
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Good afternoon..
I have put a translation for my old war diaries 10/4/003.
it`s from my war diary notebook ..
I`ll keep typing and translating them from time to time...
hope you all nice days..
Saturday, June 12th. 2004
Good morning…
Baghdad is fine, despite the sadness, the unknown future of Iraq and the Iraqis. But we do not give up hope, in a beautiful, shining tomorrow…
Because I didn't give up hope in the Iraqis…I wish they would remain a symbol of gallant deeds and country love… I wish they wouldn't "sleep" as others have slept…that they wouldn't become "sheep" as some others have become…
For they are the hope that remains to this tired nation, on which enemies has fallen from all sides…
An American young man asked me, when he visited us along with a group of young men and women from America, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland, who are peace activists around the world…
He asked me how I wished to see Iraq within five years …
I thought… Then answered: I wish to see Iraq free, beautiful, and progressed… in the educational programs at schools and universities…in our way of thinking towards life… In every thing, but…without loosing our identities… Muslims, or Arabs, or Iraqis…
Without loosing our culture, nor forgetting our history… we do not want to dissolve in a mixture that has no identity…
I said to them: I am a Muslim, you are Christians, or have no religion… I don't care… there are no barriers to us being friends… respecting each other, listening to each other without losing identity…
Different cultures, histories, and religions build a beautiful world filled with peace and security…
No wars… no hate… not destroying each other…
This is how I wish the world to be in the coming years… where our children and grandchildren would live, along with your children and grandchildren…
This delegation gave my son Majid a C.D. containing the songs of their group, which sings for peace… on the C.D. was the picture of a B-52 airplane throwing hearts and love over the world…
I remembered the B- 52 that used to throw missiles on Baghdad during the last war…we used to call it (The Plough), because it ploughs the earth, destroying every thing upon it…. Humans, trees, buildings and vehicles.
When we used to listen to the daily news, and they would mention the B-52 take-off from some base in Europe, for example… we used to laugh and say: count the hours… it would reach you in 6 or 8 hours, then the raid would begin…
And of course… their raids used to last all night long on the Iraqi army positions….which was smashed mercilessly.
A few days ago, I was typing my war diaries from my old notebook, and I noticed that since the fall of Baghdad we started wishing for security, and waiting for it…. Along with the electricity and water supplies.

And here we are, more than one year later, still talk and ask for the same items…as if time has stopped, and became meaningless.
People's demands of providing the least simple daily-life requirements have become so difficult?
Aren't they priorities?
But until now they weren't …
Not to the Governing Council, nor to the Occupation forces…
And of course, you would hear long stories, and many excuses…
Last week, when the tank driver shot the students in the café', I felt very sad when I heard the story… because I am a mother; and I felt the amount of pain mothers and fathers would feel… I called Raed and asked him to help me make contact with any Human Rights organization in order to make a complaint. So he went and checked, then called me back, saying:
There is no such organization in Iraq right now…. Take the e-mail address and try to contact them…
When I opened their web pages, I found reports about the encroachments of the occupation forces on Human Rights in Iraq, but no one cared or co-operated in this subject…
I remembered the explosion in the United Nations Office in Baghdad, the killing of the representative of the U.N. Secretary, the closing down of the office and the withdrawal of the staff to Amman until further notice…
Who gains from bombing that office? And who has a benefit in removing the U.N. from Iraq?
Are they really the Iraqis? I doubt that… we all doubt that.
These things are done by the enemies of Iraq, who fill Iraq now, from all nationalities and loyalties.
And the Iraqis are the losers.
Destroying electricity networks, targeting the police stations and the new army, these acts are not done by honest Iraqis … these are committed by mercenaries who would gain political goals…and abusing the Iraqi people, destroying their reputation, making all this an excuse to deny them independence, and authorizing foreign parties to decide for Iraq…until further notice…
As for the Security Council's resolution about the Transitional Government, and the deploying of multi –nationality forces in Iraq, well… it looks nice enough on the out side, but is filled with mystery and unanswered questions….
Giving the right to the foreign forces to take necessary measures in controlling security? This point, for example, would be an excuse to every military operation that would claim more victims, civilians or others…
We will remain in panic, because there are some foreign forces that possess unlimited authorities, and control everything….
Which means…no independence in the foreseen future...

And the newspapers are filled with talk about the Prime Minster Ayyad Allawi….many reports claiming he works for the C.I.A., that he was responsible for the bombings in Iraq in Saddam's time….
Why are they exposing the man, distorting his reputation??
Is he really a C.I.A. agent? Would these stories deprive him of honesty and competence?
Who brought him, and chose him to lead the government?
Is this some blackmail policy, so that he would always remain under control, and wouldn't revolt against them in the future??
How are we going to respect him, and trust him??
I am neither a political nor parties expert, but watching and meditating in what is happening, and analyzing it, gives logical possibilities…engineering taught me how to think and analyze every thing in life.
When I went to Beirut with Azzam at the beginning of my marriage, after graduation from collage in 1976, I worked as a volunteer in rebuilding the Palestinian refugee camps, reconnecting electricity and water supply, and other necessities…
I was at the beginning of my twenties…
I looked up to the political leaders, heads of parties and organizations, but I found them very far away from people and their interests. The most they cared about in life were positions and privileges, and the fight between them for these privileges.
There was a devastating civil war that lasted for 15 years, interests, and interests, and interests.
Tens of thousands of innocents died in that war… until party owners reached a formula to stop the war.
From that time on I hated politics and politicians. I found it was the worst job in the world…the further away from honesty… filled with lies, deception, and games. From it flows wars, destruction, devastation to people and countries…. Because it is a job of many interests. And interests are usually for a few people, the damages being paid by the innocent people…
If it was for me, I would have kept on writing, in this website, about children, flowers, and birds… and all the beautiful subjects that wouldn't upset the mood, or raise conflicts.
But the world we live in is flailing, moving towards falling… due to the policies of foolish men, who satisfy the interests of a small bunch. While the people of the world are sleeping…some are watching, and some are paying the price.
I see that we all are responsible…
Responsible in opening our eyes and minds to understand what is going on around us. To stop the evil ones in their trucks, and encourage the honest to accomplish what is in the best interests of the mass…
If we keep silent, or a sleep, it is as if we are accomplices in the works of the evil.
The world is a small village, and we want it filled with peace and security.
This is the responsibility of us all…
Today, the Municipality of Baghdad employees came, to remove all the encroaching in the streets, and ask the peddlers not to get in the streets in order to show their wares, and to use the sidewalks in a way that wouldn't disturb the pedestrians. They gave a time limit to those who built unauthorized temporary structures, to remove them as soon as possible. A while ago, some shooting occurred against the police by these people…some reinforcements came along, and they took the people who were shooting to the police station, arresting them, with all the necessary procedures.
Yes, these are very good news… we are with the Iraqi police, we want everyone who encroaches to understand that there is a state that checks upon him, and enforces the law. Everyone should understand that freedom doesn't mean overrunning other people's rights.
This gives us hope that the killings, kidnappings, and robberies would lessen, once there is a state that protects its citizens, and looks after them…
We welcome this state, support it, and with it build a new, strong Iraq.
And some time, if the Iraqis feel that this state is wasting their rights, and giving authority to a foreigner so he would be their leader,… well, then we shall have another word to say.
I wish the Iraqis would have the strength to stand up and say : no, when it is time to say so…
I wish they wouldn't remain asleep, or become like sheep…and so lose their rights, as was the case at Saddam's time.
I wish no painful history would repeat it self here, another time…

{translated by May....Baghdad}

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Good morning..
I am busy these days, so don`t worry if I didn`t put new pictures or posts in the next couple of days.
I will miss you all.

السبت 12 حزيران/ 2004
صباح الخير...
بغداد بخير...رغم الحزن , وغموض مصير العراق والعراقيين, لكننا لا نقطع الأمل بغد جميل مشرق...
لأنني لم أقطع الأمل بالعراقيين...
اتمنى أن يظلوا رمزا للشهامة وحب الوطن...والأ يناموا كما نام غيرهم...والأ يصيروا خرافا كما صار غيرهم..
فهم الأمل الذي تبقى لهذه الأمة المتعبة التي تكالب عليها الأعداء من كل الجهات...
سألني شاب أمريكي زارنا قبل أيام مع مجموعة من الشباب والشابات من اميركا واستراليا ونيوزلنده وآيرلنده
يعملون كناشطي سلام حول العالم...
كيف تتمني أن تري العراق بعد خمس سنوات من الآن...
اطرقت وفكرت....ثم قلت: اتمنى أن أراه حرا جميلا متطورا في كل شيء..
في مناهج التعليم في المدارس والجامعات, وفي طريقة تفكيرنا صوب الحياة... وفي كل شيء ,ولكن...
دون أن نفقد هويتنا ....مسلمين,أو عرب , أوعراقيين.
دون أن نفقد ثقافتنا وننسى تاريخنا...
لا نريد أن نذوب في خليط لا هوية له...
قلت لهم :انا مسلمة , وانتم مسيحيون أو بلا ديانة, لا يهمني...
لا مانع ان نكون اصدقاء, يحترم أحدنا الآخر, ويستمع اليه, دون أن نفقد الهوية ...
ثقافات وتاريخ واديان مختلفة...نبني عالما جميلا يسوده السلام والأمان.
لا حروب ولا أحقاد...ولا ندمر بعضنا...
هكذا اتمنى ان يكون العالم في السنوات القادمة...يعيشه اولادنا واحفادنا , مع اولادكم واحفادكم...
هذا الوفد أهدى ابني ماجد( سي دي )فيه أغاني للفرقة التي تغني للسلام...
مرسوم عليه طائرة بي 52 ترمي قلوب وحب على العالم...
وتذكرت البي 52 التي كانت ترمي الصواريخ على العراق في الحرب الأخيرة..
وكنا نسميها المحراث...لأنها تحرث الأرض وتدمر كل من عليها من بشر واشجار ومباني وآليات.
وحين كنا نستمع للأخبار اليومية , يقولون انطلقت طائرات بي 52 من قاعدة في اوروبا مثلا...
فكنا نضحك ونقول عدوا الساعات ستصل اليكم بعد ست ساعات أو ثمانية , وتبدأ الغارة.
وطبعا غاراتها كانت طوال الليل على مواقع الجيش العراقي...الذي تم سحقه بلا رحمة .
كنت اطبع قبل أيام يوميات الحرب من دفتري القديم..
ورأيت اننا منذ سقوط بغداد بدأنا نتمنى الأمان وننتظره...وعودة الماء والكهرباء..
وها نحن بعد أكثر من سنة, نتكلم ونطالب بنفس البنود , وكأن الزمن توقف وما عاد له معنى.
مطالب الناس بتوفير ابسط البنود للحياة اليومية أصبحت عسيرة؟
اليست هي الأولويات؟
لكن لم تكن كذلك حتى الآن...
لا من قبل مجلس الحكم, ولا من قبل قوات الإحتلال...
وطبعا ستسمع قصصا طويلة ومبررات كثيرة....
في الأسبوع الماضي, عندما اطلق سائق الدبابة النار على الطلاب في المقهى..
تألمت كثيرا حين سمعت القصة..لأنني أم , وأحسست بمقدار ألم امهاتهم وآبائهم..
واتصلت برائد, وسألته أن يساعدني على ايجاد اتصال مع اي منظمة تعنى بحقوق الإنسان لتقديم شكوى...
ثم عاد واتصل وقال : لا يوجد حاليا في العراق اية منظمة من هذه التي تسألين عنها..
خذي عنوان الموقع وحاولي الإتصال بهم...
فتحت الموقع ووجدت أن فيه تقارير عن تجاوزات قوات الإحتلال لحقوق الإنسان في العراق , لكن لا أحد يهتم
أو يتعاون في هذا الموضوع...
تذكرت انفجار مبنى الأمم المتحدة...ومقتل ممثل الأمين العام...واغلاق مكتب المنظمة وانسحاب الأعضاء العاملين الى عمان حتى اشعار آخر...
من له مصلحة بتفجير ذلك المكتب؟
ومن له مصلحة بإخراج الأمم المتحدة من العراق؟
هل هم حقا العراقيون؟
أشك في ذلك...كلنا نشك في ذلك.
هذه الأفعال يرتكبها أعداء العراقيين , الذين يملأون العراق الآن , من كافة الإنتماءات والجنسيات .
والعراقيون هم الخاسرون.
تدمير شبكات الكهرباء, واستهداف مراكز الشرطة والجيش الجديد, هذه افعال لا يرتكبها عراقيون شرفاء..
هذه يرتكبها مرتزقة يبتغون من ورائها أهدافا سياسية ....واساءة للشعب العراق, وتشويه لسمعته, ومبرر لسحب
الإستقلالية من يده, وتخويل جهات اجنبية بتملك القرارات الخاصة بالعراق...حتى اشعار أخر...
أما عن قرار مجلس الأمن حول الحكومة الإنتقالية ومجيء قوات متعددة الجنسيات الى العراق
فهو كلام جميل بظاهره, يمتليء بالغموض والأسئلة في باطنه..
ابقاء الحق للقوات الأجنبية باتخاذ ما يلزم لضبط الأمن ؟
هذه نقطة مثلا ستكون مبررا لكل عمليات عسكرية ستوقع ضحايا آخرين من مدنيين وغيرهم...
وسنظل في الرعب لأن ثمة قوات اجنبية تملك صلاحيات لا محدودة...
وتمسك يزمام الأمور....
وهذا يعني لا استقلال للدولة العراقية في المنظور القريب.
والصحف تمتليء بالحديث عن رئيس الحكومة اياد علاوي...
وتقارير عن كونه من السي آي أيه, وانه كان مسؤولا عن تنفيذ التفجيرات في العراق في عهد صدام...
لماذا يفضحون الرجل ويشوهون سمعته؟
هل هو حقا عميل سي آي أيه؟
وهل هذه القصص تسقط عنه النزاهة والكفاءة؟
ومن الذي جاء به واختاره رئيسا للحكومة؟
وهل هذه سياسة ابتزاز للرجل ليظل تحت السيطرة ولا يتمرد عليهم في المستقبل؟
وكيف سنحترمه ونثق به ؟
لست خبيرة سياسة ولا أحزاب...لكن التأمل والنظر لما يحدث, وتحليله, يعطي احتمالات منطقية .
الهندسة علمتني التفكير والتحليل لكل شيء في الحياة .
عندما ذهبت لبيروت مع عزام في بداية زواجي وتخرجي من الجامعة عام 1976, وعملت كمتطوعة لأعادة اعمار مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين , واعادة الماء والكهرباء اليهم, ومتطلبات الحياة الأخرى...
كنت في بداية العشرينات من عمري...
ونظرت الى القادة السياسيين, قادة الأحزاب والتنظيمات, فوجدتهم أبعد ما يكونوا عن الناس واهتماماتهم...
واشد ما يهمهم في الحياة , المناصب والإمتيازات, والقتال فيما بينهم من أجل تلك الإمتيازات...
وكان ثمة حرب أهلية طاحنة..استمرت لخمسة عشر سنة, مصالح ومصالح ومصالح...
مات في تلك الحرب عشرات الآلاف من الأبرياء....
حتى توصل أصحاب الأحزاب الى صيغة لتتوقف الحرب .
ومن تلك الأيام كرهت السياسة وأهل السياسة.
ووجدت انها اسوأ مهنة في العالم...
وانها ابعد ما تكون عن الصدق...
ففيها كذب ومكر والاعيب...
ومنها تأتي الحروب والخراب والدمار للشعوب والأوطان...لأنها مهنة مصالح ..
والمصالح عادة لفئة قليلة, والخسائر تدفعها فئات الشعب البريئة ...
لو كان الأمر بيدي, لبقيت أكتب في موقعي هذا عن الأطفال والزهور والعصافير...وكل المواضيع الجميلة التي
لا تعكر المزاج ...او تثير الخلافات...
لكن العالم الذي نعيشه, يتخبط, ويتجه نحو الهاوية...بفعل سياسات رجال حمقى, لا يعملون الا لمصالح فئة قليلة
وشعوب العالم تغط في نوم عميق...بعضها يتفرج , وبعضها يدفع الثمن.
وأرى اننا جميعا نتحمل المسؤولية....
نتحمل مسؤولية أن نفتح عيوننا وعقولنا لنفهم ما الذي يجري من حولنا..
لنوقف الشرير عند حده, ونشجع الشريف على انجاز ما فيه مصلحة المجموع من الخير...
ان نصمت أو ننام , فكأننا شاركنا الأشرار في اعمالهم...
العالم قرية صغيرة, نريد ان يسودها الأمن والسلام .
وهذه مسؤوليتنا جميعا....
اليوم جاءت امانة بغداد لترفع كل التجاوزات التي حصلت على الشوارع, والطلب من الباعة المتجولين بعدم النزول للشارع لعرض البضاعة, واستعمال الرصيف بطريقة لا تؤذي المشاة.
واعطاء مهلة للذين تجاوزا واقاموا منشآت مؤقتة غير مرخصة , بان يزيلوها بأسرع وقت ممكن..
وقبل قليل حدث اطلاق نار ضد الشرطة من بعض المتجاوزين...
وجاءت قوة اسناد, واخذوا الذين اطلقوا النار الى مركز الشرطة لتوقيفهم, واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة .
نعم ..هذه أخبار سارة جدا...
نحن مع الشرطة العراقية, ونريد أن يفهم كل من تجاوزأن ثمة دولة تسأله وتحاسبه...
ويفهم الجميع ان الحرية لا تعني التجاوز على حقوق الآخرين...
وهذا يعطينا املا بأن حوادث القتل والخطف والسرقات ستقل...عندما تكون ثمة دولة عراقية ترعى شؤون مواطنيها وتحميهم....
نرحب بها ونساندها, ونبني معها عراقا جديدا قويا...
وفي وقت ما , اذا أحس العراقيون أن هذه الدولة, تفرط في حقوقهم, وتعطي صلاحيات للأجنبي أن تكون له السيادة...فسيكون لكل حادث حديث....
اتمنى ان يكون للعراقيين قدرة للوقوف وقول كلمة : لا , حين يتطلب الموقف...
اتمنى أن لا يناموا أو يصبحوا كالخراف...فتضيع حقوقهم كما كان الحال ايام صدام...
اتمنى ان لا يعيد التاريخ المؤلم نفسه هنا....مرة أخرى .

Friday, June 11, 2004

Good afternoon again...
when I`m talking against America, or putting emails talking in the same direction..
it doesn`t mean I HATE American people...
NO, I don`t mean that..
I`m against the bad leaders , bad planning, bad policy...
and there is Americans who are thinking in this way...
it doesen`t mean they are not patriotic..
yes, I believe that good days had gone...and good leaders had gone
but we can still keep fighting to make beautiful life for all..
not just live as closed eyes humans..saying all the time that every thing is going perfect...
in fact we all know that is not true...
not every thing is going perfect..
there is cheating and lying and oppression...all over the world..
and we have to help each others..
we have to keep our minds opened, and our eyes..
thank you

Dear... mother?, (I dont know what else to call you--I dont know you well
enough to call you Faiza)

I apologize for my ill-mannered countrymen. We are a young nation, deep in
that awful time between childhhod and adulthood... You possibly remember
when your sons became 14, and they suddenly knew everything, and then became
contemptuous of those who didnt see like them... And became sullen and
sometimes violent when you pointed out problems in the way they think.
Maybe you were spared that experience of your children, but I'm sure youre
familiar with the way of thinking of the young, and the arrogant, and the
foolish, and the violent. Well, that's us. Sometimes I wonder if the dark
side of my country has obliterated what good qualities we have. But we do
have good qualities! I know it's hard to remember in days like these, but
we can be wildly creative, and loving, and original, and irreverent , and
self-mocking, and courageous, and kind... But it's true that at the moment
the America I love--the America of Mark Twain and John Coltrane and Benjamin
Franklin--feels as though it's being drowned in some poisonous lake.
Religious extremists, and lawyers and liars and the power-mad are speaking
the loudest these days--with their guns and radios and what I can only
describe as a hatred for life. But there are many like me, who hate the
haters, and we are fighting them. I know this must seem a kind of abstract
statement, and undoubtedly is a small consolation for the pain youre facing.
But I promise you that the mean-spirited and the violent are not the only
residents of the United States of America, and that those of us who remember
how to love are with you. I wish you peace, and hope, and promise you that
there are many many tens of millions of Americans who feel just as I do, and
we are fighting to remove this Bushy crop of life-haters from their position
of power before too long. It's a difficult battle, because the simple
language of hate and destruction is seductive to so many, and the more
difficult path of love and understanding is so demanding. But we are
fighting, many more of us than you or I can dream. This is a fight that
sensible people of every nation and creed are fighting, and must fight, as
the forces of darkness and hatred emerge to their full height around the
world--The forces of greed, and bigotry, and self-righteousness, and fear.
Together--you, me, open-thinking people the world over-- we will defeat
them, the haters, and together, maybe we can make a world where our children
will know peace.

