The Wayback Machine -

Twisted Spinster


I watch TV

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 12:08 am

I wanted to see the coverage on Reagan. Well, there was none (at 8-ish) when I started watching on the regular channels and CNN had the Pope visiting someplace, but Fox and MSNBC both had coverage going. I watched for a bit. I had to turn off Fox, though, when Newt Gingrich came on. He’s still a pompous bore; he was going on and on about some program he had started back in the Reagan days, and other things his august ownself had to do with back then. Hey, Newt, memo: this isn’t about you today. So I changed the channel to MSNBC and they were interviewing James Watt and, surprise surprise, he wasn’t the repellent little insectoid man I remember from those news broadcasts in the 80s. It could simply be that he’s older and a little beefier (in the face, in that old white guy kind of way), and maybe he had a more stylish pair of glasses on than those magnifying lens things he used to sport. And he was talking about Reagan – how the intellectual hoi polloi called him “cowboy” as if that was supposed to be some sort of insult, and so on. So of the rightwing fascisti of my younger days James Watt beat out Newt Gingrich in the New, Improved department.

Then I started flipping channels, as I have about ten days of free cable left. It’s Toonami night on the Cartoon channel; anime gives me the pip. Vh-2 was having an all 80s Request Hour but it was all the good, alternative 80s stuff (Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, that “Revenge” song by Ministry before Ministry became Industrial, Billy Idol… hey! Billy Idol used to be cool!), and there was Headbangers Ball on M2 – but they were playing sucky I-gargled-broken-glass death metal. Yawn. Fuse (some new alternative music channel, well it’s new to me) was having some neo-grunge, or whatever they call young peoples’ music today, but the videos were the same old grainy scenes in smeary colors of whiny white guys with what-the-fuck hair that they have been since the 90s so I started channel surfing again. I ended up intermittently watching a broadcast of Deep Impact, mostly because it promised some underage Elijah Wood goodness, but it mostly was Deep Suckage. For one thing, Tea Leoni was all over the movie, and boy does she suck as an actress. The screen just voids out when she’s in the frame. About the plot, the less said the better. Vanessa Redgrave wrings her hands, and then puts on a silver dress that she really shouldn’t have; there was not enough Elijah Wood, and what there was of him was too often wearing a baseball cap backwards; and the disaster special effects were cheesy (not that I have any grounds to complain, considering why I was watching the movie).


My dog Sam eats purple flowers

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:25 pm

I got an email from a total tool today but I’m in such a fine mood that I think I’ll let the matter ferment a while before posting about it.

Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean I’ll be mellow about it – on the contrary. I’m just in too good a mood – nothing like a nice cup of Darjeeling tea with lemon and honey, and some toast with orange marmalade, and a nice hot bath, to soothe the soul – to feel capable of unleashing the torrent of venom the ‘tard deserves. Patience, young Jedis!

PS: It came to my attention that this style sheet does the annoying disappearing-text-lines in IE. I don’t use Internet Explorer as much as I did, but lots of people do, so…. stay tuned for another stylesheet change! I may dispense with the damn thing altogether and make you read plain text.

Post-experiment: okay, that was interesting. Without the stylesheet the blog is not too bad… I just want the columns to stay. No tables, tables are evil. Will think some more.



Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 4:24 pm

Happy June, y’all. I sit here at my desklet having accomplished not a whole lot – that sort of goes for the entire weekend, and now I get to think of my desk at work, no doubt piled up to the rafters because I decided to stay home sick today. Why? Well, for one thing, I got absolutely. No. Sleep. At. All. last night, even though I had spent the better part of my evening putting together a five-shelf-bookcase and doing a couple of loads of laundry. That’s the most work I’ve done all weekend; even a friend put together the other two, as well as my nesting tables. I just lolled around on my behind, mostly. My reward was totally inexplicable insomnia crowned by a pounding migraine which has only now started to relent. But here I am, boreblogging – all for you, my two or three readers!

By the way, this site look is temporary until I get my act in gear and figure out just how I want the blog to look for the next week or so.

(Jesus, I can’t believe it’s June already. Where has the year – decade – life – gone already?)

Update: okay, I’ve gone and done something: I’ve added the rest of the adjustable shelves to my big bookcase, and positioned the rest of my books and cds precariously thereupon. Here’s hoping that the laws of gravity continue to remain suspended in my domicile and the whole thing doesn’t tip over. (What I really need is someone with a drill and the wherewithal to find one of the wall studs so I can affix said bookcase to the wall with the handy strap the manufacturers provided. It seems to me they didn’t use to provide such things; someone must have piled the Encyclopedia Brittanica on the top shelves of one and their antique Dresden figurines on the bottom shelf and then positioned baby sister in front with the expected results.)

By the way, may I say that I have never liked diamonds. Though one of my turntables does have a diamond-headed needle (I think; the other one I know has a sapphire needle head) so I am sure I have contributed in a backhanded way to Worldwide Horror. And then there are the nesting end tables from Walmart and the cheap bookcases from Staples – all from China, no doubt assembled in a factory by political prisoners with their ankles stapled to the floor.)

Update2: oh god, did I really write “y’all"?


Random musical observation

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 5:02 pm

I really can’t stand the Dave Matthews Band.


I can’t help it

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:07 pm

I just love this little guy:

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

Update: okay, there he is. There needed to be spaces before and between.

Update the second: you want more, I know you do:

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O


Complain complain complain

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:51 am

Oh sure, it’s only Saturday morning, but I can see that the weekend is already going down the toilet. First, I have to wait for the Cable Guy. I was given a time slot of 8am-11am which of course means he’ll probably get here at 11:20, and take an hour to set things up. I wouldn’t care, except that I need to go to the drugstore to pick up yet another prescription for antibiotics, because I have an abscess that will not go away, and they can’t remove the afflicted tooth without it gone. This means a walk of about a mile in the hot sun. Grr.

