May 29, 2004

me o tsubutta kana


Ta(l)king photos in Japanese: a vademecum. It’s fun to snap a shot: cliché. A good companion read would be: Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. [via un regard oblique / dirty beloved via pseudopodium]

jim at 06:56 AM | permalink | comments (0) | trackBack (0)

May 28, 2004

i clowns


I’ve been getting back into film (theory, praxis, and watching), and part of the fun has been diving into new websites (like—to me—Jumpcut online) and reading fun articles. (And as a result of which I watched a good little sci-fi flick last night, Cube.) This morning I came across a link for an artist I hadn’t heard of: Cindy Sherman. [via Feministing via Celluloid Summer (a film class blog) via Palimpsest] She’s recently been making clowns. (What is it about clowns, and people’s fear of them? And if you haven’t seen the Citizen Kane of drunken clown movies, you should!) Plus, this entry [at the Heart of Things], and more reading [at the 2 Blowhards] has convinced me that I haven’t been thinking criticially enough about film recently. And so I should.

jim at 09:26 AM | permalink | comments (0) | trackBack (0)

perls afore periods


A thing of beauty: nerd æsthetics at its best. [via Limon via rc3 dot org pace Jakob Nielsen contra PDF]

jim at 08:08 AM | permalink | comments (0) | trackBack (0)