Thank you for your courage and kindness and honesty, and I salute you


Los Angeles, CA

Good afternoon...
well, I was busy in the last two days..
reading the emails I had received from my readers..
it was about 90 email, and most of them were long..
so, I have to read and understand the point of view, then most of the times I made reply..
I want to keep this strong relation between my readers and me..
even the angry one , I have to answer him, I try to make friends not enemies
and I believe we are all the same, and we have to work hard and hard to minimize
the gap between our people and others...

about Raed and his CIVIC NGO...
yes, it was realy hard days...
I wrote a blog about those days, in March
but no body helped me in translation..
so, I`ll put it again in arabic and english , just to give you an idea about how
we lived that days...
and I`m going to write my new blog..
I feel happy , I have lot of friends...even we have different ways of thinking ..
but that is better than being selfish or close-minded..
yes, you could help me, and may be I can help you..
to have the real face of truth, about what is happening in the world...
it`s our small world..
our children, and grandchildren world...
we hope they `ll live in peace and stability...
no more more innocent victimes..

Thursday, June 10, 2004

hi, this is Raed,

I would like to thank my great American friend, Michael Richardson, a writer and graphic designer from Northampton, MA, USA, for his great effort, and for the time he spent designing the IRAQI CIVILIAN WAR CASUALTIES website. Michael emailed me some weeks ago offering to help me complete this great humanitarian job that started one year ago.

I was the country director of the first (and maybe only) door-to-door civilian casualties survey. Marla Ruzika was my American partner, the fund raiser, and the general director of CIVIC. Unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to publish the final results until now.

I decided to publish my copy of the final results of the Iraqi civilian casualties in Baghdad and the south of Iraq on the 9th of this month in respect to the big effort of the 150 volunteers who worked with me and spent weeks of hard work under the hot sun of the summer, in respect for Majid my brother who spent weeks arranging the data entry process, and in respect to the innocent souls of those who died because of irresponsible political decisions.

Thousands were killed and injured.

Each one of these thousands has a life, memories, hopes. Each one had his moments of sadness, moments of joy and moments of love.

In respect to their sacred memory, I would appreciate it if you could spend some minutes reading the database file when I publish them, read their names, and their personal details, and think about them as human beings, friends, and relatives -- not mere figures and numbers.

I led the volunteers in their work in Baghdad, and the nine cities of the south: Karbala, Hilla, Najaf, Diwanyya, Simawa, Nasryya, Basra, Kut and Amara through my weekly visits. I went to the north for a couple of times, and arranged some smaller-scale surveys.

The survey teams were from the local areas: I made sure to create homogenous groups that reflected the ethnical, religious and gender ratios of the targeted regions. And I designed the survey form, all of which relied on my scientific background I gained from my M.Sc. researches, and relied on the very cooperative spirits of the volunteers and of the Iraqi families. We preferred not to include the military casualties to give our survey a civilian perspective.
Civilian: everyone killed outside the battlefield, even if his original job was military (e.g. a soldier killed in his house is a civilian). Military: everyone killed while fighting in a battle, even if his original job was a civic one (e.g. an engineer killed while fighting as a Fidaee) We had primitive and simple tools of research, yet I believe our survey is creditable and accountable.

Thank you again Michael, it wouldn’t be possible to announce this survey without your magnificent work.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Good morning...
I have got 52 emails this morning in my mailbox...
I really have no time to read them all today...but I checked some of them, they were as usual, some from angry Americans... and some encouraging emails... fortunately, no more poisoned emails, thank God...
I noticed that when any Iraqi blogger writes agaist saddam and his days, or against
baath party, the Americans become very happy to read that...
and if the same blogger starts to write agaist the policy of America in Iraq, those same americans become angry and start sending him hate mails, and tell him that they`ll not read his blogs anymore.
well, that`s realy sad.
it means they are like Saddam... have one and only one point of view, and if you make an become the enemy.
for that, I started to think that freedom and democracy is a lie...
even for the people living in western countries... they also have the same rude way in thinking or judging things...
I feel sad and disappointed because of that...
That gap means we need decades to understand each others...
Anyway, I`ll wait, may be the change is coming soon, and the gap will be vanished...


as I mentioned in my last blog...removing the wall between the airport highway, and the residential areas around it, will bring more violence, and hurts more civilians.
today morning, somebody launched several RPGs against a US convoy that was heading to the airport.
my fear is, that the US forces will face the Iraqi resistance in those areas next times, by shooting back in dense, which means more victims of Iraqi civilians.

I will write a blog tomorrow about the new UN resolution about Iraq.
now i will go and take care of my sweet innocent lovely children.
hope you nice day.....

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Good morning...
this is one of the emails I have received this morning...
thank you my dear friend...

America took over your nation because they want what belongs to you and your
children. The believe they have some devine right to own you and your
natural resources. America's democracy is as authentic as the one you are
about to have imposed on your country. Americans are as delusional about the
realities of their own political system as they are about your culture and
customs. They are brainwashed by a giant media system that feeds them lie
after lie. CNN is known around the world as nothing more than another
American Rag Magazine.

Saddam was a horrible dictator, but there are many of those throughout the
world that America won't touch. Why? Because there is no profit in it. The
oil benieth your soil is motive enough for America to kill your children and
dominate your nation under a guise of lies. Your nation will be drenched in
the same pathetic propaganda that dominates the minds and souls of millions
of westerners. I live in Canada, and we have the same problem. Children grow
up absorbing the American media, and begin to think like them.

America did not enter your country to save your people, they don't show the
death and destruction they have caused in their newspapers or on their TVs.
This is done so Americans will believe what they are doing is GOOD. It all
comes down to money. The American media told the people that your nation was
responsible for the attacks on their twin towers, and that Saddam had
weapons that threatened Americans. That was enough for them to support the
take-over you now live under. Money does all the talking in America. That is
what you must understand about Western Civilization. We are very sick. And
we are continuing to poison the minds of millions of people around the
world. Brainwashing people into thinking Soda Pops are "Cool", or that you
need 1,000 ring tones on your cell phone to be happy. It all comes down to
money and things, not people like you. Americans don't know that Iraqi
people are good people and normal. They have been taught that you are
"savages" and "uncivilized". Educated people who don't listen to propaganda
know this isn't true, but we are few and far between.

I am sorry you are caught in this web of lies.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Saturday, 5th. June, 2004

Good evening… It is now the afternoon in Baghdad, the weather is hot, the electricity is off, only the generator is buzzing outside…
We are looking for some good news… and who wouldn't want to hear the good news?? But unfortunately, looking for it is very hard these days…
Today I saw some workers of the Municipality of Baghdad painting the street curbs in black and yellow. I stood by one and asked if he would be here tomorrow, for I want to take a photograph of you?
He laughed and asked: Are you a journalist? I laughed but didn't answer.
He said: You might find me tomorrow, or you might not, for we are supposed to work on many sites in Baghdad, far fetched from each other.
I do hope I would see him again, so that I would put his photo on the site.
Just imagine how frustrating our lives are, making us feel happy by the mere sight of painted curbs in the street. It is a very small matter, but to our lives, our many disappointments, we find it a good start to the accomplishments we hope will grow and show-up, so that we could rebuild our cities, our lives, and our souls… all over again.
When I got back from work, tired and hungry, I found the airport road closed, so I was stuck in the traffic jam, the car fumes, the loud air horns of trucks, the shouting of pedestrian salesmen, and, the terrible heat…
I finally got home an hour late, after so much torture, where I lost my appetite. I knew after I got home, by reading the subtitles on T.V., that a Land cruse convoy was attacked while passing through the air port road, and some of the cars were burned. These are almost daily occurrences, and you can't imagine the size of the jam in the streets around the high-way that has been closed. I am seriously thinking now of leaving this house and looking for a new one in another area, safer and closer to my work. It will be summer soon, and I can't put up with the heat, and this daily ordeal…
Between the airport road and the residential areas surrounding it, there was a cement-block wall built during the 1980's. Two days ago, the American military shovels hit that wall, and destroyed parts of it. The people came, along with many trucks, pick-ups, even small cars, and carried the blocks away to other places, for sell or personal use, for it belonged to no-one now…
Why did they demolish a wall a few kilometers long??
Because some people hide behind it and shoot the coalition troops, through small gaps in the wall, while they wouldn't be able to shoot back.
Now, the whole area is clear, and anyone aiming at them, will be shot at, randomly… even on the residential area, so, let civilians die, or get wounded, let houses be damaged. We might even see on newspapers, the picture of a woman, crying, mourning a dead family member, or a demolished house…
A few days ago, after the declaration of the new government, there were some students studying at an old café’ overlooking the river Tigris, at the Al-Karkh district, called Al-Bayruti café’… every year, Khalid and his friends go to study there, where they gather, and stay late at night. Usually students from poor familes go there, because they don’t have generators at home. And as the café’ has one, it means providing them with electricity, cold water, tea, coffee, and light to study till morning. This year, I have forbidden Khalid from going there, because it was very far away, and the situation unstable.
Last Wednesday night, some students were there, studying, around 10 p.m., and there was a American tank standing in the street near the café’. There are some large gardens, with heavy shrubs and palm trees on the opposite side, from which a missile was fired upon the tank. The soldier turned around, and opened fire on the café’, killing some students, and wounding some more. A part of the café’ was destroyed.
Funiral parlors were set up at the victims houses the next day…. So, instead of going to the exam halls, these innocent people went to early graves….
The question is : who is responsible about such conduct? And to whome the victim’s relatives would complain?
The American soldier would kill any Iraqi civilian in front of him, as revenge from those who bother him, and shoot upon him.
The Iraqi people always pay the price…
The American media always say that this soldier has come all this way to sacrifice his life for Iraq and the Iraqis.
Oh, yes… I believe that completely, as I see and hear, and as all the Iraqis believe with me…
The truth is : the Iraqi is paying his life for the American.
A hundred victims for one American. As was the case in Fallouja.
How many hundreds of Iraqis died, paying the price of the foolishness of a few? Why are we the cheapest item in the bargin? Bush and America would feel sad when they recive the body of an American soldier who died in Iraq. What about us??? What do we do about the bodies of our victims?????
It is as if the coalition forces are telling the Iraqis: we will keep on killing you, wounding you, and destroying your houses as long as you resist us. As for the explosions that kill Iraqi victims, Ah, well…, we don’t know who is responsible for them. But their only result is more dead and wounded Iraqis.
The criminal is always un - known….
His identity, and intentions,…. Un-known.
As long as there is an occupying force, the situation will remain complicated, and unsafe…
As quick as these forces withdraw to the outskirts of cities, then outside the cities, then outside of Iraq as a whole, as it would be possible to provide safty and quietness…
And if we ask an innocent question: what is a tank doing inside a residential area??? Waiting, for a bullet or a missile, shot by an un-known, to kill the residents and destroy their houses???
There is a lot of un- necessary foolishness and stubbornness from the coalition forces side. And only the Iraqis pay the price of another’s foolishness…
We do not suppose these forces are there to monitor a night- time watch, for the civilians…
For such a watch could be arranged by the residents themselves, to protect their neighbourhoods, and that’s a small solution to the problem.
A strong Iraqi government, with a wide sovereignty…
A strong Iraqi army, with enough personals and equipment… so with an Iraqi police force ….
This is what Iraq and the Iraqis need… so; whoever wants to help in that, please…go ahead…
The path is clear … the goal is clear…
We don't need any occupation force… killing our youth and children, stepping on the streets of our cities without mercy, crossing over the curbs without any kind of respect to our feelings. If it would have been an Iraqi soldier doing this, we would have said: where did this idiot come from? We would have found somewhere to complain against him. But, this is an American soldier, above questioning and complaints.
And … they say he came to die for you??
Well, thank you, we don’t want you, nor want you to die for us…
Go home in peace…
And let us posses the chance to live peacefully, as all other nations on earth…
Bush is in Europe today, in France and Italy.
He says the forces will remain in Iraq, by consent of the temporary government.
This government will remain in office untill the end of the American elections. This government, on which Bush is placing, bets, to give him a recommendation. To declear that he has accomplished the task of the American forces in Iraq in the best possible way.
While we, the Iraqi people, want this government to achive all that is good to the people.
We want independence as soon as possible… we want the occupying forces out of our lands.
It is clear that Bush is in agreement with the temporary Iraqi government to let the forces remain in Iraq indefinetly. So he would accomplish the political goals of his own, to save himself from a dark future.
We, on the other hand, want to raise banners saying: Thank you, America, for throwing Saddam Hussain off. Then, we turn the banner to the other side, and read: Get your forces out of Iraq. There is nothing to gain by staying, except Bush’s political interests.
I wish a popular movement would start among Iraqis in this direction. I wish I would be a part of it, and with me all those who love Iraq and the Iraqis…
It is time to be independent, and build our own beautiful country…
A new free independent Iraq..
One hand…one heart…one Iraq
Built by Iraqis, suni, shiaa’, Arabs, kurds, Turkmen, Muslims, Christians, and Baptists…
{translated by May, Baghdad}
good morning...
I have received many strange emails recently that made me feel confused..
I`ll paste one of them, please read it with me...
and please send me an explanation about it...
does the western media tell you these lies about our life?
do you actually believe that Bush's coming to Iraq will bring civilization?
did your media tell you that Iraqis were living in tents and were riding camels?
and do you really think that girls did not go to schools, until the occupation forces entered Iraq, and gave us the freedom to read and learn?
that`s really funny...and really stupid.
I really have to write a long blog about Iraq history, and lives of Iraqis before the war.

thousands of years ago, when nations were new born, Iraq was the leader of the civilization on earth... Iraqis invented the writing, the first wheel, the stamps, and a list of an endless inventions and achievements.

and in beginning of the 20th century, there was not much difference... my engineering college was established at 1936
and even in that time, girls and boys attended schools, and women and men attended universities to study.

is there any updated information about Iraq's culture and life in public libraries or in universities?? does the western media gives any information about life and culture of Iraq in the past 50 years?

who is telling all those lies about Iraqis, Arabs, and Muslims?

who is disfiguring our reputation? and why?

send me an answer if you have...or let the question go around the universe.


Dear Faiza,
I want to thank you for your blog. It's good to hear your "voice" as a mother, a business owner and a woman in Iraq.
I have been reading Iraqi blogs since a few months into the war.
(I even bought Raed's book!)
At first, some of my co-workers insisted they were all fakes or
propaganda. These are the same people who thing George Bush is a good speaker ... sure, if you don't listen to him, but only read the cleaned-up version of what he supposedly meant to say!
Every time I hear of another explosion in Baghdad I have to check on you and the others to be sure you're OK. Even though you don't know me, I feel it's almost like I have distant relatives there. I worry about you, your family, Riverbend, etc.
I work for a newspaper, and the letters to the editor are almost funny if they weren't arguing about something so sad.
One writer criticized the U.S. for destroying schools, hospitals, power stations, water systems, etc. Another wrote back that the first writer must apologize to the troops "trying to free the people."
He also says these are the improvements the U.S. has made in Iraq:
"Electricity at a higher level and more reliable, clean fresh water more abundant, more schools open with more and better supplies, more hospitals open and supplied with medications and operating rooms. All this is better than were available after 35 years under Saddam."
As one who lives there, would you say this is true?
Another popular letter that seems to be copied a lot is this list:
"- Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time ever in Iraq.
- Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations.
- Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of the weapons that were stored there so education can occur.
- The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be offloaded from ships faster.
- School attendance is up 80 percent from levels before the war.
- The country had its first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August.
- The country now receives 2 times the electrical power it did before the war.
- 100 percent of the hospitals are open and fully staffed compared to 35 percent before the war.
- Elections are taking place in every major city and city councils are in place.
- Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city.
- Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
- Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing the country.
- Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets side by side with US soldiers.
- Over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever.
- Students are taught field sanitation and hand washing techniques to prevent the spread of germs.
- An interim constitution has been signed.
- Girls are allowed to attend school for the first time ever in Iraq.
- Text books that don't mention Saddam are in the schools for the first time in 30 years."
I think it's amazing that you became an engineer without ever being allowed to attend school! Ha!
I'm sorry this letter is so long. I hope you have time to read it.
Please keep writing; we need to hear your unique voice.

Mary Lutz, from Fort Ann (small town in the mountains in New York State)