The reason I am waiting for the Cable Guy is because Brighthouse coaxed me into getting a free month of teevee cable. What can I say, they called when I was sick and feverish. I have no willpower. On the other hand, I will have Cartoon Network again.

I was going to clean up this place. I did the dishes, that’s it. The floor is a mess. All my clothes are in a pile of dirty laundry. I never put my tables together. I have to buy a bus pass. I need to go grocery shopping. They never removed the abandoned (I hope) wasp nest from my patio wall. Large black ants are invading my bathroom from god-knows where, and I have had to play musical cat-food dishes because the small red ants have taken a liking to Whiskas. I will have to have them come over and spray again. Whatever they use, the insects seem to find it refreshing and nutritious.

Oh, I’m going to go… do something. :x

Update: oh, it’s not so bad so far. The cable guy came at about 9:45; it proved to be a difficult install (for one thing, the apartment maintenace crew had painted over all the cable plugs, so he had to pry the old one off and install a new plate; and then the one cable box was bad so he had to get the other one from his truck, then the wires out in the box were loose and had to be tightened – and after all that, the subscription channels like HBO and so on that were part of my special offer are having a problem in my area). Then it turned out that the apartment management was throwing a pool party for the residents so I got a hamburger – free food always makes me happy. ;)

Another update: well, now it’s raining. This is a good thing, actually, and it makes me happier – it will cool things down a bit, and we really need the rain here. I think I’ll get out my umbrella and walk to the store now. (No doubt the horrid sun will come out while I am still outside, but such is life in Florida. But the pharmacy closes at 7pm, and it’s already nearly 4:30.)


Lending Library

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 8:06 pm

Ooh, I want to play:


I’m too tired for havin’ fun

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 5:16 pm

Another weekend has slipped by without my accomplishing one damn thing. Oh no wait – I went ahead and bought this teapot, after weeks of trying to make up my mind amongst all the catalogues and internet sites. Of course I immediately felt guilty, even though I chipped my best teapot and therefore needed a new one. (I can’t make tea in a chipped teapot. I just can’t. Don’t ask. And teabags suck.) So that is my purchase for the week; no frivolous trips to the mall for me.

Since I’ve been sick I haven’t done anything, except I forced myself to do some laundry day before yesterday. I had run out of underwear. I am re-thinking my idea of selling my washer dryer and moving to smaller digs without a hookup. Of course, if I do decide to keep the things, I will have to hire a moving crew. I can’t ask my friends to strain their backs again. I still have to move closer to work, though – this taking-three-buses thing sucks big time. Speaking of which… it’s time to buy a new bus pass. Sigh.

Maybe I will try to put my tables together. Maybe that will make me feel that I’ve at least done something except lie around and host germs.

PS: of course, this is the one I really had my eye on. Drool drool. Maybe in a month or two.

The preceding Bore-Blogging Post™ has been brought to you by Twisted Spinster, a subsidiary of


Can I have some remedy?

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:34 pm

Dang, this is scary:

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Twisted spinster’s Syndrome
Cause: genetically-modified polystyrene
Symptoms: mild absenteeism, drooling, excess mucus, vague appetite changes
Cure: take four paracetamol every day for the rest of your life
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

(Via a small victory.)


I said doctor, is there nothing I can take…

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 3:25 pm

Why can’t people die from colds? A suicide bomber could be useful in my right lower sinus passage about now. Press the switch already, Ahmed. What are you waiting for, chickenshit? What do you mean you’ve “changed your mind"? Sorry, you drew the short straw – Mohammed gets to blow up Israelis, you get to blow up impacted mucus. Them’s the breaks! Hey–! Come back here! Oh yeah? Well, I’ve got the cell phone


Damn. Bugger slid out the nostril at the last minute. I hate when that happens. Excuse me, I have to open another box of Kleenex.*

Ode to Nyquil.
Nyquil ice cream?
Denis Leary.

(Actually, I just ended up buying a generic decongestant/antihistamine combo because – shut up, I know about antihistamines not really doing anything for colds – it makes me feel better without knocking me completely unconscious. If I was unconscious I could not have shared these, my lovely thoughts, with you, my lovely readers.)

*I like calling it “Kleenex.” I also sometimes call copy machines “Xerox machines.”


Hack Hack Koff Koff

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:16 pm



Why can’t I download Nyquil over the internet?

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 7:33 pm

Dear God: these cold and flu things. I’m not impressed. CUT IT OUT.


Do you really want to make me cry

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 10:25 pm

As Abelard and Heloise found out, when the possibilities of fame, fortune, and pleasure are gone, there is always personnel management. Or in my case, cheap furniture. But first:

The blog seems to be working now. I don’t know what was going on last night. Maybe gremlins were in my computer, or the earth was doing one of its annoying stand-still things and the resultant space-time continuum rupture was messing with the internet. In any case, whatever was wrong is right now. So maybe I won’t be dumping this site and making a new, using-some-other-blogging-system blog elsewhere yet.

(Waits for cheers to die down.)

And now fans – fan? – whoever you are, to get back to important things, you will be most glad and gratified to know that I have acquired the coveted end tables, in the form of a nesting set of three “Mission"-style, end-tables, obtained at Walmart. Yes, I know all discerning folk shop at Tar-jay, but there isn’t one either right next door to my job or within a single bus-ride from where I live, and also, the things I like at Target are of the more expensive sort. In other words, when I get the coveted bookcases, they will probably not be from Target; they will most likely be from OfficeMax, which is, I believe, having a sale.

Well, now I have to put the tables together, as they require assembly. Oh, look at the time. Gotta get up early!

