June 11, 2004
Faculty vs. Grad Student Softball Game
Great game, Grads!
Grads: 23
Faculty: 8
The rest are only stats for the grad students. I wasn't scoring the faculty, as I was in the field. Also, the scoresheet is a little sketchy on a few points, but I think these stats are mostly right. Also, I'm not sure how some things should be calculated.
Total grad student stats:
Total Hits: 33
Basehits on Errors: 2
At Bats: 50
Batting Average: 0.660
Slugging Average: : 1.040
Home Run Ratio: : 16.667
Personal Stats[1]:
Continue reading "Faculty vs. Grad Student Softball Game"June 09, 2004
term papers
UPDATE: Here's the latest update on my term-paper progress:
Class | Title | Pages | % |
Phil of QM | Quantum Measurement Frames | 25 | 95% (Revising) |
Political Phil | Liberalism, Toleration, and Culture | 20 | 95% (Revising) |
Communications | Cartesian Cognitivism and Its Discontents | 22 | 95% (Revising) |
Total | 67 | 95% (Revising) |
By my estimates, that means I have 0!?!? more pages to write, for a total of 67 pages.
June 08, 2004
itunes is so cool
I was sitting here in my office listening to CDs on my iBook, and I notice a weird playlist in my iTunes called "Jeannette's playlist." Who is Jeannette? The playlist was full of songs by Bjork and other cool stuff like that, songs I certainly don't have on my laptop. But I could play them and listen to them no problem, perfect quality. Very strange, I thought!
Turns out I've just discovered iTunes' music sharing feature. Jeannette must be someone on my subnet. I should figure out who she is so I can complement her on her taste in music.
June 05, 2004
film analysis gone overboard
This psychoanalysis of Star Wars is pretty silly. It certainly goes way overboard. It is, however, hilarious. This tidbit made me bust out laughing:
Luke's latent homosexuality is unrecognized by him but clearly recognized by Vader, well-versed in the ways of black leather and masked identity, who senses the boy's dark sexual ambition and comments, "The force is strong in this one."
Of course, it is full of misquotes and factual errors, slips that help prove its point. It does manage to get a lot of trivia right, however. For example, the author discusses the reunion scene between Biggs and Luke that is in the screenplay and cut from the original film. If you need to waste a little time (say, if you're procrastinating on your term papers), you should give it a read.
June 04, 2004
Yglesias discusses why it would be good for both Canadians and left-leaning blue Americans. Interesting idea. His suggestions for names: United States of North America and AmeriCAN. I'm personally partial to AmeriCanada.
June 02, 2004
lessig on gnr, idd
Lawrence Lessig has an insightful article over at Wired about the threat of GNR technologies (genetic engineering, nanotech, robotics), the possibility of IDDs (insanely destructive devices), and how we've been making it more difficult to prevent the development and use of such things. I don't know about applying the P2P metaphor to WMDs, but it is certainly an interesting discussion. And bandying about extra acronyms is always fun.
May 31, 2004
diet report: may
Let's see, last I checked in on the diet was April 1st. April and May were both slower months than the first months, which is actually probably a good thing. It's best for me to be doing this slower as I get closer to my goal weight.
Continue reading "diet report: may"