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Imprints aims to promote a critical discussion of socialist ideas, freed from theoretical dogma but committed to the viability of an egalitarian and democratic politics. We take for granted that most societies in the world are characterised by c lass oppression, but that class division does not exhaust the unjust inequalities to which their peoples are subject.
Contributions are invited on topics such as the theory of history, the normative foundations of politics and the philosophical foundations of social inquiry; and on social inequality, political practice and institutional change. The criteria for the ac ceptance of papers include analytical power and empirical rigour; no school of thought or intellectual tradition is excluded, though we are committed to the view that the world remains a rationally intelligible place.
Editor: Catriona McKinnon
Associate Editors: Christopher Bertram, Harry Brighouse, Alan Carling, Saladin Meckled-Garcia, Jeremy Moss, Steve Smith
Published three times a year in Spring, Summer and Winter
ISSN 1363-5964