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Good morning..
I have put new pictures for the link ....
and new post here..
tomorrow I`ll put the translation inshalla...
hope you all nice day.
السبت 5 حزيران
مساء الخير...
الوقت الآن عصرا في بغداد...الجو حار , والكهرباء مقطوعة, والمولدة تدور في الخارج..
ونبحث عن الأخبار السارة...
من لا يحب سماع الأخبار السارة؟
ولكن للأسف , ابحث عنها بصعوبة في ايامنا هذه...
رأيت عمالا من أمانة بغداد يصبغون أطراف الأرصفة باللون الأصفر والأسود...
توقفت عنده وسألته, هل ستأتي غدا ؟
اريد أن التقط لك صورة...
ضحك العامل وتساءل, هل انت صحفية؟
ضحكت ولم اجب...
قال ربما تجديني غدا أو لا...مطلوب منا تنفيذ مواقع معينة في بغداد, ومتباعدة عن بعضها...
اتمنى أن اراه ثانية...لأضع الصورة على الموقع...
تصوروا مقدار الإحباط الذي نعيشه, والذي يجعلنا نفرح لمجرد رؤية طلاء الرصيف في الشارع..
هو موضوع تافه , لكنه بالنسبة لحياتنا واحباطاتنا, نجده بداية انجازات نتمنى ان تكبر وتظهر,
لتعيد بناء مدننا وحياتنا ونفوسنا....من جديد .
عندما عدت من العمل , متعبة وجائعة, وجدت طريق المطار مغلقا, وعلقت في الإزدحام ودخان السيارات
والأبواق الهوائية للشاحنات, وصراخ الباعة المتجولين, والحر الشديد...
ووصلت البيت بعد ساعة من العذاب حيث فقدت شهيتي للغداء...
وعرفت بعد وصولي , ومن قراءة السبتايتل على التلفزيون, ان قافلة سيارات لاند كروزر تمر عبر طريق المطار , قد تعرضت لإعتداء, واحترق عدد منها....
هذه حوادث شبه يومية...
ولا يوصف الإزدحام في الشوارع حول الطريق السريع الذي تم اغلاقه....
افكر جديا في ترك هذا البيت والبحث عن بيت في منطقة أخرى, اكثر أمانا, وأقرب الى محل عملي...
سيأتي الصيف والجو الحار ولا أحتمل هذا العذاب اليومي...
بين طريق المطار والمناطق السكنية المحيطة به, يوجد جدار من البلوك الإسمنتي تم بناءه منذ الثمانينات,
وقبل يومين تقدمت الجرافات العسكرية الأمريكية , وضربته, وهدمت اجزاء منه, فجاء الأهالي , وجاءت شاحنات وبكبات وسيارات صغيرة, وتم نقله الى اماكن اخرى للبيع أو الإستعمال الشخصي لبعض الناس,
حيث اصبح مثل مشاع للجميع...
لماذا هدم الحائط الذي طوله عدة كيلومترات؟
لأنه يوجد من يختبيء خلفه ويستهدف قوات التحالف من فتحة صغيرة, فلا يقدروا على الرد عليه...
الآن , المنطقة اصبحت مكشوفة كلها, والذي يستهدفهم, سيطلقون النار عشوائيا ضده, وعلى الأحياء السكنية
فيموت من يموت, ويجرح من يجرح, وتنهدم البيوت, وربما طلعت على الصحف صورة امرأة تبكي أحد أفراد عائلتها الذي قتل , أو بيتها الذي تهدم .....
قبل أيام, اي بعد اعلان الحكومة الجديدة, كان ثمة طلاب يدرسون في مقهى قديم يقع على نهر دجلة,
جهة الكرخ, اسمه مقهى البيروتي...
كل سنة يذهب خالد واصدقاؤه للدراسة هناك, حيث يجتمعون , ويبقون لوقت متأخر في المقهى...
ويلجأ اليه عادة الطلاب من الطبقات الفقيرة الذين لا يملكون مولدات في بيوتهم....
في المقهى مولدة, يعني كهرباء وماء بارد وشاي وقهوة ودراسة حتى الصباح...
هذه السنة منعت خالد من الذهاب لأن الأجواء غير آمنه, والمسافة بعيدة...
مساء الأربعاء الماضي, كان الطلاب يدرسون, والوقت ليلا, بعد العاشرة مساء..
ثمة دبابة امريكية تقف في الشارع...قريبة من المقهى..
وثمة بساتين في الجهة المقابلة...جاءت منها قذيفة صوب الدبابة....
فاستدار الجندي , واشعل النيران صوب المقهى وقتل من الطلاب عددا , وجرح منهم عددا آخر...
وتهدم جزء من المقهى...
واقيمت بيوت العزاء في بيوت الضحايا صباح اليوم التالي...
بدل الذهاب لقاعة الإمتحان...ذهبوا للقبور...
السؤال هو..
من المسؤول عن هذه التصرفات؟
ولمن يلجأ أهالي الضحايا بالشكوى؟؟
الجندي الأمريكي , يقتل اي مدني عراقي امامه, لينتقم ممن ازعجه وأطلق عليه قذيفة..
العراقيون يدفعون الثمن دائما...
وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية تقول ان هذا الجندي جاء ليضحي بحياته من اجل العراق والعراقيين...
نعم اصدق هذا تماما...كما ارى واسمع...وكما يصدق العراقيون معي..
والحقيقة ان العراقي يدفع حياته ثمنا ليعيش الأمريكي...
بل مئات من الضحايا من اجل واحد...
كما حدث في الفلوجة؟
كم مئة من العراقيين ماتوا ليدفعوا ثمن حماقة فئة قليلة؟
ولماذا نحن البند الرخيص في الصفقة...وبوش وأميركا تتألم حين يدخلها نعش جندي أميركي مات في العراق
ونحن...ما نفعل بنعوش ضحايانا؟؟
كأن قوات التحالف تقول للعراقيين , سنظل نقتلكم ونجرحكم ونهدم بيوتكم ما دام فيكم من يقاوم..
أما التفجيرات التي يذهب ضحاياها من العراقيين , فلا نعلم من هو المسؤول عنها..
لكنها بالنتيجة...مزيد من القتلى والجرحى العراقيين...
والفاعل دائما مجهول...
مجهول النية والهوية..
ما دام هنالك قوات احتلال, سيظل الوضع معقدا وغير آمن...
كلما كان هنالك سرعة بسحب هذه القوات الى أطراف المدن, ثم خارجها...ثم خارج العراق..
كلما امكن توفير الهدوء والأمان..
سؤال بريء: ماذا تفعل الدبابة بين الأحياء السكنية؟؟
تنتظر طلقة او قذيفة, تطلق من مجهول, لتقتل اهل الحي وتهدم بيوتهم؟
ثمة حماقة وعناد لا مبرر له....من قوات التحالف
والعراقيون وحدهم يدفعون ثمن حماقات غيرهم....
لا تظن ان هذه القوات تقوم بحراسات ليلية للأهالي..
ممكن اقامة حراسات ليلية من ابناء المنطقة لحمايتها...هذا حل صغير للمشكلة .
حكومة عراقية قوية ذات سلطات واسعة...
وجيش عراقي قوي بمعدات وافراد.. وكذلك شرطة عراقية
هذا ما يحتاجه العراق والعراقيون....
فمن يريد المساعدة, يتفضل ...
الطريق واضح...والهدف واضح...
ولا نريد قوات احتلال...
تهدم بيوتنا...وتقتل شبابنا واطفالنا, وتدوس شوارع مدننا بلا رحمة, تعبر فوق الأرصفة بلا احترام لمشاعرنا..
لو كان الذي يفعل هذا جندي عراقي لقلنا من اين جاء هذا الغبي الذي لا يفهم ؟؟
ولوجدنا مكانا نشتكي ضده...
لكنه جندي امريكي...فوق مستوى السؤال والمحاسبة...
ويقولون انه جاء ليموت من اجلكم...
شكرا, لا نريدك, ولا نريد ان تموت من اجلنا...
ارجع الى بلدك بسلام...
ودعنا نملك فرصة العيش بسلام , كغيرنا من شعوب الأرض ....
بوش اليوم في اوروبا...في فرنسا وايطاليا.
يقول ان القوات ستظل في العراق برضى الحكومة المؤقتة..
هذه الحكومة التي ستظل حتى تنجز الإنتخابات الأمريكية
هذه الحكومة التي يراهن بوش عليها لتعطيه التزكية..
لتقول انه انجز مهمة القوات الأمريكية في العراق تماما بأحسن شكل...
بينما نحن الشعب العراقي نريد من هذه الحكومة ان تنجز ما فيه الخير للعراقيين..
ونريد الإستقلال بأسرع وقت ممكن..
ونريد خروج قوات الإحتلال من أراضينا....
وواضح ان بوش متفق مع الحكومة العراقية المؤقتة على بقاء القوات حتى أجل غير مسمى...
ليتم تحقيق أهداف سياسية تهمه وتنقذه من مصير مظلم...
ونحن نريد ان نرفع لافتات تقول : شكرا لأمريكا لأنها أسقطت صدام حسين...
ثم نقلب اللافته, ونقرأ : اخرجوا قواتكم من العراق, فلا فائدة من بقائها سوى خدمة مصالح سياسية لبوش.
اتمنى ان تبدا حركة شعبية من العراقيين بهذا الإتجاه...
واتمنى أن أشارك فيها...ويشارك معي كل من يحب العراق والعراقيين...
آن الأوان ان نستقل ونبني وطننا الجميل...
عراقا جديدا حرا مستقلا...
يد واحدة...قلب واحد....عراق واحد...
يبنيه عراقيون,من سنة وشيعة, وعرب وأكراد وتركمان, ومسلم ومسيحي وصابئي...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Wednesday, 2nd. June, 2004

Good morning…
The weather is nice, the garden is green, and still has some flowers, which will probably disappear with the approaching heat, by mid-summer season.
The generator is roaring outside, the electricity is going off for long, annoying hours, while the temperature these days goes up to 38-40 degrees. We do hope electricity gets better before heat escalates to a degree of 50 C.
Today secondary schools students all over Iraq start their finals…, these exams are very important, deciding the future of the students, and decides which collages would accept them. Majid went to school early. I wish him and all the boys his age God's safe keeping from explosives, and the best possible success in their exams, Amen.
Collage students also have exams these days, so Khalid spends the night with his fellow students, keeping the generator on till morning… I wish them a prospering success.
Raid is in Amman, busy with his Masters Degree, his presentation should be in two months time, he is very busy, and I wish him the best of success.
My mind is very tense and preoccupied, thinking of them, worried about them… I pray for them and all Iraqi students, I wish the hearts of all mothers and fathers to be joyous and happy for the success and well-being of their children... Amen.
Today I have my final exams at the American language institute. I have some worries and anxieties, pushing me back to the memories and fears of my school days. We students feel sad because our teachers will be leaving to America for the summer holidays. There will be a small party after the exams, and, by God's will, we'll be taking some photographs.
We do not see these people as we see the occupying force... those people are civilians, risking their lives to help Iraqis, we have mingled with them, known them closely, and they have known us... we no longer have barriers between us. As for the occupation forces, we keep as far away from them as possible, for the matter is different here. It is a matter of politics, interests, armies, bullets, tanks, and things much more complicated … differences of opinions, and a soldier from the occupying force who would shoot me by mistake, then give account to no one for it.
How can I believe he is my friend?? Or that he is here to help me???
Yesterday, the new government was announced, a President and Vice-presidents, the Priminister, and the Ministers. Of course, we feel happy for such an accomplishment, but also feel worried, for what the coming days would bring, thinking of what this government would accomplish of good deeds to Iraqis.
This is the important question.
What authorities dose this government have in possession to re-build the country??
Do they have a budget to implement the re-building program?
This is what concerns us in the entire subject…
This government has a period of time, the coming months till the end of 2004, until they prepare a new national assembly, elections, and a new government.
How shall we spend these six months?
Would they be spent as was the case of the late Governing Council? Without neither authorities nor achievements?
We want to feel that there is a state that has some dignity, that the streets would be free of litter, traffic policemen present to ease traffic-jams, policemen to provide security, prevent killings and kidnappings. We want to see a clear movement of re-construction, employment provided to Iraqis, the infrastructure re-habilitated; (water supply, electricity, communications, …etc), and, we want to see officials and ministers who care for the happiness and well-being of the Iraqi citizen, not the happiness and well-being of themselves, and those whom they care about.
The Iraqi people are sick of the injustice, the lying, and the corruption of state management..
We want to see a new Iraqi leadership, one that feels responsible towards the country and its people, dedicated to the nation…
And the leadership always sets the good example to the people…promoting them to do every thing that is good, sincere, and dedicated to their country…
We wish all the beautiful, good things to Iraq and the Iraqis …
We wait to see, for we have months, then years to work, to re-build….
As for the occupation forces, the earlier they would leave Iraq, the better for the Iraqi people and their unity…
The majority looks upon the Americans as an occupying force, refusing to deal with them…
But there is a minority that sees them as a liberation force, wishing that they would stay.
But I see that if they stay, they will be a reason to divide the Iraqis, which is not in our favor… their staying will give a reason to more violence and more bombings… because they still maintain the strong hand that kills and detains.
And they usually enlist some dumb Iraqis, who give them information about other Iraqis, so they would be detained, exactly as Saddam Hessian used to do…
There is no reason why an Iraqi would become an enemy of another Iraqi…
Iraqis are brothers, and there must be a common dialog among them…
They all love Iraq, and want the best for it; so, they must find dialog channels among them. The presence of a foreigner would only cause a rift between them, no matter how beautiful the reasons were, there is no need for him to stay…
Iraq has leaders among its people, and there are those who implement and work. If ever there was the need for a foreign expert in a certain subject, it's O.K., but the Iraqi is the original countryman, so he is supposed to behave in the best interests of his country and people. If he misbehaves, he gets changed by a better Iraqi … this is how I understand matters… as would any one who loves his country, and wishes for its independence.
In our hearts and memories there are old stories about imperialism that make us feel anxious about any presence of foreign forces on our land…

The alternative is to establish a strong Iraqi army, a strong Iraqi police force, and a strong Iraqi state, with real sovereignty…
And as the time passes, the people will learn to distinguish between the sincere leaders, and choose them.
The experiences of nations are very much like those of people; they make errors, and learn. So, it is imperative to get to the truth of matters, distinguishing true from false, at the end.
I wish all the good to Iraq and the Iraqis …
I wish they would join themselves in one word, for that is where their force would be…

{translated by May.. Baghdad,Iraq}

Good morning...
I have put new pictures from Baghdad..
and tomorrow inshalla, I`ll put new arabic lesson
and the translation of the last post
wish you all nice day..

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Good morning...
I have put new pictures from souvenir shops, I wish you`ll like it .
and nobody is going to steal it ,and makes money from them...
if so , plez send me the money to give it for poor Iraqi families...
hope you nice beautiful day...

الأربعاء 2/6
صباح الخير...
الجو لطيف , والحديقة خضراء, وما زال فيها بعض الورود, ربما ستختفي مع اقتراب موسم الصيف وشدة الحرارة...
المولدة تدور في الخارج, الكهرباء عادت لتنقطع لساعات طويلة مملة, ودرجات الحرارة تتراوح بين 38-40 مئوية هذه الأيام...
نتمنى ان تتحسن الكهرباء قبل اشتداد الحر وارتفاع الحرارة الى 50 درجة مئوية...
اليوم تبدأ الإمتحانات النهائية للمدارس الإعدادية في كل العراق..
هذه امتحانات مهمة وتحدد مستقبل الطلاب والكليات التي سيدخلونها...
ماجد خرج مبكرا للمدرسة, اتمنى له ولكل الأولاد من عمره , ان يحفظهم الله من التفجيرات
ويوفقهم في تأدية امتحاناتهم على افضل وجه...آمين.
طلاب الجامعات ايضا هذه الأيام امتحاناتهم, خالد يقضي الليل مع اصدقائه في الدراسة والمولدة تظل تدور حتى الصباح... اتمنى لهم النجاح والتوفيق.
رائد في عمان مشغول في انهاء متطلبات دراسته في الماستر..موعده لتقديم الرسالة بعد شهرين , وهو مشغول جدا ...اتمنى له النجاح...
اعصابي متعبة من التفكبر بهم والقلق عليهم...
ادعو لهم ولكل الطلاب العراقيين , واتمنى ان تفرح قلوب كل الأمهات والآباء بنجاح اولادهم وحفظهم من كل سوء...آمين.
واليوم عندي امتحان نهائي في المعهد الأمريكي للغات.
عندي قلق وخوف, ارجعني الى ذكريات ورعب ايام الدراسة والإمتحانات..
وعندنا حزن نحن الطالبات على فراق المدرسين والمدرسات حيث سيسافرون الى امريكا لقضاء اجازتهم الصيفية...
ستكون هنالك حفلة صغيرة بعد الإمتحان, وسوف نلتقط صورا تذكارية ان شاء الله.
هؤلاء لا ننظر اليهم كما ننظر لقوات الإحتلال..
هؤلاء اناس مدنيون يخاطرون بحياتهم من اجل تقديم فائدة للعراقيين...واختلطنا بهم وعرفناهم عن قرب ,وعرفونا , وما عادت بيننا حواجز...
اما قوات الإحتلال...فنبتعد عنهم ما امكن , حيث ان المعادلة مختلفة, هنا سياسة ومصالح, وجيش ورصاص ودبابات , وامور اكثر
تعقيدا...واختلافات في وجهات النظر
وجندي من قوات الإحتلال يمكنه ان يقتلني بالخطأ
ولا أحد يحاسبه
فكيف اصدق انه صديقي؟
أو انه جاء من أجلي
وبالأمس اعلنت الحكومة العراقية الجديدة, الرئيس والنواب, ورئيس الوزراء والوزراء...
طبعا كلنا يفرح حين يرى هذا الإنجاز...
لكن القلق والتفكير بما ستحمله الأيام...وبما ستحققه هذه الحكومة من انجازات مفيدة للعراقيين
هذا هو السؤال المهم...
ماذا تملك هذه الحكومة من صلاحيات اعادة اعمار البلاد.؟
وهل لديها موازنة لتطبيق برنامج الإعمار؟
هذا ما يهمنا من كل الكلام...
لهذه الحكومة فترة الشهور القادمة , حتى نهاية 2004
حتى التحضير لمجلس وطني جديد وانتخابات...وحكومة جديدة...
كيف سنقضي هذه الشهور السته؟
هل ستمر كسابقاتها مع مجلس الحكم, بلا صلاحيات بلا انجاز؟
نريد ان نحس ان ثمة دولة لها هيبة, وان الشوارع نظيفة من القمامة, وشرطة المرور يتوفرون بكثافة لتخفيف الإزدحامات في الشوارع...والشرطة العادية موجودة بكثافة لتوفير الأمان في المدن لتقليل حوادث الخطف والقتل ...ونريد ان نرى حركة اعادة البناء تجري وفرص العمل تتوفر للعراقيين, والبنية التحتية يعاد تصليحها (ماء وكهرباء واتصالات)...
ونريد ان نرى مسؤولين ووزراء يسعون لراحة وسعادة الإنسان العراقي...لا راحة وسعادة انفسهم ومن يحبون...
العراقيون تعبوا من الظلم والكذب وفساد ادارة الدولة...
نريد ان نرى قيادة عراقية جديدة , تشعر بالمسؤولية تجاه وطنها وشعبها, وتتفانى في الإخلاص...
والقيادة دائما هي القدوة للشعب...
تحثه على عمل الخير وحسن الإنتماء والإخلاص...
نتمنى كل الأشياء الجميله للعراق والعراقيين...
وننتظر لنرى....امامنا شهور ثم سنوات للعمل, واعادة البناء..
أما قوات الإحتلال...
فكلما كان خروجها مبكرا من العراق, كان هذا افضل للعراقيين ووحدتهم...
الغالبية تراهم قوات احتلال, وترفض التعامل معهم...
وثمة اقلية تراهم قوات تحرير, وتريد لهم البقاء..
أما انا فأرى ان بقاءهم سيكون سببا لإنقسام العراقيين, وهذا سبب ليس لصالحنا ابدا...
بقاءهم يعطي مبررات لأعمال عنف وتفجيرات...لأنهم ما زالت لهم اليد القوية التي تقتل وتعتقل
و يستعينون ببعض العراقيين الأغبياء الذين يعطون معلومات عن عراقيين آخرين للقبض عليهم تماما كما كان يفعل صدام حسين ...
لا يوجد ثمة مبرر ليصبح العراقي عدوا للعراقي...
العراقيون اخوة, ولابد من لغة حوار مشتركة بينهم...
كلهم يحبون العراق , ويريدون الخير للعراق...ولا بد من ايجاد قنوات حوار بينهم...
الأجنبي وجوده يسبب التفرقة, مهما اعطينا مبررات جميلة, لا داعي لبقائه...
العراقيون منهم القادة ومنهم من يعمل وينفذ, وان كان ثمة حاجة لخبير اجنبي في موضوع معين ,فلا بأس, لكن العراقي هو ابن البلاد, والمفروض انه يتصرف بما فيه الخير لشعبه ووطنه..
وان اساء التصرف, يستبدل بعراقي افضل منه, هكذا افهم الأمور...ويفهمها كل من له حب لوطنه ورغبة في استقلاله .
في قلوبنا وذاكرتنا قصص قديمة عن الإستعمار, تجعلنا نتحسس من وجود فوات اجنبية على ارضنا...
البديل هو اقامة جيش عراقي قوي وشرطة عراقية قوية, ودولة عراقية قوية ذات سيادة حقيقية...
وبمرور الوقت , الشعب يتعلم كيف يميز القادة المخلصين , ويختارهم .
تجارب الشعوب مثل تجارب الإنسان, يخطيء ويتعلم, ولا بد من الوصول الى حقيقة الأشياء
وتمييز الكاذبة من الصادقة, في نهاية المطاف...
اتمنى الخير للعراق والعراقيين
واتمنى ان تتوحد كلمتهم, فيها تكمن قوتهم...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

mom, I think we should start selling our family pictures soon
it will be a new e-shopping trend

dear customer, u can have the original signature of the jarrars for an extra 50 bucks
Good morning...
I have put new pictures on the link..I feel it can talk much more than words..
and I have put a translated post on the war diaries link..
I`ll put new blog here inshalla, within two days may be..
the weather in Baghdad is hot (38 c),the electricity is bad , and the students have their final exams this days..we all hope safety and success for them.
our hearts go with them, until they are back from schools..
we all hope that the coming days are better for Iraqis..

Monday, May 31, 2004

Amsar took your pictures and claimed they were his, and tried to make
money off them by selling advertising on his web-site. That makes him a

I guess its like most things -- it has a good and a bad aspect to it.
Sort of like the invasion of Iraq -- got rid of Saddam, but at what

I always read your blog first.


good afternoon....
I don`t know what was he getting benefits from our pictures..
but I`m just asking myself : does he abuse my blog, for his own benefit?
or he was just a young naive man ??, as one of my friends said .
why Iraqis are supposed to be abused always??
it`s funny..I think.
Good morning...
the weather is hot..and the electricity is bad.
the program is that it goes for 2 hours ON, and 4 hours OFF .
the cars are waiting since morning in front of petrol stations.
I have put new pictures about that, and about old Baghdadi houses and streets, it reminds me of my old days, and our old family house.
I`ll put the email I have recieved about my pictures..
he said he was helping me..
I have a question: why did he do that with out asking me ?
could I have to thank him realy?
well, I have no answer...cause I didn`t understand his vision.
is it true, to help Iraqis?
so, why didn`t he put a link for my site..I think that could be
I have put new translated post for the link of the war diaries.


I am the one that you called Theif !
ok let me tell you what this "Theif" did !
I think you should aplogize me and even thank me !

I didn't steal your photos in my name ! I just collected the nice photos ! in your Own name !
and also I e-mail to all of the newspapers and blogs . and made them to see this nice photos ! I tried to change world's think about iraq , and made them to see them !

the thing that you never did it ! I earned 3000 visitor ! and asked many places to see it !

I designed a nice template and a nice appearance for the blog !

well now please tell me ! Am I a thief ?
If you want , I can delete the blog ! but you will loose a lot of ppl that see the photos !
I earned a lot of visitors for your photos !

waiting for your answer


Sunday, May 30, 2004

Dear Faiza

But "asmar ahmad" is passing off your pictures of your children, even,
as his own! That's terrible. Talk about parasitical!

Kind regards

please send him comments...
telling him he is a theif..

