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Boys of Summer Reading: Summer Grab Bag

by Sean McNally

Sean McNally reviews selections from his baseball bookshelf, including Jeff Pearlman’s The Bad Guys Won.

Divisional Diary: N.L. East

by Chris Dial

The N.L. East through May 24th.

BTF's Prime Time with Jeff Pearlman

by Sean McNally

Sean sits down with the man that turned John Rocker from an erratic fireballer into a household name.

Boys of Summer Reading: 100 Years of the World Series

by BTF Staff

Brock Hanke critiques Eric Enders’ photographic World Series chronicle in the launch of Baseball Think Factory’s new series of reviews. Plus - Richard Barbieri’s look at George Kirsch’s Baseball in Blue and Grey

Nos Amours Expos

by Stephen Jordan

To many fans, the Expos are still more than a Selig fiasco.

Dialed In: May 19, 2004

by Chris Dial

Sweet, sweet baseball.

The Fenway Project: Behind the Monster

by Eric Enders

Eric peeks behind every baseball fan’s favorite wall.

Cooperstown Confidential: May 8, 2004

by Bruce Markusen

Bruce looks back at the Friday Night Massacre.

I Know It's Early But...

by Walt Davis

The joys of small sample sizes.

Cooperstown Confidential: April 23, 2004

by Bruce Markusen

Hair, Kenny Lofton, and Willie Horton.

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