.
The group, according to George, had come together "to give support to the bishops in their efforts to teach what the church believes on these issues." He made it quite clear that this includes the bishops regaining their lost authority to discipline Catholic politicians who try to finesse the church's positions on issues like abortion and gay marriage. George, for example, objected to the inclusion of former Clinton administration chief of staff Leon Panetta to the board appointed by the bishops to monitor the church's response to the sex abuse scandal, on the grounds that Panetta is insufficiently faithful to Catholic teachings on a number of issues, especially abortion.
...The influence of the Catholic conservatives within the church depends vitally on the patronage of the episcopate that has its source in Rome. However, in the United States, the conservatives have succeeded in injecting their ecclesiastical politics into the secular realm more effectively than the likes of Voice of the Faithful ever will...
Read this fantastic report at the Boston Globe's website in its entirety.
Associated Press
Charter schools fail to match public schools on tests
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Six companies responsible for teaching 17,000 Michigan's charter school students fail to produce test scores that match even low-scoring traditional public schools, records show.
The companies manage about $123.7 million in tax money each year.
The low- performing companies include three of the biggest for- profit charter school managers in the state, The Detroit News said Sunday.
They are Mosaica Foundation, The Leona Group and Charter School Administration Services. Together, they manage schools with more than a quarter of the 63,000 students in charter schools in the state.
The other three are Alpha-Omega Education Management, Black Star Education Management and CAN Associates, which have one school each.
The students at these schools often fall far below minimum standards in reading, writing and math, state education records show. The companies' schools also spend a smaller share of their budgets in the classroom than others.
And in Minneapolis: Charter Schools get lower marks.
MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
$3.2 million to Ward Connerly's American Civil Rights Institute
Oct 8, 2003
Huge loss for Ward Connerly, as proposition loses by almost 2 to 1 margin
Proposition 54, a constitutional amendment proposed
by UC Regent Ward Connerly to ban most state agencies from collecting racial
and ethnic data died Tuesday night after opponents successfully focused the
attention on its possible effects on health care.
Connerly proposed the initiative, he said, because the practice of classifying people by race is antiquated and divisive.
But opponents had attacked Prop. 54 as disastrous for public health, saying it would rob doctors and health agencies of the information needed to identify and develop programs to address problems specific to certain groups. They also said it would hurt public education. They characterized it as a misguided attempt to pretend that race no longer matters and said the initiative would just hide the disparities.
Read the full story at the SFGate.com website.
St. Petersburg Times
September 25, 2003
State fund buys school operator
If the deal stands, the fund that provides for pensions of Florida public school teachers will own a company [Edison] that privatizes school management.
Florida's state pension fund is investing $174-million in a controversial for-profit school management company.
Through one of its money managers, Liberty Partners, the pension fund has agreed to buy out the shareholders of Edison Schools Inc., taking the New York company private.
In effect, the fund that provides for the retirement pensions of Florida teachers and other public employees will own a company that has played a leading role in privatizing school management.
So, you start a company to privatize education and take on the teachers unions. Your company fails miserably both in terms of the market and academic success. Then after you've hollowed the company out to cover your other bad debts friendly pols come along to bail you out with a couple hundred million from the teachers' (and other public employees') pension fund. I love symmetry.
Read the full report in the St Petersburg Times.
MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
Mark O'Keefe
Newhouse News Service
September 18, 2003
Foundation Excels at Fueling Conservative Agenda
Name a conservative idea -- whether it's school vouchers, faith-based initiatives or the premise that there's a worldwide clash of civilizations -- and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is apt to have its fingerprints on it.
![]() Lion House: Home of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation |
...Headed by a former Republican Party official and enjoying strong ties to the Bush administration, the foundation is credited with producing more than a decade of intellectual fuel for conservative lawmakers.
...On Oct. 7, in a ceremony at the Library of Congress, up to four $250,000 Bradley Prizes will be given to "intellectual entrepreneurs." In typical Bradley style, the annual prizes will have no strings attached.
..."At Olin and later at Bradley, our overarching purpose was to use philanthropy to support a war of ideas to defend and help recover the political [emphasis added] imagination of the (nation's) founders -- the self-evident truth that rights and worth are a legacy of the creator [emphasis added] -- not the result of some endless revaluing of values," said [former head Michael] Joyce, who left Bradley last year to head a think tank promoting faith-based initiatives.
...The conservative scholarship [sponsored by Bradley] has a way of influencing Republican policies in the White House and at statehouses.
Read the full report from Mark O'Keefe.