(Months pass. The tables remain unassembled and in their packing case, which now is being used as an impromptu end table in lieu of actually assembling the contents…)

Not! I will put them together before the week is out. Really. Honest. You can count on it…. Then I will go through my books. And hang up my clothes, clean up this place…

Oh – look at the time…

Update: oh, and if life wasn’t already wonderful enough, my refrigerator is still making that sound that makes me think someone dropped three or four bowling balls on the floor of the apartment above – no, it sounds like someone trying to batter their way into my apartment through the outside wall – no, it sounds like I have a zombie trapped in my oven and he’s banging on the inside of the door with his half-rotten fist-bones…

(Turns oven temperature dial up to five-hundred degrees Fahrenheit and switches the broiler on; the smell of burnt mold-encrusted zombie flesh is a small price to pay to make sure that never again will Andy Rooney infest the airwaves or write another pointless and senile column…)

Yeah, like Rooney’s not a zombie.

Anyway, that’s what the refrigerator compressor, or whatever it is, sounds like when it shuts off. I can hear it all over my apartment. I take it by that sound that the maintenance person did not, as promised, fix the thing. Yay, another night of nearly no sleep. I guess tomorrow will be the occasion for another round of calls. Yay again.


More extemporania

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 10:57 pm

Well, I went to Walmart. A disappointing trip; I’m obviously going to have to order what I need over the internet or phone and have it delivered. I did pick up one of those cheap round little tables with the three screw-in legs, but nothing else I wanted was even on display. Also, the place was a shambles – they haven’t straightened anything out since the last time I was there, sometime in February or so.

[Oy, my cat has a hairball. She’s crouched in my tiny hallway-ette, making those horking sounds. Now she’s stopped – she must have realized she wasn’t on the carpet or my futon or my clean clothes, and hacking up a hairball on the tile wouldn’t engender any profit in the way of amusing human antics.]

Anyway, to get back to the ever-fascinating subject of my furniture, I had stated that I wanted to get a new futon or sofa-bed. I refuse to get one of those abominations known as a “daybed.” I have already said why in the above-linked post; to further expound upon this as I know you are dying for me to do, let me state that I don’t think that it is appropriate for a forty-year-old woman to decorate her main room in that “boudoir” look. Personally I have always favored the spare look – even when I was a goth I was always kind of a toned-down goth, though that was more due to money than anything. Do you know how much those damn black lace Victorian vampire things cost?


I have always preferred the spare “modern” look, but current fashions in interior decorating are against me. I know this: I have been going to malls and furniture stores for weeks. I thought I had a problem when it came to clothing – if any of you, my readers, have been inside the confines of a purveyor of female attire, you will know what I mean. If you are overweight, you are directed to the “woman’s” (i.e., “fat lady’s") department, where you will find that it is the opinion of fashion designers that women of a certain weight should not want to dress soberly and classically in neutral colors but instead should deck themselves out in macaw-like garments in shrieking shades and violent patterns. And if you have not, yet, reached the girth necessitating you buy from this part of the store, you have to deal with the fact that everything else is appropriate only for fifteen-year-old Britney Spears groupies. And whoever brought bell-bottom pants back has still not been hung from the nearest lamp-post as a warning to all his or her peers.

Well, now let us consider the state of American furniture. I have been to some furniture stores lately, and have come to call the sort of furniture that is popular now “Easter Island style.” This stuff is huge; each piece in the average living room or bedroom set looks to weigh about forty-thousand pounds. I can’t even imagine how things such as this bed, which looks as if each post was hewn out of an individual tree trunk, is delivered into the average apartment.

Moving several times has given me a dislike of heavy furniture. I am poor, and thus cheap, so I end up either moving myself, or having friends help me, and one hates to see ones’ friends straining their backs over your stuff because one is too much of a fuckup to be able to afford to hire a moving crew. In any case, I want furniture that hasn’t been carried to Brobdignagian excess and makes me feel like a hobbit sitting in a giant’s house. I don’t even want much – one thing to sleep on that can be converted into a thing to sit on, some bookcases, a few little tables. I have a chair.

Incidentally, even futons have been infected by this excess, and have swelled up, like the ship in Poe’s story “Ms. Found in a Bottle,” so that they are nearly as unmanageable and hard to fit anywhere as the average sofa. I wish I had a way to get an authentic Japanese futon, which is a simple bedroll/comforter arrangement that is designed to be rolled up and stuffed into a cupboard. Or if I could only somehow order this – it looks like just the thing for me. But actually, I’ve settled on this couch/bed thing from Ikea – the attraction is the lack of moving parts. (When I was living with my friends I quit unfolding the futon I was sleeping on due to the fact that the thing had plastic disc rollers that had a tendency to break when one unfolded the thing – naive me, I thought that’s what it was designed for. Insert complaint about badly-made, huge, heavy furniture here.) One simply takes the cushions off and the bed is ready. It’s the closest thing to the old “studio couches” I used to see everywhere years ago but are not to be found now. Of course, the irritating Swedes who run this company are not apparently interested in opening a store in Florida, which means mail order and delivery by UPS, which means huge expense (and the thing is already expensive by itself), which means I will probably just be purchasing one of those foam beds and using that. (PS: I’ve seen these much cheaper at Walmart and Kmart. These people must be kidding.)

So, is this dullblogging, or is this dullblogging?

My life, extemporania, something something something

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:04 pm

I love it when my entire weekend is taken up with me feeling like shit. Goddamn sinuses. On the other hand, I took the last of my amoxicillin dose yesterday, so I guess I have to call the dentist and arrange some tooth-deconstruction. Yay.

(This, by the way, will be a detail-packed useless personal entry about my real life of the sort that is supposed to be sad evidence of the lack of regard for privacy, secrecy, and discretion in modern life as well as a violation of teenage-girl-diary-etiquette. Shyeah. As if)

Well let’s see, I at least wanted to go to Walmart to buy some cheap end tables so I could at least make some shift into actually moving into this place before I move out. (I have already decided, whether I have a car by that time or not, I am moving out of here when my lease is up and finding a place closer to work. Waking up at 4:30am to take three buses sucks.) I am tired of all the cardboard boxes – they make lousy furniture. Of course, this would represent a change in my usual life routine, which is to pile the boxes up into edifices which I plan to unpack “someday.” Well, time to grow up, and actually make like I live somewhere while I am there.

