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November 27th, 2004

04:22 pm: aloha, ohana
the shopping! the sun! the ocean! the sore feet! the smoking credit cards! the ice milk with azuki beans!

i know none of you will love me when i get back but i have to say, this has not sucked.

Big K bought me a plumeria pendant, which is good, because if I had to look at one more plumeria pendant i think i would 'splode.

i've seen all the plumeria pendants they have.

also flip-flops.

and i don't think i'm going to buy the expensive gold flip-flop pendant with diamonds. 'cause, you know, Big K bought me this one.

ok, i have to go because he wants to check his email before we get on the road (what for? it's all work-related for him.) and in a couple of hours we'll have to leave and begin the long airplane trek to hell home. will be home late tomorrow, EST.


also, have decided to try vidding. will have to buy an external HD for this.

later, mes amis!

November 24th, 2004

10:20 pm: Big D will henceforth be referred to as Big K (Big Kahuna).

we are sitting in the bar going, as Big K refers to it, "Nerd Nuts" - drinking alcohol and web surfing via wireless. this is boring, in shifts, but whoever doesn't have the laptop can watch hula.

oops, they're done with that.

i love [info]danvers because she perfectly describes computer dancing. omg it is so true.

saved many files to read. sad to be missing big swathes of lj. ooo, [info]destina has 21 new recs up!! saved for flight home.

NaNoWriMo Jack & Daniel Go Nuts In A Novel - now 54,000+ words and I feel better (remember, i cheated, i started 3 days early, and with a short piece of at least a few thousand words that i'd already written). so i did it, and i feel proud of me. i've always shied away from long pieces, because I didn't think i had the patience or the discipline to write something so long. and i'm still not pleased with the structure, but i think it doesn't suck, and for a first effort that's OK. I'm not as scared to write something so long again - itll just take a month of dry scratchy eyeballs, no sleep, no clean laundry, and no exercise. (the massive mounds of filthy dishes, i'm sad to say, happen ALL the time.)

but i don't think i couldn't have done it without dervishspin and safirasilv and thegrrrl2002 and greensilver and snoopygirll and orca_girl and everyone else encouraging me. i'll have to bribe you all with cookies to help encourage me if i ever want to write a.... "real" novel?? an original novel. uh, an ownfic novel. yes.

also, ken watanabe! omg i was rooting for him. daniel almost lost.

i think that's all for now.

happy thanksgiving for everyone who's celebrating it. love. and relaxation. to everyone.

freckled and copacetic,


November 23rd, 2004

12:49 pm: aloha take 2, NaNoWriMo take 4, goddammit
OK, chickadees, project is at 50,700 words, and Dervishspin is right, no better way to break my limit than here at this resort. Sigh.

However, story is nowhere near done. Climactic fight scene followed by climactic sex scene (har) still to come, plus whole porny makeup at the end. Yikes. Have just committed a lot of slow wordy near nothing. but it's in there. can be cut later, by god!

and project dutifully backed up onto server via network, which is why i decided to write out here by the pool, quel horreur! the sacrifices required.

now that's all the computering-noveling for now. the battery is near dead and if i don't move soon i will sunburn the top of my head.

off to find lunch. or a nap. or a piece of beach.

and no, orca_girl, the icon isn't of THIS beach, but that's a good idea - will make one for the next posting! ::::-)

love to everyone, even if you're hating me for sitting in Hawaii (please note - sitting in Hawaii posting to LJ - a nerd is still a nerd, no matter where she goes.)

10:11 am: Aloha!
hello everyone! raqs is sitting by the beach, washed in ocean breezes. i've been lightly toasted, and lightly toasted, since i've been here. having a wonderful time, hope you are same.

am sitting in the hotel lounge by the sea, taking advantage of free wireless and about to write on my NaNoWriMo behemoth. 47,002 words and the end nowhere near. aieeee.

love to all. wish you were here. really. (but am having a good time without you! ;-)

November 19th, 2004

06:56 pm: Missing you all already
Really. I am. I see lots of entries I don't have time to pore over. But I'll be back soon.

Big D is in the house, funny as ever, sleeping quite a lot. Poor tired baby.

The cat is behaving very well with him. News flash: her majesty likes Turducken cat food. (Yes this is a flavor of cat food around here.) She does not like the Surf n' Turf. Duly noted.

