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June 06, 2004

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Arts Agencies Need to Reach Out to Broader Public

performing arts

With tight budgets forcing cuts in state spending nationwide, the state arts agencies will have to increase public participation in and government backing for their arts programs to avoid a continued cycle of budget woes.

Future Trends in the Middle East

Middle east icon

This report examines key trends in Middle East—energy security, weapons of mass destruction, economic reform, and leadership change—and their implications for the U.S.

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Domestic Intelligence Lessons From U.S. Allies

The experiences of domestic intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom, France, Canada and Australia can help guide counterterrorism initiatives in the United States.

News and Commentary >

RAND Annual Report: Wisdom of the Long View

Annual Report 2003

This annual report describes RAND’s distinctly long view of policymaking—and how it helped to make RAND an especially valuable resource in 2003.

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