Mícheál Ó Foghlú
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Irish Linux User Group
This page contains details of how to contact me, brief details of research
interests, and a short list of recent publications. If you want to see what
I've been up to (mainly links to websites of interest) check out my weblog. Note that my personal pages
are now HTML 4.01 compatible (check the validator link in the footer).
- Lecturer in the Department of Physical & Quantitative Sciences in
- I am currently Head of the Internet Technologies & Mobile Internet division
of the
Telecommunications Software & Systems Group
which is a research centre in WIT.
- Member of 2nd and 3rd Academic Councils in WIT, currently serving on
Research Subcommittee.
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
Telecommunications Software and Systems Group
Waterford Institute of Technology
Cork Road
+353 51 302963 (Tel.)
+353 51 302901 (Fax.)
Courses (Academic Year Sep 2003 - Jun 2004):
- National Diploma in Information Technology Support (Year 3)
Computer Services Management -
- BSc Applied Computing (Year 4)
Telecommunications Software (elective)
(sharing responsibilty for this course with other TSSG staff)
- Masters by Research in Computing
Primary supervisor of 3 masters students in WIT & TSSG
Secondary supervisor of 3 masters students in TSSG
Chair of TSSG Research Forum responsible for 13 TSSG research students
Previous Courses (Academic Years Sep 1996 - Jun 2002):
- BSc Applied Computing (Year 2)
Computer Organisation
- BSc Applied Computing (Year 4)
Projects (I established the project webserver used to
store all project deliverables on emhain.wit.ie
and developed procedures for running projects)
- BSc Commercial Software Development (Year 4)
Projects (I established the project webserver used to
store all project deliverables on emhain.wit.ie
and developed procedures for running projects)
- BSc Commercial Software Development (Year 4)
Data Communications & Distributed Systems
- BSc Commercial Software Development (Year 4)
Enterprise Information Systems
- National Certificate in Commercial Computing (Year 2)
Operating Systems, Networks, and Information Systems
- National Certificate in Computer Applications (Year 1)
Visual Presentation Graphics
- National Certificate in Industrial Computing (Year 1)
External Roles:
- Member of International Programme Committee of the e-Challenges Conference (Vienna,
October 2004), (Bologna, October 2003). This conference is focused on the
development of e-work and e-business, particulary in projects within the
Fifth Framework EU funding in Key Action II of the IST Programme, and
potential new projects with a similar theme in Framework Programme 6 (FP6).
The proceedings of eChallenges 2003 are available as the 2 volume
Building the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies
Edited by: P. Cunningham, M. Cunningham, & P. Fatelnig
2003, Part 1: 816 pp. Part 2 866 pp., hardcover
IOS Press: Amsterdam
ISBN: 1 58603 379 4
- Member of the Programme Committee of the IT&T Conference (Athlone
2001, Waterford 2002). This conference is focused on the
research taking place in the Institute of Technology sector in Ireland into
Information Technology and Telecommunications. It is sponsored by TecNet and organised by the Communication Systems, Software
Networks (CSSN) research group.
- Approved reviewer for EU Commission research project proposals in the
arena of ICT and the take-up of ICT by regional industry.
- Approved reviewer for Enterprise Ireland research projects in the area
of Internet Technologies.
- Approved for course delivery of Iona
Technologies' courses on C++ and CORBA.
- Contracted by the Institutes of Technology to deliver training to
technicians on the set up and maintenance of Linux-based DNS (Domain Name
Server) systems.
- Contracted by Enterprise Ireland, Honeywell, and Ericssons to deliver
technology related courses on web-based development, technology trends, and
emerging technologies in ICT.
Research Programmes:
- I am currently managing the Irish HEA funded project Jun 2002 - May 2006
M-Zones (Managed Zones) project
investigating smart spaces, amd managing interopability and roaming services
between smart spaces.
- I am currently managing the EU IST funded project Apr 2002 - Mar 2004 INTERMON (Advanced architecture for
INTER-domain quality of service MONitoring, modelling and visualisation).
- I am currently managing the Department of Education funded project
Jun 2001 - May 2004 CONVERGE
(Convergence of Telecommunications Services and IP-based Services:
QoS, Security & Accounting).
- I am involved in the SFI National Telecommunications Services Research
Centre (NTSRC), based in WIT. More news on this shortly.