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Good afternoon..
I have put the English translation of my war the "family war diaries" link.
I`ll keep putting more translations next days, inshalla.

Good morning..
well , I`m not angry if somebody took the pictures from my link
to show it for the world...
I love Iraq, and be happy that the photos are seen all over the world.
about my old diaries during the war, I `ll put their translation
as soon as I can..
hope you all good day.


Did you know you were being "ripped off"? This faker is putting up your pictures as his/her/its own:

I beg you to link to me
asmar ahmad | Email | Homepage | 05.22.04 - 3:22 pm | #

He/she/it is posting this in all the blog comments boxes.

Brian Hall
Web editor

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Good morning..
I`m going to put new pictures from Baghdad..
but I want to write a comment about this letter I had received
from an American friend...
well, I believe that USA is not the perfect place on the planet..
there is no such perfect place.
it`s a country filled with many problems..
so, why don`t they save their time and money to use it for improving their society ??
and why they have the motto: we are the leaders of the world ,we are teaching others what is the right and what is the wrong??
no body is perfect....
help others?
yes, help others...but don`t try to force them to look and think
just as you WANT...
cause there is no one perfect..
just God , He is the perfect.
and somebody asked me about the new Iraqi leaders..
we all think ,in this time , the leader is coming due to an American specifications...
when the leader is coming due to Iraqi specifications..
we can say : we are free, and our country is free..
it`s a matter of time...
I think everything is going to be we wish.
but with time....
yes, it`s just a matter of time !!!

Dear faiza

I read your blog and everything the other American women told you about us
losing our rights is true. After the planes went into the trade centers
Americans were afraid and angry. The Bush administration took advantage of
the fear and anger to pass some laws that I think are unconstitutional. The
right to go into your home without a warrent, to take your belongings, to
arrest you and hold you indefinetly without charging you with a crime.

We were told that the Government had to "get" the terrorists and these laws
would help them to do that. Most Americans believed that at the time.

And yes, we do have a lot of very poor people here. We have a lot of social
welfare programs, but they don't give the poor people enough to live a
decent life. There are jobs, but the jobs for unskilled help don't pay
enough to live on. Many families struggle to maintain their families. In
rural areas people are very frugal and grow their own food. That helps.

The cost of living is very high. I don't know what things cost in Iraq, but
here it costs almost $4.00 for a gallon of milk, a small apartment cost
about $700 a month to rent. To feed a family of four would cost about
$125.00 a week, and that would be just for basic food, not the prepackaged
fancy kind.

Our schools are not the best any more. Some of the schools are dangerous.
Angry city youth have formed gangs and they fight each other, often killing
innocent bystanders. All of this has happened in the last 20 years.

America is in a moral and social decline. Many American families took their
children out of the public school system and schooled them at home. We call
it home schooling. In fact, I home schooled my children for five years.
They went to a public high school, but they went with their morals intact.

Drugs and alcohol are a big problem, many kids start using them in high
school and before. Drugs are illegal, but it doesn't seem to matter, kids
are still able to get them if they want them.

In America we still have the freedom to work towards change. There is an
opportunity to challenge laws that you don't agree with. One of the things
that I worked on for 4 years was a summer program designed for kids at risk
of failing in school. It is just one example of a way of trying to help.
There are people all over America working for change. I just pray that it
isn't too late.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004

الثلاثاء 25/5
صباح الخير..
بغداد هادئة الآن....
الكهرباء تنقطع 4 ساعات وتعود لساعتين فقط, الصيف قادم, والحر يزداد, وقوات الإحتلال ستعطيك قائمة طويلة من الأعذار...
ربما سيكون الزرقاوي هو أحد الأسباب...
بالمناسبة, لا أدري ما سر العداوة التي بين الزرقاوي والعراقيين البؤساء؟؟
كل التفجيرات التي تستهدف المدنيين الأبرياء ورجال الشرطة العراقيين , الذين تطوعوا لخدمة الناس, ابتداء من الإعتداء على السفارة الأردنية الى آخر اعتداء بتفجير أمام منزل نائب وزير الداخلية قبل أيام...
ما الأسباب؟؟
وكيف يتم اختيار الأهداف؟؟
الله وحده أعلم...
المفروض ان الزرقاوي عدو لأمريكا...فلماذا غير البرنامج وصار عدونا ؟؟
لا أحد يعلم...
وبالنسبة للكهرباء, فما عدنا نهتم, صدام حسين قضى سنوات الحصار وهو يقدم الأعذار كل صيف...حتى مضى الى مصيره .
نقضي الصيف بلياليه الحارة , والنوم القليل...ونصبح بوجوه شاحبة ورؤوس فيها صداع...
ولا أدري كيف يمضي نهار العمل أو الدراسة .....بلا تركيز.
بعد مرور ست شهور على الكتابة في هذا الموقع...تأكدت عندي القناعة, التي كانت في ذهني
عندما فتحنا هذا الموقع...
قلت لرائد سأكتب بالعربي, وأبحث عمن يترجم...
لأنني على قناعة ان التغيير الذي نريده لحياتنا نحو الأفضل, سياتي من العرب أولا,ثم من شعوب غربية قد تساعد بنسبة صغيرة...
80% المراهنة على العرب
, و20% المراهنة على اناس من الخارج ليساعدونا...هكذا كنت أظن.
الإحتلال سيمضي, بعد سنة أو اثنتين أو عشرة..
لكن السؤال الذي ينبغي أن يبقى في رأس كل عراقي أو عربي أو مسلم..
ماذا قدمت من مشاركة لدفع هذا الإحتلال ؟؟
هو ليس مسألة احتلال للعراق فقط...هو محاولة لاحتلال لعقولنا..وتغيير ثقافتنا وطريقة تفكيرنا..
وهو محاولة لإبعاد الذاكرة عن تاريخنا, ومحاولة لإبعاد ديننا عن المشاركة بحياتنا...
يعني غسيل لعقولنا لنصبح تابعين مثل العبيد لهم...لماذا؟؟
وبماذا هم أحسن منا ؟؟
بالدبابات والطيارات والصواريخ؟؟
نعم..هم يملكون التكنولوجيا...
لكنها هل تكفي لغزو عقولنا؟؟
ربما هي مناسبة لغزو مدننا, لكن عقولنا نحن الذين نقدر أن نحميها أكثر من المدن التي سقطت..
والعقول هي الحصن الأخير الذي لا ينبغي أن يسقط....
عندما تزورون العراق, سترون الخراب والدمار من الحدود...
والطرق السريعة الجميلة التي تربط بيننا وبين الأردن وسوريا..
صارت محفرة ومخسفة من الأثقال التي مرت عليها...والإهمال الذي جعلها بهذا الشكل المحزن...
من يهتم؟؟
هكذا كل العراق...
كانت في عهد صدام , بكل مساوئه, دولة وهيبة...
كانت مؤسسات تعنى بالمدن ونظافتها, والطرق الداخلية , والطرق الخارجية , ومعايير السلامة فيها..
ويوجد شرطة مرور بكثافة تناسب حاجة المدينة لتخفف من الإزدحامات...
والآن , كل يجري على ليلاه...
ما العذر؟؟
البعثيين ورجال النظام السابق, أم الغرباء من رجال المقاومة, أم الزرقاوي المعتوه ؟؟
من لا ينجز ابسط الخدمات؟؟
اين هي دوائر ومؤسسات الدولة بعد أكثر من سنة؟؟
وماذا يفعل مجلس الحكم الذي عينه بريمر؟؟
الأمريكان يتفرغون( للعناية ) بمن يعارضهم , ويرتبون لهم حياة سعيدة في السجون...
والذين في خارج السجون ماذا يفعلون ؟
بعضهم يختبيء في بيته خوفا ورعبا...
وبعضهم يتكلم , ويستمع له نفر قليل..
وبعضهم يركض من الصباح للمساء عساه ينال صفقة مع الأمريكان , تحقق له أحلامه البعيدة في الغنى والجاه والمنصب...
وبعض العراقيين يمشي خلف الأمريكي مثل كلب ذليل...يتملق له ويدافع عنه..ومستعد لقتل العراقيين جميعا...
هذا هو الكارثة بعينها...
هذا هو الذي يبعث على الحزن والكآبة,و ليس منظر قوات الإحتلال لوحده الذي يفعل هذا..
بل أخوك الذي منك وفيك...يخونك, ويبيعك للمحتل...
فعلى من تعتب بعد هذا ؟؟؟
وكتاب عراقيون لهم مواقع على صفحات الأنترنت
بعضهم يعيش في العراق , وبعضهم خارجه..
يبثون الكذب ويصفقون ويتملقون لللأجنبي الذي احتل بلادهم...
الم يفكروا بماذا هذا الأجنبي أفضل منا ؟؟
أظن انني اعرف الجواب..
هؤلاء الذين لم يحبوا اوطانهم ولم يحترموا دينهم وتاريخهم وشعبهم ...بل يحتقرون كل ما هو عربي ومسلم...ويحترمون كل ما هو اجنبي وبعيد...
فلماذا تدعون انكم منا وتكتبون كأنكم تمثلوننا ؟؟
من اعطاكم الحق ؟؟
تكلموا عن انفسكم فقط...
وقولوا ما تشاؤون...لكن لا تقولوا نحن عراقيون...
فالعراق بريء منكم...ويخجل من امثالكم..
وحين تأتي نهايتكم السوداء المشينة مثل افعالكم...
تذكروا.... انه لا يفلح الخائنون....
أقف امام الأمريكي , مدنيا او عسكريا..أو مسؤولا في القيادة..
بماذا انت افضل مني ؟؟
بعلمك, ام ثقافتك, ام تاريخك , ام دينك؟؟
ومن اعطاك الحق ان تدخل الى وطني , تعيث به فسادا وظلما , وتستثمر اموال الشعب كما تشاء...
تعطون ارقاما خيالية للمقاولين من شركاتكم, والجنود , والموظفين المدنيين من غير العراقيين..
ورفعتم رواتب العراقيين , من عشرين الى مئة او مئتين...
وكأنكم تمنون عليهم...
وتنشروها في وسائل الإعلام كانها انجازات عظيمة..
الجندي الأمريكي , راتبه اربعة آلاف دولار, ويقتل العراقيين المدنيين ولا يحاسبه أحد..
لأنه منزه...ولا يحاسب , ولا يخطيء...
والذين عذبوا السجناء , اين هم , وكم عددهم ؟؟
ومن حاسبهم؟؟
سوى تلك المسرحية, والمحاكمة, لجندي واحد , وسجن لمدة سنة واحدة؟؟
ان بقينا هكذا, سيكون مصيرنا مثل الفلسطينيين...
خراف تذبح ولا أحد يهتم...
الناس مشغولة بحياتها ولقمة العيش...
مستقبل اولادنا واجيالنا...ان لم ندافع عنه نحن...فمن سيدافع عنه؟؟
هل سنتركهم يواجهون العالم المشوه الذي ينتظرهم ليغوصوا فيه؟؟
عالم بلا قيم بلا مباديء بلا رحمة...
وكل شعوب الوطن العربي أصبحت محتلة وهي في بيوتها...
بلا دبابات , أوهليكوبترات تجول في المدن..
من شاشة التلفزيون يأتي احتلال العقول, من فضائيات تقدم قيما تافهة وسفيهة...
من غناء ورقص ومسابقات...
من ستار اكاديمي وغيرها...اين هو الشباب العربي ومن قدوته اليوم؟؟
قدوته الفنانات والفنانين؟؟
ومن هؤلاء في المجتمع, وما هي الفئة التي ينتمون اليها؟؟
وما هي ثقافتهم وقيمهم التي يقدمونها لأولادنا؟؟
نعم , أعرف ان هذا الجيل مظلوم وتائه....
بين قيادات ديناصورية لا تقدر أن تقدم شيئا جديدا لشعوبها, وبين نجوم تافهين يسيطرون على الشاشات وعقول الشباب صغار السن والتجربة...
كيف هو المستقبل ؟؟؟
ومن سيقوده؟؟
هذا الجيل الذي يكاد لا يعرف شيئا من ثقافة وتاريخ وعلوم , سوى الأغاني والضحك والتفاهات؟؟
وتغزو عقله دعايات الموبايلات والسيارات والمشروبات الغازية؟؟
جيل يتعلم كيف يستهلك ويتمتع...
لا يتعلم كيف يعمل وينتج اشياء ذات قيمة...لا يتعلم كيف يبني ويفكر ويبدع...
سوى في الغناء والرقص...
أسفي عليه من جيل...
الكل شارك في تشويهه, وتحطيم صورته ومكوناته
من صحف ومجلات وراديو وفضائيات...
كأنهم اتفقوا جميعا على هدف واحد...
انتاج جيل جديد تائه تافه , تسهل قيادته نحو اي هدف...مثل قطيع من الغنم.
اتمنى ان يتوقف كل هذا المسلسل يوما ما..
يوقفه قرار جماعي, بعد صحوة جماعية, لأمة تتجه نحو الهاوية...وهي تدري
ولكنها لم تتخذ القرارالشجاع بعد...
قرار التوقف...ومحاسبة الذات عن الإنهيار الذي يحصل, لتأتي لحظة الصحوة.
المجتمع في امريكا منقسم الى فئتين..
فئة متدينة, يمثلها بوش, وهي نفسها الفئة التي قادت الحرب على العراق, لأنهم يظنون اننا برابرة..ووحوش, وهم الذين سيجعلون منا بشرا..باعتبار انهم اصحاب الحضارة والديمقراطية...ونحن الجهلة.
وفئة ليبرالية..تؤيد الزواج الشاذ, والإجهاض, وتؤيد الإنسحاب من العراق..لأنه ليس من مسؤوليتهم تربية الآخرين..نحن احرار مثلنا مثل الشاذين عندهم...
هكذا هي الصورة هناك...
فعلى ماذا نراهن؟؟؟
من سينقذنا سوى نحن؟؟؟
من اعظم حسنات هذه الحرب , انها جلبتهم الى هنا..لنلتقي بهم وجها لوجه
كنا مفتونين بهم..نظنهم أكثر منا ذكاء وقدرة على معالجة امور الحياة
فاكتشفنا انهم اناس عاديون مثلنا...
فيهم الذكي والغبي, الطيب والخبيث, الواعي والجاهل...
شعب عادي جدا...
لكن لهم قيادات عميقة المكر والدهاء..تعرف كيف تخدر الشعوب وتغسل أدمغتها
وتوجهها نحو أهداف فيها مصلحة لتلك القيادات..
وعندما اكتشفنا قسوتهم في التعامل مع السجناء...وقبلها مع المدنيين الأبرياء الذين يقتلون كل يوم برصاص قوات الإحتلال العشوائي والذي يعبر عن استهتارهم بنا وبمشاعرنا
والقتل والدمار والإغتيالات في العراق...ولا أحد يهتم ولا أحد يقدم المساعدة
اكتشفنا كم هي كاذبة حريتهم وديمقراطيتهم
وسائل الإعلام هناك تريد من الشعب الأمريكي أن يصدق ما يقوله بوش فقط...ولا بصدفون وجهة نظرنا..ويعتبرون كل من ينتقدهم كذاب
اين الديمقراطية؟؟
والإهانات والعذاب الذي تعرض له العراقيون, اين حقوق الإنسان؟؟
الحمد لله الذي اتى بهم الى هنا لنكتشفهم على حقيقتهم
لكن ما زال ثمة حمقى ومغفلين يدافعون عنهم من هنا
ونقول اما هؤلاء لا يعلمون , او منافقين, أو خائنين
وسيأتيهم اليوم الذي سيفتحون عيونهم على الحقيقة, بطريقة ما
ماذا اراهن على الشعب الأمريكي؟؟
بماذا يمكن ان يساعدني؟؟
بعد ست شهور من الكتابة على الموقع غيرت رأيي
تقديري ان 95% من المسؤولية لتغيير حالنا نحو الأفضل هو من مسؤوليتنا..
ومجرد 5% من الآخرين ليشاركوا في المساعدة
نحن نتشابه معهم بأشياء كثيرة, ونختلف بأشياء كثيرة...
الإختلاف عميق...
نحن شعوب ما زالت تتمسك بالدين لتعرف قيمة الحق من الباطل...الخير من الشر
اما هم,فشعوبهم باسم الحرية...اخرجوا الدين من حياتهم...فتاهت واختلطت كل القيم
مجتمع يعطي الحقوق ذاتها , لفئات مختلفة من البشر...
كيف احافظ على المباديء والأشياء النقية حتى لا تنقرض؟
اعطي المتدين حقوقا مثل الشاذ؟
واعطي المتزوجة شرعيا حقوقا مثل التي تعيش بزواج غير شرعي؟
(قل هل يستوي الأعمى والبصير أم تستوي الظلمات والنور؟؟)
ما معنى الحرية, وما هي حدودها؟؟
لا توجد حدود للأشياء هناك...افعل ما شئت...هذه الحرية
وأنا اراها دمار وتحطيم للعلاقات داخل المجتمع
الولد والبنت ينفصلون عن العائلة مبكرا..وينخرطون في متاهات الحياة...بعضهم ينجح, وبعضهم ينحرف...لا أحد يتدخل..هذه حرية.
اظن ان العمر سيفنى هناك في تجارب فاشلة حزينة واختيارات كثيرة سيئة وصالحة..وربما في النهاية يعرف الطريق الصحيح, وربما لا...هو حر...يضيع كيف يشاء... وربما الى الأبد.
مجتمع متعب مشتت
كيف اتوقع منه ان يساعدني في محنتي ؟؟
هم الذين يحتاجون المساعدة والنصيحة
ونحن الذين بحاجة للصحوة من غفلتنا...والإعتماد على انفسنا , لنبني مستقبلا جميلا واضحا
لا ينقطع عن جذور الماضي , ولا يتوه في عوالم بعيدة
عندنا كل مقومات النجاح...والإستقلال, لنثق بأنفسنا , ونمضي في صناعة المستقبل الذي يليق بنا
وبأجيالنا...دونما إملاآت من غرباء
في هذه الأيام الصعبة..يفتن الناس..ويضيعوا اولوياتهم
لكني اظن ان الحماية هي في الرجوع للقرآن
وأحاديث الرسول(تجتمع عليكم الأمم كما تجتمع الأكلة على القصعة...فقالوا أمن قلة يا رسول الله؟
, قال بل انتم كثر, لكنكم كغثاء السيل,هنتم على اعدائكم
( احببتم الدنيا وكرهتم الموت
( لا يصلح آخر هذه الأمة الا كما صلح أولها)
أي بالعودة الى دين الحق .
وعندي ثقة ان هذا سيحدث, لكنه بعد وقت...متى؟؟
العلم عند الله وحده

Good morning...
last night the weather was very hot, without electricity ,and with lots of mosquitos...
in the morning, I drove my car hardly to reach work..
I was very tired and sleepy:(
I have put pictures from our old days...on the link .
yes they were happy can see the happiness on our faces
but now,...we feel sad and tired..
sometimes you have to seek about happy things , even from past.
to keep the smile on your face, and the hope in your heart...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I have got this email from a good friend..
she is happy..
she reminds me of our old happy days, with sisters or friends..
laughing and chatting about different things..
now, it`s summer hot days, with bad electricity...
day and night....
friends and sisters are seperated, every one has his own pain
and sadness..
tanks and helecopters moving all the time..
day and night...
bad news from Najef and Kerbala...
what is coming with tomorrow??
our tomorrow is full of fear and worry...

Summer is here and it is very hot already. And humid. But everything
growing is lush and green and blooming. I am getting ready for an annual
ALL GIRL trip. There are six of us who have been friends since we were 11
years old. (Thats 47 years of being friends!)Two of us since we were
four!!! We have spent one week together since we all got married, so we
would never loose track of each other. We see eachother more often,
however, since we all have roots here. 3 of us still live in Shreveport,
one in Mississippi, one in Kansas and one in South Louisiana. This year we
will go to west Texas. We enjoy this time so much. We get to act like kids
again. We laugh alot and watch sweet, romantic movies that our husbands
would NEVER watch! We shop and sometimes eat out and sometimes cook in. We
are renting a cottage on a lake. Its a good time to relax and talk and
drink lots of coffee!
Just wanted to say Hello again! Hope you are well. Write when you have time.
Love and peace,

Good morning...
I have put new pictures from Baghdad..
and I have nothing to say about news...
you hear and know every thing...
and I feel tired..
I don`t want to talk about any thing..


Dear Faiza,

I was looking at your site just now. I had read that article about the marine who at last questioned his behavior and the behavior of the armed forces in Iraq. I am glad that he began to think about what he was doing and stopped murdering people. But I feel so sad about the way human beings behave. I know that murder and hate and dehumanizing people has happened everywhere in the past, in the present, and will continue into the future.

