European Research Papers Archive

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ConWEB Papers

Queen's University of Belfast & McGill University of Montreal

ConWEB Papers on Constitutionalism and Governance beyond the State publishes cutting edge work in progress. The editors invite the submission of unsolicited manuscripts from social science and law backgrounds as well as from cognate fields. Interdisciplinary and/or internationally collaborative work is particularly encouraged.

Quality control policy: Papers should be submitted by e-mail attachment to either of the editors, Stephen Toope or Antje Wiener. ConWEB papers are edited and reviewed by the editors and the editorial board in an extensive interactive process which includes 1-3 pages of joint comments from peer reviewers, including the suggestions 'publishable as is', 'publishable with minor revisions', 'revise and resubmit' or 'not publishable'. In cases of doubt or disagreement, papers are sent to anonymous peer reviewers.

More information can be found at the following site:

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