My head hurts, I slept only six hours, but the house is clean and I'm about to start to pack. (Don't panic. I'm really good at this and I know pretty much exactly what I'm taking.)

By the way, orca_girl, the Revlon hair dryer is INadequate.

Big D brought me HIGH-TECH FLIPPERS! OMG the flippers.

Jack and Daniel are in big trouble. Ken Watanabe is making the big moves on Jack, and Jack is succumbing, and Daniel is pissed. I will take them with me on this trip. I expect to do some writing while on the plane(s).

I hope to god I don't forget the computer power supply. I tend to leave computer and phone power supplies scattered all over continents, like spores.

Will this be fun? I hope this will be fun. Oh god let it be fun. Don't let our plane crash until we're on the way back.

And now, ganked from [info]beerkitty:

My journal is called: Usually it's called "send lawyers, guns, and money", because that has always been my favorite catch phrase of all time and i want to live the life that calls for it. right now it's called "Cyborg monkeys will replace you all!", which you know the explanation of if you read my journal.
My subtitle is: No time for subtitles!
My friends page is called: "These people will contribute my bail money."
My username is: raqs. with a fucking Q, Karl. "dance" in arabic.
My default userpic is: one of the names of God in arabic calligraphy - As-Sabur, the patient one, by a New York artist.

Anyway, I doubt I'll be able to check while I'm traveling. I will if I can - wireless in airports would go a long way toward keeping raqs amused, but we have a good set of flights with no long layovers, so that's the way that's going to be. I hope the power for the baby powerbook will hold out - if i does, i got a splitter so big D and i can watch DVDs together. whee! twelve hours on planes.

au revoir, my little fruitbats.
Current Mood: hopeful
Current Music: Brooklyn Funk Essentials, Cool and Steady and Easy
01:33 am: NaNoWriMo, take 4 - no, take it, please.
this thing is now larger than "Rough Trade".

Oh look, those are my eyeballs rolling around on the floor.

I wondered why I couldn't see out of them any more.


and i want to write more, i want to get to the good bits, but i'm so tired i physically cannot do it.

oh well. it won't be finished before i go on this vacation. but i think it'll get done.

wish some or all of you were here to cuddle me to sleep tonight. i haven't been sleeping well.

November 17th, 2004

11:06 pm: for salieri, and, i suspect, others:

i'm getting quite pleased with my icons.

of course you notice i am iconning instead of writing.

what a rotten night.
01:01 am: NaNoWriMo, god fucking dammit, take 3
ok, so, 42 thousand words, and it's the BIGGEST PIECE OF SAP I EVER MET!!!!!!

i bow humbly before my whipmistresses.

i think it's about to get porny real fast.

poor ken watanabe, though. he ain't gettin' any.

November 16th, 2004

05:01 pm: huh. no one replies to me today. i must be dreadful boring or (i suspect this is more true) everyone is wicked busy.

"oh i wish i was allegedleeeeee.... then folks would reply to meeeeeeee....."
Current Mood: working
Current Music: the buzz of HVAC
01:51 pm: today i am snark.

I'm filled with it, dripping out under my fingernails and pressing behind my eyeballs. I don't mind it. In fact, it feels good. Feels like me.

In instructing some of my staff today on how to be snarky and why, one of them laughed and said "So that's it. I thought you just hated all of us and were biding your time till you could fire us all and replace us with robotic monkeys."

After I stopped laughing I said "YES! What a good idea! Cyborg monkeys will replace you all!"

Such is the power of snark.

My office has workmen in it. They are draining fluid from the heating system. They've been doing this off and on for over a week now. Today it involves two buckets that smell of petrochemicals and they've been here all day. Today is supposed to be my catching up day. I have work to do. A lot of work. Either I have to try to do it among the workmen with their walky-talkies that never shut up and their evil-smelling buckets, or I have to try to go sit in some other office that isn't mine and keep coming back here for files and things.

I hate my options.

I like my novel. I suspect I am blind, if not narcissistic, to say so. I'm at 36,000+ words and I think I can see how it must all go now to reach the end. I have no idea if it will be done way before the 50K goal line or if it will run long past. but i like it. ken watanabe has saved my project.

on saturday i go 'way. i'm happy to go 'way but don't want to be in a plane for fifteen hours. i guess you can't have one without the other.


