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Twisted Spinster



Filed under: — Andrea Harris @ 8:22 pm


Honest, they didn’t look that bad. I will admit I skimmed. Though really, I am waiting for the first gay divorce. Who wants to throw down bets it will be Rosie and um, whoever it was?

I won’t point out here that there are criticisms that can be made about this particular action by this particular state that have nothing to do with the gayness of gay people. But we all know that, right? We don’t have to make light of these particular critics as being afraid of Armageddon! (or worse, Carmageddon!) or some nonsense because we all know that these critics are reasonable, even (whisper it) some of the religious ones.

Now, who else can I (apparently) piss off?

(PS: the little staring-eyed face is a link.)


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  1. I think it’s apparent that I was not talking about the general critics, but the Derbyshire OHMYGODMYMOTHERISGOINGTOMARRYHERDOGANDSISTER critics.

    Comment by michele — 5/17/2004 @ 8:57 pm

  2. But that guy was hilarious. I was all set to bitchslap the stuffing out of him. Though I agree that marrying one’s dog’s sister is going way too far. One dog at a time!

    Comment by Andrea Harris — 5/17/2004 @ 9:04 pm

  3. I don’t have a dog, but if I did, I’m sure his sister would be a real bitch.

    Comment by CGHill — 5/17/2004 @ 9:49 pm

  4. Hah.

    Comment by michele — 5/18/2004 @ 4:18 pm

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