Every time I see or hear about the abuse in the prison that is coming out in our media now, I feel like crying. I can't understand how people can smile and give the thumbs up sign next to a beaten to death Iraqi man. I can't understand how the marines can laugh and cheer when they kill someone. I can't understand how people volunteer in the first place to learn how to kill people.

If I wanted to, I could not read the news or look at the photograghs. No one at my work or within my social group discusses what is going on. I could live my life as if these things were not happening. But I do not close my eyes and the unfortunate people of Iraq do have the luxury of tuning out the atrocities that occur everyday there.

I wonder how my mental state would be if I lived there, because it depresses me when I read the news in the safety of my home or in my office at work.

Thank you for reaching out to others. Thank you for the pictures of the flowers from your garden. I have a lot of respect for you for the information you share that is not so good, but real, and for sharing the beautiful things in your life too.

I am not a very religious person, but I still pray for everyone who is suffering everywhere in the world and I pray for the safety of you and your family too.

Take Care,


Monday, May 24, 2004

Good morning..
there is an old say..
they don`t belive you, cause they don`t WANT to see
and they don`t WANT to hear...
so, how could they believe??
they are such cheating themselves..
someday may be...they have to stop and open their eyes..
and will see and hear every thing..
may be...

Dear Faiza, here's a Marine Sgt's tale. He has left the service, having
come to understand the reality of the crimes being committed and why Iraqis
have turned against us for good reason of those crimes against innocent



The Marine's tale: 'We killed 30 civilians in six weeks. I felt we were
committing genocide'

By Natasha Saulnier

23 May 2004 "The Independent" --- During 12 years in the US Marines,
including three years putting new recruits through boot camp, Staff Sergeant
Jimmy Massey hardly questioned his role. But what he saw in Iraq changed

"In a month and a half my platoon and I killed more than 30 civilians," Mr
Massey said. He saw bodies being desecrated and robbed, and wounded
civilians being dumped by the roadside without medical treatment. After he
told his commanding officer that he felt "we were committing genocide", he
was called a "wimp".

Mr Massey, who was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress and depression, left
the Marines in November. Back home in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina,
he says the cause of the uprising in Iraq is that "we killed a lot of
innocent people".

His 7th Marine Weapons Company, armed with machine guns and missiles, was
one of the first into the country in March last year. "We would take over
villages and control checkpoints," he said. "My men and I would fire warning
shots at oncoming vehicles. But, if they didn't stop, we didn't have any
qualms about loading them up."

The Marines were told that Iraqis were filling ambulances with explosives,
and that soldiers were dressed as civilians, but after pouring fire into
vehicles and hearing no explosions, they started to doubt the truth of these

"Iraqi military compounds had nothing in them, except for dismantled tanks,
equipment that was barely functioning, and barracks that looked like ghost
towns," Mr Massey said.

The incident that haunts him most took place early in April, near an Iraqi
military compound five miles from Baghdad's airport. "There were
approximately 10 demonstrators near a tank," he said. "We heard a shot in
the distance and we started shooting at them. They all died except for one.
We left the bodies there.

"We noticed that there were some RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] about 200
metres away from them - they might have come from the military compound. The
demonstrators had the ability to fire at us or at the tank, but they didn't.
The survivor was hiding behind a column about 150 metres away from us. I
pointed at him and waved my weapon to tell him to get away. Half of his foot
had been cut off. He went away dragging his foot. We were all laughing and

"Then an 18-wheeler [truck] came speeding around. We shot at it. One of the
guys jumped out. He was on fire. The driver was dead. Then a Toyota Corolla
came. We killed the driver, the other guy came out with his hands up. We
shot him too.
"A gunny from Lima Company came running and said to us: 'Hey, you just shot
that guy, but he had his hands up.' My unit, my commander and me were
relieved of our command for the rest of the day. Not more than five minutes
later, the Lima Company took up our position and shot a car with one woman
and two children. They all died."

The next day the platoon guarded a checkpoint at Baghdad Stadium. "A red Kia
Spectra sped toward us at about 45mph. We fired a warning volley above it
but the car kept coming. Then we aimed at the car and fired with full force.
The Kia came to a stop right in front of me, three of the four men shot
dead, the fourth wounded and covered in blood. We called the medics, but he
died before they arrived. That day we killed three more civilians in the
same circumstances. I talked to my captain afterwards and told him: 'It's a
bad day.' He said: 'No, it's a good day.'"

Mr Massey watched as badly injured Iraqis were repeatedly "tossed on the
side of the road without calling medics". His reaction to the event that
triggered the recent siege of Fallujah - the sight of the blackened,
mutilated bodies of four American private security men - was that "we did
the same thing to them".

Iraqis, he said, "would see us debase their dead all the time. We would be
messing around with charred bodies, kicking them out of the vehicles and
sticking cigarettes in their mouths. I also saw vehicles drive over them. It
was our job to look into the pockets of dead Iraqis to gather intelligence.
However, time and time again, I saw Marines steal gold chains, watches and
wallets full of money."

Several members of his platoon expressed concern that so many civilians were
being killed, but Mr Massey says he told them: "We've got a job to do."
Finally, however, he voiced his own doubts to his commanding officer. "I
told him I felt like we were committing genocide in Iraq, that we were doing
harm to a culture. He said nothing and walked away. I knew my career was
over." Later, he says, his superior poured abuse on him, saying, "You're a
poor leader. You're faking it. You're a conscientious objector, you're a

After being sent back to the US, Mr Massey was offered a desk job. "I had
seven years until retirement from the Marine Corps, but I told them I didn't
want their money any more," he said. The Marines' slogan - "No better
friend, no worse enemy" - now embitters the former sergeant, who says
remorse keeps him awake at night.

"One day we would go into a city and set up roadblocks where civilian
casualties would take place, and then the next morning we would undertake a
humanitarian mission," he said. "How do we expect people who've seen their
brothers and mothers killed to turn around and welcome us with open arms?"

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I have put new pictures on the link..
I hope you`ll like it
Saturday, May 22
Good morning…
Although the world news is getting mixed with each other, it's generally similar; injustice and darkness are controlling the world…
This is the news in brief…
Few days ago, Israeli tanks destroyed hundreds of houses in Rafah, south of Gaza strip, and killed more than 120 Palestinian civilians. Hospitals were filled with bodies and blood….
Yesterday, two thousand Israeli peace activists led by members of the Israeli parliament launched demonstrations against Sharon's hostility, and clashed with the Israeli police …
We thank them, as we believe that there still exist some honorable people who refuse injustice against human being…
Those were Israelis, what about the Arabs??
In Najef, there have been fighting and clashes between the occupation troops and Al-Sader followers, a demonstration was organized in the city, by another pro-bush shia`a party against Al –Sader...
They are dividing people's opinions, so that the truth will be lost.
In Manama, Bahrain, demonstrations have started against occupation forces that entered Najef. As a result of that, the minister of interior affairs was relieved…
Everything is prohibited (i.e. stay at home doing nothing but eating, drinking and sleeping like sheep). That is what the Arab governments are doing with their people to satisfy the USA.
Al-Chalabi threatened America…
The Friends of yesterday are enemies now. Bremer has given orders to the Iraqi Police for breaking into his house and his party headquarters.
This man's reputation has fallen down…USA accused him of giving secret information to Iran.
We, Iraqis, are mocking at this thing because accusations are always ready for anyone who challenges the USA.
Yesterday, he was one of the best candidates for the presidency. Now, he is not qualified.
Donations campaign has started in order to help the people of al-Falluja re-build their destructed city. Everybody who has heard participated in this campaign, believing that we are one nation after all, sharing the same pain.
Unfortunately, the Arab neighbors are sleeping deeply, what a pity!
How are they going to defend themselves before their God on judgment day?
The Arab Summit has started this morning, and the question raised was what they are going to do. Are they going to decline and deny –as usual- what had happened in Iraq and Palestine in their speeches?
If I were them, I would feel ashamed of coming and participating in such a meeting.
Most of the Arab people never cared for such summits because there would be no results but great halls, cameras, pens and papers, and finally useless announcement.
Lets all admit that it's time of cowardice and failure for Arabs.
The evil has succeeded in breaking all the bonds and ties among brothers…
God describes humans in the beginning of holy Quran, at the start of surat Al-Bakarah, And He classified them into three types:
Believers, and described them in two verses. Unbelievers, and described them in two verses. And the hypocrites, and described them in more than ten verses.
The majority of people is either sleeping or engaged with its daily life, exactly just like J. Orwell's description in his novel "1984".
They were just like ants …fully busy with silly matters that make them blind for what's going on around them…
As he foretold in his novel, the "Big brother" has been into all houses and controlled the minds, and kept brain-washing people…
The communist system lasted for 70 years, it was full of lies, injustice and fact disfiguring…People in Russia have come back to live freely.
And for Iraqis, Saddam regime lasted for 35 years, and finally fell down, forever…
Now we have opened our eyes once again but unfortunately the" Big brother" has come to control our minds and our life…
We are sure that "he" will go away and fall down, sooner or later...
Then we'll smile…
And the God will smile in His highness…
God said in surat fatir "Have they not traveled in the land, and seen what was the end of those before them -though they were superior to them in power? Allah is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth escapes Him. Verily, he is all-knowing, all-own-impotent."

Good morning..
I have to thank my enemies for sending me new friends :)
well, yes we are all brothers and sisters in God..
He is one God ...


I have never visited your blog before today, I read
other people suggest you were an American-hater, but I
thought I would read anyway to see.

I was reading what you wrote about what is going on in
Boston, and I was nodding my head, thinking, "This
Faiza is a smart woman!" There is also a "war" in the
USA, between people with traditional values and people
who are very liberal and think that "anything goes as
long as it doesn't hurt somebody else." They have
bought the lie that if a "crime" has no victim, it is
not a crime at all. They do not see that they
themselves are the victim, because they destroy
themselves and society too. Ours is a non-violent war,
though... a war of words and votes. I thank God that
the USA has not become as secular as some European
countries, who seem (as the New Testament says) to
have "given themselves up to vile passions." Many of
them don't go to church or even think about God.

Here is what I think is strange. The opinions of my
liberal friends are: "Homosexuality is okay. Same sex
marriage is good. Stop telling me about right and
wrong. George W. Bush is evil. He is religious, he's
so stupid. Good Iraqi citizens want us to leave Iraq.
We should leave right now and let the UN handle Iraq!"
And the conservative American's opinion is the
opposite on all of these issues.

So Americans against traditional morality are mostly
against the US "helping" Iraq, because they think
we're doing more harm than good. And those that are
for traditional morality mostly want the US to stay in
Iraq awhile longer, thinking that is better for Iraq.
I find that so strange, and wonder what it means. Both
sides want what is best for Iraq. One thing that keeps
me from siding with the liberals on the Iraq issue is
that I wonder what is guiding them, because their
values are so different from mine, and I know they are
not asking God for guidance.

Another thing I find disturbing is that terrorists
will say the USA is evil, and will point to same-sex
marriage as proof. And then also, faithful, peaceful
Muslims will look at same-sex marriage and think the
same thing! That breaks my heart. I do not care what
the terrorists think of the USA, their good opinion is
worthless to me. But I do care very much what other
Muslims think.

Please know this - the USA is not immoral because some
of our citizens are. For example, when people of faith
stand together, I see that our common belief in God is
more important than our nationality. I have more in
common with you, Faiza, than I do with an atheist

I wish there were a way that people who love God would
unite. If we put God first, and our nationality
second, maybe we would see each other as brothers and
sisters. God is our only hope.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have two sons
myself and if I was not sure that the future of this
world was in God's hands I would be a nervous wreck.


Saturday, May 22, 2004

السبت 22/5
صباح الخير..
أخبار العالم تختلط وتداخل مع بعضها...لكنها متشابهة.
الظلم واالظلام يسيطران على العالم...
هذا هو المختصر...
في الأيام السابقة هدمت الدبابات الإسرائيلية مئات المنازل في رفح جنوب غزة...
وقتلت أكثر من مئة فلسطيني, والمستشفيات امتلأت بالجثث والدماء...
ويوم امس تظاهر الفان من الإسرائيليين الناشطين في حركات السلام واعضاء من الكنيست الإسرائيلي
ضد شارون وعدوانيته,وتصادموا مع قوات الشرطة...
شكرا لهم , ما زال ثمة شرفاء على ألأرض يرفضون الظلم ضد الإنسان...
وأين العرب؟؟
لا تسأل ...
في النجف مصادمات وقتال وهدم بيوت وعراقيون يموتون..
ومظاهرات ضد الصدر في المدينة ينظمها حزب شيعي يؤيد قوات الإحتلال...
ويقسم الشارع الى نصفين , لتضيع الحقيقة...
وفي المنامة, في البحرين مظاهرات ضد دخول قوات الإحتلال الى مدينة النجف ..
وإقالة وزير الداخلية هناك لأنه ربما سمح لهذه المظاهرات أن تمشي في الشارع وتعبر عن رأي الناس...
التعبير ممنوع...اجلسوا في بيوتكم..
كلوا واشربوا وناموا مثل الخراف....
ودعوا العالم يغرق في الظلم والظلام....
هذا ما تفعله الحكومات العربية مع شعوبها لترضي أميركا...
الجلبي يهدد أمريكا ..
.اختلف الأحبة السابقون, فصاروا يفضحون بعضهم ويكيلون التهم ..
بريمر اعطى تعليمات للشرطة العراقية بمداهمة بيت الجلبي ومقر حزبه وتحطيم المحتويات..
سقطت هيبة الرجل أمام الناس....
اميركا تتهمه انه سرب معلومات الى ايران....
ونحن العراقيون نضحك...
دفتر التهم جاهز ضد من يتحدى اميركا......
بالأمس كان هو المرشح للرئاسة...واليوم صار غير مرغوب فيه...
هذه عقوبة من يبيع وطنه وشعبه للأجنبي...
وليس للإمبريالية أصدقاء.....
وحملة جمع تبرعات لأهالي الفلوجة لبناء بيوتهم التي تهدمت...
شاركنا في صندوق التبرعات...
كل من يسمع يشارك...لأن الألم واحد...والوطن واحد...ولا بد من المشاركة.
اين العرب؟؟؟
ينامون نوما عميقا....
هنيئا لهم...الآن
ويا ويلهم من يوم الحساب..
ماذا سيقولون لرب العباد؟؟؟؟
كنا ننام , تعبنا من المظاهرات والتبرعات والمشاركة..
لم تجد نفعا...الظالمون أشد قوة...
والنوم أكثر راحة...
والقمة العربية انعقدت هذا الصباح...
ماذا سيقولون؟؟
نستنكر وندين ونشجب...
لو كنت مكانهم لخجلت من الحضور والمشاركة...
الشعوب العربية يأست من هذه القمم الفارغة...
ليس سوى كاميرات وقاعات وورق وحبر وأقلام...
وتصريحات لا معنى لها...لا تقدم ولا تؤخر..
فلنعترف جميعا انه زمن الهزيمة والعجز والفشل...
قوى الشر تفوقت...وحطمت كل الروابط بين الأخوة..
ما عاد للعربي أخ عربي...
ما عاد للعراقي والفلسطيني أخوة يدافعون عنه...
ماتوا, ناموا, فقدوا الوعي...
قل ما شئت, فهم غائبون...
للعراقي والفلسطيني أخوة قليلين ممن حافظوا على نظافة ضمائرهم..
من عرب قليلين, واسرائيليين, وامريكيين, واوربيين, وغيرهم من دول العالم..
الناس اليوم , اما أكثرية مغفلة نائمة كالخراف...
أوأقلية مفتوحة العقل والعيون...
ما زالت تنظر وتسمع وتفهم ...
وتتألم لما يحدث,وتشارك بنشاطات لتتحدى الظلم ...
وكأنها تقول لن نفقد الأمل...
في القرآن يصف الله البشر في بداية سورة البقرة ويصنفهم...
المؤمنون , يعرفهم في آيتين..
والكافرون, في آيتين...
أما باقي الناس المتذبذبين , والذين لم يحسموا أمرهم...فيصفهم في أكثر من عشر آيات...
اؤلئك هم الغالبية ...والذين يحتاجون الى من يقودهم , ويدلهم الى طريق الحق...
غالبية الشعوب الآن , إما نائمة, أو مشغولة بحياتها اليومية وأحلامها الصغيرة...
كما يصفهم جورج اورويل في روايته 1984....
مثل النمل الذي لا يرى الا لمسافة قصيرة...وتشغله هموم غبية صغيرة, تعميه عن رؤية
ما يدور حوله.....
كما تنبأ اورويل في روايته...
الأخ الأكبر دخل كل البيوت وسيطر على كل العقول...
وغسل أدمغتهم...فصاروا عبيدا...
رغم كل أحزاني..
فقد ضحكت اليوم صباحا, حين استلمت رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني من أمريكية , من مدينة بوستن,
قالت انها قرأت عني في مكان ما انني معادية لأمريكا...
وجاءت تقرأ موقعي لترى ما أقول...
فوجدت, انني امرأة ذكية ولا أقول ما فيه عداء لأمريكا..وانني أقول الحقيقة...
لذلك كتبت لي لتشكرني...
وأنا أشكر أصحاب المواقع الذين يحاولون تشويه صورتي وكلامي..
لأنهم يرسلون لي أصدقاء جدد...
الإنسان الذي لم تشوهه ثقافة الأخ الأكبر...يراني صديقة , ولا يراني عدوة.
بعد سبعين عاما من الكذب والظلم وتشويه الحقائق ,سقط الحكم الشيوعي في روسيا..
وعاد الناس ليعيشوا حياتهم أحرارا...
وبعد خمسة وثلاثين عاما من ظلم صدام حسين, سقط نظامه ومضى الى الأبد..
وها نحن نفتح عيوننا من جديد...
لكن للأسف , جاء الأخ الأكبر...
يريد أن يسيطر على عقولنا وحياتنا...
لكنه سيمضي ويسقط...
كما سقط كثير من الأقوياء الظالمين من قبله ....
وسوف نبتسم, ويبتسم الله في عليائه معنا...
(او لم يسيروا في الأرض فينظروا كيف كان عاقبة الذين من قبلهم.وكانوا اشد منهم قوة وما كان الله ليعجزه
من شيء في السموات ولا في الارض .....)

Good morning...
today , I put pictures on the link, it`s about our encient history ruins ...
well, about my last blog, or the coming one...
I`m talking about our life this days..I`m telling the truth..
I`m not anti- American person..
I do like and respect Americans..
but I`m talking against the bad leaders and bad planning..
come and live here, to understand the feelings of Iraqis..
the real Iraqis...not the others you saw on your Fox TV...
that is false ...
All of Iraqis reading my blogs before posting, they say :
may God bless your hand...
yes, I love Iraq, and Iraqis...and we all want peace , and want the real chance to rebuild our country, with our hands...
is that bad??
why some of Americans are angry??
what is the wrong??
do you think you are better than Iraqis??
we want to have our chance in life like others...

Friday, May 21, 2004

Thursday, May 20th
Good morning..
Although it's of bad news..
Yesterday, 40 Iraqi civilian were killed in a village called Qa`im, west of Iraq, because of a false gun fire by American helicopter. They were having a wedding party and traditionally shooting in air as a sign of happiness.
Unfortunately, the apache commander thought that they were shooting at him, he bombed the whole village and destructed many houses and killed those civilians.
About the US soldier on trial, he was involved in abusing, humiliating and torturing prisoners of Abo-ghraib prison. It was a great comedy done by those who were in charge. Lots of people had demonstrated asking about the rest of the soldiers involved in that scandal. A one-year in jail statement is nothing for what he has done.
About the assassination of the GC chief, there were different stories incompatible with the US spokesmen. Like the story of al-sharq alawsat news paper (
Eye-witnesses said that the cars were on a nearby check-point when the explosion happened. The man who got killed was peaceful and did not have a bad reputation. If he was one of the members who showed his loyalty to the occupation forces which Iraqis hate, we would say that it had been done by Iraqis themselves.
What about that website on the internet and the newly-created group with false Iraqi names that declared its responsibility for that action…
These are one-week events and it's a sample of our life since occupation, destruction, murders, explosions, and things like that .Nobody cares about our feelings and our humanity.
We say: "the student has gone , the master has come"
We mean by the student Saddam, while US is the master..
And it's much crueler…
Although Bush pretended to show pity of Iraqis in his media..
It's a tragedy, not a comedy in which the people are killed and the country is being destroyed.
Who is going to stop it, putting an end to such misery??
few foreign companies are working in distant isolated sites, US army contracts, as if the occupation forces were saying we would never got out of Iraq.
Iraqi oil has flown via Basra and Turkey (
do you know how many barrels are produced an hour?
In Basra port 83,000 barrels/hour
In khor amia port 20,000 barrel/hour
1.7 million barrel /day
we all wonder about where the financial income of our oil goes to??
The Iraqis wonder when they can rebuild their country after long-term wars, and why they can't do it themselves. Why should foreign companies invest in the establishment of Iraq? Why contracts were signed during the war-time? We feel as if there was someone trading with our country and our lives while we were terrified of bombing, and explosions.
Bush was planning to stay in Iraq as long as possible under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
It's supposed that we are going to have our sovereignty next month; does safety and stability come with a magic wand?
Will destruction be an everlasting cause for Bush administration to keep its control on Iraq under an alleged reason to stop a possible civil war?
But we have to say honestly that all evil had come with the first days of invading Iraq.
We haven't heard but sweet words and promises…
And we haven't seen but ugly actions...
as I was passing by the presidential sites of Saddam which are now taken-over by the US troops, I remember-our prophet's saying :" never dwell in bad people's houses lest you should get the same end as theirs ""
this is a sign of our mighty God that those who have invaded Iraq will , sooner or later, face the same end of Saddam…
Believing that every tyrant has an end….

