Random IMAO Quote
May 26, 2004
Only You Can Prevent Terrorism

There are intelligence reports that more big terrorists attacks are coming to America. So what can the common man do?

Well, I now have a holster so I can conceal and carry two full-size .45's on me. If I see anything terroristy around... BANG! BANG! BANG! Everyone's dead.

I also stocked up on bacon. Bacon is to terrorists like garlic is to vampires. Also, it's tasty and good for an Atkins diet.

Of course, terrorists will probably attack with bombs. So, teach your dog to be a bomb-sniffing dog. The way to do that is to buy a bunch of bombs and keep them around your house so your dog can sniff them all the time.

Also, remember to punch hippies. That discourages terror, especially if after you punch the terrorist, you shout out, "Hey! Any terrorists who are watching! That's what I'm going to do to you!" Terrorists don't like to be punched.

If you have any other ideas of what the average citizen can do to fight terror in America, put it in the comments section.

UPDATE: I was just thinking: What happens if the Muslim terrorists team up with the Irish terrorists? We would then have drunken suicide bombers stumbling around and blowing up in random places! We need to stop that from happening.

UPDATE: Readers are right; the best way to fight terrorism is to buy my t-shirt. You don't support terror, do you?

Posted by Frank J. at May 26, 2004 12:29 PM | TrackBack

Can't forget about buying more ammo. Terrorists hate it when they go to Cabella's and all the 7.62x39 is sold out. Not to mention if they know you have more ammo than they do (or even all of Afganistan), they tend to steer clear of you.

Posted by: Red Mist on May 26, 2004 12:34 PM

Oh, and for once, FIRST!

Posted by: Red Mist on May 26, 2004 12:35 PM

I'm surprised you didn't promote the IMAO's Know Thy Enemy shirt as a means to fight Terrorism!?!

Fun facts to reinforce the vigilance necessary to thwart terrorism...

Posted by: kuhnzoo on May 26, 2004 12:38 PM

i agree with kuhnzoo, Buy Frank's KTE: Terrorists t-shirt. and the other ones too.

Posted by: sarahk on May 26, 2004 12:41 PM

We can put Michael Moore posters at all the really important place's the terroist won't risk blowing him up.

Posted by: James Old Guy on May 26, 2004 12:50 PM

Light a candle, and keep it lit. That is, keep a candle lit so that you can quickly put flame to the fuse of your cannon, and blow all the idealist scum away!

I've got two .45's that I carry on my person, also. Know what they say about great minds...

Posted by: BearHunter on May 26, 2004 12:56 PM

find a way to hook michael moore up to a fat-burning car, you could drive forever. or hook his mouth up to a crap-burning car, same mileage.
james old guy:
forget the posters, put moore himself in front of whatever target terrorists have selected, all that fat would absorb any bomb, leaving the building and people unharmed.

Posted by: mikey on May 26, 2004 01:04 PM

I'm with Frank on the bacon thing. I think we need to start hanging bacon strips and other pork products around our national monuments and gov't buildings. Let's go all the way and rename all malls and major stores after pork products (our local mall "Barton Creek Mall" will now be known as "Pork Loin Mall"), Piggly-Wiggly stores wouldn't even have to change. Guns, Lots of Ammo and Pork, these are the things that will keeps these scum-sucking parasites out. In fact I think we need to petition the Fed Gov't to issue all willing citizens M-16A2s (Full Auto so we can Rock'n'Roll on these "Targets"), 5000 rounds of ammo and 20lbs of bacon and let us defend America.

Posted by: Mr Minority on May 26, 2004 01:11 PM

The way to remove all the terrorists out of the country is to have EVERY SINGLE RESTAURANT serve only BLTs, Baby-back Ribs, and Sausage McMuffins.

If Canada agrees to sell us their bacon at a cut-rate price then we can give them partial credit for our success.

Posted by: El Jefe on May 26, 2004 01:13 PM

Wait a minute, Canadian bacon ain't real bacon. Try frying it up with a couple of eggs and see what you get. Not bacon!

Next you'll claim French Toast is really toast? I think not.....

Posted by: Greywolf on May 26, 2004 01:26 PM

Just put up huge posters of NSYNC in all major cities. Play "BYE BYE BYE" 24/7. Any terrorists will spontaneously combust since their eardrums are not acclimated to the bowels of hellish teen pop.

