Ray ([info]q) wrote,
@ 2003-12-27 20:19:00
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Current mood: restless
Current music:Muse - Dark Shines

Why is it I never have anything to say? Or when I do, I never say it?

Went to Return of the King with my brother and mom. Good movie, but I don't think I appreciated it. It kind of dragged out.

Now what?

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2003-12-27 20:39 (link)
Looks like sumbady (intentional) is downloading some tunes... :)

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2003-12-27 20:43 (link)
It's all your fault!!

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2003-12-27 20:45 (link)
Are you sure you're still up for it tomorrow then? Mayhaps we could catch something else?

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2003-12-27 20:52 (link)
I could watch it again...

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2003-12-27 20:56 (link)
Well, I'll leave it up to you. :) I'm open to whatever. I understand not wanting to see it twice in a row even if you did appreciate it. Are there any others you're interested in watching? Josh and I will take a look too.

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2003-12-27 21:10 (link)
Well I don't want to stand in the way of you guys seeing ROTK.... And I don't really have a better suggestion... =P

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2003-12-27 21:34 (link)
Okay...LOTR it is, unless we think of something else. :)

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2003-12-27 20:47 (link)
And yet, you like it.

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2003-12-27 21:20 (link)
I can't get them out of my head now!

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2003-12-28 01:11 (link)
Oh I will give you something for your head... maybe a fist(Dr. Fist that is) or could be a half-brick or even possibly a stylish new hat(maybe a fez or a top hat or even a bowlers cap hmm I like bowlers caps).

-a slightly scary amount of lj activity tonight...

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