How We Grew So Big
Diet and lack of exercise are immediate causes—but our problem began in the Paleolithic era

Obesity Summit Live Webcast
View live coverage of the summit's sessions on obesity, public health and the food industry

America's Obesity Crisis
TIME and ABC NEWS explore the nation's weight epidemic

Pigging Out to Make a Point
For director Morgan Spurlock, a 30 day McDonald's diet packs on almost 30 pounds

Not Too Rich Or Too Thin
Is a healthy diet hard on the wallet?

Why We Eat
The three reasons why humans dine

The Obesity Warriors
What will it take to end this epidemic? These experts are very glad you asked

The Corn Connection
Is the obesity epidemic an unintended consequence of U.S. food policy?

Kill the Messenger?
Children are being exposed to more TV ads than ever—are junk food ads to blame for them being fat?

Pills in the Pipeline
Drug treatments for obesity may not be far off, but don't expect one prescription to fit all

The Secrets Of Their Success
Shedding pounds isn't easy. Keeping them off is harder still. What we can learn from those who did

The Walking Cure
Car-centric city sprawl adds to weight gain, so a movement is afoot to put us within walking distance

Chain Reaction
Ruby Tuesday serves up fewer carbs, calories and fat—and an annotated menu that lets you keep track

Word to Parents
Helping an overweight child can be a touchy matter. Here are some practical pointers from professionals

Nickelodeon Turn-Off Time
The children's TV network follows the mantra "What's good for kids is good for business"

Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight?
The pros and cons of a government controlled food industry

How Do the Diets Stack Up?
Any diet book will help you lose weight if you stick to the plan, but the theories behind them vary widely.
The Fat Five
The list of factors that have conspired to make us fat is a long one, but experts put these five at or near the top.
Views on Obesity in the U.S.
A TIME / ABC NEWS Poll measures public opinion on obesity
The Obesity Epidemic

Obesity in America

Obesity: Who's to Blame?
Conference Website

The Secrets of Eating Smarter
The latest research on the best ways to lose weight and live longer
What Really Makes You Fat?
The latest science on how your body handles carbs vs. fats
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