Posted by: DeoDuce on May 26, 2004 01:28 PM

Yumm, nothing burbs' better than bacon. I'm wearing a bacon suit with bacon underwear right now and am fully armed, just in case. BTW, anyone know how to get rid of pesky dogs? For some reason these dogs are following me everywhere. Oh wait, I'll train them to snif bombs not bacon.

Posted by: Connecticut Yankee on May 26, 2004 01:29 PM

If you hang up giant posters of N'Sync and play "Bye, Bye, Bye" 24/7, then I am liable to blow something up myself.

Posted by: Mr Minority on May 26, 2004 01:37 PM

How about racial profiling?

Posted by: jonag on May 26, 2004 01:55 PM

Train dog tha the word hippy or Islamic Radical=Go for the jugular.

Posted by: The Sicilian on May 26, 2004 01:55 PM

When I suspect someone is a terrorist and they ask me for directions to an important building or some such, I always lie and tell them the directions to somebody I don't like. The bad guys either go to the wrong place, or they get frustrated and give up.
Nothing better than screwing with the heads of morons.

Posted by: LibertyBob on May 26, 2004 02:42 PM


We can't racially profile with my plan.


Well, between you and me, it will also rid us of the jooooos! (Well, at least the kosher ones.)

If we run out of bacon we could salt and hickory smoke Michael Moore. Once done he'll look like the biggest side of bacon in the world. Just don't eat him. He'll taste like salty, smokey shit.

Posted by: El Jefe on May 26, 2004 02:52 PM

Hey Frank,

Regarding the holsters, did you go dual shoulder, dual small of back (SOB), or classic old west gunfighter?


Posted by: Bob Owens on May 26, 2004 02:58 PM

I feel a song comin' sond

Guns, ammo, & pork
oh my
Guns ammo & pork
oh my
And sometimes
guns ammo and Spam
but mostly
guns ammo and pork

you can keep your Steak Um
give me pork loin and bacon
hollow points and fourty fives
terrorists give me hives
(but not when they're dead)

Guns, ammo, & pork
oh my
Guns ammo & pork
oh my

Posted by: Hudson on May 26, 2004 04:16 PM

Okay, Dumb question:

Y'all with two guns, is it so you can fire with two hands or is it too slow to reload? I've tried shooting with my left hand and can barely in the broadside of a barn, and I'm not near as accurate with the right hand if I don't use a Weaver or Isosceles type stance.

Posted by: JFH on May 26, 2004 04:37 PM

Good question, I myself can't hit anythig real well with my left hand, but in the 2 gun scenerio, the left hand could be for "Spray & Pray" and right for more accurate shooting. Also having 2 guns, you are correct in that the second gun could be transferred to the right hand faster than reloading a clip and rechambering a round.

Posted by: Mr Minority on May 26, 2004 04:52 PM

maxi-pads, glow sticks and a decent dog collar and leash. those chicken shits....

Posted by: scott holmes on May 26, 2004 04:54 PM

Wet t-shirt contests, definitely wet t-shirt contests. Remember how popular they used to be? Remember how few terrorist attacks we used to have? See? If it were an IMAO t-shirt the effects would be totally crippling. Do they come in white?

Posted by: Alice on May 26, 2004 05:27 PM

Why carry 2 handguns? Because 3 is just too cumbersome, and there aren't enough hands to go around. Unless you're a mutant, in which case you probably don't need a CCW because you have awesome mutant powers.

Actually, you carry 2 concealed weapons so you can do a "New York reload" if the situation warrants it..

Posted by: Nukevet on May 26, 2004 05:29 PM

--Simple. We announce that the new penalty for terrorist activities will be stacking. Terrorists HATE stacking.

--Then... when we have them all stacked up... we pretend to take their picture (see? we can learn from past mistakes!).

--Then... we drop a thousand pounds of bacon on the stack from the large bacon storage cannisters mounted to the ceiling.

--Then... we seal the doors and windows and turn up the special floor heaters to "high".

--Then... we drain the grease and sell the big, fried mess to Michael Moore's army of personal chefs- telling them it is a "Middle Eastern delicacy". (They buy everything in bulk, I would imagine)

--Then... we watch him get even fatter... and we laugh because he is eating his friends.