- I was manager for the EU-funded TenTelecom project Nov 1999 - Jun 2001
(New Information Technologies to Open Up Rural Areas).
Research Interests:
- XML as distributed data passing. Lightweight Internet solutions, using
SOAP and scripting for rapid
development and deployment of Internet services.
- XML as data/content markup. Emerging standards in
(e.g. ebXML),
e-Learning course metadata, and user profiling
(e.g. IEEE LOM & PAPI),
web content syndication
(e.g. RSS),
telecommunications service level agreements,
and other areas.
- IPv6 and the deployment and management of emerging Internet networks
(including the Mobile Internet). Service development, deployment and management issues in an IP-based
telecommunications networking environment.
- WWW development using open source technologies (e.g. Linux, Apache,
MySQL, Perl/Python/PHP). This platform is becoming known as
LAMP In partiucular the use of this
platform to develop on-line services for SMEs.
- Web services. Microsoft's .NET and its emerging vision of web
services. Java, J2EE, EJB, JSP, Java Servlets and the emerging Sun ONE
architecture for web services. This includes tracking
and WS-I standards.
- Traditional object-oriented distributed systems development including
CORBA, COM+ and Java RMI. An understanding of these issues is core to the
development of alternatives, and indeed when to use these systems.
- The emerging peer-to-peer paradigm as captured on the O'Reilly openP2P Portal. In particular the use
of open source technologies to open up this arena. One excellent candidate
technology (though not strictly p2p) is
- Perl Programming
See The Perl Institute and/or any of the
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
(CPAN) mirrors for more details on Perl. Of course I am keeping an eye on
Perl 6 as it emerges from the Perl community.
- Natural Language Processing, Knowled-based systems, and Artificial
Intelligence in general. I am not progressing this interest much at
present, but lessons learned help inform current issues on the use of XML
for meta data etc.
- Irish Language and Computer Standards
I served as a member of the NSAI AGITS Working
Group 6 with Michael Everson. See his company pages at
Everson Typography
for further details of computer standardization issues in
- System Administration in complex computing environments, automation
through scripting and programming solutions. I am intersted in the
processes advocated by SAGE and the USENIX communities.
- Security of IP-based networks and services, both from a system
adminsitrator's and a developer's point of view.
J. Kielthy, C. Kulatunga, R. Frisby & M. Ó Foghlú,
"An evaluation of QoS provisioning for UBR Applications
in a DS Network"
In proceedings of
Information Technology & Telecommunications
IT&T; October 2003 (Letterkenny, Ireland)
J. Kielthy, R. Frisby & M. Ó Foghlú
"An initial investigation into QoS provisioning in a
DiffServ Network"
In proceedings of
Irish Telecommunications Systems Research Symposium
ITSRS October 2003 (Dublin, Ireland)
B. Rousseau, E. Leray & M. Ó Foghlú
"Metadata and Information Management Issues in XML-based Mediation"
International Conference in Enterprise Information Systems
ICEIS April 2003 (Angers, France)
J. Ronan, P. Malone, M. Ó Foghlú
"Overhead Issues for Local Access Points in IPSec enabled VPNs"
Interdomain Performance and Simulation
(Intermon Workshop)
IPS03 February 2003 (Saltzburg, Austria)
C. Kulatunga, P. Malone, M. Ó Foghlú
"Adaptive Measurement-based QoS Management in DiffServ Networks for Variable Bit Rate
IPS03 Interdomain Performance and Simulation (Intermon
IPS03 February 2003 (Saltzburg, Austria)
M. Nolan, C. Kulatunga, M. Ó Foghlú
"Quality of Service & Security in IP-Based Telecommunications Services"
IT&T; Conference
IT&T;'02 October 2002 (Waterford, Ireland)
PDF Version
E. Leray, B. Rousseau, M. Ó Foghlú
"E-Learning Information Management issues in XML-based mediation"
IT&T; Conference
IT&T;'02 October 2002 (Waterford, Ireland)
PDF Version
J. Brazil, E. de Leastar, C. Ryan, M. Ó Foghlú
"Workbook Approach to Algorithm Design and Service Accounting in a Component-Orientated
IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management
October 2002 (Dalas, TX)
PDF Version
Peer-to-peer Innovations for eBusiness and eWork:
A Vision of Emerging Software ServiceTechnologies
Mícheál Ó FOGHLÚ, Shane DEMPSEY and Eamonn DE LEASTAR
in Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work
Edited by Brian Stanford Smith, Enrica Chiozza & Mireille Edin
(Volume 2)
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002
ISBN 1-58603-284-4
PDF Version
Presented at conference:
eBusiness and eWork, Prague 2002
Regional Initiatives in the South East of Ireland
Mícheál Ó FOGHLÚ
in Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work
Edited by Brian Stanford Smith, Enrica Chiozza & Mireille Edin
(Volume 1)
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002
ISBN 1-58603-284-4
PDF Version
Presented at conference:
eBusiness and eWork, Prague 2002
ConnectKey.com: The use of Open Source Technologies to provide cost
effective services for eBusiness to SMEs
Mícheál Ó FOGHLÚ
in E-Work and
E-Commerce: Novel solutions and practices for a global networked
Edited by Brian Stanford Smith & Enrica Chiozza
(Volume 2, pp1110-1118)
IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001
ISBN 1-58603-205-4
PDF Version
Presented at conference:
eBusiness and eWork, Venice 2001
Perl Quick Reference
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
QUE, Indianapolis, 1996
ISBN 0-7897-0888-4
This is a book detailing all the special variables,
operators and functions in Perl, in a format designed for ease of use
as a reference tool.
