LiveJournal for Katie.

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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004

Time:12:55 pm.
Do you ever get the urge to call someone a rat fink?
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Wednesday, May 19th, 2004

Time:2:52 pm.
Rawr. I wasn't tired all day until now. Stupid mid-afternoon slump. Too bad I have three hours of class ahead of me before I can sleep again.

So, the boyfriend is fabulous. I had lunch with him on his break yesterday and we ate Aussie pies. They were quite tasty. The sausage rolls were, however, not.

We had dinner with my parents on Monday night while my older brother was in town. My dad and brother had to move my grandmother from CA to WA last weekend. Poor sucks. Will have to see what my brother says about Ray. As I told R before, "Patrick is the hard sell."

The idea of buying a house is still up in the air. We had dinner with his parents last night and they weren't so keen on the idea. It may be for the best as I don't think either one of us particularly want to live without the boys quite yet. We've discussed looking to rent a house in Wallingrord/Wedgwood/Northgate which would give all of us more space and the boys could be close-ish to school.

Don't know when I'm going to tell my parents I'm moving in with Ray, though. I guess not until I have to. They're going to be not so wild about the idea but as long as I'm supporting myself I guess there's not much they can do about it. Although they sure can bitch.
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Monday, May 17th, 2004

Time:4:49 am.
Done. woo-fucking-hoo.
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Time:2:04 am.
Things I want to do instead of writing my paper:

- paint my nails
- snuggle with the fabulous sleeping boyfriend
- sleep
- read hours and hours of addicting LJ

Things I will be doing:

- writing this fucking paper. boo.
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Friday, May 14th, 2004

Time:7:24 am.
Oh that Ray. He's quite the catch if you ask me. He's leaving Australia in six hours to come back to me. I'm ever so excited.

I've been awake since three when he called me. I've been trying to go back to sleep but haven't been very successful. I think the problem is that I'm ravenously hungry, so I'm baking a pizza and drinking orange juice before I make another attempt.
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Thursday, May 13th, 2004

Time:3:09 am.
Feeling much better after 12 hours of on and off sleep. Now I'm just ravenously hungry but I'm afraid of the consequences of filling my tummy.
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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004

Time:10:41 am.
Oh God I hurt. Have the hearburn from hell as well as nausea. Going to sleep. Hope I will either die or throw up soon.
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Time:9:10 am.
Have had lovely chats with rayray these last two nights. It has wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule but all very well worth it.

Plans to move in together in August are in the works. I don't know if we'll live in the U-district or not, as well as an apartment either. I know that Ray wants to start looking at houses, so that will all be very exciting.

Doesn't look like he's taking that job in Australia either, but when he told me the hotel/apartment he's staying in had a washer/dryer in the unit I was ready to relocate right then. :P
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Tuesday, May 11th, 2004

Time:2:14 am.
Holy shit! I actually got this international calling thing to work. Of course now I have to call the rayray at 5:30am. Silly time zones.
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Monday, May 10th, 2004

Time:12:32 pm.
wow. The Fremont Library sends you reminder notices when your books are almost due. That's awesome as I had no idea when they were supposed to be back. They might spare me a load of library fines yet.

I have forever tainted my bathroom for me by dreaming there was a rapist hiding in the shower. Nice job, Katie, at freaking yourself out.

Rayray is out of phone card minutes. We are both on the lookout to purchase cards today. I tried to buy one earlier but I can't seem to find one that allows you to call other countries from the US. Only vice versa. The lady at Safeway suggested I try the Northgate magazine stand.

Only five more days until my fabulous boyfriend is back! :)
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Saturday, May 8th, 2004

Time:8:01 pm.
A waitress from inside just bitched me out for taking drop bags from the back. I talked to my manager and the restaurant's manager and made sure that's where I was supposed to get them from. Restaurant's manager just bitched her out. Apparently she's been suspended for this sort of shit before. Good for her.