I have decided, also, that I own too much stuff, much of it meaningless to me. Many of the books are going to go – most of them light reading stuff, “suspense mystery” (no Harlequin romances, I never sank that low), and some fantasy and scifi. There’s some non-fiction too; as soon as I have the strength I will be going through all of it – and my vinyl LP collection as well – and making selections for the thrift store. I am thinking, though, of posting a list, for those interested in acquiring some of these things before I dump them. (I was going to put up an Ebay site, but I am not feeling like going to the trouble. I may yet, I don’t know – I should not make definite plans when I am feeling rocky.)

I will also, before the move, be dumping my futon and bed. The futon because it is old and battered – the support rod that keeps it from tilting when unfolded into a bed has become twisted and damaged, and the futon itself has a tear with stuffing coming out, it’s got a stain where the cat peed on it, and so on. The bed I am getting rid of because I plan to move into a studio, so I’ll be getting another futon or a sofa-bed (or maybe one of those kiddie foam things that unfold – no daybeds; I hate the damn things, they look – to me – like something that belongs in a bordello, or the room of a teenage girl, which these days apparently aren’t too different). Also, I was going through the last stages of Gothness when I bought it; I have no use for canopy beds of fake wrought iron any more.* Hey, if anyone wants it and lives in the area and has a van or pickup truck to carry it away from here they are welcome to it. Email me (remove NoSpam). Update: this is what the bed looks like. It’s a full-size, not a queen-size. (That’s not my Ebay site, by the way.)

Now I think I will toddle off to the store. I am out of decongestants.

*Although – damn. And damn.


Why do you do it do you do it do you act like you?

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 8:50 pm

I’m working myself up into a long post. I know I’ve promised this before. Is it writer’s block or something else? Laundry beckons…

Update: in case you were wondering, no, none of my subsequent posts (up to 11:12pm on April 12, 2004) are that post. Stay tuned…


My grossout is your grossout

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 12:22 am

Well. Let me tell you about my day…. I woke up, as I thought I might, with this painful condition in my upper jaw area having become a full-blown swollen abscess from hell. Now, I have just become eligible for insurance at my job, but hadn’t filled out the paperwork yet because, oh, I don’t know, I’m totally invulnerable to all health problems and so can put off nonsense like that. Anyway. I recalled that there was a dentist’s office in the same shopping center as the supermarket near my house, so when I was able to I got up and toddled on over there – on foot, as I still have no car. Did I mention the excrutiating pain that tossing down naproxen and extra-strength Fast-Dissolve™ Excedrin as if they were candy did nothing to alleviate? Of course I get there and get the usual “we-don’t-take-emergencies-after-such-and-such-an-hour” spiel, but I must have looked sufficiently pathetic enough that they relented and eventually the dentist saw me. (Click on “more” if you want me to help you with that diet you’re on.)



Hey man nice shot

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 9:05 pm

You know, fuck the “blogosphere.” Barring a few exceptions, most of its denizens aren’t worth the effort to click away from their websites. But you knew that, didn’t you?

Holding pattern

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 2:53 am

I am so fucking tired. And I have a toothache. Does the fun ever start?


Your hour of Zen just became a koan

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 7:33 am

Huh! My computer just turned over to Daylight Savings time (or from – I can’t remember whether “spring ahead” or “fall back” signals the beginning or end of DST) all by itself without any popup notification. And there went my hour; so I’m for bed.


I’ve never seen a pretty girl look so tough

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 10:52 pm

Okay, I like this style the best out of all the ones on offer here, but one thing I don’t like is the way the side menu has been transformed to a thing at the very bottom of the page. I will be working on changing that, and some other things, though I might not get all of it done tonight.

Update: well, this is it for the time being. Now to get to links and things there is a menu above which will take you to other pages (especially note the new Donate page, where my Paypal code now lives. Hint, hint.) Excuse the clunkiness, soon I will make the linked pages look a little more interesting, and I will probably tweak the stylesheet for increased readability. In the meantime, if the text is too small, use your browser to increase the text size.

Last update: okay, I changed my mind. Nothing to see here – move along now!


Holding onto words that teach me

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 1:47 am

I will conquer space around me

In Orlando we have this station* that is in dreary talk radio format most of the week but on Sunday becomes the sweet, sweet home of Sunday Night Vinyl (scroll down to Sunday’s schedule). James Lileks would kill to have this show in his town. (It’s a local show.) They play all that old stuff – I mean Eighties and Nineties, and some from the year 2000, but in general it’s a New Wave/Punk/Post Punk paradise. They just finished playing The Fixx’s “Saved By Zero” and now they are playing one of my favorite songs of all time, Echo and the Bunnymen’sKilling Moon.” I have that album, Ocean Rain, on vinyl. I have a lot of 80s stuff on vinyl. (Wanna buy my record collection? Kidding. Hah hah.) These guys have my record collection, actually. When I was younger and had a social life, my friends and I would drive up to Orlando just to go to the New Wave clubs because Miami was still mostly a disco hell, though there were a few punk clubs and things that would open up and then close up, except for Churchill’s in Deepest Crackville (two blocks away from the job at the mortgage company I kept out of sheer inertia for fourteen years – you can still go there, to the club, not the mortgage company), and the Kitchen Club, which still seems to be going strong. Did any of you (my three or four readers) ever pronounce Echo and the Bunnymen’s name “Echo and the Boonymen” in an attempt to imitate Ian McCulloch’s Liverpudlian (all the cool people know it’s “Liverpudlian") accent? I lived in a $300.00 per month hole in the wall (with authentic rats!) just so I could feed my damn vinyl habit, haunting record stores and once even ordering import copies of three Red Lorry Yellow Lorry albums that weren’t available on domestic labels. Then I moved up here and my interest in Goth Life and going to clubs and buying five albums per week petered away.