Bill Berkowitz
Working For Change.com
June 9, 2004
Grover Norquist's Reagan Legacy Project has its eyes on many prizes
...If Grover Norquist has his way, within the next decade the image of President Ronald Wilson Reagan will be permanently stamped upon America's landscape.
MT's Grover Norquist page.
Black Commentator
May 27, 2004
Vouchers: The Right's Final Answer to Brown
Today's Voucher advocates openly advocate for defunding of urban public schools.
Also see: MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page
$45 million to the Heritage Foundation
Washington Post
(first link)
Washington Monthly
(second link)
May 22, 2004
For months, newly-hired CPA staffers were wondering "what they had in common," reports the Washington Post, "how their names had come to the attention of the Pentagon, until one day they figured it out: They had all posted their resumes at the Heritage Foundation...
Also see: MT's Heritage Foundation page.
The American Street (blog)
May 3, 2004
[wherein NPR "reporter" Barbara Bradley Hagerty does a hit piece on John Kerry portrying him as a bad Catholic by quoting "regular" Christians who just happen to be right-wing conservative philanthropy supported partisans.]
"... proof that three of the four "random" Catholics she interviewed leaving mass were actually spokespeople for the religous right [ from American Enterprise Institute, and the perversely named "Ethics and Public Policy Center"]."
May 17, 2004
Kristol: Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal "small"
Kristol says on Faux News Sunday: the United States is "obsessing...about a small prisoner abuse scandal."
Also see: MT's Bill Kristol page.
$475,000 from the conservative philanthropies to Linda Chavez.
May 3, 2004
FOX's Chavez called Kerry a "communist apologist" -- and then lied about it
Four days after her nationally syndicated column calling Senator John Kerry a "communist apologist" appeared in newspapers and on The Heritage Foundation's website ... Linda Chavez claimed [on FOX] that she had not called Kerry a "communist apologist"
See MT's Linda Chavez page.
War Liberal
Easterbrook caught making up malicious lies about Alabama's basketball team's graduation rates...
Also see: MT's Gregg Easterbrook page.
Court Watch
Faithbased Watch
School Privatization
Social Security Privatization
Law & Economics
Arkansas Project
Molly Ivins
How to ruin the public schools
Texas, the nation's bad government workshop, provides example for ridding ourselves of pesky public education
Democracy Now
March 4, 2004
Hugo Chavez Accuses U.S. of Spending Over $1 Million To Help Oust Him
Newly publicized documents show how the National Endowment for Democracy has given over $1 million in projects related to an anti-Chavez referendum and opposition groups.
$4.7 million to Samuel P. Huntington
José Néstor Márquez
In Samuel Huntington's febrile mind...
Not satisfied with casting the future of international relations as the struggle between White Protestants and the rest of humankind, Samuel P. Huntington has returned to piss in the well of civil society just one more time.
Related from the Chronicle of Higher Education: Critics Assail Scholar's Article Arguing That Hispanic Immigration Threatens U.S.
Also see MT's Samuel P. Huntington page.
Washington Monthly
March 2004
Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke
[American Enterprise Institute fellow] Richard Perle has begun to panic.
NY Times
Feb 26, 2004
News Section
Court Says States Need Not Finance Divinity Studies
"... decisive rejection of the proposition that a government that subsidizes a secular activity must necessarily ... subsidize the comparable religious activity as well."
[MT EDITOR'S NOTE: This ruling declares that states cannot be forced to fund religious education - which I guess is some sort of achievement today]
The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that states that subsidize secular study at the college level may withhold the scholarships from students preparing for the ministry.
MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Feb 16, 2004
Public School Voucher funds used to buy 2 Mercedes
The principal of the troubled Mandella School of Science and Math used proceeds from state voucher payments last October to buy two Mercedes-Benz cars for about $65,000.
Also see: MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
Bill Berkowitz
February 5, 2004
President Bush's faith-based initiative is doing better than you think
Also see: MT's Faith-based Watch.
Mother Jones
Jan-Feb 2004
As national ward boss for the right, Grover Norquist has gone a long way toward demolishing the old Democratic agenda. And he isn't done yet.
Also see: MT's Grover Norquist page.
Washington Post
Jan 24, 2004
Va. Seeks To Leave Bush Law Behind
Republicans Fight School Mandates
The Republican-controlled Virginia House of Delegates sharply criticized President Bush's signature education program Friday, calling the No Child Left Behind Act an unfunded mandate that threatens to undermine the state's own efforts to improve students' performance.
