"Do Me" Cliques
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in "Do Me" Cliques' LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Friday, January 14th, 2005
    6:34 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_blaise (for Blaise Zabini of the "Harry Potter" books)

    Current Mood: blah
    Monday, January 10th, 2005
    5:10 pm
    New Members
    [info]do_me_akito (for Akito of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_ayame (for Ayame of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_hatori (for Hatori of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_hatsuharu (for Hatsuharu of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_momiji (for Momiji of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_ritsu (for Ritsu of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_yuki (for Yuki of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_mstrchief (for Master Chief)

    Current Mood: full
    Friday, January 7th, 2005
    10:00 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_w_twins (for The Weasly Twins of the "Harry Potter" films)
    [info]do_me_patroclus (for Patroclus of the film "Troy")

    Current Mood: calm
    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    12:11 pm
    New Member
    [info]do_me_jnsq (for [info]jenesaisquoi_ of LJ)

    Current Mood: blank
    Thursday, October 21st, 2004
    8:23 pm
    New Members
    [info]do_me_marius (for Marius of the film/books "The Vampire Chronicles")
    [info]do_me_travis (for model "Travis")

    Current Mood: sick
    Monday, October 18th, 2004
    9:12 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_lestat (for Lestat of the film "Interview With The Vampire")
    [info]do_me_jareth (for Jareth of the film "Labyrinth")
    [info]do_me_armand (for Armand of the of the film "Interview With The Vampire")

    Current Mood: content
    Thursday, September 9th, 2004
    10:37 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_kiba (for Kiba of the "Wolf Rain" series)
    [info]do_me_toboe (for Toboe of the "Wolf Rain" series)
    [info]do_me_tsume (for Tsume of the "Wolf Rain" series)
    [info]do_me_hige (for Hige of the "Wolf Rain" series)
    [info]do_me_shigure (for Shigure of the "Fruits Basket" series)
    [info]do_me_merlock (for Merlock of the "Flint the Time Detective" series)
    [info]do_me_link (for Link of the "The Legend of Zelda" games)
    [info]do_me_vash (for Vash of the "Trigun" series)
    [info]do_me_pegasus (for Pegasus of the "Yu-Gi-Oh" series)
    [info]do_me_cara (for [info]hakamiah of LJ)

    Current Mood: grateful
    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    7:48 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_louis (for Louis of the film "Interview With The Vampire")

    Current Mood: impressed
    Saturday, August 21st, 2004
    3:24 pm
    New Member
    [info]do_me_paris (for Paris of the film "Troy")

    Current Mood: content
    8:27 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_bana (for actor Eric Bana)
    [info]do_me_bloom (for actor Orlando Bloom)
    [info]do_me_mortensen (for actor Viggo Mortensen)
    [info]do_me_edward (for Edward Scissorhands of the film "Edward Scissorhands")

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Tuesday, August 10th, 2004
    11:35 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_crissy (for [info]sunseenli of LJ ;))

    Current Mood: blank
    Monday, August 9th, 2004
    8:09 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_hector_ (for Hector of the film "Troy")

    Current Mood: content
    Wednesday, August 4th, 2004
    6:07 pm
    New Member
    [info]do_me_remus (for Remus Lupin of the "Harry Potter" films)

    Current Mood: curious
    Tuesday, July 27th, 2004
    11:50 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_achilles (for Achilles of the film "Troy")

    Current Mood: enthralled
    9:40 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_bean (for actor Sean Bean)
    [info]do_me_wenham (for actor David Wenham)

    Current Mood: busy
    Tuesday, July 6th, 2004
    8:44 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_dobby (for Dobby of the "Harry Potter" films)
    [info]do_me_norri (for Commodore Norrington of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean")

    Current Mood: complacent
    Sunday, May 16th, 2004
    12:31 pm
    New Member
    [info]do_me_maedhros (for Maedhros of "The Silmarillion" books)

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    8:13 am
    New Member (HA!)
    [info]do_me_hellbelle (for [info]hellbelle of...err...professional model and friendly, neighborhood do_me_cliques owner ;P)

    Current Mood: loved
    Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
    10:52 am
    New Members
    [info]do_me_gandalf (for Gandalf of the "The Lord of the Rings" films)
    [info]do_me_saruman (for Saruman of the "The Lord of the Rings" films)

    Current Mood: impressed
    Sunday, March 21st, 2004
    8:18 am
    New Member
    [info]do_me_will (for Will Turner of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean")

    Current Mood: groggy
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