From the
June 1 Press Conference:

The Indictment of Justice Marshall

The Process of Removal of Judges

The Full Transcript of the Oral Argument of the Goodridge Case

  Margaret Marshall

Martha Sosman

Brian Lees

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Wednesday June 9, 2004

Hear Sally and Ed Pawlick on WTTK - 96.9,WBZ - 1050, WRKO - 680 and WEZE - 590

Marshall Was Required to Excuse Herself in Case against Tom Birmingham in 2002; "Worst Type of Corruption"
   When Senate President Tom Birmingham refused to allow a vote on the Protection of Marriage Amendment in 2002, Margaret Marshall was required to excuse herself from the ensuing lawsuit brought by Massachusetts Citizens for Marriage, says its attorney, J. Edward Pawlick.
   "We've just discovered that Birmingham was #1 on the list of references called by Marshall to urge her confirmation when she was considered by the Governor's Council on September 21, 1999," says Pawlick.
   "I wish I had known that earlier. I have always wondered about the strange things that happened during that lawsuit. ...MORE...

Radio Ads Call for Resignation of Marshall; Begin Tomorrow on WBZ, WEZE, WROL and WTTK
   Although Margaret Marshall and her three friends will try to hide from the stench that is rising, the powerful radio voice of WBZ will combine with WEZE, WTTK and WROL to prevent that from happening, says Sally Pawlick, President of Massachusetts for Marriage.
   "If they continue to try to hide, we will just raise the volume with more and more outlets," she said. "We understand the wall-of-silence that has been erected by the owner of the New York Times complex, Pinch Sulzberger, but that wall will be broken by the power of the 50,000 watt, clear-channel WBZ, reaching into seven states."
   Pawlick says they are discovering more evidence of unethical conduct by Marshall and the three judges who voted with her. ...MORE...

Article 8 Alliance Keeps Up the Pressure
   More pressure needs to be put on Rules Committee. There is still much that can be done by the citizens of Massachusetts...MORE...

 News for Massachusetts

Romney Declares Friday to be State Holiday
Says Fitting for a Man Who "Inspired a Nation"
Boston Globe

One of Massachusett's Last All-Women Colleges Will Soon Admit Men
Effort is to Attract More High Quality Students
Boston Globe

Menino Holds the Line: Cops Picketing May Lose Union Support
Says "We Cannot Sell Out the City for a Convention
Boston Herald

Ted Kennedy Watches Convention/Union Fight From Sidelines
He's "Been Involved in an Informal Way" Aides Say
Boston Herald

GOP Brings in Youth
New Fellowship Program Brings College Student in on Campaigns
Metro-West Daily News

Monorail Study Back on Books
Democrat Looking for Funding for Another Billion Dollar Transportation Project

Taunton Gazette

National and World News

Euthanisia Woman was Cancer Free, Autospsy Shows
Claimed She was Terminally Ill; Pro-Euthanasia Campaigners Knew She Wasn't
CNS News

Reagan's 1983 Book Inspired Pro-Lifer's
Declared that Abortion on Demand was Not in Consitution
CNS News

Unanimous UN Vote On Iraq Removes "Concept of Occupation" According to Iraqi Official
Multi-National Force Still Led by US


Conservatives Realize that Reagan was Really "Right"
He Had "Convictions that Were Unlobbyable"
News Day

Kerry's Embrace of Clintonism
John Kerry Has No Original Ideas; Only Borrowed Ones
Boston Globe

Campaign Polls' Mixed Messages
Three Polls in Last Week Have Different Conclusions
The New York Post


Full Listing
(click here)

Justice Marshall and Company Must Resign

Editorial: Problem with Marshall is Corruption

Lawyer's Weekly Reports about "Removal"

People at Article 8 Say We're Winning Against a Corrupt State

Barney Frank Issues Press Release Criticizing Bush Admin.

Article 8 Getting to the Bottom of the DiMasi Mess

Removal of Marshall Will Not Be a Surprise

Rep Dimasi Will Meet With Constituents

Attack Upon Sen. Murray's Rival

"It Doesn't Take an M.D" Pamphlet by John Diggs

Were Homosexuals Misled by the Courts on May 17?

What Gay Marriage Really Means for America

Many Out-of-State Gays Married in Mass

Why Are Homosexual Women Treated Differently

Over 150 Demonstrate at City Hall

Audio: The Pawlicks on Removing the Judges

The Marriage Licenses Are Illegal

What Harm Would it do to Have a Gay Couple Next Door?

"Women Judges Are Illogical"

Over 500 Pack Faneuil Hall for Rally

Gov. RomneyInvites Gay Teenagers

Homosexuality and Sadomasochism at center of Iraq Abuse Issue

Ouster of Margaret Marshall Heats Up

  Judges Hide Behind Civil Rights

Support for Article 8 Grows as It Moves to Vote in House

Don’t Forget July 17, 2002

Our Courts under Judge Marshall Are “Mired in Confusion”

Judge Marshall Goes to Smith College on Wednesday Seeking Lesbian Support

  Momentum Gaining to Dismiss Mass. Chief Justice Marshall

Homosexual Professor Argues Against Masculinity

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Testifies In Massachusetts In Defense Of The Family

Alan Keyes Writes about “Libel by New York Times” by Atty. Ed Pawlick

Will Children be Injured by Word, "Masturbation"?

Alan Keyes on “Hannity & Colmes” about Effect of Homosexual “Marriage” on Presidential Election

Must We Use the Word “Masturbation?”
(post card)

  Judge Marshall Seeks Personal Gain and Fame; Is Not Helping Homosexuals

May Sightings

Ron Crews Expects to Run for Congress

Pinch Sulzberger Blames His Readers for Jayson Blair Scandal at New York Times