Also see: MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page
Jan 14, 2004
Tax-exempt Republican 'Think Tank' proposes eliminating metro government in Twin Cities
A new editorial in the Mpls Star Trib takes the Center of the American Experiment to task for a recent proposal by the Republicans who run the Center to eliminate the Metropolitan Council.
Also see MT's Center of the American Experiment page.
Also see: It's Time the Republican CAE Lost It's Tax Exempt Status (City Pages).
Daily Howler
Jan 9, 2004
It was all just a joke, David Brooks has now said
How inane were [Brooks'] overall claims? Most bizarre was an obvious insinuation...that it was kooky to think that neocons influenced Bush Admin policy...
Also see: MT's David Brooks page.
Dwight Meredith
December 20, 2003
The tort reform lobby and the media have chosen to scare the bejesus out of the public to promote a "tort reform" agenda. What is worse, they continually lie to generate the fear.
Also see: Lowering the Bar: The conservative movement's well-funded attacks on trial lawyers.
Black Commentator
December 4, 2003
Bush's Phony "Grassroots" Voucher "Movement"
School Funds Diverted to Subvert Public Education
Also see: MT's Public School Commercialization and Privatization page.
Try the Media Transparency Fundometer. Evaluate any page on the World Wide Web against our databases of people, recipients, and funders of the conservative movement.
Washington Monthly
Nicholas Confessore
December 2003
How James Glassman (a Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute) reinvented journalism--as lobbying.
The Daily Howler
Let’s face it, readers—if there’s a way to commit fraud with a “quote,” the MRC will find it.
Also see: MT's Media Research Center page.
Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
Terry Gross, Grover Norquist and the Holocaust
First of all, Grover, the morality underpinning the estate tax is not the same as the "morality" underpinning the holocaust. The holocaust was mass killing driven by a racist ideology. There is no morality there. The estate tax is a moral tax -- taxing the wealth of the super-rich to help the not so super-rich -- it's called progressive taxation.
Mac Diva
Horowitz in denial: The flamethrower as victim
The Southern Poverty Law Center...published a recent report depicting Horowitz' Center for the Study of Popular Culture as one of several groups that promote bigotry.
MT's David Horowitz page.
Mark Kleiman
Aug 5, 2003
How a Bush-promoted Christian prison program fakes success by massaging data.
Daily Kos
Steve Gilliard
July 25, 2003
Dick Cheney gave a speech before his favorite group today, the American Enterprise Institute. As is par with this Administration, it was packed with lies, distortions and errors.
Norman Solomon
Creators Syndicate
When will Mara Liasson apologize for smearing Reps. Jim McDermott and David Bonior?
Weekly Dig
Boston, MA
July 2003
No Longer Afraid of Reds, Very White and Hardly Blue Bloods, America's New “Radical Conservatives” have Liberated America from the Liberals of Decades Past
Prove that Media Transparency has broad public support. Deduct the contribution off your taxable income!
Josh Jones
July 3, 2003
Color-blindness as an ideal is wonderfully, and perhaps willfully, naive, but ... is an extravagant and untenable fantasy.
Conservative Movement Moves In
Media Transparency tracks the sponsored conservative philathropy movement's transition from private government-in-waiting to actual government.
May 13, 2003
Paging Charles Murray:
DNA evidence shows race doesn't exist
The recently completed Human Genome Sequencing Project has confirmed what many scientists knew all along — that humans don't fit the biological criteria that defines race...Any way you measure it, the amount of divergence between people is essentially zero, said Joseph L. Graves, Jr., an evolutionary biologist and author of books on race. "The scientific case for the nonexistence of human race is overwhelming," he said.
Also see: MT's Charles Murray page.
Daily Howler
May 9, 2003
(scroll down)
Washington Monthly
June 2003
Joshua Green
William J. Bennett has made millions lecturing people on morality--and blown it on gambling.
Michael Kinsley and Josh Marshall comment.
Calpundit rounds up Republican's responses to Bennett's gambling.
Slate's Explainer explains why it is next to impossible that Bennett actually broke even playing video slots, as he has claimed (and why Bennett is now probably a public liar, as well).
Republican columnist from St. Paul Pioneer Press: Bennett is "a complete idiot, a legal, taxpaying, God-fearing complete idiot."
Peter Beinart in TNR: Bennett a political opportunist.
The issue...is one of a self-restraint and hypocrisy. Here we have a pompous ass who has made a lucrative cottage industry on lecturing the American people about integrity and restraint...Bennett [is a ] phony because he rarely if ever brings up the moral failings of Republicans...[and] a complete hypocrite for taking money from gullible Americans who wanted to be more virtuous and blowing it on the slots...