November 15th, 2004

05:24 pm: La la la laa lalalalaaaaaa...

let's all sing the "i fucking hate you, Work" song! sing with me now.

i'm tired. and i can't do anything i need to do right now. so i figure, punt. i'll be in early tomorrow anyway.

la lallaaalalalalaaaa...

[info]greensilver and [info]snoopygirll are kinky, cracking whips at me!!!

ken watanabe, man. KEN WATANABE!

that is all.

November 14th, 2004

09:04 pm: NaNoWriMo, god fucking dammit, take 2
OK, I've officially reached the point where I no longer want to write this stupid novel. I'd like to take a break from it. I'd like to throw away all my mail, finish unpacking books, do something with my living room. But no, I'm going to write. dammit. dammit dammit dammit.

i KNEW once i started the stupid thing i wouldn't be able to quit gracefully.

would someone please come to my house and take care of my domestic chores since i'm supposed to be writing? thank you. the bed linens should be changed and all the clean clothes from last week put away. thank you.


okay. going to get something done.

i need an icon that means "determined", like [info]telepresence's grumpy tiny frederick douglass icon. (i know that's not what it "means", but dude, that is totally the impression it gives.)

meanwhile, [info]brighidestone writes real people. i love this. makes me love jack. (but then, who doesn't?)

okay. seriously. sir now appearing in this novel: ken watanabe. (if you were jack, you'd be tempted by ken watanabe, wouldn't you? oh YES YOU WOULD.)

November 13th, 2004

04:35 pm: you know, i've gone right off the idea of keeping this journal entertaining. what do i have to report, anyway? my toes are cold and i'm about to eat chocolate. couldn't that apply to at least 40% of the rest of my waking moments as well?

did a little work today, did a little writing, did a lot of slobbing. the television is an inherently evil device. i envy those who are immune to its charms. i can resist alcohol, drugs, sex (resist it? i barely remember how to spell it!), all those other things the reagans were so afraid i was going to indulge in during the eighties. but i cannot resist the pretty glowing pictures, especially when accompanied by music. commercials drive me right round the twist, but with tivo they're avoidable. of course, with tivo, as with many other audiovisual devices, the remote also includes an OFF button, which I *could* push and get up and go on about my life. (although on the tivo remote the appallingly stone-aged "OFF" button has been replaced by "TV Power" and presumably in the next generation will be appropriately labeled "Mode Standby Ready".)

i suspect by this point i've driven most of my RL friends away from this journal with my constant discussions of Stargate slash (which, let's be fair, if you're not into it, not only makes you go "ewwww" but might make you re-evaluate your whole relationship with this weirdo you THOUGHT was cool when you didn't know how obssessed she'd become over the last six months with Stargate slash). Meanwhile, the poor saps in Stargate slashdom who, for reasons beyond my ken, have friended me, get very little bang for their buck as i post more slash about as frequently as nietzsche comes up in cocktail conversation. (and no, i didn't know how to spell nietzsche, i had to have google look it up for me.)

therefore, i arrive at the inescapable conclusion that, as your virtual friend, i must recommend that you give this journal a miss.

this will have the salubrious result that *you*, Dear Reader, will have more time to do whatever floats *your* boat - be it alcohol, drugs, sex, or television. really. i want you to be happy.

i, however, will undoubtedly keep using it to externalize my various musings, because i am a borderline extrovert who lives alone and every day considers anew the possibility of developing full-blown agoraphobia. so, you know, i NEED it. it's a crutch.

in other news,

i hereby pronounce "Mythbusters" the show featuring the most adorable old married couple of funny guys that there ever was. I was inclined to heart them anyway, but the episode where Adam has a hissy fit while trying to build Archimedes' death ray that will burn a trireme under sail, and Jamie's analysis of it ("Adam needs a cookie") pushes this over the edge for me. I don't even care if they're sleeping together, it doesn't matter in the least if they aren't, they're adorable and they are old and married and the show is just wicked good and i heart it.

if you haven't seen it yet, go do so, i told you to.