Damn, love of strange beauty makes you waste a lot of time. And money.

*Yes, it’s an evil Clear Channels station.

Speak about nostalgia: Mojo Nixon retires. I wonder if this will be like the way the Cure “retired” every now and then. Heck, I retire every night. (Got this info from Scott Chaffin.)


she’s just a wolf dressed up like sheep

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:10 am

I am in a bad mood today. I have been in a bad mood all day, and my financial situation is not exactly helping. More on that later when I can type without curling my fingers in towards my palms.

I need to soothe myself. Music isn’t working; maybe something sexy will:


I really need to get a pop-up thumbnail maker for this thing. Don’t tell me to switch back to MT or to some other program which already has the script – see “bad mood” above.


Oh, the places you won’t go!

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 3:02 am

Lost in Miami… trust me, that is something you don’t want to be. Unfortunately, it often happens – the latest victim of my hometown’s automotive labyrith is kewl warblogger Matt Welch’s wife, Emmanuelle, who is a reporter. She apparently was on assignment in Hellmouth on the Bay, and had a rather dreadful time trying to avoid the many traps the natives have set up to divert guileless visitors into our more “interesting” (code word for crime-riddled) neighborhoods. Miami is a casebook study on how building interstate highways causes crime. All of the neighborhoods lining either side of I-95 are mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

Now, you would think that it would be easy to find one’s way around the place. After all, Miami’s streets are laid out on a grid formation. Streets (and roads, drives and lanes and some other designations I forget) run more or less east-west. Avenues, courts, and… heck, I only moved away five years ago – anyway, they run north-south. The numbers start, at 1, right in the middle of Miami’s fistlike little downtown, which is bisected by a street that runs all the way to the swamp, aka “the Everglades” – the non-numbered Flagler Street. The “central” street that runs north to south and bisects the downtown area that way is the imaginatively-named Miami Avenue. North of Flagler Street, it’s called “North Miami Avenue.” South of Flagler Street, it’s called “South Miami Avenue.” And likewise, East of Miami Avenue, Flagler is East Flagler, and west of that road, it’s West Flagler. North Miami Avenue goes on and on into the north, and eventually becomes State Road 441, which if you manage to stay on it long enough, gets you out of Miami.

Still awake? There’s more! Like I said, the numbers start, after these non-numbered (or “zero") central streets, at number 1. The four quarters of the bisections of the streets are the south-east, south-west, north-east, and north-west sections. South-east is very small, mostly the downtown area, which abuts on Biscayne Bay; Miami on a map resembles a large, vaguely rectangular cookie with a very large bite taken out of the bottom right corner. The other three quadrants (I like using that word ‘cos it makes me think of Star Trek) are very large, especially to the south and west. The numbers continue as far as they are able – into the 300s in the south-west area. Or probably more since I’ve moved. Anyway, this is to show that yes, it is indeed possible for one to be at the corner of NW 87th Avenue and NW 87 Street. All you have to do is know how to count, and know east to west, and it’s easy, right?

Well yeah, sure, and monkeys could fly out of my butt – the problem with a system that simple is the slightest thing could fuck it up, and boy does it get fucked up. I haven’t even mentioned the little cities and townlets that make up the Greater Miami area that have their own system of street numbering, or worse, give their streets names and number the buildings by some arcane system that no one without a degree in Differential Equations can understand. For example, I grew up near, and went to high school in, the hoity-toity old-rich (for Miami) city of Coral Gables. This place had been built up by some rich dude with a jones for Spain, and everything was tiled, mortised, and fake-battlemented-walled to the max – and the streets all have names like “Sevilla,” they curve all over the goddamn where, and they don’t even put the street names on street signs – too gauche and crass for the Cultured Folk within – they put them on little white stones at street level. I learned a few basic routes around this part of the county, and never went in there without a map.

Then there is Hialeah. It has its own street-numbering system. It also has many roads with the Miami street numbers also on the street signs. If you happen to find yourself in Hialeah, you may as well give up, pull over, rent an apartment, and plan to stay, because you aren’t getting out of there.

I won’t get into Miami Beach because I have forgotten how to describe sheer lunacy. I will observe that it being actually impossible to park anywhere on the island (Miami Beach is an island across the Intracoastal Waterway), no one actually can settle down there. That’s how they planned it, I think.

I learned to drive in Miami. I’ll never be afraid to drive anywhere, now. When people in Orlando, where I live now, tell me that driving here is “bad,” I just laugh and laugh and laugh until they go away, looking over their shoulders at me in dread. I have driven in Los Angeles. I observed the curious fact that people there actually used their turn signals to signal turns, instead of leaving them on “left turn” forever, possibly to signal “I am a septuagenarian who refuses to get cataract surgery because I can see just fine what the hell did just I hit?” or simply breaking off that annoying little stick and throwing it out the window because that clicking noise is driving them crazy. When I put my turn signal on in Miami I often got people beeping at me irately, because like they care, bee-yotch, where I am going, or swooping around me at about fifty miles an hour because you know that having to slow for someone ahead of you to turn means you have one second more to be on the roads in Miami and all things considered that’s something you don’t want.


Lead me away in the pouring rain

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 4:13 am

Me update: today started with me missing my bus and thus getting to work an hour late; work was annoying – printer out, fax out for half the day, and everyone asking me why this was so for the ten-thousandth time because I sit right next to these two objects; then after traversing the obnoxious spitty rain I get home, eat dinner, prepare the coffee pot for the next morning – and turn it on. So it looks like any extended ranting will have to be postponed until this weekend, unless I get a burst of strength and coherency before then. I know you are all waiting with bated breath.