(There is an on-line version of this book available at QUE's
InformIT site
- register with them to read it).
Perl 5 Guia de Referência Rápida
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
QUE, Editora Campus,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1997
ISBN 85-352-0144-0
A Portugese edition of the Perl Quick Reference.
Perl 5 Soluciones Instantáneas
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
QUE, Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico, 1997
ISBN 968-880-877-6
A Spanish edition of the Perl Quick Reference.
Perl 5 Quick Reference
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
QUE, Prentice Hall Japan,
Tokyo, 1997
ISBN 4-88735-054-6
A Japanese edition of the Perl Quick Reference.
Special Edition: Using Perl for Web Publishing
David Harlan,
Mícheál Ó Foghlú,
Paul Doyle,
Shelley Powers and
Matthew D. Healy.
QUE, Indianapolis, 1996
ISBN 0-7897-0659-8
This book has a much wider scope than the quick
reference. It covers the use of Perl in designing CGI scripts for use
as server-side executable scripts on a WWW server.
(There is an on-line version of this book available at QUE's
InformIT site
- register with them to read it).
The Web Programming Desktop Reference 6-in-1
Michael Afergan,
Rick Darnell,
Brian Farrar,
Russ Jacobs,
David Medinets,
Robert Mullen, and
Mícheál Ó Foghlú
QUE, Indianapolis, 1996
ISBN 0-7897-1028-5
This book is a re-packaging of the Perl Quick Reference with five other
related QUE Quick Reference books (HTML, Java, ActiveX, VBScript,
JavaScript) to produce a useful overall Web reference book.
(There is an on-line version of this book available at QUE's
- register with them to read it).
'Expert Novice Differences and Knowledge Elicitation'
Mícheál Foley and Anna Hart
The Psychology of Expertise: Cognitive Research and Empirical AI
Robert R. Hoffman (ed.)
Earlbaum, Mahwah NJ, 1994
ISBN 0-8058-1900-2
This is an article in a book which was originally published by
Springer-Verlag in 1992. It deals with the subject of my M.Phil.
research in the University of Central Lancashire: expert-novice
differences in knowledge elicitation for knowledge-based systems.
In summary, experts automatically see a problem in terms of solution
categories, whereas novices see problems in terms of the symptoms of the
problem. Therefore expert systems and knowledge-based systems need to be
careful (if they are being designed to be used by novices) to model the
expert/novice interaction, and not just the experts' knowledge.
Personal favourite links:
- Using Netcraft to see the latest
statistics on server usage, to see what server and modules any website in
the world is using, and to see how long sites are up and who owns their
IP-address ranges.
- Seeing how the Internet used to be by using the WayBackMachine to see archived websites as
they once were! I used to manage sites in NUI Galway (then UCG) from
1993-1996 but the earliest archived version is
1997 after I left. This still has the look and feel of original site.
NSC'92 Network Services Conference, Pisa, 1992 was the first time I
heard of the world wide web. I went home and setup a server on a Linux
box (SLS floppy distribution) which evolved into the UCG website,
eventually hosted on a DEC Ultrix machine.
- Seeing how
Jon Udell's Weblog is tracking the latest in internet/web
technologies and groupware.