الخميس 20/5
صباح الخير..
صباح الأخبار غير السارة..
بالأمس قتل 40 عراقي مدني من قرية قرب مدينة القائم, بسبب اطلاق نار من طائرة اباتشي امريكية
الناس كان عندهم عرسا...ومن العادات اطلاق الرصاص في العرس تعبيرا عن الفرحة.
لكن الأمريكي , قائد الطائرة ظنهم يستهدفونه, فقصف القرية ودمر البيوت...
والمحكمة التي حاكمت العسكري الأمريكي المتورط في انتهاكات سجن ابو غريب, تحكم عليه بالسجن لمدة سنة واحدة...
في ابو غريب مظاهرات , الناس يقولون اين باقي المتورطين ؟
وماذا تعني عقوبة السجن لسنة واحدة؟؟؟
ومقتل رئيس مجلس الحكم, وشهود عيان روايتهم تختلف عن الرواية الأمريكية..(جريدة الشرق الأوسط )
الموكب تم ايقافه أمام حاجز للتفتيش...وثمة سيارة مفخخة فجرت عن بعد, ووقفت جوار الموكب,
وقتلت الرجل الذي لا سمعة سيئة له..كان عنصرا مسالما..لا يستهدفه أحد.
لو كان من العناصر المعروفة لولائها للإحتلال, والتي يبغضها العراقيون...لقلنا نعم هذا من فعل العراقيين
لكنه لم يكن كذلك والقصة كلها مشبوهة وتثير الشكوك..
ثم قصة الموقع على الإنترنت , واسم تنظيم جديد , واسماء عراقيين توجد لها اسماء مشابهة كثيرة في الشارع ...
كل تلك الأحداث في اسبوع واحد...
وهي نموذج لحياتنا منذ دخل الإحتلال الى ارضنا...
خراب ودمار وقتل ومتاهات...
واستهتار بنا وبمشاعرنا وقيمة الإنسان عندنا...
دائما نقول : ذهب التلميذ...وجاء الأستاذ...
التلميذ كان صدام حسين...
والأستاذ هو أمريكا...
وهو أشد قسوة وبطشا بالعراقيين..
وإن تباكى عليهم بوش في محطات فضائية...
لكنها مسرحية ما هي بالهزلية...
مسرحية يقتل فيها شعب, ويدمر فيها وطن...
حاضرا ومستقبلا...
فمن ذا الذي سيوقفها , ويضع لها فصل النهاية؟؟؟
وثمة شركات قليلة اجنبية تعمل في مواقع بعيدة منعزلة...مقاولات للجيش الأمريكي..
وكأنها تقول لن نخرج من العراق لعشرات قادمة من السنين...
والنفط العراقي يتدفق عبر البصرة, وعبر تركيا..
وأقرأ في الصحيفة اليوم...( جريدة الشرق الأوسط)
ميناء البصرة 83000 برميل بالساعة
وآبار نفط خور العمياء في الجنوب 20000برميل بالساعة
كم سعر البرميل الواحد؟؟؟
اين تذهب اموال هذا النفط المصدر الى الخارج؟؟
ومن يستفيد منها؟؟
والعراقيون يتخبطون في الأسئلة والحيرة وقلة الدخل..
ويتساءلون متى نبني وطننا؟؟
ولماذا لا نبنيه بأيدينا؟؟
لماذا تأتي شركات اجنبية تستثمر وتبني المرافق الحيوية؟؟
لماذا وقعت العقود ونحن تحت قصف الصواريخ في الحرب قبل سنة؟
باعونا واشترونا ونحن نتفرج مذهولين....
بعد ذهولنا من الحرب والقصف , الإنفجارات والإغتيالات...
وبوش يخطط للبقاء هنا , ما دام هنالك مزيد من الإنفجارات..
والشهر القادم, من المفروض تسليم السلطة للعراقيين...
هل سياتي الأمان بطريقة سحرية؟؟
أم سيستمر مسلسل الدمار حتى يقول بوش للعالم: انظروا, كيف سنترك العراق يغرق في حرب أهلية؟؟؟
انظروا لهؤلاء البرابرة المساكين, كيف سنتركهم يأكل بعضهم بعضا...
ونحن نقول...كل الشرور جاءت معكم...ومنذ الحظة الأولى التي داست أقدامكم أرض العراق
لم نسمع سوى الكلام الجميل...والوعود
ولم نشاهد سوى الأفعال الشريرة...
وكلما مررت على القصور الرئاسية التي احتلوها..القصور التي بناها صدام حسين من دماء العراقيين وعرقهم.
ابتسم واتذكر قول الرسول الكريم :
لا تسكنوا في مساكن الظالمين فيصيبكم ما أصابهم من غضب الله...
وهذه اشارة أكيدة من الله...
ان الذين احتلوا العراق, سيكون مصيرهم مثل صدام حسين...
لكل طاغية نهاية.....

Thursday, May 20, 2004

18/5, Tuesday

Good Morning
The weather is beautiful today in Baghdad, the sky is clear, and the weather isn't very hot. Yesterday was a sad day.

In the morning, the head of the governing council was assassinated with a booby-trapped car. I heard the news of the assassination of the general manager of the house of Culture. It was a symbolic assassination. Culture - no relation to political positions.

The streets are filled with black cloth, hung on the walls, to inform every person that somebody has died. They write the name of the deceased, the reason of death, the names of his or her relatives, and the house where he or she will be mourned. This is the habit here.

You see many black cloths, written upon it: Somebody, the son of somebody, assassinated at the hands of a criminal assassination. You become sad for him, and for all of Iraq. Iraq has become a place of assassinations and blood shed, and who benifits?

Do those who blow up booby-trapped cars know that with every explosion of this kind, they give a justification for the Occupation to continue in Iraq?

Are the peopel who blow up these cars honorable Iraqis?

I doubt it, and as it said by those in the Iraqi street like myself: These explosions, targeting the police and Iraqi civilians, are not being done by honorable Iraqis at all. This is being done by the enemies of Iraq, who want us to remain in a lowly state, hidden in the darkness, and the Occupation will remain forever.

In these explosions, there will be found a justification for remaining tens of years in the future. The ignorant understands, when he reads these events every day, that Iraq will rise and be free when it elects leaders from itself, that it loves, respects and represents - and doesn't want foriegn powers to defend it. And when will this happen?

According to the present situation, this dream will not ever become a reality. Explosions will remain, the Occupation wil remain. The dream of a free, independent Iraq will remain a dream, distant. But we believe in God, and His justice, which comes, even after a long time.

Who would have believed that Saddam would fall? He who removed him, will remove others like him, even after a long time
Yesterday I had a lovely time in the American Language Center
We students spoke to the American teachers about different things, including marriage, our opinions of marriage outside of the law, illegitimate children.

I was surprised that our thoughts were so similar. One married American from the south - I think from Alabama - who has children, said that society tries to reassure people that these things are normal, but we don't accept it, because it's against the will of God, and we know in our hearts, what God wants. It's close to us and clear - even if society tries to convince us of the opposite. I didn't ask her who tried to convince them. But today I found the answer.

Most of the news on the internet was talking about how Boston allowed same sex marriages, even though most states don't allow it. Who is imposing their tastes on people over there?

Who wants to disturb people's minds so that they no longer know right from wrong?

Who wants to ruin the reputation of Western societies and its principles?

I remembered an article I wrote before some months, I said that there is media that ruins the picture of the West, and distances ourselves from them.

Isn't this the same press that ruins the reputation of Arabs and makes them enemies?

For whose interests do they work?

And where are they taking us?

Surely it takes us towards hatred and distance. It poisons minds, and brainwashes beautiful truths, and replaces them with ugly truths.

Is it the same that promotes unnatural relationships, corruption and same sex marriages?

The channels here are filled with their pictures, and they are celebrating, and kissing like husbands and wives. The pictures embarrases, disgusts and pains conservative families, who change the channel, or turn off the television in anger.

What do adults say to their small children?

These are the relationships of a developed society? Or the relationships of a society that is destroyed, and slipping away?

The war on Iraq divides the street between those who support, and those who are against. And the media wanders about in some distant place, as if it is trying to annoy and degrade humans.

How many homosexuals are there in society?

And why the outcry over their rights and freedoms?

It's only lies to keep people busy from mistakes & disasters that deserve attention, and require solutions. The media is the source of daily poison, broadcasting day and night. They are the ones who picture events as they like. And try to convince people of these ideas.

Thank God we don't live there. The disaster of war and the harshness of life here is easier than living in a society facing this kind of corruption and destruction. My friend from Boston says that she is sad and feels ashamed, because the name of her city is being ruined with these disgusting actions. I remembered that she told me once before that people there on Sundays go to Church, and the roads are closed because of traffic. Most people go to Church, which means that most of them have religion.
God created us from one soul, and He knows everything, all the truth. We are not different, even if religions are different. The prophets are brothers, God is one, and the teachings are one. The agreement over general principles creates the spirit of togetherness, of community. God is with community. But those who want to destroy the spirit of community, and corrupt society - they are the ones who broadcast these unnatural acts and make them attractive for people, to destroy the power of community.

Because if opinions become different, people fall away from each other, become weaker, and become unable to do anything useful. And if the spirit of individualism and selfishness become widespread, society becomes weak, and honorable people have no power. One neighbor will be a believer, the other one unnatural, and another a drug addict, and another one without religion. Another one will be lost, not knowing what he wants. How will they be gathered against a brutal enemy?

The spirit of community is destroyed, and its power is lost, and evil becomes victorious. The hand of God is with community, with togetherness, that's what the Qur'an says. That's also what we learn when we read our history.

The prophet Mohammd was a poor man, weak among his people. He stood against oppression and evil. Against the clan of Quraysh and the rich, oppressive powers, and their leaders. How did he become victorious and allow the religion of God to exist on earth?

He allowed justice and equality between people; mercy for the weak and the poor, and respect for ones elders and relations. And honesty in human relationships, and the fear of God at all times. How did he allow these beautiful qualities to become implanted in society, instead of values of corruption and oppression?

In the Arabian peninsula, power was to oppress the power. Tribes use to go to war over sheep. And baby girls were buried alive. The powerful were wealty, while the rest languished in poverty, hunger and slavery. Who helped him except God, the power that loves truth, and makes victorious those who defend Him. He makes them strong, and destroys their enemies, who think they are strong, because of their wealth and power and arrogance.
There are many sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, Peace be Upon Him. His miracle was not only the Qur'an. No, he also spoke about daily life, about things that happened and things that will happen. He says in one of his sayings, "Ask your heart, and it will answer, it will answer, it will answer." That is, three times. Ask your heart, and it will have a truthful answer. And if people tell you otherwise, don't believe it.

He talks here about the person with a clean heart, which isn't tarnished by sins and mistakes. Or the one that did sin, but remained seeking forgiveness and remembering his Lord, so that his heart would remain clean, knowing the truth from lies.

The Prophet Mohammad says in another saying: "All the sons of Adam make mistakes. And the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent." That is, those who repeatedly seek repentance from God.

The Prophet Mohammad says that God once sent an angel to destroy a village, filled with sinners. But the angel said, "But in this village is a man who sits in the mosque and prays. Will you send down punishment on him?

God says, Begin with him, because he did not order good, and did not prevent vice.
What is the value of life, if we live it without values, without principles? I always say, there will be day when truth will be victorious on earth. Maybe I won't be there then. But I will die with a clean concience. When God asks me on the day of Judgement, on what I did in a time when oppression and corruption ruled. Were you quiet, afraid?
Or did you participate in, encourage oppression?
Or selfishness?
Every work has its value with God. He is merciful, forgives, punishes, who he wills. Perhaps we will be among those who deserve his mercy on that day.

Translated by Diaa Hadid

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Good morning..
I put new pictures for Baghdad..
hope you`ll like it.
I`m waiting to put the translation of my last blog..
wish you all nice day.

good morning...
well ,this is my old friend..
I realy missed her poisoned emails..
now there is a new one..
but I still asking my self..
somebody hates me and my blogs..why they insint
reading and sending?
why don`t they keep reading pro-American bloggers?
and be happy??
and that blog was talking about GC member was written by khalid
so, if she likes to send her hateful email to khalid..
he will agree..

I hope all Iraqi women aren't like regards to the death of the governing council member...your comment was about the flag and the fact that you didnt know who he was...well if you took some time to look at the positive side of things instead of spreading your venom you would know what is going on.......Fox news has been showing photos of the Iraqi's who love the USA and President Bush........Thank God, all Iraqi's arent like you

P.J. Dahling

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

الثلاثاء 18/5
صباح الخير
الجو جميل اليوم في بغداد , السماء صافية, والشمس حرارتها ليست شديدة..
يوم أمس كان يوما حزينا ...
في الصباح اغتيل رئيس مجلس الحكم...بسيارة مفخخة.
وسمعت خبرا عن اغتيال مدير عام دار الشؤون الثقافية , وهو اغتيال لرمز ثقافي لا علاقة له بالمناصب السياسية...
والشوارع تمتليء بقطع قماش اسود معلقة على الجدران, تنبيء كل واحدة عن موت شخص, يكتبون اسمه وسبب الوفاة, وأقاربه, وعنوان مكان دار العزاء, هكذا العادة هنا....وترى كثيرا من القطع السوداء مكتوب عليها, فلان بن فلان, اغتالته يد مجرمة آثمة....فتحزن عليه وعلى العراق كله...
العراق صار ساحة الإغتيالات وسفك الدماء...
ومن المستفيد؟؟
هل يعلم الذين يفجرون السيارات المفخخة انهم بكل عملية من هذا النوع , يعطون مبررا لبقاء الإحتلال في العراق؟
هل الذين يفجرون هذه السيارات هم من العراقيين الشرفاء؟
أشك في ذلك, وكما يقول كل من في الشارع العراقي مثلي..
هذه التفجيرات التي تستهدف مراكز الشرطة أو المدنيين العراقيين, لا يفعلها عراقي شريف أبدا...
هذه يفعلها أعداء العراقيين الذين يريدون لنا أن نظل تائهين ونتخبط في الظلام..
والإحتلال سيظل الى الأبد....سيجد في هذه التفجيرات المبرر لبقائة عشرات السنين الى الأمام...
والجاهل يفهم حين يقرأ الأحداث والأخبار كل يوم...
العراق ينهض ويتحرر حين ينتخب قيادة منه...تحبه وتحترمه وتعبر عنه.. ولا تريد قوى اجنبية تحميها.
ومتى سيحدث هذا ؟؟
حسب الوضع الحالي , كأن هذا المطلب لن يتحقق أبدا...
ستظل التفجيرات, ويظل الإحتلال...ويبقى الحلم بعراق مستقل حر...حلما بعيدا....
لكننا نؤمن برب السموات وعدالته التي تنزل ولو بعد حين...
من كان يصدق ان صدام سيمضي؟؟
الذي خلعه, سيخلع غيره من الظالمين, وأن طال الزمان....
بالأمس قضيت وقتا ممتعا في معهد اللغات الأمريكي..
تحدثنا نحن الطالبات مع المدرسات الأمريكيات عن أمور مختلفة, ومنها الزواج , ونظرتنا للزواج غير الشرعي, والأطفال غير الشرعيين..
وتفاجأت أن افكارنا متشابهة...
تقول الأمريكية المتزوجة, وعندها أطفال , وهي من ولاية جنوبية..أظن من الباما..
تقول ان المجتمع يحاول اقناع الناس ان هذه اشياء طبيعية, ولكننا نرفضها...
لأنها ضد ارادة الرب..ونعلم في قلوبنا , ما هي ارادة الرب...نحسها قريبة وواضحة..حتى لو حاولت المجتمع اقناعنا عكس ذلك..
لم اسألها من الذي يحاول اقناعكم..
لكني اليوم اكتشفت الجواب...
كانت معظم عناوين الأخبار على الأنترنت تتكلم عن سماح ولاية بوستن لزواج الشاذين...حيث معظم الولايات تمنع ذلك..
من الذي يفرض هذا الذوق على الناس هناك؟
من الذي يريد تشويه عقول الناس حتى لا تعود تعرف الصح من الخطأ ؟
من الذي يريد تشويه سمعة المجتمع الغربي وقيمه ومبادئه؟؟؟
تذكرت المقالة التي كتبتها قبل شهور...وقلت ثمة إعلام يشوه صورة الغرب فيبعدنا عنهم....
ويشوه صورتنا ويبعدهم عنا..
اليس هذا الإعلام نفسه الذي يشوه صورة لعرب والمسلمين ويجعلهم الأعداء؟؟
من يملك هذا الإعلام؟؟
ولمصلحة من يعمل؟؟
والى أين يسير بنا؟؟؟
هو بالتأكيد يسير بنا نحو البغض والتباعد....ويتجه بنا نحو الهاوية.
يسمم العقول,,ويغسل الأدمغة من حقائق جميلة , ويستبدلها بحقائق بشعة.
هو نفسه الذي يروج للعلاقات غير الشرعية, والفساد, وزواج الشاذين؟؟
والقنوات هناك تمتليء بصورهم وهم فرحون, ويقبلون بعضهم..كأزواج وزوجات...
وخجل وخزي مما يحدث, يؤلم العوائل المحافظة فتغير المحطة أو تطفيء التلفزيون غضبا...
ماذا يقول الناس لأولادهم الصغار؟؟
هذه علامات مجتمع متطور؟؟
ام علامات مجتمع يتحطم وينهار....
الحرب على العراق تقسم الشارع هناك بين مؤيد ورافض...
ووسائل الإعلام تدور في أفلاك بعيدة مقززة...كأنها تستفز وتهين الإنسان .
كم نسبة الشاذين في المجتمع؟
ولماذا البكاء عليهم وعلى حقوقهم وحريتهم؟
مجرد اكاذيب لأشغال الناس عما يحدث من أخطاء وكوارث تستحق الإنتباه...وايجاد الحلول لها...
الإعلام هو مصدر السموم اليومي الذي يبث صباح مساء...
والذي يرسم الأشياء كما يريد هو...ويحاول اقناع الناس بهذه الأفكار...
الحمد لله انني لا أعيش هناك...
كارثة الحرب والحياة القاسية هنا...أهون من العيش في مجتمع يتعرض لهذا الفساد والخراب .
تقول صديقتي التي من بوستن انها حزينة وتشعر بالعار...لأن اسم الولاية تشوه بهذه الأفعال القبيحة.
وتذكرت انها قالت في مرة سابقة ان الناس يوم الأحد يذهبون للكنائس ويغلقون الطرقات من ازدحام سياراتهم...
معظم الناس يذهبون للكنيسة يعني معظم الناس عندهم دين...
الله خلقنا من نفس واحدة, وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها...والحقائق كلها...
لا نختلف حتى لو اختلفت الأديان...الرسل أخوة , والرب واحد, والتعاليم واحدة.
والإتفاق على مباديء عامة, يخلق روح الجماعة...والله مع الجماعة.
لكن الذين يريدون تحطيم روح الجماعة وافساد المجتمع, هم الذين يشيعون هذه الفواحش ويزينوها للناس, ليحطموا قوة ذلك المجتمع.
فإن تفرقت آراء الناس تفرقوا...وضعفوا..وما عادوا قادرين على فعل شيء مفيد ...
وان شاعت روح الفردية والأنانية , تفسخ المجتمع, وما عاد للشرفاء قوة.
فترى جارك مؤمن, والآخر شاذ, والآخر مدمن مخدرات, والآخر لا دين له, والآخر تائه لا يدري ما يريد...
كيف ستجمعهم ضد عدو ما يفترسهم ؟؟؟
تحطمت روح الجماعة...وضاعت قوتهم..وانتصر الشر .
والإسلام دين الجماعة...
ويد الله مع الجماعة...هكذا يقول القرآن...
وهكذا نتعلم حين نقرأ تاريخنا..
النبي محمد كان رجلا فقيرا ضعيفا في قومه...
ووقف ضد الظلم والشر...ضد قبيلة قريش القوية المتجبرة الغنية ...وقائدة الكفر والشر..
كيف انتصر عليهم وحقق دين الله على الأرض ؟؟
حقق العدالة والمساواة بين الناس, والرحمة بالضعيف والفقير..واحترام الوالدين
والأقارب, والصدق في التعامل مع الناس, والخوف من الله في السر والعلن...
كيف رسخ قيما نبيلة وشريفة في المجتمع , بدلا من قيم فاسدة وظالمة؟؟
كانت جزيرة العرب فيها القوي يظلم الضعيف..والقبائل تتقاتل بينها من أجل الغنائم...والبنات يتم دفنهن وهن صغيرات وعلى قيد الحياة....والطبقة السائدة غنية ومترفة...والباقين جياع وفقراء وعبيد...
من ساعده سوى رب قوي يحب الحق, وينصر من يدافع عنه..
ويجعله قويا...ويحطم عدوه الذي ظن نفسه قويا بماله وسلطانه وكبريائه .
للرسول محمد عليه السلام, احاديث عن كل شيء...
معجزته لم تكن القرآن وحده...
بل ما تحدث به عن امور حياتنا, التي مضت والتي ستأتي..
يقول في أحد أحاديثه, استفت قلبك, وإن افتوك, وإن أفتوك, وإن افتوك...
يعني ثلاث مرات...اسأل قلبك, ففيه الجواب الحقيقي..وان أخبروك غير ذلك, لا تصدقهم.
وهو هنا يتكلم عن صاحب القلب النظيف..الذي لم تدنسه الذنوب والخطايا..أو الذي اصابته الذنوب ,لكنه ظل يستغفر ويذكر ربه, ليظل قلبه سليما نظيفا...يعرف الحق من الباطل....
ويقول في حديث آخر: كل ابن آدم خطاء...وخير الخطائين, التوابون., اي الذين
يكثرون من طلب التوبة من رب العالمين ..
ويقول ان الله أرسل ملائكة العذاب ليدمروا قرية ما..ارتكب اهلها الذنوب, فقالت الملائكة, لكن فيها رجلا يجلس في المسجد ويصلي...
هل ننزل عليه العذاب؟؟
فقال الله تعالى, بل به تبدؤون, لأنه لم يأمر بمعروف ...ولم ينه عن منكر .
ما قيمة الحياة...
ان عشناها بلا قيم ...بلا مباديء؟؟
واظل أقول دائما...
سيأتي يوم ينتصر فيه الحق على الأرض..
ربما لن أكون موجودة آنذاك...
لكني أموت وأنا مرتاحة الضمير...
حين سيسألني رب العالمين يوم القيامة..
عما فعلته في زمن شاع فيه الظلم والفساد ..
هل بقيت صامتة خائفة؟؟
أم شاركت وشجعت الظالم ؟؟
ام انانية ولا يهمني غيري؟؟
كل عمل له جزاء عند رب العالمين...
يرحم , ويغفر, ويعذب, لمن يشاء.....
وعسانا نكون ممن يستحق رحمته آنذاك....