Update: oh, okay, here’s a mini-rant: OMG we can’t hear Howard Stern in Orlando anymore! The terrorists have won! I expect I’ll have to wear a burka in public starting tomorrow! OMG WTF BBQ!

Update the 2nd: heh heh – Lileks weighs in. It’s so typical:

I think it’s a shame he was reprimanded. I don’t think people understand what’s at stake here. We need to coarsen public discourse as much as possible as quickly as possible, because a free and open society depends on the right of Pink to flash her labia at the next Superbowl. I’m serious: if we don’t see a clitoris on the Jumbocam, this nation is OVER.

Darn that uptight Midwestern prude! Darn and dang him I say! Why, I’ll bet he doesn’t even let Gnat watch any porn!

Think I should have put fake “sarcasm” tags all around the above sentence? Naah. People are smart enough to get it.

Note: I thought I’d mention that the updates above were posted this morning, February 26th, at about 5:30am, not the night before like the original post.


A shelter from the storm in the early beginning

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 2:14 am

Work was an exercise in frustration today, and added to that was the fun three-bus trip to and from in the pissing rain. And this “almost a cold” refuses to become a cold. More ranting tomorrow; tonight I’m for bed.


Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 5:06 am

It finally got me: I’ve got that scratchy-throated, draggy-assed, achy-jointed, over-heated, comin’-down-with-a-cold feeling, oh yeah! Hooray.

What’s worse, I feel terribly bored and uninspired. Which is why my posts have been so short and dull lately. I have been trying to listen to my extremely random collection of mp3s picked up here and there to get myself in the mood, but so far – no doubt thanks in part to my new little virus pals – it hasn’t worked. I’m even bored by my favorite blogs – don’t you guys know you exist to entertain me? Get cracking! Heh.

Oh well. Maybe curling up in bed with a nice book and a cup of tea and a cat will make me feel better, if not more inspired. We shall see. More tomorrow?


Red, red wine

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 1:45 am

The hell with adkins – PASTAAAAAAA!!!! RULZ.


I don’t know whether to laugh or bang my head against the wall

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 1:49 am

Oh god. This day.


Yeah, it’s been like that.


You should be worried ’bout me

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 2:08 am

Well, what a day. I woke up, got out of bed, felt absolutely like ass. Cramps. But I got dressed… etc. To make a long story short, I missed the bus, and decided that, rather than make a mad scramble for work only to get there late anyway, I’d call in sick, since I felt as if dwarves were excavating for mithril in my innards anyway. Or maybe Gandalf and the Balrog were fighting it out. Whatever.

Then I discovered that I was short on a certain Female Necessity. This meant, since I still haven’t acquired a car, that I had to walk to the store. Well, after a rest I felt a little better, so off I went. And then I decided to get my hair cut – I had been planning to do so for a while, so I wouldn’t look so much like Mother Goddam anymore – and did so, at the hair cuttery next to the Publix. I still felt rocky when I got home, but four or five – well, okay, four – glasses of Livingston’s Red Ros� took care of most of that, that and the heating pad. Yes, I know it’s cheap grocery store wine but a big old 1 liter bottle only costs about five dollars or so and this wine doesn’t usually give me a hangover. And I took two Advil. I think I can take Advil with wine, or at least it’s not as bad on the liver as Tylenol plus alcohol is. I think. Oh who cares! Screw you, Liver! What have you done for me lately?

I am currently listening to, for the second time tonight, Ken Layne and the Corvid’s excellent new cd. I meant to review this some time back. I never got around to it because I am a lazy sod. Oh well, consider this my review! What I think about it is…

Ken: if some snotty British punk with big lips and tiny hips comes to your show and then accosts you backstage and tells you “Man, you were grite!” and then begs you to let his own band (he’ll have one, it’ll be called the Grape Pressers or the Swine Before Emeralds or something like that) sing one of your songs (like, maybe, “Fought Down,” or “Like A Train") at their own show… If someone like that comes up to you…

Have him killed. Feed his body to the sea lions or whatever those things are. Spread a rumor – your friends will all help you – about the British guy, that he ran off to Mexico to join a convent or an alien-ship-worshipping cult – do whatever you can. Don’t let this guy steal your songs and make hits out of them. You should be the one to reap the rewards for your own songs, not some snotty punk. Stop the madness before it starts! And when are you touring Florida, or at least New Orleans?


One of these days

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 3:41 am

One of these days I will get around to fixing the css on this blog. Just like one of these days I’ll finish unpacking. (Yes, I still am using boxes full of books as “temporary” furniture. This is the same pattern I have followed in all but one of the places I have lived in over the past five years.)


A voice in the blogderness

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:36 am

Heh heh I made a word up using “blog.” Are I trendy now? Anyhoo – yay, Kevin Parrott is blogging again, which is a good thing because I have come down with a case of nothing-to-say-itis. Also zomboid clicking from web page to web page, like people used to do with their tv remotes back when people watched tv.

What, people still watch tv? Why? Everything we need is on the internet now. I didn’t even have to see Justin Timberlake exposing Janet Jackson’s skewered teat at the Superbowl to be able to form an opinion on it based on all the web chatter. I heart this internet thingie.


Back in the saddle again

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:29 pm

By the way: I’m back on my main, faster (as in, it loads up programs in under fifteen minutes) computer and accessing the internet through cable modem not slow-as-cold-molasses dialup. For now, anyway.


Slow poison

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 2:39 am

Due to circumstances currently beyond my control, I am accessing the internet through a dialup AOHell account on my old, Win98-running computer. Geez, I’d forgotten how much all three (dialup, AOHell, my old computer) suck ass.


Tea without sympathy

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 6:12 pm

Dear Republic of Tea: compared to Bigelow’s Constant Comment Orange and Spice tea, your Daily Green Tea Orange Spice sucks ass. Sorry, but it’s true.