that is all.
Current Mood: lazy
Current Music: mary j blige, no more drama

November 12th, 2004

11:27 pm: so i'm lounging around the house, in t-shirt and pearls. i ate buffalo wings, garlic olives, and a dill pickle, which seems to have cured my heartburn. i imagine no one would now want to sit near me. :-) i've called [info]orca_girl for her blessing on the next section - all i have to do is write it. Dr. Evil!Daniel and RockSolid!Jack.

which was all i wanted to do at 10 a.m. this morning, but now all i'm doing is whining.

listening to the rain...
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: the rain
10:50 am: i don't want to be here. i needed about an hour more of sleep and i'm in that romantic haze that surrounds the writing process. I have scenees and dialogue going through my head and can't possibly focus on whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing here.

i look pretty in pink and pearls today. so girly. so girly i could make myself yonk. anyone else read the cherry adair book where a big string of tahitian pearls was used in lovemaking?

when i'm writing everything seems loaded with sensation.
Current Mood: high
Current Music: elton john, "i want love"
12:31 am: and a thought for the day, apropos of [info]allhoneyboo's musings about some unbeLIEVable recs:

Life is too short for crap.

Thank you very much, and now, for bed. I wrote. They done sex, the end. Plus Daniel's all angsty and Jack's all sweet. I can go for that.

(no, i'm nowhere near the end.)
Current Mood: complacent

November 11th, 2004

10:51 pm: musings on cmt's top twenty countdown
god, i hate you, alan jackson, you cracker ignoramus, you give country a bad name.

gretchen wilson, you lusty-eyed hot mama of the grand ol', where have you been all my life, and what would it take to get you to sit on my lap for a year or two? MAN that chick is hot.

los lonely boys, you are too cool for words. i love your luscious mix of long-hair and frat boy and tough dude, all singing in harmony. sweet, boys. so sweet.
08:49 pm: By the way, where the fuck is "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"? It used to be on all the time and now I can't find it any more and neither can my faithful TiVo.

04:24 pm: okay, so, i swore i wasn't going to buy anything before my trip, but today a friend at work came back from marrakech with new danceable music CDs (squee!) which I nearly ripped out of her hands and shoved into my laptop to pirate, and then I went to maqam.com to see if I could identify some of the disks and I could only find the one with an english name on it of course but that one i have the tracks of and since I was there I had to buy the new legends of bellydance DVD but i've been waiting all these years to have some samia gamal and they had a Best of Samia Gamal DVD too and she's on the Legends DVD but this would be more OF her and as long as I'm taking out the credit card I might as well get both and look there's this CD of some rap/arabic mix stuff that seems funny (louie everyday) and it's not available with just the tracks I want from the iTunes music store and it's only ten bucks so I might as well buy it.


giving me stuff? results in me buying more stuff.

oh well. *shrug* it's not like i'm not going to use my powers for good and pass along the cool bits of info/music to others.
Current Mood: weak
Current Music: Nancy Ajram, "Ah Wu Nos"

November 10th, 2004

08:43 pm: i really am losing my mind. i just had to look up scorpius' name. and there was something else i was just trying to think of in the car - and now i can't remember what it was.

christ almighty.

is there anything nicer than coming home and heating up a bowl of something good you made the night before? chili. not bad. a little too much tomato paste. but good. very good. plus a little foccacia.


so now as usual i watch the food channel while i eat.

rachel ray: god's gift to everyday cooking or perky little satan? only her mom knows for sure.

So, the thing is, i'm busy out of my mind at work, a million things HAVE to be done before I leave, probably some of them won't be, and I don't get home till 7:30 or later at night (DAMMIT! WHEN WILL I EVER PICK UP MY DRYCLEANING? THEY CLOSE AT 7!), then I eat dinner and by the time I have my second wind it's 9:30 or 10, and then I have to try to write, which I can't get myself to settle into until about 11, then I HAVE to go to bed between 12 and 1 so I can get up around 8:30 in the morning and start all over again.

The bills aren't paid, the house is a mess, there are mail order packages everywhere that have to go back, my brother brought me 5! more boxes of stuff I have to find places for, I still haven't unpacked all the books, and the cat is starting to hate me because I am never home.

at least i did make chili last night as i'd intended.

sigh. is it my life that sucks? is it me that sucks?

I'm having tremendous difficulty getting my personal thing together.

do I want ice cream? i suspect I do.
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