Tidbit from yesterday: This white trash family came in, a mom, dad and two boys aorund 11 or 12. Dad was smoking AND SO WERE THE BOYS! It was a classic late nite Ivar's moment.
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Time:3:22 pm.
Ray's home in a week! Eeeee! Awaiting his call to tell me how Kangaroo island was.
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Time:3:42 am.
I also have Jag's cigarettes. I will leave him with a few tomorrow so he doesn't die but I know he'll just buy some more so it doesn't really matter. I did tell him I would help him quit by doling out the fags (ciggies, what have you). We shall see if it even remotely works.
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Time:3:39 am.
Yay! I just won a game of Cattan with Jag and Evan (plus Jeff Ramsden saying "They took your jerb!" every other minute). I love winning :)

Work was ok despite this lady who insisted that I pick her credit card back up and hand it to her. Bitch.

I'm still way awake despite two huge glasses of wine. Going to clean the room and watch a movie before sleep. Ray calls me tomorrow afternoon! :)
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Thursday, May 6th, 2004

Subject:ohhh Wednesday nights
Time:2:19 pm.
I just woke up so I don't think a movie's in the program for today. Laundry, dinner for the boys and the Roethke Reading are all still on the list. I'm super hungry and told sickie Liz I'd drive her to work. Going to go eat some seasoned fries and talk to Alice Kim now.

Highlights from last night:
- I beat Jag, Casey and Original Katie at Catan. I was well on my way to a second win when Ray called so I handed my cards over to Evan and I woulld bet he trounced them again.
- Ray called me twice yesterday. He's ahead of his work schedule and it sounds like he's having a good time.
- I stepped on a broken beer bottle in flip-flops last night while walking up to the boys' apartment. After bleeding all over my shoe, the floor and Jag's leg he attended to my wound. For a doctor he sure doesn't know shit about pressure or elevation. :P
- I started playing Prince of Persia yesterday. I might just continue playing.
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Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

Time:2:45 pm.
Rayray called. So, the continent of Australia has not fallen into the ocean. That's good. I didn't really want a Jeep anyway. I like having a fantastic boyfriend instead.

I miss Ray, but have been keeping busy with movies, cookies, cross-stitch, Catan, and cooking for the boys. We're making the J's chicken for dinner tonight. I'm going to attempt to make gravy. It seems to be a mildly frightening endeavor. I might have to call my mom. In other news, I wonder what movie I'll watch tonight as part of my daily boredom buster routine.

Anyone want to go see a movie tomorrow? I'm thinking 13 going on 30 or Kill Bill Vol. 2. Anyone? anyone?

Need to finish some work for class that I go to in half an hour. Good-bye int0rnet!
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Time:11:29 am.
Silly Liz! Corners are for turning!

Fire drill at BGC ruined our smoothly running morning.

Class was dull. I'm tired as ass. Boyfriend did not call me last night as he said he would therefore I have to assume that Adelaide dropped off into the ocean. He did say I could have his Jeep if he died... I still don't understand why he doesn't have internet access. It's all beyond me.

Have more class this afternoon and then making dinner for the boys. Mayhaps I will do something fun as I have nothing to do tomorrow except go to the Roethke Reading at 8.
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Tuesday, May 4th, 2004

Time:12:51 pm.
Ray called me last night from Australia. He's well. Seems they've offered him a job there, for 2 years. That was exciting. He told them he'd think about it. He'd like me to go with him if he goes. Lots of things have to happen before that happens but we shall see.
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Monday, May 3rd, 2004

Time:5:16 pm.
I just got a personal email reply from an email I sent to Laurie Notaro. That fucking made my day. Rock out.
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Time:4:46 pm.
Dear boyfriends who are in Australia-

I hope you can get some computer access to email me back to tell me what the ass your mother was supposed to tell me becase neither of us could figure it out from the number she wrote down.


p.s. I miss you but bad movies and cookies seem to be making a suitable replacement. Better come back soon. :P
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LiveJournal for Katie.

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