good morning..
yes, I still see the rainbow after the storm...
thank you my friend..

hi there ms faiza,

After reading a few of your blogs, I'm truely amazed with how much of an intelligent, head strong woman you are. After everything that's happening, and continuing to happen; you still see the rainbow after the storm. I wish good things upon you, because you certainly deserve them.

I just wanted to offer you some words of encouragement, and let you know that you have inspired me to do more with my life. I, too, have gone through such country uncertainities such as yourself. I immigrated to canada (with my wife and daughter), from the killing fields of cambodia in 1985. More than 2,000,000 of my people were slaughtered, used as sex slaves, and worked to death. It is important for me to remember my past, thank you for reminding me of where I came from and my responsibilities as an immigrant-turned citizen. Things will look up, and things will get better. You dont need me to tell you that, you already know they will.

Thank you.. just, thank you. You are truely what the world needs right now.


L. Lay,
Victoria, BC
Good morning..
this is new email from a new friend..
I get many emails like this one ,daily..
it makes me feel happy..
and gives me the hope that every thing is going to be better
if we all loved peace and helped each other to get it, someday....

To you and your family. I apologise for not writing in your language but
like most English speakers I know no other.
My heart goes out to you and all Iraquis who are caught in a horrifying
hellish situation not of their making.
I want to say that the people of Iraq are in the thoughts of all
reasonable people around the world. Most people in the world are
reasonable so that although I am sure that for Iraquis their situation
appears isolated and terrifying; they need to know that there are many,
many people around the world that DO care and who want to see this horror
end now.
Winter is beginning here in New Zealand and this morning was the first
time we had to heat the house while the children got up and got ready for
school. Brrrrh! But although it is cold it is a beautiful morning with
the sun shining brightly and everybody smiles as they greet each other in
the streets.
We have just moved to this smallish town after nearly 10 years in a NZ's
biggest city and we are a little worried that it will be colder than we are
used to down here but the people are so much friendlier and the winters are
much drier than further North so I am looking forward to this winter as a
new experience.
I would like to thank you for your interesting and insightful web-log that
helps us all see that Iraquis are the same humans as everywhere else no
matter what politicians and other greed heads try and tell them. The more
that people around the world talk and understand each other the harder it
will be for those people to get us to fight each other. The 'leaders' that
start wars are always far more like each other than they are like the
people they get to kill each other. Bush and Saddam see the world in the
same ugly way, and although it would be truly awful to hold that perverse
world view we cant let ourselves feel sorry for them, the best we can do is
try and make sure that we don't encourage that attitude in those around us
particularly our children.
I hope that today is a good day for you and your family too.

Kind Regards to you all,

Phil Sinclair

Good morning..
I put new pictures from Baghdad..
hope you `ll like it...
about me..I`m writing my new blog..
hope you all have a nice day..

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Thursday may, 13

Good morning…
News is still the same…
If you don’t listen to news for two or three days and go back again to find that they are still talking about the exact same things…
That reminded me of the Iraq-Iran war…
I wasn’t living in Iraq that time, but I was following news just like everyone else did…
How did Saddam manage to keep the hate level towards Iran so high for eight long years?
How did he make Iraqi people fight Iranian people? A Muslim kills a Muslim?
How come?
I mean, how did he arrange it the way that made people in both sides hate and fight each other, while they are neighbors and follow one religion?
Eight years of continues lying, misleading and twisting facts, and creating an atmosphere of hate, to keep war going….
At the beginning, he attempted them by money, high salaries, cars and lands for the families of those who die fighting, money flowed to make people drawn in their ignorance…
Who was supplying saddam with weapons?
Isn’t it America?
A crazy war that took lives, burned everything and destroyed peace for long coming years…
Then it ended in a stupid way, just like the beginning…
And the result, was two exhausted sides…and that was the goal, and millions of dead people in both sides, orphans and widows, sadness and painful memories…that’s all what's left.
Bosh and his administration, are reading the same book that saddam was reading that time, the book of evil…
An explosion happened in an Iraqi university and killed students, saddam visited the injured students in the hospital, the same night of the explosions, saddam was on TV, he made his famous promise" wallah, wallah, wallah" , he swear god three times, that he would revenge for those dead students…
And he used his wise way for revenge, and caused million of people to die in both sides, this is the revenge language, we knew it and tried it, and there is no language that is uglier than it, and no way is worse than it in solving problems between human beings.
We have a say: read the history to know the present…an here I am reading in the book of memories, the book of wars, destruction and sadness, what good did wars give to the humanity?
It separated them and never united them, made them even further of each other and never brought them any closer, all in order to keep hate and anger in maximum level, ready to explode at any moment to start a new war story, with whole new excuses.
Isn’t that what bush did right after 9/11? And who did it at the first place?
Don’t tell me its those half naked people in Afghanistan who haven’t learned reading and writing yet…
I keep telling myself every time things cool down: wait, it will get crazy all over again with a new story, and that what happens usually.
Wicked minds keep working day and night, to produce stories to distract people and keep them busy, the story of torturing Iraqi prisoners embarrasses the western media, so they make new stories to drag the attention of those who are against war to another issue, that keeps them angry, and the war keep going…
Now the story of the prisoner that was beheaded, who did that? We Iraqis sink in our questions, who are those scum who want to ruin our reputation? If we want to behead, Baghdad is filled with American solders, why didn’t we behead any of them? If we are so barbaric!
Why the picture of beheading is only on internet, never in streets, doesn’t that tell you something? Who made these pictures?
Who are those anti-Islam who run these web sites? Who finances them? Who id behind them?
Who supports them to ruin the image of Islam?
We are sick of these nonsense stories, that fires the hate of the ignorant naive people, and makes us their enemies, while we are innocent…
We wait for peace and security to happen in Iraq, and every day passes like a long year, and then these stories come to tell us that we'll never have the peace we are looking for…
As long as there is someone who is planning for more killing and blood shading…
And probably other bloody explosions will happen here and there, to shut the mouths that call for peace and ending wars, and wars keep going on and on, will the evil ones achieve their goals, no matter what the loses are, Iraqis, Americans, what matters is that war keep going on, the people of the world, who don’t know what's going on around us…
When I go to the English language institute…all of us, Iraqi and American women, smile ad laugh together, and we talk about everything but war, one of my American friends say that she feel spoiled in Baghdad, her Iraqi neighbors send her Iraqi delicious dishes most of the week, so she rarely cocks, and her husband loves Iraqi food and asked her to learn how to make it, and he hangs out with Iraqi friends and go to smoke "nargeela", and they surround him with care and make sure no one hurts him…she says that she and her husband are very comfortable here in Baghdad…she says that she lived in Jordan for two years. even her friends their were Iraqis, then we taught her how to make Iraqi rise, and we laughed about the stories of love and marriage, kids and raising them, family, relatives and friends, all the stories are the same, they didn’t hear something they thought it was strange from us, and we didn’t hear something we thought it was strange, we felt that they are away from their home, and that they deserve our care, they are our guests, and its not of our virtues to mistreat guests…but as soon as I leave the institution…I know that I am in another world now, a world with different rules…where there is an occupation army, and an occupied country.
Now the story starts all over again with Syria, WMD, human rights, helping Saddam's regime, another boring show is going to start there, and disasters are going to happen there, and there will be silence from the Arab governments, who are afraid of Bush and his drums, that he knocks at any moment, to declare that some country somewhere, has become a new enemy…
I imagine him going to bed every night, tired and stressed, has he ever asked himself: what did I do for the humanity?
Did I leave good memories, or is my memory going to be attached to wars and destruction like Saddam?
I can't picture him sitting with his wife and children, smiling like a kind father, getting involved in the world of politics and wars, kills men from inside…
What's left of the human when he loses his feelings, when he don’t regret his mistakes, I wonder, does Bush regret what he did? Did saddam regret what he did?
The moment a person feels regret and ask himself about what he did, is the best moment in his life, because it proves that his conscience isn’t dead yet, that conscience is what tells him the deference between right and wrong, truth and lies, beauty and ugliness…

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Good morning...
don`t ask me about news..
every thing is going bad.
I`ll put the translation of the last post in the evening
however, I have uploaded new photos at the new site...
take a look..I hope you`ll like it...
it`s from our happy old days...

Thursday, May 13, 2004

الخميس 13/5
صباح الخير
الأخبار كما هي...
تبتعد يومين أو ثلاثة عن سماعها...ثم تعود لتسمع نفس المعزوفات المملة
من جديد....
أتذكرالحرب العراقية الإيرانية...لم أكن اعيش في العراق..
لكني كنت اتابع الأخبار كغيري من الناس ..
كيف حافظ صدام حسين على تأجيج الحقد ضد ايران لثماني سنوات من الحرب...
وجعل العراقي يحارب الإيراني...
المسلم يقاتل المسلم...
المسلم الشيعي يقاتل المسلم الشيعي
وكما يقول المثل : كيف تأتي ؟؟؟؟
يعني كيف رتبها لتكون القصة مقنعة والشعوب تبغض بعضها وتتحارب؟؟
وهم جيران ولهم دين واحد...
ثماني سنوات من الكذب والتضليل وتشويه الحقائق وخلق أجواء البغض
والكراهية...حتى تبقى نار الحرب متأججة...
في البداية أغراهم بالمال والرواتب العالية والإمتيازات...
وتوزيع السيارات لأهل الشهداء..وقطع الأراضي السكنية..وأموال تتدفق
ليغرق الناس في جهلهم وغفلتهم...
ومن كان يمول صدام حسين بالسلاح؟؟
اليست أميركا؟؟
حرب طاحنة مجنونة, تحصد الأرواح , وتحرق الأخضر واليابس...
وتدمر السلام والإستقرار الى سنين طويلة قادمة...
ثم انتهت بطريق تافهة...كما بدأت..
والنتيجة..انهاك للطرفين..
هذا هو المطلوب...وكفى.
وملايين من القتلى للطرفين...وأرامل وأيتام..وحزن وذكريات أليمة.
هذا ما تبقى لكم....
نفس الكتاب...كتاب الشر, الذي كان يقرأ منه صدام حسين ويتعلم ...
يقرأه بوش اليوم وإدارته...
صدام حسين بدأ حربه ضد ايران بتفجيرات في جامعة عراقية قتلت
الطلاب الأبرياء..
وخرج علىشاشة التلفزيون العراقي ليلتها غاضبا ..
وقال قسمه الشهير..والله والله والله..
وقال انه سينتقم للأرواح التي سقطت...
وانتقم بطريقته الحكيمة تلك..فأسقط الملايين من الطرفين قتلى...
هذه لغة الإنتقام...
عرفناها وذقناها...ولا أقبح منها لغة...ولا أسوأ منها طريقة لحل مشاكل
البشر مع بعضهم....
يقول المثل: اقرأ التاريخ الماضي...لتفهم ما يحدث في الحاضر...
وها أنا أقرأ في دفتر الذكريات...دفتر الحروب والخراب والأحزان
ماذا قدمت للبشرية؟؟؟
فرقتهم ولم تجمعهم ,باعدتهم ولم تقربهم..
ليظل الصراع متأججا...وتبقى الأحقاد مشتعلة...ومستعدة للإنفجار في اية لحظة
لتبدا قصة حرب جديدة....بأعذار جديدة.
أليس هذا ما فعله بوش بعد تفجير أبراج نيويورك؟؟
ومن فجرها؟؟؟
من قاد تلك العملية سوى فئة قليلة تحترف الإجرام منذ زمن بعيد..
لا تقل لي اولئك الحفاة الذين في افغانستان...
اولئك البوساء الذي لم يتعلموا القراءة والكتابة بعد...
وأنا أظل أقول مع نفسي كلما هدأت الأخبار قليلا...انتظري ستشتعل من جديد
بقصة جديدة...
وهذا ما يحصل عادة...
الأصابع والعقول الخبيثة تظل تشتغل ليل نهار...لتنتج قصصا تلهي بها الناس
قصص السجناء العراقيين وتعذيبهم تزعج الإعلام الغربي وتحرجه..
فينتجون قصصا جديدة لصرف النظر عن تلك...وسحب انتباه الناس المعترضين
على الحرب...الى قضية أخرى تغضبهم وتظل الشعلة متقدة...وتظل أجواء الحرب
الآن قصة الرهينة الأمريكي الذي قطع رأسه ...من نفذ العملية؟؟
ونحن العراقيون نغرق في الأسئلة؟؟
من هؤلاء المجرمون الحثالة الذين يفعلون هذه العمليات ؟؟؟
ويريدون تشويه صورتنا؟؟؟
ان كنا نريد قطع الرؤؤس فها هي بغداد تمتليء بالجنود الأمريكيين
لماذا لم نقطع رأس أحدهم هنا في بغداد؟؟
ان كنا برابرة ؟؟
لماذا على موقع في الإنترنت تصور العمليات وتلصق بنا؟؟
من هم الحثالة أعداء الإسلام الذين يدعون أنهم أصحاب الموقع؟؟؟
ومن يمولهم؟؟؟
لتشويه الإسلام وأهله؟؟
سئمنا من هذه القصص الفاشلة التي لا يصدقها عاقل..
بل تثير أحقاد الجاهلين الساذجين...وتجعلنا أعداءهم ...
ونحن ابرياء...
نحن الذين ننتظر ان يحل السلام والأمان في العراق...
وكل يوم علينا يمر مثل سنة...
وتأتي هذه القصص المقرفة لتقول اننا لن ندرك السلام ولن نراه...
ما دام ثمة من يرسم ويخطط لمزيد من القتل والدماء...
وربما ستحدث تفجيرات أخرى دامية هنا وهناك..
لسد الأفواه التي تطالب بالسلام وانهاء الحرب..
وتظل طاحونة الحرب تدور وتدور.....
حتى تتحقق الغايات لأولئك الأشرار...
لا يهم ...الضحايا من عراقيين أو امريكان .
المهم استمرار دوران الطاحونة بأي ثمن....بأي ثمن .
ونحن جميعا الهدف...نحن الشعوب الغافلة عما يدور.
في أي وقت وفي أي زمان .
عندما أذهب لمعهد اللغات الأمريكي, نبتسم ونضحك..العراقيات والأمريكيات
ونتكلم بكل المواضيع عدا الحرب..
وتقول احدى الأمريكيات انها مدللة في بغداد...جاراتها العراقيات يرسلن لها
اطباقا من الطعام العراقي معظم ايام الأسبوع...ولا تطبخ الا نادرا..
وزوجها يحب الطعام العراقي ويقول لها تعلميه...
ويذهب مع اصحابه العراقيين ليشربوا الأرجيلة...ويحيطونه بالرعاية حتى لا يؤذيه
أحد...وهم مرتاحون جدا في بغداد..وتقول كنت أعيش في عمان لمدة سنتين..
حتى صديقاتي هناك من العراقيات...
ثم علمناها كيف تطبخ الرز العراقي....
وضحكنا على قصص الزواج والحب ...
وقصص الأطفال وتربيتهم...والأهل والأقارب والأصدقاء وقيمتهم في حياتنا..
كل القصص متشابهة...لم نسمع منهم شيئا غريبا..
ولم يسمعوا منا شيئا غريبا...
احسسننا انهم بعيدون عن وطنهم ويستحقون منا العناية..
هم ضيوفنا..وليس من اخلاقنا الإساءة للضيف...
لكني اعلم حين اغادر المعهد..
أن ثمة عالم آخر له قوانين مختلفة...
عالم فيه شعب وجيش محتل...
عالم فيه ظلم وكذب وأحقاد...
عالم يضيع فيه الحق....
عالم يجعلك مريضا وتشعر بالغثيان..
عالم لا علاقة به بعالم الإنسان......
والان أرى القصة بدأت ضد سوريا...
اسلحة دمار...وحقوق الإنسان..ومساعدة نظام صدام...
ثمة مسلسل ممل جديد ...سيبدأ هناك..
وثمة كوارث اخرى تأتي في الطريق...
وحكومات عربية تلوذ بالصمت خوفا من بوش...
وطبوله التي يدقها فجاة....ضد دولة ما ..ليعلنها عدوا جديدا...
اتخيله حين يذهب للنوم نهاية يومه...
متعبا مرهقا مشدود الأعصاب...
الم يسأل نفسه يوما, ماذا قدمت للإنسانية؟؟
هل سيظل ذكري طيبا أم مرتفقا بالحروب والدمار مثل صدام؟؟؟
لا أتخيله يجلس مع زوجته واولاده كأب حنون مبتسم...
الدخول في عالم السياسة والحروب...يقتل الإنسان الذي في الأعماق..
وماذا يتبقى من الإنسان ...حين يفقد شعوره كإنسان له مشاعر كغيره من البشر...
يحزن ويتألم ويندم على الخطأ الذي فعله...
هل يندم بوش على ما فعله؟؟
هل يندم صدام على ما فعله؟؟؟
لحظة أن يندم الإنسان ويحاسب نفسه...
هي أفضل لحظة في حياته..
لأنها تثبت له أن الضمير الذي في داخله لم يمت بعد....
ذلك الضمير الذي يعرف الفرق بين الحق والباطل..
الكذب والصدق...
الجميل والقبيح...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Good morning...
I want you to visit our new link..
the pictures from Baghdad.
I wish you `ll like it

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Sunday May,9.
Good Morning.