Ooh, I can get Constant Comment in loose tea form. Drool drool.

I feel dizzy my head is spinning

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 3:34 pm

The title is a homage to Chas. of, who collects 60s bubblegum pop. Ah, 1910 Fruitgum Company, and all those other guys like the ones who did the above song whose name I forget.

As you can probably tell by the barely coherent sentence above, I am still not well. Yesterday the virus, or whatever it is, simultaneously attacked my sinuses and my innards, while I was at work. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom holding my head, and drinking strange Chinese herbal tea a coworker gave me (said to have protected another coworker’s Hong Kong relatives from SARS). The tea didn’t seem to help but I doubt it made me any worse. There was also a problem with my paycheck, the sort of problem that seems to only happen to me. In short: I have finally been put on the payroll of the company I work for (I was hired through a temp agency) and I get my first paycheck. I opened it up to see that they had given me what looked like two month’s pay all at once. Now, I’d like to say that I was prompted by my innate honesty, but actually I simply knew that if I cashed this check I’d be in big trouble, so I took it to the payroll department and pointed out the discrepancy. The result is that I have no paycheck – they are mailing the corrected one to me. Considering how mail from Miami to Orlando operates, I’ll be lucky to get it sometime this week. Gosh, I had hoped to be able to pay my rent on time, and thus use my next check to pay a downpayment on a car, but obviously the Powers That Be have decided I don’t need to get out of debt or quit using the bus, ever. The company Fedexed it to me – I got it just now. So I can cash my check Monday and drop off the rent check. There will even be a little left over to buy flea medication for my cat. (Oh yes – for the first time since she was a kitten my cat has fleas! Some unhappy moments are in the future for my cat, involving soap, water, and flea drops.)

But I’m not bitter.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and my head was still pounding, and and then I started to get harrassing phone calls – the phone would ring, the answering machine would pick up, and no one would say anything, there would just be this background noise that sounded like a diner or an office or some other place full of people. The last time the phone rang I picked it up and screamed into it: “Stop fucking calling!” Just my luck it’s probably some stupid telemarketer’s machine set to dial my number. No, star-69 would not give me the phone number.

Oh yes, did I forget to mention my license has been suspended? Or rather, it is going to be suspended if I don’t pay for this speeding ticket (the state of Florida does this thing where they notify you ahead of time that your license is suspended on such-and-such a date in the future). I sort of forgot about the ticket because my car was reposessed… and I just didn’t care… and I’ve been taking the bus anyway… So Monday I get to call the DMV and find out how much I owe, yay. Also, my cable bill is due – no, overdue. So I might be firing up one of those AOL cds and using my 1700 free hours through dialup, on my old computer because that is the one with the modem. Oh – and I have run out of coffee. I hate life.

Stay tuned for more adventure! I will try to post more today if I survive this pounding headache.


I can’t think of a song lyric right now

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 4:20 am

Heads up guys, I’m still alive, just uninspired (and tired). In the meantime, here’s a random picture from my collection of stolen acquired jpegs ‘n’ gifs:

caption this

You know what this means: caption contest!


I am smellin’ like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 1:13 am

Urrggghhh… that’s about how I feel right now. I have come down with some sort of stomach flu sinus thing, or at least those areas of my person now feel rather less than stellar. That’s why the little to no posting, really; I spent most of the weekend in bed, though I did walk around the lake, and today walked to a Perkin’s not too far from where I live because I felt too crappy to cook my own breakfast, and I had run out of food anyway. Big mistake. I have now taken the total recommended dose of Immodium caplets.

I have all these things to do – I have to wash clothes, I have to vacuum the house and clean the floors, etc. But the only thing I could force myself to do was clean the cat litter box, and that was only because the stench was making it difficult for me to enter the bathroom, and my cat was starting to paw at my bedcovers in a suspiciously “this smells unused” manner.

In blog news, I have to pay for my Spleenville domain. Yes, it’s been two years already. Since I went through, I can only afford one year right now (thirty-five bucks). I suppose I could get to buy it out – they are much cheaper – but I am feeling too sick to deal with the intricacies of switching over and so forth. And I also have to tweak the stylesheet to this site, and write a new “about” page, and – and – and… Guh. I’ll get around to it… Really… promise…


Let’s go living in the past

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 5:27 am

Angie Schultz has an entire post of things I am going to add to my Amazon wishlist. (Which you can still find on the old site, hinty hinty.) Anyway, it’s a retro feast over at The Machinery of the Night.

Update: I realized I hadn’t re-added my Paypal code after the latest change to the index page. I know you were all concerned. No, I am not sure why the image is all huge like that, it’s something to do with this wonky style sheet, but I will have to fix it later; it’s way past my bedtime.


No sugar tonight in my tea

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 2:58 am

You know, I think I reached my body’s absolute sugar tolerance threshold over the holdidays, because I came to a point where I couldn’t even look at a piece of chocolate or some cinnamon-sugar Christmas confection without my stomach crawling with disgust. So I decided to do a semi-Adkins thing (I am not that disciplined) and quit stuffing myself with SuperCarbs. It did occur to me that about fifteen years of eating pasta almost every night could have something to do with my general malaise and sugar overload, not to mention all that extra weight I’ve gained. Anyway, now I’m on a meat, eggs, cheese, meat, salad, meat, and non-starchy vegetables diet, more or less. I have to occasionally eat a piece of bread or I get a raging headache. But the changes have already begun: I not only find I can drink coffee and tea without sugar, I am beginning to prefer it that way. (The trick with coffee is to use half-and-half or whole cream only; milk tastes like ass. Tea I drink black.)

