All Count"
this was a common belief.
Before 2004,
this is a serious challenge.
Counts in Florida?"
All Americans
were asking that question after the election fiasco of November
Counts in Florida?"
All progressive
Floridians rallied under this theme during the 2002 political
Counts in Florida, as well as in the other 49 States and the
District of Columbia?"
All concerned
citizens throughout the United States are pondering this question
as the nation prepares for another potentially divisive election
fast-and-loose with election results and time-honored political
traditions is no longer limited to Florida. Voters in California,
Colorado and Texas have already seen legitimate elections
overturned and established districts deliberately re-jiggered
to reward political cronies and big buck contributers.
necessity to stay informed and remain politically active is
more critical now more than ever before
WAC, Inc and the We All Count
web site was created to serve as an online resource center
to provide unfiltered information to voters about organized
efforts to ensure that every vote is counted!
- No more
politicized purges of the voting rolls.
- No more
post-campaign machinations and legal shenanigans to manipulate
and de-legitimize election results
- No more
polling places where citizens can't immediately verify and
validate their votes.
The progressive issues that matter most to the future security
and financial survival of all American Families are directly
impacted by election results:
- National Security
- Jobs
- Education
- Health Care
- Environment
- Taxes
These are the issues that are decided by our elected officials
– the issues that affect the lives of everyone every
day. Don’t let the politicians decide these important
issues without your input. Help make sure that in Florida
and throughout the U.S. that We All Count!
Visiting the We All Count web site is a great first step,
but it isn’t enough. We urge you to do the following:
- Join WAC
by clicking on the Membership button. By providing us with
the requested information, we can keep you informed about
upcoming issues and events.
- Check in
with us often
- Find out the
truth about election issues and how they
affect you and your vote.
- Be Active
in your community.
- Support Legislation requiring Voter-Verified Paper Trail for 2004 Elections (sign the petition here...)
- Register to Vote