"Video poker represents the sucker bet of all sucker bets. Nobody who didn't want to lose would pour..millions earned through the hard labor of hectoring lesser citizens on their weaknesses. Nobody who wasn't an absolute idiot would try to convince the press that he's broken even playing those machines over a long period..Playing to lose and lying about it are sure signs that you're dealing with a degenerate gambling addict..
Where did Bennett get all that money to lose?
Also see: MT's William Bennett page.
Wisconsin says: "Hey Bill, we've got casinos, too!"
Robert Fisk
The Independent
Nov 29, 2002
Elusive Bin Laden still has the global reach to strike terror at will
"The pathetic 'clash of civilisations' predicted in Samuel Huntington's book of the same name is as important to Bin Laden's followers as it is to the right-wing American Christian fundamentalists who make the revolting claim that the Prophet Mohamed was a paedophile."
Read Edward Said's "Clash of Ignorance"
$5 million to Samuel Huntington
MT's Samuel Huntington page.
Tom Paine.com
November 13, 2002
Bill Berkowitz
Learning The Hard Way: There Is No Profit In Public Education
For 10 years, Christopher Whittle's Edison Schools Inc. has been hyped by right-wing think tanks and privatization advocates as the poster child for the transformation of America's public schools. These days, the controversial for-profit company is dealing with a plummeting stock price, a crumbling bottom line and charges it is cooking the books on its financials and test scores..[MORE]
MT's Public School Privatization and Commercialization page.
Working For Change
Bill Berkowitz
October 7, 2002
David Horowitz's campus cleansing
Former sixties radical launches 'National Campaign to Take Back Our Campuses'
"..Taking issue with "leftist professors" who question President Bush's "war on terrorism" and "liberal bias" on campus is nothing new for this former sixties radical turned right-winger. This time around, what's unique is Horowitz's intention to involve alumni and legislators -- the people, he says, control the purse strings at America's universities..."
Also see MT's David Horowitz page.
Washington Post
Oct 3, 2002
[Pat] Robertson Charity Wins 'Faith-Based' Grant
Today, Operation Blessing International, a Virginia Beach charity created by Robertson, is to get $500,000 in the first wave of grants to be distributed under the faith-based initiative, which gives federal money to religious organizations that provide social services...[MORE]
Sep/Oct 2002
Voices of color scarce on urban public radio (survey of seven prominent NPR affiliates)
An Extra! survey finds that the dominant voices on the leading public radio stations in seven U.S. urban markets are overwhelmingly white and predominantly male.
NY Times
Aug 28, 2002
Business section
British Reopening the Debate Over Privatization
Sizable losses by one of Britain's largest nuclear power companies have reopened debate here over the limits of privatization...British Energy has lost millions in the last two years. Last October, the Railtrack Group, which owns the nation's railroad tracks, signals and stations, was declared insolvent and effectively renationalized through a public-private partnership. In addition, the former air traffic control monopoly has struggled since it was privatized last year.
NY Times
June 28, 2002
The country has been waiting for several years now to see how the Supreme Court would rule on school vouchers. Yesterday, in a 5-to-4 decision, the court issued a sweeping ruling upholding Cleveland's school voucher program. It was a bad decision on constitutional grounds, and a bad one for American education.
Read the full New York Times editorial.
Paul Krugman
New York Times
June 21, 2002
To make sense of what passes for debate over Social Security reform, one must realize that advocates of privatization ... are determined not to understand basic arithmetic. Otherwise they would have to admit that such accounts would weaken, not strengthen, the system's finances.
Read the report this op-ed is based on.
MT's Social Security Privatization page.
Robert Kuttner
The American Prospect
July 15, 2002
[Kuttner played liberal foil at a Philanthropy Roundtable event in New York City]
"...it was breathtaking to see the policy strategists ... preen for the edification of their steadfast funders - - the culmination of a 25-year strategic alliance between organized business, ideological conservatism, advocacy research, and the Republican Party. Hertog was right: $70 million a year is chump change to the American elite, but invested strategically in the battle of ideas, it yields a bountiful political harvest."
Black commentator.com
Glen Ford
April 5, 2002
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree: The Hard Right's Plan to Capture Newark NJ
UPDATE [May 15, 2002]: Newark Mayor Sharpe James Defeats Conservative Philanthropy Project Cory Booker to Win Record Fifth Term
ALSO SEE: Media Transparency's Sponsoring Conservative Minorities page.