Today is Mother's Day in some countries of the world. I wish all of them a beautiful day with their families, and flowers and small presents, beautiful things to bring happiness to the hearts of mothers.

And I hope peace and tranquility return to our lives like everybody else on these beautiful occassions, so we can feel their taste. The taste of things which appear superfluous in this climate of war. Life itself appears superfluous, boring, sad.
I remember when we used to live in Amman. The children were little in primary school. They used to compete with each other to buy presents for Mama for Mother's Day. I still keep some of them. A small flower vase from Khaled. A book from Raed. A colored card that Raed wrote inside, "Happy Mothers Day, Mama, my darling.

Everytime I see it I smile and tears come to my eyes. Majid made a card for me and drew colored flowers, when he was in kindergarten, and wrote "Mama," in his own handwriting. With love, respect and beautiful words for one's heart to be filled with joy, and to feel that her message in life has borne fruit, that a new generation has come into being, giving new wonderous and deeper meanings of life
Everybody looks the same...Regardless of where they are on this earth....Everybody is good and bad...beautiful and ugly, rich and and stupid - and the stupid think only their own are good....and all others are bad, undeserving of life
I remember the verse from the Qur'an :( We created you from one soul)…..
. I mean, everybody has the same feelings, regardless of different languages and colors and nationalities. feeling joy and sadness and anger, knowing what is good and what is bad...what is beautiful and what is ugly.
Everybody has hopes & dreams....Everybody sees and hears...and think and understand...all has good and evil desires. Humility and satisfaction...or arrogance and rudeness
I don't want to talk about our life without giving details....that would make the picture clearer...when we were brothers and i, we were successful at school, we were poor.

My father used to tell us to cling to learning....and that will make us the rulers of people...even kings submit to the learned...we used to laugh, and didn't understand. we only belived him...and respected his opinion...Years past and we graduated from universities....The first, a dentist, was in the top 10 of this class, and so went to the US to complete his studies...specialization in children's dental development...And worked as a lecturer in university...and has a clinic in the evenings.

The second graduated as a doctor and went to the UK to study Neorologist specialization, and returned to be a lecturer in university, and has a clinic in the afternoons. The third, myself, I graduated from Engineering and married, and travelled, working in neighboring Arabic countries, as an engineering consultant, for civil building design.
The fourth graduated as a doctor and specialized in surgery, and like the rest, teaches at university and has a clinic. The fifth graduated as a doctor, with a specalization in gynacology. She works in the mornings at a government clinic, and in the evenings at a private clinic. The sixth graduated as an irrigation engineer, and worked for the government in her specializing for many years before quitting. The seventh graduated in pharmacy, and worked at the government's Samarra medicines center, and then quit. She has a pharmacy. The eighth is a mechanical engineer and works as mentenance engineer in a medicinal gas factories, and is now the head of engineering.

Is our family unique?

I don't think so. This is the case for many Iraqi families. Education was free. And we took our opportunities, in many cases, justly. Just like in any other place on earth.
We all married of our own choice. Nobody forced their opinion on us. Most of the spouses were study colleagues, just like our generation. Our relations to our families is steady and usual. We meet for special occassions and there is love between us....The rich helps the poor. The one with an important position helps the one needing assistance....This is how years of our lives past.
Even from the wars we learnt things to help us in life. And despite Saddam Hussein and his harsh rule over Iraqis, they were not stupid or lazy....
During the Iranian war, doctors developed their skills for difficult operations...They used to go to conferences with academic study papers explaining how the treated difficult cases, like broken teeth or plastic surgery after war wounds, or nerve diseases, and how to treat them. I remember my brothers and their colleagues participating in medical conferences and presenting such difficult papers...explaining and presenting and putting forward suggestions for treatment....
Iraqi engineers worked on how to build and take what benefited them from war, like bridges and army buildings, weapons creation, they made new things. It wasn't something in their lives before that time.

Housewives and female employees in the country...learnt how to be leaders, when there was no men....carrying responsibility. Mothers, despite their husbands and sons being gone, participating in the war....But life passes quickly....These are all pictures of our lives before the 1990s. Study, work, marriage,.
After the Kuwait war, and then the sanctions. Who lead the cry for sanctions? Who insisted on them? Why? Everybody knew that Saddam Hussein, his family, his followers, these were the last people to be hurt by sanctions...The Iraqi people were the only victims. From 1991 to 2003, until Saddam Hussein fell. How were the Iraqis? Intellectuals, professionals, build the cultures of Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Iraqi women suffered how they suffered. From tiny incomes, from need. Families sold all they had just to stay alive....The dreams of youth for a beautiful, steady life were destroyed...graduating from universities and unable to find work....most wishing to be Saddam's bodyguards or in his secret service....and our values were lost....Love became rare...and so did marriage. Even family relations scattered.

Brothers became distant, and they lost mercy to each other....families separated...millions traveled, and lost their connections....and the Iraqi employee became a prime example of corruption....after they were the example of an honorable, honest worker. Iraqis became torn between a glorious past...and a destroyed present....Iraqis turned away from all principles...and the beautiful values of life tumbled before their eyes.
Saddam Hussein used to enjoy prestige and money...and his sons spreading corruption on earth. Most people are weak and ignorant....running after power....clapping, perhaps they will be thrown some crumbs.

After 2003, it was the war on Iraq, completing the picture.
What remained of wealthy Iraqis migrated. And professionals. And doctors and engineers and academics and head managers were assassinated....Like who ever were plotting was looking far ahead into the future. To say that Iraq has nothing....and in that way justify keeping foreign forces on its land....and Iraqis in exile fearing return....And the Occupation forces attracted a new Iraqi leadership....But Iraqis are seeing things with eyes wide open. They think ...they debate...they argue...they reject....And Iraqis remain alive, they will not die.
Thank God.
Yesterday I was angry over an Iraqi blogger woman who lives in America. She has a website and writes on it. She pictured us. Like idiots, without dreams, wishes, without experience in life....she pictures us failed things born just to hate others. And the truth is quite the opposite. We are people that have dynamic minds...and dreams, successes, experience. But there are people who want to deny all this. And want to show us as backwards and aggressive.
After the Soviet Union fell and the principle enemy of America was no more. There appeared a focus on Islam as the main enemy. And Bin Laden appeared, a man created by the CIA, to destroy Russia, to get that country out of Afghanistan. Bin Laden doesn't represent Muslims or their heritage or their values.
We are Muslims...we like goodness. We forgive evil, and are patient when inflicted. That's what our religion teaches us. Tolerance, affection. We don't like harshness. And in our daily lives we don't hear of crimes, crimes against women and children, except rarely. Our societies have values, we still have them. We don't have degenerate things in our society, like AIDS and drugs....and relations outside marriage and children without parents - all of this on the pretext of freedom!

When we hear of things, our mouths open in surprise...and we are shocked. And we hope that these things remain distant from our houses and our lives. But there are those who want to change us for the worst. And show us like barbarians. Without mercy. Without hearts. We are the new enemy...We deserve to be treated badly....That's what the Western media does.

We are innocent...we are afraid of news of explosions that target our men and women and children...then they say: Look at what Muslims give the world!

I want to know who funds these criminal organizations.

Is it not the same people who funded Ben Laden and made him a nightmare, destroying our lives? And the lives of others? And Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? And other names. We don't even know if they are true, or only live in the dreams of imagination.

They have spread the culture of fear. And violence. And have made ugly the picture of Islam. The same fingers all over the world...killing and blowing up and destroying....and making war. In Iraq and Jordan and Saudi Arabia and before that, the Twin Towers in New York. The same fingers kill and others are their victims, innocent, in every city of the world.
We are confused, looking for the accused.
The real criminals laugh and hide
We have become enemies of each other...And every one of us is innocent
This is how the world is today
But we can't stop dreaming of a better tomorrow

[translated by Diaa Hadid, Dubai]

Sunday, May 09, 2004

الأحد 9/5
صباح الخير
اليوم عيد الأمهات في بعض دول العالم..
اتمنى لهن جميعا يوما جميلا مع العائلة...وباقة من الورود, أو هدايا بسيطة جميلة تدخل السعادة على قلوب
واتمنى أن يعود السلام والهدوء لحياتنا لنحتفل مثل باقي البشر بمناسبات جميلة كهذه...ونحس بطعمها.
طعم الأشياء يغدو تافها مع أجواء الحرب...هي الحياة ذاتها تصبح تافهة..مملة...حزينة .
أتذكر عندما كنا نعيش في عمان...وكان الأولاد صغارا في المدارس الإبتدائية..
كانوا يتنافسون في شراء هدية لماما في عيد الأم..
ما زلت احتفظ بعدد منها...مزهرية صغيرة من خالد..وكتاب من رائد...وبطاقة ملونة ..وكتب فيها رائد كل عام وانت بخير ماما حبيبتي...كلما أراها ابتسم وتدمع عيوني...
ماجد رسم بطاقة عليها وردات ملونة وهو في صف الروضة...وكتب ماما بخط يده...
ليس أسعد على قلب الأم من أن تجد أولادها يردون لها الحب الذي اعطتهم اياه ..
بالمحبة والتقدير والكلمات الجميلة...
يفرح قلبها وتحس ان رسالتها في الحياة أثمرت...وأعطت جيلا جديدا يتواصل معها , فيعطي معاني أجمل وأعمق للحياة .
الناس متشابهون...مهما كان مكان وجودهم على الكرة الأرضية..
فيهم الطيب والشرير..الجميل والقبيح...الغني والفقير..الغبي والذكي..
والغبي , هو الذي يظن الصفات الطيبة لشعبه فقط..والآخرون حثالة لا يستحقون الحياة .
أتذكر الآية الكريمة :( وخلقناكم من نفس واحدة.....)
يعني تحسون بكل المشاعر مهما اختلفتم لغاتكم والوانكم وجنسياتكم..
تفرحون وتحزنون وتغضبون, وتعرفون هذا خير وهذا شر..هذا جميل وهذا قبيح .
وكلكم عندكم أحلام وطموحات ..وعندكم حواس تنظر وتسمع...وعندكم عقول تفكر وتفهم..
وعندكم رغبات طيبة وشريرة..
التواضع والقناعة..أو التكبر والأفتخار
لا أريد أن اتكلم عن حياتنا دون سرد تفاصيل.
فهذا يوضح الصورة أكثر...
عندما كنا صغارا...أخوتي وأنا , كنا متفوقين في المدارس, وكنا فقراء..
كان أبي يقول تمسكوا بالعلم...فإنه يجعلكم سادة الناس...حتى الملوك يخضعون للعلماء...
وكنا نضحك...ونتعجب, ولم نكن نفهم...لكنا نصدقه...ونحترم رأيه.
ومرت بنا السنون...وتخرجنا من الجامعات..
الأول طبيب أسنان كان من العشرة الأوائل, فذهب الى اميركا ليكمل دراسة الإختصاص بتقويم اسنان الأطفال...
وعاد ليعمل استاذا في الجامعة..وعنده عيادة في المساء..
الثاني تخرج طبيبا وذهب الى بريطانيا ليتخصص جملة عصبية..عاد ليعمل استاذا في الجامعة, وعنده عيادة بعد الظهر..
الثالثة أنا, تخرجت مهندسة وتزوجت وسافرت للعمل في دول عربية مجاورة, في مكاتب هندسية استشارية
كمهندسة تصميم مدني للمباني..
الرابع تخرج طبيبا وتخصص في الجراحة, ومثل السابقين, يدرس في الجامعة, وعنده عيادة.
الخامسة, تخرجت طبيبة وتخصصت نسائية وتعمل في الصباح في عيادة للدولة, وفي المساء عيادتها الخاصة.
السادسة تخرجت مهندسة ري, وعملت في الدولة باختصاصهالفترة طويلة , ثم استقالت.
السابعة تخرجت صيدلانية وعملت في معمل أدوية سامراء للدولة ثم استقالت, وعندها مذخر ادوية وصيدلية..
الثامن تخرج مهندسا ميكانيكيا ويعمل بقسم صيانة المكائن في معمل غازات طبية حكومي...وهو رئيس مهندسين الآن .
هل عائلتنا حالة خاصة؟؟
لا أظن ...هكذا معظم العوائل العراقية..
التعليم مجاني, ونأخذ فرصتنا في كثير من الأحيان بعدالة..كما في أي مكان آخر من العالم..
تزوجنا جميعا من الذين اخترناهم...لم يفرض علينا أحد رأيه...
ومعظم الزواجات من زملاء الدراسة, كما هو حال ابناء وبنات جيلنا...
علاقاتنا مع العائلة مستقرة وطبيعية, نلتقي في المناسبات , ولا نقطع الود عن بعضنا...
الغني يساعد الفقير...الذي عنده مركز مهم يساعد الذي بحاجة له.
هكذا مضت سنوات حياتنا...
حتى الحروب استفاد منها العراقيون لتزيدهم خبرة في الحياة..
ورغم ظلم صدام حسين ومعاملته القاسية للعراقيين, فهم لم يكونوا اغبياء او كسالى..
في الحرب الإيرانية , تطورت خبرة الأطباء العراقيين في العمليات الصعبة والمعقدة...وكانوا يأخذون معهم للمؤتمرات اوراقا للبحوث العلمية, وكيف عالجوا الحالات الصعبة, مثل كسور الفك والأسنان,
أو الجراحة التجميلية بسبب اصابات الحرب, أو الجراحة العصبية, وألأمراض العصبية الجديدة, وكيفية علاجها...
اتذكر اخواني وزملائهم وهم يشاركون في المؤتمرات الطبية ويقدمون أوراقا فيها حالات صعبة...ويشرحون ويعرضون سلايدات..ويقدمون اقتراحات للعلاج..
والمهندسين العراقيين, تعلموا كيف يصنعون وينتجون ما يفيدهم اثناء الحرب, من جسور ومنشآت تستعمل للجيش, ثم صناعة الأسلحة , فتعلموا اشياء جديدة لم تكن سابقا ضمن برنامج حياتهم.
وربات البيوت والموظفات في الدولة..تعودن كيف يكن قائدات للعمل بدون رجال...
يتحملن المسؤولية, ويقمن بالعمل بما يضمن استمراريته...
رغم آلامهن بغياب ازواجهن واولادهن ...مشاركين في الحرب .
لكن عجلة الحياة كانت تدور....
هذه كلها صور لحياتنا قبل التسعينات...
الدراسة والعمل والزواج...وحتى الحرب.
بعد حرب الكويت...
ثم فرض الحصار على العراق...
من قاد فرض الحصار؟؟؟
وأصر عليه؟؟
الكل يعلم ان صدام حسين وعائلته واتباعه هم آخر من سيتأثر في الحصار...
والشعب العراقي كان هو الضحية الوحيدة....
منذ عام 1991الى عام 2003
حتى سقط صام حسين...
كيف اصبح حال العراقيين؟؟
هاجر اصحاب العقول والخبرات, والعلماء...وصاروا بناة حضارة للآخرين..
في اوروبا و أمريكا وكندا واستراليا ونيوزلندة ....
وعانت النساء العراقيات ما عانت , من قلة الدخل, وشدة الحاجة...وباعت العوائل ممتلكاتها حتى تبقى على قيد الحياة..
والشباب تحطمت آمالهم بحياة جميلة مستقرة...
يتخرجون من الجامعات فلا يجدون عملا..
وينتمي معظمهم ليكونوا من حرس صدام أو مخابراته...
وضاعت المباديء والقيم الجميلة...
صار الحب نادرا...وكذلك الزواج ....
حتى العلاقات العائلية تفتت, وابتعد الأخوة عن بعضهم, وانفقدت الرحمة بينهم.
وتشتت العوائل...وسافر الملايين من العراقيين وما عاد لهم صلة باهلهم...
وصار الموظف العراقي في الدولة نموذجا للمرتشي الفاسد..بعد أن كان نموذجا للإنسان الشريف المتعفف.
صار العراقي ممزقا بين ماض مجيد...وحاضر محطم...
كفر العراقيون بكل المباديء....وانهارت قيم الحياة الجميلة أمام اعينهم....
وكان صدام حسين يتمتع بالقوة والجاه والمال...وكذلك أولاده عاثوا فسادا في الأرض...
والناس أكثرهم ضعفاء وجاهلون...يركضون وراء القوي...ويصفقون, عسى أن يرمي لهم الفتات...
وبعد 2003
حدثت الحرب على العراق
واكتمل المشهد
هاجر ما تبقى من العراقيين الأغنياء..والعلماء..
وتم اغتيال أطباء ومهندسين وعلماء واساتذة جامعيين ورجال دين ومدراء عامين...
كأن ثمة من يرسم ويخطط لكل هذا منذ زمن بعيد...
ليقول أن العراق فيه لصوص وقتلة.....لا غير.
وهذا يبرر بقاء قوات اجنبية على أرضه.
والذين في الخارج من العراقيين يخشون العودة...
وجلبت معها قوات الإحتلال القادة الجدد للعراق...
لكن العراقيين ما زالوا بعيون مفتوحة ينظرون....ويجادلون ...ويناقشون..ويرفضون.
ما زال الشعب العراقي حيا...لم يمت .
الحمد لله....
وبالأمس كنت غاضبة من عراقية تعيش في امريكا...ولها موقع تكتب فيه..
صورتنا.كأغبياء ,بلا طموحات ,بلا ارادة, بلا خبرة في الحياة.
وصورتنا كأننا مخلوقات فاشلة تحسد وتبغض الشعوب الأخرى...
والحقيقة...غير هذا تماما..
نحن شعوب عندها عقول ذكية مبدعة...وطموحات...ونجاحات...وخبرات.
لكن ثمة من يريد طمس كل هذا ..وأظهارنا بمظهر التخلف والهمجية...
بعد سقوط الإتحاد السوفيتي ونهاية العدو الأول لأميركا...
ظهر بطريقة ما التركيز على الإسلام كعدو أول...
وظهرت شخصية بن لادن التي صنعتها المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية, لتدمر بها روسيا وتخرجها من افغانستان...
وبن لادن لا يمثل المسلمين وتراثهم واخلاقهم...
نحن شعوب مسالمة...تحب الخير..وتعفو عن المسيء..وتصبر على الأذى,,,
هكذا تعاليم ديننا..
نسامح, ونعطف, ولا نحب القسوة والشراسة.
وفي حياتنا اليومية لا نسمع عن جريمة حدثت, او اعتداء على امراة أو طفل..
الا نادرا نادرا...
مجتمعاتنا فيها قيم ومباديء...ما زالت محفوظة...
لا توجد مظاهر قبيحة في مجتمعاتنا...مثل الأيدز والشاذين والمخدرات...والعلاقات غير الشرعية والأطفال غير الشرعيين...كل هذا بحجة الحرية!!!
عندما نسمع عن شيء كهذا نفتح أفواهنا دهشة...ويصيبنا الرعب...ونتمنى أن تظل بعيدة عن بيوتنا وحياتنا..
لكن ثمة من يريد تشويهنا..وظهارنا كأننا برابرة..بلا رحمة...بلا قلوب.
نحن الأعداء الجدد...الذين يستحقون السحق ...هكذا كل الإعلام الغربي يفعل..
ونحن ابرياء...نرتعب من اخبار الإنفجارات التي تستهدف رجالنا ونساءنا واطفالنا...
ثم يقولون...انظروا ماذا يقدم المسلمون للعالم؟؟؟
اريد أن أعرف من يمول تلك التنظيمات المجرمة؟؟؟
اليست هي الجهة نفسها التي مولت بن لادن وجعلت منه كابوسا يدمر حياتنا وحياة الآخرين ؟؟...
وابو مصعب الزرقاوي.؟؟...
وأسماء اخرى....لا نعرف هل هي حقيقية..أم من وحي الخيال؟؟؟
نشروا ثقافة الخوف ...والعنف...وتشويه صورة الإسلام.
نفس الأصابع تدور على خارطة العالم....تقتل وتفجر وتدمر...وتخلق الفتن..
في العراق والأردن والسعودية ومن قبلها في برجي التجارة في نيويورك...
نفس الأصابع قتلت العراقيين وغيرهم من ضحايا أبرياء في كل مدن العالم ....
وتجعلنا نبحث حائرين عن متهم....
والمجرمون الحقيقيون يختبأؤن ويضحكون...
صرنا أعداء بعضنا...وكل واحد منا بريء...
هكذا هو حال الدنيا اليوم....
لكننا لا نتوقف عن الحلم بغد أفضل.....

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