And – yay, I was startled earlier by a series of loud thuds, punctuated by the tinkling of broken glass from the apartment next to mine. But for the last half hour or so it’s been quiet, so I assume that the combatants have either passed out or killed each other or (least likely) have made up and are now spooning amidst the crockery shards. Or maybe they were practicing for the next Bookcase Toss competition and something went wrong. The joys of apartment living. If I could, I’d buy an acre of land in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a cabin and a satellite dish (the latter so I could blog, dudesters – what else?).

In media news, I attempted to listen to the radio tonight. I wanted a little music. Unfortunately, the sort of morning talk radio/retarded deejay patter that only I out of apparently every other human being on earth hate has now infested the evening airwaves. One of our local rock stations has some sort of duo, one of whom is called “Buckethead.” I think he’s the one that talks; the name of his partner or whatever the second person in such pairings is referred to as is unknown to me, but I call him “Chuckleheaded Fool.” His function, apparently, is to laugh like a goddamn moron throughout Buckethead’s rather lame routine. C.F. laughs hysterically at every single thing that Buckethead says, even if it’s a station announcement. Folks, this is not fun. This is someone who needs a brickbat applied frequently to his skull. I will be glad to help in that endeavor.


Bring me the head of Ron Popeil

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 3:04 am

As my three or five readers know, I have been without a car for a couple of months now. Therefore I have been learning to love Orlando’s fine public transportation system. I have also been learning to simply adore the little teevee screens some of the buses (not all of them, thank god) have installed, courtesy of the The Transit Television Network. As even fewer of you may recall (about -2587 of you) one of my professors at Too Busy Cashing Checks from Siemens and Martin-Marietta to Bother With the Heavy Politically-Correct Shizz University was involved with this scheme to enlighten the ignorant masses celebrate Our City’s Historical Heritage by playing videos about historical sites the buses pass in their routes.* Well, so far the only “historical” aspects of what Transit Teevee fare I have witnessed so far is a lame “quiz” on historical personages that one either cares nothing about (Grover Cleveland?) or had already been bored into a numb, uncaring state by in high school (Abraham Lincoln, again); and the age of the television shows whose syndication rights they have been able to purchase. If you have yearned to see ancient, age-blurred episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Lucy Show, and Bonanza, get yourself down to O-town and hop on a Lynx bus.

But that’s not the worst thing I have to endure on those occasional chances I am on a bus that a) has the things installed, and b) has them turned on/working. Oh no, this has to be paid for, so the thing my prof, good-hearted Contemporary Multiculturalist that she was, feared has come to pass: there is advertising. Not the usual sixty-second spots – those are all “public service announcements” for W.I.C. and other government programs for women who don’t have that baby daddy around. It’s worse – they have infomercials. So far they have been repeating two over and over: one featuring some oily “health specialist” ("Are you a medical doctor?” was one of the questions the “interviewer” asks, and the surprisingly frank answer is “No I am not") who is selling some nutrition scam, and Ron Popeil the Rotisserie King. You know, I like meat, but the repeated viewings of Popeil and his assistant picking up slabs of flesh and jamming them onto spikes, as well as ramming solid ingredients into them with something resembling one of the more intrusive gynecological instruments, is beating – uh, eating… er, no, nibbling… Aargh! wearing away at my resolve to go high-protein/lo-carbs. I came home tonight and had to force myself to eat some cheese.

But enough of the continued attempt of society’s busybodies to intrude on our increasingly narrow scope of private space; today was, again, Late Bus Day. Fortunately the bus wasn’t as late as yesterday, forcing me to stand around in the dark (Orlando’s transit people don’t think anyone waits for the bus at night – which still at this time of year starts about five-thirty pm – so one of my major connecting stops is in a desolate, unlighted hole of an intersection between the back parking lot of a jai-lai fronton and an abandoned nightclub. If I can get one bus I can make it there and on to the next bus while I can still see my hand in front of my face (and identify that sound behind me as a fellow passenger or a crackhead living in the dumpster that currently decorates this neighborhood). If I don’t, I get to play Pitch Black Orlando, with no Vin Diesel on my side).

But enough about my pain and travails. I finally got my Ken Layne and the Corvids cd! Finally, some new music to listen to – a good thing, since I will probably have to sell all my other cds to pay rent this month. But not this one – oh no, this one stays with me. I’ll be listening, and possibly reviewing, soon.

*You’ll have to remember it; my post on that subject was on my 2002 blog, which is cacked and only exists as an imported text file on my personal hard drive. I keep meaning to go through the old stuff and pluck out the gems. I can’t even find the news report on the college online news site. And going back to UCF’s web page depressed me and reminded me of the degree program I am now way behind on finishing. If I ever go back. The very thought makes my teeth ache.


What I’ve got you gotta get and put it in you

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 7:09 pm

You know, I was going to do this thing where all my posts are phrase from a song, but as you can see from my previous posts except for the first one I didn’t do this. That’s because I’m lucky I can remember my own name before I’ve downed at least two cups of coffee. (I post on this because I know you care.)

Update: whoops, I forgot - the second post is also from a song. Guess which one! Valuable prizes! (Kidding.)

Straight out of line I don’t need a reason

Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 5:00 am

Yes, it’s another new year and thus another blog. What – you thought I had quit? Ha ha, no such luck, blogostaniversians. I’m still here, and I still intend to inflict pain on fools and pimp-slap the crap out of assholes.

This time I’ve decided to do something different: different domain name (it “came to me in a dream,” heh heh) and I’m trying out this newish, beta-ey Wordpress software. Who knows, maybe I’ll run screaming back to the arms of Movable Type if this stuff cacks out on me. It has little quirks, and I haven’t quite completely found my way around it yet (which is my way of saying deal with the bland look until I get around to fixing it up pretty).

Anyway, here is my new year’s advice:

I will give you the ring
Don’t take any wooden nickels. Or – beware of hobbits bearing gifts. Or – something. Now – go shake it like a Polaroid picture.

Update: I changed the picture to this bigger, prettier one, because I can.

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