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 05:54 PM

oh, Devil Dog, you made me laugh. haha.

Posted by: sarahk on May 26, 2004 06:14 PM

--*eyes wide*

I... little old me... made THE IMAO T-shirt Babe laugh???

--Oh Glory of Glories...!! I -- Am -- SOMEBODY -- NOW !!!!!!!

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 06:16 PM

--Seriously though, Frank... you were not so far off base with your bacon idea.

Muslim fundamentalists launched their suicide attacks against Israel and the U.S. with a firm belief that they will immediately go to a paradise populated by 72 black-eyed virgins.

The "Catch-22" to a Muslim fundamentalist is that they firmly believe that if they touch anything from a pig at death, they are doomed forever.

Imagine what would go through the thoughts of a suicide terrorist onboard a bus in Israel or America as he pushes the button on the bomb taped to his body, and then his gaze sees a bag of pig lard glued to the bus, just above the heads of the innocent passengers.

I wonder how soon signs will begin appearing outside stores and clubs saying; "protected against swine with swine"?

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 06:29 PM

--To continue: General Blackjack Pershing was faced with the islamofascist problem a century ago. This is a true account:

Before World War I, U.S. General "Blackjack" Pershing put down an Islamic insurgent movement in the Philippines by having 50 captured Islamic fundamentalist terrorist tied to posts for execution by firing squad.

In full view of all 50, Pershing had his men slaughter two pigs. Pershing's men next dipped their bullets in the pigs blood, making sure the horrified terrorists watched.

Blackjack's men shot 49 of these terrorists, dumped their bodies in a common grave and covered them with pig parts. The 50th terrorist was let go and returned to his comrades.

After this, it took 42 more years before there was another serious Islamic terrorist incident in the Philippines.

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 06:31 PM

is your holster a small of the back holster. i wanna see/where can i get one.

Posted by: Adam From Utah on May 26, 2004 06:35 PM

hahahahaha! GOOD. The only good redneck is a dead redneck. Bye-bye americans, poor little americans, had it so hard for so long. tickticktick BOOM! Two more towers going down...

Posted by: ruski on May 26, 2004 08:22 PM

--Hey- If you're a "ruski"... then YOU'RE the one with the red neck!!

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 08:27 PM

ah, touche! i see that i have an intellectual sparring partner here of some mettle. i am cowed.

Posted by: ruski on May 26, 2004 08:30 PM

--You're a cow...?? I thought you were a ruskie...?

--Hmmm... or maybe a ruskie cow. Frank! Do they have those??

Posted by: Devil Dog on May 26, 2004 08:53 PM

As far as I know, they have communal cows. Ya know, kind of like the town whore, they get equally f***ed by everybody!

The only good commie is a dead one. Their twisted views of a utopia have caused more death and destruction in this world than we'll ever accuratly be able to count. In other words, don't have a nice day ruski.

*end of rant*

Posted by: Red Mist on May 26, 2004 09:39 PM

heheheh- baiting is fun

Posted by: ruski on May 26, 2004 11:48 PM

Baiting a hook with a commie is even more fun....

Posted by: kuhnzoo on May 27, 2004 09:53 AM

the IRA would never team up with a buch ofqueer muslim terrorists they would just start killing them

Posted by: ace on May 27, 2004 11:43 AM

Forget racial profiling. That will just get you in trouble. We just need to have all the cops carry BLT's and offer them to anyone suspicious. If they refuse, arrest them.

Actually, anyone who runs from a cop, or "pig" should be targeted!

Posted by: drtony on May 28, 2004 02:17 PM

I lube all my guns with bacon grease and load my spud (anti-terrorist rpg) gun with one of those handy cans of Canadian bacon.

They hate that.

Posted by: lg on May 31, 2004 11:53 AM

I think we should employ METHODS of mass destruction tactics on these towel-headed terror whores.
Wait for one of their silly holy days where they file into the mosque. Once they're inside chanting and banging their heads on the floor; the strike team will secure the ingress/egress points, launch whatever explosive devices they have, bar the doors, and enjoy the screams of pain as the terrorists die in flames.
Lest anyone consider the aforementioned act to be cruel, I must point out that they would be acclimated to where they're going to spend eternity.

Posted by: Fokkin Moron on May 31, 2004 11:28 PM
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